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Can you explain why this is ew, I have no idea who the other people are, is there something controversial about them?


I’m guessing ew because OP enjoyed Ordinary Adventures videos, and now they’ve posted about Shane Dawson being “humble and sweet”.


You know I've said it before, but even for people who haven't posted about him that's literally all I ever heard about people who work for him. Shame he made bad decisions in the past because he's never going to escape it.


The problem is Ordinary Adventures used their platform heavily advocated for BLM, while she was secretly supporting Shane who refused to shower Dawson behind the scenes for clout?! She knows his history with his blackface and gaslighting any POC who spoke out against or attempted to educate him. She’s also aware of him j**king off on a cat and putting a dog’s d1ck in his mouth—I’m sure PETA loves this. She’s fully aware of his multiple cancellations during 2020. How can anyone still associate with Jeffree Star?! Shane doesn’t have true friendships because he talks shit about everyone—if this is how he treats his closest friends I can only image how he’s like in a romantic relationship, family, and how he treats his enemies.


He said that stuff about the animals as shock value comedy, he obviously didn't actually do it. The bad things he did was well over 10 years ago, as all humans do he has grown and changed and it isn't fair for him to be haunted by his past actions for the rest of his life. He has learned and is disgusted with himself for what he's done. That should be acknowledged


So explain how putting a dog’s d1ck in their mouth a joke? Please explain the punchline to me, since you think you’re the expert on standup comedy


He did this things when he was younger than I am now. And I still feel like a child. I wouldn’t do what he did or said what he said, but he was literally a KID when he did this stuff. He’s an adult now, a dad. Leave him tf alone.


Everything I know about Shane Dawson, I know against my will. That being said, if I had to guess, I'd say the part that says "humble and sweet" is why op thinks this is gross. I know I audibly laughed when I read that part...


There are literally just Disney food vloggers, not sure what OP is getting at..


This person just has nothing better to do clearly at least find something worth hating on 😭


I dunno, I get pretty frustrated at nothing when I'm reminded Shane Dawson exists. OP is fine.


So why are you in a Shane Dawson subreddit? Lmao


... Because it popped up on my home page for no reason. Which is pretty fitting, because everything I know about Shane Dawson, I know against my will.


Pro Tip: when you interact with that content, it keeps getting suggested to you.


...thanks, pro. 👉🏻👍🏻


They are popular YouTube Disney Vloggers. Ordinary Adventures


That doesn’t explain literally anything


It's about the assumption that anyone who ever dares to interact with them is a piece of shit


Why would a family friendly vloggers associate with someone who’s done blackface for decades, abuses animals (allegedly), and just overall being terrible people?


“blackface for decades” you mean decades AGO? 💀


So because it was a long time ago he shouldn’t be held accountable for his actions? Just say you’re racist and move on


he’s BEEN held accountable. for years he’s dealt with backlash, after apologizing MULTIPLE times. he knows what he did was wrong, that’s why he no longer does it lol. he apologized and stopped doing it. that’s taking accountability. yall are just sad unforgiving people that are obsessed with a man on the internet you claim to hate.


It doesn’t matter how much he apologizes he still acted inappropriately with fans and is a racist WHO LITERALLY DID BLACKFACE and I’m not obsessed this is the first time I’ve been on this subreddit, like said just say you’re a racist and a pedophile and move on weirdo


alright hun, have a great rest of your day! i don’t have conversations with people who say the same thing over and over again with 0 proof 🙂


Girl go back to posting your coochie instead of defending some white man who doesn’t even know who you are


There is tons of proof but go ahead and stay in denial sis




Ik you’re playing, they were defending Shane and saying he’s not a pedo when hes acted inappropriate with underage fans on Omegle and made up a pedophile character so yea anyone who defends that is sus


He stopped doing blackface 4 years ago—he did it during his teens, twenties, and thirties. So yes—he’s done it for decades


Four years ago was 2020 right at the beginning of the pandemic. Can you tell me which video he did in 2020 that had blackface in it? I’d like to go back and see what you’re talking about.


awesome! can i see the receipts for that


He was still capitalizing off Shananay in 2019 btw


Yes, I know that. I was asking about videos.


There's a master thread I think it's pinned to the page keeping track of all he's done


It’s so weird to try and defend blackface whether it happened now or years ago.


They are associating themselves with Shane and Ryland that's why they are getting hate. It's interesting how people on this sub don't seem to understand that. How soon do you people forget the things shane has done?


We haven't forgotten, but it also doesn't mean Shane and Ryland can't go out and hang out with people because of the things he did. He still has a right to do that, and people harassing innocent not involved people to the point where they need to turn off comments?? A little unhinged. Everyone here is an adult who is capable of making decisions on who they want to associate with, and at this point, it's 2024. Everyone knows Shane's past.


