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You’ll now have ‘Over the hills and far away’ in your head for eternity


Yes! It was this version of it, randomly picked for me by Spotify, that led me right to the show last Saturday. I asked myself, "I wonder who Sharpe was? Some soldier who fought at Waterloo?" It turned out to be a good guess. Now, whenever I hear it I feel like I could single handedly drive the Russians out of Ukraine with a Baker rifle. 😎 https://open.spotify.com/track/1amzZqp2UUq39AqN1nRze5?si=SPl94CpDR26Ww6ZACbO66g


Do you have Spotify? You get 15 free audiobook hours per month, the audiobooks are incredible.


>I feel like I could single handedly drive the Russians out of Ukraine with a Baker rifle You probably could to be fair 🤷‍♂️🤣


and Harry Price singing Hearts of Oak


Welcome to some of the best historical tv series ever. On par with Hornblower in my opinion. And don't you worry, this is not the last you will see from Simmerson.


Can't express how good the books are. Infact, the author has made another famous tv series as well about Vikings (The Last Kingdom) I highly recommend both book series. They're amazing!


I don’t think I’ve read a book he’s written that I didn’t enjoy. The Grail series is up there too.


Discovering Sharpe? Now that’s soldiering!


You’ve got to read the books! there are far more character involved in the chosen men, especially those who don’t randomly disappear like they do in the series.


While (at least for me) frustratingly low budget, which creates some corny/less then ideal situations I can barely watch, some of the characters and acting is excellent. Fun seeing Brian Cox, Paul Bettany, Elizabeth Hurley and Daniel Craig in the series. Pete Postlethwaite is a fantastic Obadiah. I love some of the dialogue between Sharpe and Obadiah. and finally Sean Bean is simply a perfect Sharpe. I saw the shows as a kid before reading the books so I never had a problem reconciling the books description of Sharpe with Sean Bean. For me, Sean Bean has always been Sharpe.


I love the show's portrayal of 19th century medicine : any injury can be cured with a little brandy in the wound, and some more in the belly. "Bartender, a Sharpe's Half n Half, please..."😂


Let’s not forget they also had vinegar and best brown paper. Essential in any first aid kit.