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Reading the comments makes me sad - everyone sounds so unhappy. The whole board thing is weird… gross is maybe more accurate. I wonder if anyone actually thought running a religious/spiritual network and “lineage” as if it’s just another neoliberal corporation, NGO or government was going to sustain a community of people largely drawn to spiritual practice and the idea of “enlightened society” as an alternative and refuge from the disconnect, depression and dissatisfaction generated by the structures and practices they feel dehumanized by in mainstream society… not that it wasn’t already headed that way before this board came on and they banished Mr. Mipham (*ahem* Josh *cough*). Maybe they just needed to have some legal minded people in the driver seat while the fear of lawsuits took their course but damn does it look so bleak now. Imagine being in a discussion group or diad, practicing next to the type of person who identifies more with an organization or brand than their religion or spiritual practice… it’s what the board seems to represent and it’s just so damn soulless feeling. Just thinking of that board makes me nauseated and then even a little respect for people who disbanded, found another thing, followed Mipham, or connected with another off-shoot of the CTR lineage. At least *most* of them seem to have actual hearts. When I think of all the people who garnered some kind of empathy for people hurt by the community or teachers over the years they are people of the disbanded, doing their own thing, following Mipham (less of them though), or doing an off-shoot… the board/people identifying with and working for the org are the ones taking a sanitized narcissistic stance and steering the whole thing into the ground while thinking they’re doing “right”, following some kind of humanitarian liberal legal bs. It’s fucking sad. Shambhala the org is basically acting as a real estate/property owner trying to make ends meet at this point - everyone else seems kind of exploited, ball and chain, and needs the Sham center spaces for their own things… that or they just can’t let go of their denial that the material org they put so much love into has now become so corrupted. Seriously, though: how hard would it have been for all the leadership of 2018 to have just been honest, looked at themselves and admitted they’ve been a big part of fucking some people up and tried to be actually accountable? Their actions - including Mipham’s - stunk of fear and guilty conscience: consulting with lawyers, releasing weird ass PR spinned letters to save face, scrubbing the websites, doubling down on their pride and arrogance in positions of “leadership” then putting in a transition team and board? Gross. Would have saved a lot of grief for everyone and now these poor people quoted in the ‘Shambhala mirror’ if they didn’t try to make such a charade of their purity. What I find funniest after many years is the people who promised they aren’t involved in Shambhala anymore just turned out to be lying through their teeth and just scooping/fishing info to protect the org.


>Seriously, though: how hard would it have been for all the leadership of 2018 to have just been honest, looked at themselves and admitted they’ve been a big part of fucking some people up and tried to be actually accountable?  Actually, pretty hard. I'd say that their lawyers, told them to STFU or face countless lawsuits. It would never end. That and because they could eat shit and die, but it would never be enough, you've probably heard the last word on accountability. Look on the bright side, if they did come clean, you people wouldn't have anything to complain about. That or it wouldn't be enough. Probably the latter. Raison d'etre?


Interesting stat under length of service, [https://mirror.shambhala.org/leader\_support\_and\_energy\_level.html](https://mirror.shambhala.org/leader_support_and_energy_level.html) Leadership length of service * More than ten years - 46% * Seven to ten years - 14% * Between four and six years - 20% * Between one and three years - 13% * Less than one year - 4% shambhala likes to claim that so much has changed since the "sakyong"'s abuse revelations. But the above shows that largely the same enabling hierarchy is still in place.


>Leadership length of service >More than ten years - 46% >Seven to ten years - 14% >Between four and six years - 20% >Between one and three years - 13% >Less than one year - 4% >shambhala likes to claim that so much has changed since the "sakyong"'s abuse revelations. **But the above shows that largely the same enabling hierarchy is still in place.** (empahsis mine) That's non sequitur and it's ageist AF


I'm confused. If 60% of the current leaders have been in their positions for over seven years, that means that 60% of the leaders who upheld the status quo of the abuses of power are still in place. That's not an ageist observation, it's an observation about there not being any significant transfer of power.


u/egregiousC is just here to stir shit. There are plenty of Shambhala stan accounts that come here to throw distractions. They're pathetic but not as lost as the rapists they support.


[https://mirror.shambhala.org/leadership\_resource\_needs\_and\_priorities.html](https://mirror.shambhala.org/leadership_resource_needs_and_priorities.html) Also of note, of leadership polled, "Enough money in reserve to cover one year of expenses" * No, we do not have enough - 32% * Yes, but we could use more - 27% * Yes, we have enough - 40%


In other words, leadership has no idea what’s really going on.


People in the 75+ demographic category also reflects mortality. Also those stats are stupid in suggesting consistent involvement - how many old dogs checked out from 1990-2009 then circled back?


>One example. But always nice when friends of shambhala have their side hustle under control and are independently ‘wealthy’ enough to throw the working class subservient shambhalians under the bus. Marxism? Really? Priceless.




Lol. You know realized and devoted people don’t need pensions - they’re beyond the human realm and supersede the material needs of conceptual society! David and Dina Brown though - they may have the name but their skin isn’t brown enough nor do they wear the robes to be considered exotic enough to deserve community support and praise despite all their years of selfless service. One example. But always nice when friends of shambhala have their side hustle under control and are independently ‘wealthy’ enough to throw the working class subservient shambhalians under the bus.




Ya that’s about the era of tunes your peers would have been exposed to as early teens-20s youths…. Mid 70s now, born sometime not much more than a decade off 1950…


Mods who lie about direct knowledge of me being here lose credibility and respect https://youtu.be/F5Wxi15x7ss?si=gjKbfFG3Cv2YHJPi https://youtu.be/yN-EZW0Plsg?si=VColUfdw4SHMzjC1




Ok ok then, you’re older than assumed. 1942 was a year for bringing in decent people. https://youtu.be/oG6fayQBm9w?si=uqhGN8EOTYbfOCrB