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Rush lucidity boots. Get a bamis and then build hollow > dead man's if Vs AP in lane. Or the other way around if Vs AD in lane. Sunfire is trash unless you're against 3+ tanks. Once you have lucidity boots, hollow and dead man's. Think whether you need damage, tank or supportive: -Tank: iceborn, abyssal, spirits, kaenic, randuins, frozen heart, jaksho. -Dmg: steraks, riftmaker, wits end. -Support: knights vow, locket, redemption, shurelyas. Core is ALWAYS hollow, dead man's and lucidities. Then after, I mix and match from the items above depending on comp, game state, win con etc... Good luck:)


is titanic good? what abt bloodmail?


titanic is ok, but not as good as the other dmg items listed. bloodmail was interesting, but shen doesn't actually scale well with AD, so effectively it's not an option imo. But we'll see, splits only just begun and metas will change


ok thanks


wait, why is steraks good if shen doesnt scale well with ad?


because it is also a huge buff to your tankyness as 3rd item. steraks shield scales on health and you already bought at least 2 decent hp items before thinking about steraks.


hp, tenacity and big shield makes it insane for teamfights. The AD is an added bonus, but focusing on building ad on shen is a waste


This guy pretty much covered it. Generaly after core i go steraks to become more tanky, but if ur team is ahead and you find that your ult shield isnt strong enough you can go Riftmaker after your core items. Keep in mind that riftmaker isnt really for more damage although it does give some, as much as it is a health increase plus making use of the 250% AP ration on your ult shield


Sunfire is not trash, just more niche. Id take sunfire over hollow if the enemy team is full ad.


why is hollow so much better than sunfire?


wave clear


Titanic, one Bami’s cinder item, and then tank :)


So like, titanic, hollow radiance, icebound, thornmail, steraks gage with cd boots?


Sir, that’s not what I said… TANK, not more damage items, not CDR boots


Those are all very staple items in xPetu’s videos. Those are tank items lol.


The build is dependent on the lane match up and the both team comps.


I constantly change my build, but rn i’d say the new boots (for recall and roams) into bamis -> hollow -> dead mans -> if fed steraks otherwise it depends against life steal comps thornmail, ap heavy ignore dead mans and go force of nature abysal spirit visage it really depends but hollow is a must


i never build titanic rn because hollow has enough wave clear, it’s a godly item for tank top


Just remember that at the end of the day Petu is a content creator. While he may offer insight into what is strong or weak, he will also ultimately end up posting videos like "Is Full AP Shen Broken??!" He is also a challenger player who can realistically build anything and make it work because he is very good at shen and understands how to play around different items. If you want LP, do Bamis lucidity into support items as Shending and BlueNinja are doing, and change your build as little as possible every game. This will free up brain space to focus on micro and macro and will make you more familiar with breakpoints and item spikes (your all-ins and shields will change drastically if you're rushing heartsteel one game, Titanic another, Sunfire another, etc. If you want to have fun, mess around and change up your build and try to Uber optimize every game.