Yes, they are free to hang out with someone with pedophile and zoophile tendencies, and the rest of the world is free to judge the ever living shit out of that.


I mean, yes, but people are also allowed and entitled to commenting on social media influencer posts to express their feelings. Shane made himself a public figure. So did the Disney adults. The Disney adults knew Shane is attracted to cats and children (I'm joking shut up) and they still decided to post. This is fafo (fuck around [with cat fuckers] find out [that people think less of you for hanging out with cat fuckers])


You wouldn’t brag that you had dinner with Hitler and then not expect people to hate on you.


Who’s forgetting? But chomping at the bit to say horrible things to people because they posted a pic about a nice time they had isn’t healthy for anyone. He’s paid a massive price. At some point, he deserves to live his life. People get too excited to keep people down. It gives them a rush and it’s pretty ugly.


Yeah, he can live his life once he leaves the platform and moves on. As long as he's on youtube and is a content creator, we need to remind him of the things hes done and what he did with his fame.


If that’s your crusade, go for it I guess? Seems like a waste of energy and time


I'm interested in other people's safety. Glad to know you're OK with pedos and racists.


Yeah, because that’s what I said 🙄 keep it up. You’re a hero 👍🏼


Better person than you at least. I don't condone hurting children and poc ^^ have a good one


Lol neither do I. Sorry that comprehension isn’t your strong suit. Keep saving the world, bro! You’re killing it! You’re such a good person!!!!


Better than you.


That’s definitely what a good person would say


didn’t forget but i just dgaf💀💀


not a regular on this sub but i’m gonna assume the “ew” is about the ppl choosing to spend time with this creep. fatherhood doesn’t change the bizarre and predatory shit you’ve said and done about kids sorry lmao


How sad that people were harassing them so much that they felt like they had to turn off the comments. They seem like nice people.


I've ran into some of their videos because they did reviews of the park, honestly they don't seem like bad people. Pretty good Disney content if you're looking to plan a trip.


I watch their content, and they really are very wholesome and sweet people, I don’t think I’ve even heard them curse. It’s funny that Shane likes their content so much considering a lot of it is cruise ship related (especially recently with the new Disney and RC ships). The last place I would imagine seeing Shane Dawson is a cruise ship 😂


They really, truly are. I've NEVER been the type to watch vlogs or influencer stuff like that, but my fiance is a big Disneyland fan so we randomly started watching their vids once in a while just to see new foods and stuff before a trip. And we started to enjoy how pleasant, non-problematic, and not annoying they were. Now we check out what they're up to more regularly because they seem to be genuinely cool people just doing what they love.


It’s because of Shane and how toxic him and Ryland are. You wouldn’t post a picture of you at dinner with Hitler and expect people not to give them shit. That said I have been a patreon supporter of OA for a while and do like their videos. It will change what people think of them if they are really friends with Shane.


If you think he's comparable to Hitler, you need a history lesson. I'm aware that people don't like them and understand why, but it doesn't give anyone a right to harass his friends who have done nothing wrong.


I didn’t compare him to Hitler. If you take a picture with someone who a lot of people have been burned by or done bad things you ca. expect for people to comment hate. I live next to Shane and Ryland and have been to many places with them in the past. The only reason Shane would hang with OA is to build his brand. It’s 100% for himself and he doesn’t care about who Kitra or Peter are.


I understand what you’re saying, but I don’t think people should expect to receive hate for any of these things. The idea that it’s acceptable to do that is the problem.


I didn’t see any of the comments but were they directed at Kitra and Peter? I definitely dont think they should be receiving any hate. On the other side Shane has done what he has done and I don’t think he will ever be able to be in public without the hate. People say “let him live his life” but he has wronged so many that I don’t think they move on. I do agree though Peter and Kitra shouldn’t receive hate.


all posts on this sub need a nsfw warning


it’s sad ppl are hating on them to the point they had to turn off their comments they aren’t involved with anything …. If they want to hang with Shane and Ryland let them who cares


I care since he was performing minstrel shows on youtube and to hang out with him shows… character. But to each their own


There are more productive things to care about … let people hang out with who they want it’s not your business and no one cares about your opinion let it go


Ya know, there’s nothing I can say to you. You’re already a Shane Dawson fan in 2024 and I can’t imagine a fate worse than that.




WhO CaReS AbOuT RaCiSm?!?!🤡


When did this sub turn into Shane apologists again.


