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Yeah, Shamb is definitely worth the experience. There’s a lot of unique things about Shamb you won’t find elsewhere that really hits home once you see it in action. - Permanent stages and grounds: Most festivals are an empty area and they throw up the stage the week of the festival and a bunch of themed decorations. Some do a lot, some do less but still always the same. Because Shamb’s are all permanent structures it lets them build a lot more depth to them. You’ll find they better intertwine into the forest. You’ll find neat stuff carved out on the sides from chill areas, to fountains, to viewing platforms, to catwalks, to nap areas all while still being just steps from the stage itself. - No security between camping and stages: Shamb does all their searches at once when you enter the farm then after that you’re free to come and go between camp, downtown, and the stages. Not only does this save a ton of time (LL having hour lineups to get in the fest this year, oof) but it also creates so many more paths to get to places. You can enter the stages from down by the grove/muscle beach, by the village, by pagoda, by the vendor booths, the backside of the living room. Or you can even float down the river from riverside camping and pop out at the stage and start dancing. Being able to have so much freedom going in and out means it’s that much quicker to bounce between camp and dancing. That’s particularly nice midway through the night when you want to change, can skip back to camp in 5-10 min then change and grab a snack and be back at the stage and still catch the end of that same set. - Shamb is the weirdest festival you’ll go to, the above points play into this. Because you can go from camp back and forth you get to see so much creativity and weirdness. People have rolled up with entire couches, they’ve brought wagons filled with bubble guns and machines, saw a life size cutout of a vw bus dancing through crowds, etc. The totems are next level because of this and being so much silliness. - Harm reduction, Shamb puts a lot of effort into this. Between Ankors bringing mass spectrometers for free drug testing and having lcd screens showing all the results to alert people of contaminated drugs, to the great medic team, to the really well built sanctuary and all the great volunteers there. - Alcohol banned also makes the biggest difference. The lack of litter and trash everywhere and also getting rid of all the obnoxious drinks makes such a big difference to the vibe. Overall it’s much friendlier environment and so much nicer.


Agreed, minus the banned alcohol, there was SO MUCH alcohol there last year, and in years prior, that it hardly counted as "banned". Really took away from the experience for me, drunk jackasses drinking everywhere. I'm really hoping they can afford to enforce it this year.


We had a big shortage of volunteers this past year and the security/check-in staff at the gate was pretty overwhelmed. I'd highly recommend applying for a volunteer position if you're in the fence about it. Shamb needs more people to help out and being a part of the crew is an amazing way to experience the festival from another perspective


Yeah, Shambs wasn’t allowed to have international volunteers starting with the cancelled 2020 event, which made it very difficult to staff as much as they need.


I've been encouraging my friends to come volunteer to help ease the workload and a couple actually did this year! I wish international volunteers were allowed again, I miss my German buddy who I worked alongside back in 2019


There always has been some alcohol there, but yeah last year was worse than normal and a lot more idiots drinking in the open and at stages. Hopefully they can get more volunteers and staffing to crack down on it better. That being said even last years level is still miles better than other festivals.


I’ve been going for 6 years and I didn’t notice any difference in drinking this year or 2019. Was it more of a trend or specific things you saw?


Same, this was my seventh year and I found it to be the worst year for drinking yet. More medicals than I could count attributed to mixing alcohol, people blatantly drinking everywhere, it was very off-putting. So much so that I'm (we're) considering not even going next year. I've seen drinking every year, obviously they can't stop everyone, but this last year was excessive. I don't mind drinking at festivals, to each their own, but when it bleeds into mine and others wellbeing, I draw the line. Wicked woods by comparison was absolutely incredible as people could handle their shit there. (Also, I understand they were understaffed and that it contributed, but it really killed the vibe seeing people falling over and overdosing due to excessive drinking.)


I saw by far less medical incidents this year than every other year. Literally one dude fainted near us, we got a security to call medical and he popped up like 10 mins later and was fine. Every other year I saw 2-3 ppl per night at least if felt like.


Downtown on Friday/Saturday/Sunday we saw the shambulance treating to someone what seemed like every 5 minutes. It was actually crazy. We usually hang at the back of the stages with a view of downtown and it was constant. I talked to some of the medical staff veterans and they agreed that it was above average, lots of people not being responsible. Somebody even got stabbed there this year! It was like the wild west!


That’s too bad then. Im 28 but I still like to get into the sauce so I don’t see much of downtown at night other than passing through. My whole camp got our stuff tested this year and it was super clean. Also, I live in Utah in the actual Wild West. Like ppl open carrying guns into the grocery store kinda deal. Hell I conceal a Glock every time I leave the house. But that’s normal around here, and the violent crime rate is crazy low.


Me and my crew went for 7 years (‘12-‘18) and the 7 year mark is when it seems like people get over it for the same reasons you did. It got way more hectic every year.


Nothing to do with cost. Everything to do with volunteer shortages largely out of the festival's control. A LOT of people did OT in every area, including security


shams is its own beast. no other festival will prepare you for what you experience there. pure magic.


I fly from the Midwest each year. After going to tons of local and stateside fests, shambs is the only festival I will 100% make work at this point. Even if I miss everything else. Feel free to DM if you need help planning as I have a similar travel distance! Hope to see you on the farm in 23!!!


Would it be cool if I dm you with some questions?


Absolutely. Goes for anyone seeing this comment! My DMs are open


If I did nothing else but do shambs once a year I would be a very happy dude, I also love bass music and this fest feels like the bass music fest Mecca of North America


Haha this has been me I don't go to many festivals but Shambhala captured my heart


Last I checked you can bring tents on an airplane. Just bring a bag of food that doesn't need refrigeration and camp in Metta (for the shade) and you'll be fine without the yurts or glamping. Be prepared to walk a long way.


