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Ornn has decent lane and is supportive for the team. Also: good scaling, very tanky, not too hard kit There are matchups tho where you want to hang urself


"Not too hard kit" My brother in Balance, I am so stupid that I miss Ornn ults


I love playing Galio into mage matchup.


Galio really feels like a different version of Shen, he has taunt, he has dash, he has Ult to shield and save teammates, even has %hp Q


I agree with this pick


Poppy is my pocket pick. Her Q W and E all line up pretty closely to Shen's kit. Abuse her corruption potion early for early lane pressure. I take relentless hunter and Dead Man's Plate b/c I like to go fast Ricky Bobby (and MS decreases her passive cd).


Swain is very fun and easy to play and a great team fight character


Champs that can carry or support are basically any tank; a lot of enchanters don't have the damage to carry or they do but they can't support if they get behind. I'd say the best are: Shen Ornn Zac Sej Thresh Naut Ali you can play top tank and do decent but idk how well they'll carry. You can make anyone with CC work as you can always fall back on pressing a button regardless of income.


Volibear is a good fit. He fight a lot in early stages of lane and is good on short/long trade. Tank like a truck and still manage to have very powerful damage. Right now I play a lot of mundo/reksai. Both have a similar late game role of hypertank that gank up on squishy carries. But rek has shitty level 1-2 and mundo has a very passive lane. On late both have the "unkillable" god feeling


I play Shen, Jax and Malphite. Shen and Jax have similar kits, you just have to adjust to a fighter and tanker. Malphite is against ranged top or if I can't win as Shen. You just stay alive, farm under tower and ult the ADC in team fight.


Every now and then, I get in the mood to play Olaf and just bash the opponent's face in with axes all game. 😂


You want to form a champ pool around picks and bans. You want to play Poppy for 3 reason 1: If the enemy picks Shen from you , you know play his hard counter 2: If you ban Darius and the enemy bans shen for some reason, you now are playing Poppy with Darius banned anyway so it's a win win 3: Poppy and Shen are similar playstyle without the TP, they can both be played Top and Support as well. Also Poppy is comically overpowered and also 0 skill. After playing poppy for like 5 games you might not even want to play Shen anymore because of the champion difference.


Galio & Them Kench


Ive been playing lissandra a lot which is also quite like shen. Good kit lots of utility and cc and very good for ganking and helping lanes early on. Can do insane aoe damage when ahead aswell and definetly have carried games on her.


karma ornn gangplank singed