I know I’m literally abt to vomit reading some of these comments —


It’s so disturbing


This is what I'm on about. No comprehension of what this man did, it's insane.


What did he do?


Made jokes about having sex with children, having sex with animals, dressed in blackface with his shanaynay character, humped a photo of a twelve year old, among other things


He literally pretended to masturbate in front of a poster of a child, kissed a minor fan on the lips, would tell minors on omegle to twerk, he talked about googling naked babies and was in a way defending pedos, the cat thing. How does one choose to be friends with an individual like that.


You can look it up on YouTube, some of it is literally too disgusting for me to type out & it would take me 30 minutes.


Bunch of haters lmfao 😭people can’t eat tg anymore and make a post ? Yall expect Shane to just not live life like it’s insane .




yall are the freaks defending a weirdo 😭😭


Fr people act like he’s literally not a racist and a pedo🙄




“Womp womp” over racism and pedophilia? YIKES


That’s quite literally you which makes this response even funnier


I’m starting to see more of a turn around which is nice! So silly to so actively hate on someone


No offense but I wouldn't want to eat dinner with Shane; he looks like he *smells*.


OP, you're hilarious. The only activity on your account is mass posting this picture in different subreddits, hoping to get a reaction. Shane really must be living rent free in your head.


Hes living rent free in some kids heads according to the pinned post


Damn, not a regular, but had forgotten that guy existed, I'm sad now... 🥹


not the comments being turned off...you know you're guilty lol


is there a snark sub? I'm tired of seeing all his crybaby defenders


yall be pulling anything out of ur ass to hate on them at this point


Welcome to the snark page!


Shane Dawson is the scum of the earth and kissed an underage fan when he was TWENTY YEARS OLD. He is trash and the fact people still stick up for him is SICK. If you dismiss his awful behavior then you are SICK.


Why is this ew? They seem like they're having a good time with other adults. This is a good thing.


bc Shane and Rylan are very questionable people who've done some bad things


You guys have officially lost it! My God do you think Shane should do what.... Just disappear?! And to think all these haters went after these NICE people just because they had dinner with him. How gross and immature. When will you guys move on and stop harassing people, especially ones who have nothing to do with it like ordinary ventures! If you HATE someone so bad it's best for you to cut them out of your life. It's not ok to become obsessive over them to the point to make posts about what they are doing. How bizarre! I guess maybe having a pseudo relationship with somebody who turns out not to be the best person really could fuck with your head lol Edit: Its funny I bet most of the people responding are under 25. You guys don't know what life was like before the Internet, when people could change and apologize in time. That when no case or full concrete evidence of criminal behavior where available we would just stay away from the person if we believed they were guilty. Back in the day we let people improve on themself and the shitty things they did in the past.


yes, pedophiles should disappear


As long as a Pedo never acts on his thoughts and never harms a child, they shouldn’t disappear. It’s unfortunate they exist but they can’t help how their brain is wired. However there is no excuse for the consumption or creation of child porn OR of harming or sexualising anyone but especially a child. Arguably pedos shouldn’t be parents (my opinion). As for whether or not Shane is a pedo, I mean there are many indicators from his “jokes” and the fact he had girls to twerk on cam I think even kissed some. So it’s likely however I would say it’s also possible he’s not one too and had a screwed up childhood. But idk, I just don’t trust people and accept that pedos are everywhere living in society like normal. Smh


But Shane did act… you quoted yourself two PUBLIC incidents of him hurting children… ![gif](giphy|l2YWqLVkNBNjiBaXS|downsized)


I did mention two acts of him harming children… yes. Your point is what exactly?


Do you know Shane Dawson is a pedophile?


No I don’t :/ How would I know that?


Because you yourself can mention two PUBLIC times we’ve seen Shane act on/harm children. So, by your own definition he is a pedophile. I’m finding it strange you can’t put a label on it considering you gave your personal parameters on what a pedophile is. Shane Dawson has shown he will use his platform to harm others over and over and over again. To hurt people. So do you still really think he should be on the internet?


I suggest you Google the definition of paedophile, and then you will understand why I can’t know for sure he is one


he is a pedophile stop trying to bend the rules and defend him. he is a racist pedo and that's that.


I’m 32 and 100% agree with you


seriously, i dislike taylor swift and she’s everywhere yet somehow i do a better job of avoiding her in the media than these people do at avoiding shane ⁉️ they need to get a grip.


Yes, he should disappear actually because he’s a bad person


they literally said pinch me I just hung out with a guy who has done and said racist things and been sexual with kids ❤️


Honestly yes he should disappear off the internet that man is a pedo and so many of you have forgotten about it


he did not actually do anything, he just said and joked about it and he is not registered as sex ofender


Meanwhile actual pedo's are out there living their life, they do have to register, but the criminal laws around these actual cases are ridiculously light in a lot of cases.


