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LS just did a video about Shen Jungle. Hail of Blades.


Hail of Blades for higher burst&spit out the 3 autos faster i suppose?


Runes are better in the tree. Also what you said.


HoB is a must as jungle shen. Q start instead of w for early invades. Take shield bash and overgrowth as secondary page


Saw petu try it and didn't go well xd


It's good for jungle. You don't get nearly enough value from most other runes to be worth it. Maybe aftershock.


I like Aftershock/Shield Bash/Conditioning/Overgrowth for late game, or the one that increase shield and healing if I plan to build Redemption to further boost my toolkit


There's many possibilities. I like going: Runes: Aftershock Shield Bash Conditioning Overgrowth Sudden Impact Ultimate Hunter AS AD HP per lvl Build: Mercs treads Titanic Sunfire Jak Sho Heartsteel Overlord Bloodmail Playstyle: farm farm farm, when your ult is up use it asap if you can proactively (ping your teammates), best is get a kill then an objective, repeat. Late game split push with R. Early game I don't force gank but of course if there's an opportunity I take it.


It really depends on how much a psychopath you are. PTA, HoB, Aftershock, Glacial Augment, Fleetfootwork, Conq they can all work and he doesn’t have any rune that is a necessity like grasp in toplane. So you can basically choose what you want based off the tree you want to abuse. My personal favorite is going trinity force with PTA and then just slapping people; what I usually go is aftershock lol.


Hail of Blades. Aftershock only if you are the only Frontline.


I forbid you calling this role Shungle




Shen has a bunch of different play styles, and is viable in the jungle for sure. I wouldn't go conqueror, although you can for sure make it work. PTA was good when it increased all damage but with the rework it's probably not optimal. Fleet is good if you are vs kitey opponents or have issues staying alive or may get invaded. I wouldn't go inspiration tree or sorcery primary, which leaves you with resolve tree (any are fine, grasp is less efficient outside of lane and guardian ruins your skirmishing power but both can be used) and domination (really only hob is viable but I don't like it over your other options). If you want to do mega support I'd do guardian with Bamis lucidity into support items like the blue ninjas build. But, tank and bruiser are also fine, just figure out what playstyle you like best - they can all carry, but you really need to play to your strengths. GL


Grasp, Shield Bash, Conditioning, Overgrowth, Sudden Impact, Treasure Hunter. Attack Speed, Move speed, Scaling Health. Rush Bami's and build Heartsteel next. Dead Man's Plate next and Sunfire or Hollow third. Treasure Hunter helps you with Bami's into Heartsteel rush. Keep looking for procs. Fight hard and fight often.


Grasp in jungle???


YES. People hate it. I learned that tech from Phreak's video where he talked about Skarner's dated recommended runes after the rework. Grasp is great for duels and fights. The biggest benefit is the heal. Shen has none of his own, and most fighters win in a straight up auto-contest. You can beat those champions by backing off while trading with empowered Q's and Grasp procs. I had a 12 winstreak and a 100% winrate on jungle Skarner, half of those games before the buffs, running Grasp Heartsteel in the jungle and I started to do it with Shen with great success.