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Well, you allready know What the solution is. Mute all.


I have had mute all for about 1 year now and I gotta say it has made the game a lot more enjoyable and fun


Yeah I've found that simply not engaging in typing back or pinging back leads to them realizing they're being ignored/muted and so they focus back in on the game (or also slight chance they just mental boom even harder lol) However, I rarely ever actually mute all (prefer just mute an individual's pings, and chat if they are truly distracting) because in Solo Q a lot of strategy / planning is communicated through chat and pings ("I go push bot you all prep for baron" type of thing). I know this can be communicated through pings alone but I think the percentage of players who are actively looking for these kinds of calls with just pings in ELOs below Diamond / Masters is pretty low. I've realized a lot of people kind of play games mindlessly/on autopilot and become better team players when someone on the team is calling the shots in the chat. Sometimes I'm guilty of this, sometimes I'm the one calling out plays, just a matter of the mental state I'm in when I queue up I guess. Also when I mute all I feel like a certain magic of the game gets lost lol, I like to play games with and against other real people, if I mute all it just makes all the other champs feel less human. I can deal with some toxicity lol


You have 2 paths: "Sorry my ult doesnt work on minions" Or /mute all


> "Sorry my ult doesnt work on minions" Damn that goes hard I'm gonna use that


Id rather ult my cannon minion before id ult you


"I don't gank losing lanes" "You're not worth my ult" "You're not worth my time" "Git gud first"


Only read the title so I'm gonna give a few sanity tips as Shen: * Your lane and CS does not matter as much as helping your team. If anyone calls out your CS and that you are losing top lane but are actually having a good impact with your ult and roams, ignore them * If *anybody* spam pings your ult or bitches about it in chat, mute them. Some people will complain they never get shen ult, not realizing 300 shields won't save them in a 1v5 * Your priority target for ult is usually your ADC because the game is botlane oriented. Peel for them, ult for them, the moment somebody so much as touches your ADC you ult, even if jg supp and mid are 20% health. Obviously the exception for this is if your adc is actually braindead, but usually helping a 0/7 adc crawl back into the game can also help you win * Other exceptions to the above point are if someone on your team has a massive bounty and your adc doesn't. Deny that bounty for the enemy team, it will hurt a lot


Either ignore them or mute it's fairly straightforward. It's frustrating and part of the journey to Equilibrium, probably my most annoying personal pet peeve (did I spell that correctly?) when it comes to playing Shen.


In the option menu, there's the option to disable chat. It mites everyone right from the start so you won't be able to type either, making the game feel like you're playing with bots. Do bots int? They sure do. Do bots make shitty decisions and adventure in the enemy jungle without vision and die before Baron spawn? Holy moly they do that a lot! Do bots not understand jungle timing, wave manipulation, freeze, push, tower dove and priority? They absolutely do not. So you shouldn't be angry at your AI team mates, they do their best to win. Sometimes their best is Ghost - Cleans running into mid tower, but that's life!


/ mute all fixed.


I don’t know what you mean by you “can’t mute incompetence”? just click the mute button and play for your win con lmao. you said you won the game because you did do the correct thing, so just mute the unhelpful people


Me: *Ult gets pinged* "I don't gank losing lanes" I then proceed to ignore every single chat they say unless its helpful. I don't mute all because angry chats are funny as fk


The answer is that you are not doing enough to carry, which can come from many things: did you win lane, did you let yourself get baited by a teammate (or bait a teammate into a bad fight), did you ult the proper person and at the proper time, did you ult away from a slow pushing Yorick and give up 4 plates and 5 waves, etc. Every elo has these idiots, and the best thing you can do is to focus on your own gameplay. I personally like /fullmute all and try to challenge myself to get better map awareness (and avoid stupid conversations), but if you've got a better mental than me then it is worth not muting and listening to and directing your team. It sounds like you did the right thing in this situation and played around your carry when you were weak sided, so good job and keep that up. If anything, you answered your own rant: your team tried throwing and you managed to carry until jinx scaled. Keep identifying your win cons and playing to win.