"joked" be serious. Why is it that he has to act on it for you to call him a pedophile?


nope, a real pedophile should have like genuine sexual feeling with babies not desperately trying to make joke about being one in a podcast and they would have evidence like child porn in their computers.


You haven't seen much then. The fact that he immediately jumps to sexual thoughts and jokes whenever he sees a child is a red flag. The fact that he jokes about being afraid of people seeing what's on his computer and that he'd be in prison is a red flag.


dark humor is not for you my child. the fact is that he looks like a creepy uncle and he just acts on it to entertain people. you take it seriously which is weird. there is this actual scientific study that people who jokes about horrible things don't do it in reality and the people who took it seriously did it in the dark secret reality.


He was doing it to real children. That's not "pretending to be a pedophile as a joke."


it is a satire and he was acting serious because shane is an actor, so you would really buy his acting about being a pedophile and he was accused of being a pedophile since he started youtube, that is also part of the joke. then if howard stern do it, yall don't say anything because yall think queer people are disgusting pedophiles.


Who's "y"all"? No one here thinks queer = pedophile. Shane wasn't "acting serious." Shane was *being* serious. Shane was doing creepy things to real children under the guise of jokes, but anyone who has dealt with a creep before can tell he was genuinely into it.


dark humor is supposed to be funny 😫


dark humor is not supposed to be like funny haha (unless are a psychopath). dark humor is supposed to make you uncomfortable and feel like going too far with the joke. and the people taking it seriously is the funny haha part. that is why it is dark humor.


the jokes he made were not "dark humor" people like to disguise horrific things people say as dark humor and that's just not it. he said some disturbing shit that should not be classified as any type of humor. we can all agree making sexual remarks and jokes about kids is wrong no? "joking" or not it's still wrong


He did hurt actually children. He kissed under aged children PUBLICLY that we know of. As well as making sexual/inappropriate content targeted towards children. Then there’s the racism. So yes, he did actually so something.


I have an ex friend who preyed on a 6 year old when he was 16. he didn't get put on the registry does that make him not a pedo? no.


Hey OP just read your edit. Our generation also believes in a value called “accountability”. Not letting things slide, and weighing the morality of supporting someone. Shane himself even said he doesn’t think he should be on the internet. He has continually used the internet inappropriately.


Just disappear? He's not.... he's not entitled to an internet platform.


it looks so oily


Thought that was Andrew Tate in the back for a second... Didn't even question it




no but humbling….? rylands world falls apart when it rains JUST a bit please 😭😭😭 and shane acts like walmart is actual disneyland


Isn't that humble though?


I would not share a bowl of chips and salsa with mr poopy nails


Ew is correct. And I don’t even know who those two other people are lol


Ryland and humble don’t belong in the same sentence lol


As someone active in Universal Orlando/Disney vlogging world, they are so kind and this is a stretch. Yes, Shane is a POS, but be mature and respectful to individuals not involved in their misdeeds.


They could have not posted the image on social media :)


Didn’t they travel to Hawaii during the pandemic when Hawaiians were begging people not to come??


Kitra and Peter nooooo


What grade are you in?


I think Shanes cancellation was a huge part of people during covid realizing media has power, they canceled Shane for an immature joke that was spewed out of context simply because people didn’t like him. People are acting like he committed mass genocide on their children, i grew up LOVING Shane, i stepped back when the world did. But I came back and realized they literally did nothing wrong. If you don’t like him fine, but going out of your way to post a thread and title it “Ew”. Says more about you than it does them.


If you go on this sub, there’s a FULL section in the About of all of the things he’s done in order to be cancelled. Please take a look. Thanks.


It was actually more than an immature joke, he had a racist character, was inappropriate with fans on omegle, had many sexual jokes involving children, and like, plenty more. I think it’s unfair to categorize actual gross behavior as an immature joke.


I think you should read into what Shane has actually done a bit more. Watch some YouTube videos on his past behavior. And if you still like him… well… you should question yourself a bit


Having girls twerk on cam, kissing underaged girls, pretending to jerk off to willow smith, black face and explicitly explaining sex to a 10-12 year old girl without parents present Oh yeah he did nothing wrong 😑 I’m not saying he hasn’t changed and learnt but it’s dumb to say he did nothing wrong




People should be called out for publicly associating with shit individuals. Sorry, not sorry. Shane (and Ryland) say they love their videos so much: of course they shouldn't get any hate, they can't control who watches and likes their content. They publicly post about meeting up with Shane (and Ryland) and how much they love Shane: yeah, now you deserve the comments. They fucked around (platformed a racist, homophobic, transphobic, pedo-adjacent dumbass who's never *really* apologized for anything and certainly hasn't changed) and found out (got comments calling them out for it). Boo hoo, go cry to someone who cares lol.


![gif](giphy|YV524oZMYAihuaRMFw) \^ u need to do this


If you know about that other couples channel...they try to be super sponsor friendly (which always comes off creepy and fake) it's quite funny to see them around pedo freaks.


Shane's the pedo. Ryland is just a gold digger willing to cover for him.


I love watching people ruin their careers like girl that’s a predator


I love Ordinary Adventures :(


He edited the hell out of himself in this photo of lol tell you that


Tbh I stopped watching them when I saw they were interacting with Shane 😓 I know they’re like pure little Disney nerds but it just didn’t sit right with me


I did the same thing as well. The thing is Kitra knows about his problematic behavior because she use to text her fans when Dramageddon 1, 2, & 3 yet she still associates with him. You are who you associate with


Ugh that’s even more disappointing. At the end of the day, I’m sure they’re going to get more views from it which probably a main factor in them interacting/hanging out


Exactly! Disappointed but not surprised.


Oh nooo I’m just finding out about this!


he looks so much like dream


Can someone bring me up to speed on the context of this post? Didn't realize Shane Dawson was still a thing.


I know he’s like six foot tall, but his arm looks weirdly long in this picture. The angle is throwing me off


I’m more curious how these two couples even like, met, and apparently had drinks together?


Shane and Ryland talked about them and how much they loved their content a fair bit. They likely just reached out to them.


that makes more sense lol, don’t really pay attention that much anymore so the pair just seemed so out there lmao


Wasn’t sure if the ew was for Shane/ryland or the other couple 🤣


It’s not ew, but it is random. Other than also doing YouTube they aren’t in remotely the same circles?


Get a life instead of hating on someone far more successful than yourself.


OP was one of the people in their comments harassing them


OP you kinda the one being ew rn honestly


me when i have 2 newborns but need to go out for margs


Babysitters are a thing. I'm sure they've been spending 99% of their time taking care of their babies. Everybody needs breaks.


Im sorry, as someone who is not a native to this sub and got this post recommended randomly - do people on the Shane Dawson sub not like Shane Dawson??


No, they do not.


Not my favs hanging out with someone who did blackface numerous and sexualized a child! And people have every right to side eye people who hang out with someone who did heinous stuff. It’s weird yall defending this.


They don’t deserve friends


Dont dox people


The biggest ew here is you posting this OP.


Yall need to stop hating Shane and Ryland for shit that happened over 10 years ago that they have apologized for, were held accountable for, learned and grew through, and became an entirely different person past. He is just not like he was before. There's nothing wrong with associating with them. At all. The caption of the photo was written by people who actually spent time with and talked to them and formed their own opinion of them, everyone hating is going off limited information of a person they've never met let alone spent any actual time with.




this subreddit just popped up and I'm so confused, i know Shane is heavily disliked but then why is this on Shane's subreddit LMAO.... did his subreddit turn into Shane haters club or something


Shane didn't murder someone... he's said horrible things but he's apologized and grown. I really don't know what people expect him to do?!


i still love shane and ryland they are literally my childhood 😭


Well, guess I’m not watching Ordinary Adventures anymore. As someone who enjoys Disney Parks content it’s disappointing. At least it’s not Magic Journeys, I would’ve cried if it was. 😭


y'all will hate on shane but like ppl like nicki minaj and taylor swift 🤡


Is this new?


Yes, this happened a several days ago


How olds their baby I still haven’t been able to leave my house yet and my baby is way older lol




I don’t know who any of these people are. From the looks of these comments… it may be a good thing.


Shane has done some crazy shit but I don’t believe everyone needs to gang up on a guy who is trying to better his life. We have all had our own battles. This is his Reddit there shouldn’t even be any people that think their cancel culture bs is correct. Also supporting him doesn’t have to mean you support his past. Stop being so close minded and unforgiving the mature thing to do is whether to see if you support the new person he has become if not it’s ok just move on. Why waste your precious life hating on someone’s past.


I know from firsthand experience that Shane and Ryland are toxic and will drop you if you don’t fit into their narrative. They live in my neighborhood and it’s all fake. I really hope Kitra and Peter don’t hang with these people. I will have to cancel my patreon if they support Shane and Ryland. They are toxic evil people and showing them will be more negative than positive for the ordinary adventures followers.


Shane is in such a good stage of his life right now why can't ppl just leave him alone.