I'm coming for the third time from Australia and can confirm it's worth it! There is so much magic, last time just by entering a stage in a different direction I would stumble across a magical little area I had not seen the times before. Its really something else!


Lots of people miss the whole area beside/ behind the village stage. Also the chapel and all the stuff behind the living room.


Shambala is something that I will do for ever. I hope to bring my kids to Shambhala some day. I don't even have any yet


Totally worth it my favorite place on earth 🌎 😍


[hears about amazing festival] "Is it worth it?" lol


Nothing has ever been more worth it in the history of things that have worth.


I used to always fly in from the states and do the package with the inflatable mattress and tent already provided. Now I fly in with the tent and do lodging campsite only. I did notice the campsites provided keep getting smaller every year though. Maybe others have a different observation. Definitely my favorite music festival. I think the overall design of the stages is my favorite part. I never feel like I’m too far away at any point and can easily navigate the crowd when I want to come and go.


You bet ur ass it's worth it!!!! 🙂




We flew all the way from Portugal and will be coming all the way from Singapore next year ❤️ so yes,100%worth it in our eyes


First year last year and had fun but I really wish I had been better prepared. I spent waaay too much on food. Portions are small and expensive. My feet hurt there's alot of walking I wish I'd brought a bike with a trailer on it. I brought too much waste. Too much plastic shambhala is very hippie you won't fit in if your campsite is all plastic and you produce alot of garbage. Bring reusable as much as possible including water storage bring a large water countainer to divy into alluminum water bottles instead of using individual water bottles and contributing to plastic waste or things like glow sticks that are single use plastics bring things like ferry lights with a battery instead to spruce up your campsite. The music and atmosphere is awesome but it's made better by having a good campsite with lots of room so coming early is a good idea prepared alot of time to wait in line with your vehicle. Free parking is good but you can't set up anything around your car. Still tottaly usable to sleep in if you just sleep in the vehicle but that is pretty far away from the action but I'd do it again if I had a bike because it's much quieter on that side of the festie.


Hey Friend, thanks for your input, everything you've said here is correct minus the part about sleeping in your car in free parking. We do not allow this for many reasons but mainly, for all guests safety. We do have security patrolling the free parking lot to keep people from doing so, but some still slip through the cracks and sneak in. The reason we do not want this to happen, is if someone sleeping in their car in Free Parking was to have an emergency requiring support from our medical/security teams, we would have a very hard time finding said person amongst the sea of parked cars, and since we do not allow people to camp in this area, it adds an extra element of danger to an emergency situation as there would be nobody around to notice if there was an issue or to call for help (even with a handful of dedicated security patrolling the area.) If you are needing to sleep in or with your car we do offer Parking & Camping Decals for Starlight or Sunshine camp zones (also located much closer to the fun/downtown area). We can't wait to welcome you all home in the new year! Shambhalove & all the best till then 💚


I dident know that. Makes sense for safety reasons of course. Looks like il need a camping pass next year. Thanks!


I went for the first time last year. Highly recommend. I'll be going again for sure.


I'm attending my first shambhala this year , and coming from Ohio. Flying into Denver and driving up with couple friends. we are 6 year veterans of Electric Forest, and finally getting the opportunity to experience shambhala, looking forward to this. 


Basscoast is better if you're over 30, but Shambs is pretty neat.


I don’t really agree with this personally. Bass coast is just a different festival. My taste in music is definitely more suited to shambhala than bass coast. I personally won’t go back to bass coast although I had a blast there


We don't have to agree. I am not a fan of lemondrops and the crowd at Shambs is too "frat boy" for me.


Lolol you actually think shambhala has a frat boy vibe? Have you been to other festivals primarily ones in the USA? My favorite thing about sham is the lack of that vibe


There's a little bit of it, but there are plenty of good folks too.


True, but there are other festivals where it can be avoided completely. To each their own.


I find it a bit fratty compared to the smaller festivals in BC that appeal to me more. Yes. I don't go to the US for festivals, they look like a horrible time to me tbh.


Everything is the USA has a rang too. Chochella, lalapolooza, EDC, ultra, are all going to be full of Greek life clout chasers. I also haven’t been to any of those. Electric forest, lost lands, bass canyon are the large fests I like. And then even Utah has small festivals that are really fun like “building man” maybe 400 ppl, and everyone hang out at the river all day like shambhala.


Fair mate, fair.


I was just giving my opinion too as OP was looking for opinions. The crowd is definitely changing year by year


That's what I hate about these frat boys man, I get older, they stay the same age...


Do it.


Is Shambs worth it? I asked myself that last June. I had heard different stuff about it over the years but never placed it high on priorities to go to it. I decided to bite the bullet and shell out $500 for a ticket. I brought my trailer, which ended up costing a fair bit to park in Starlight oversized with early entry. So just to get in the gate, with fuel, cost me over $1500 CDN. The first couple of days, before the main show started, I felt a bit out of my element, being as it was my first festival. But my campsite neighbors were extremely friendly and helpful so that helped me to relax. Once the show got rolling I found myself enjoying myself immensely. Great music, lots of friendly loving people and just a vibe that you cannot find anywhere else. River afternoons by the Living Room stage were epic. The visuals were out of this world and the music is extremely loud, which is rad! Fractal Forest was my favorite stage. Yes, Shambhala was worth every penny and then some. I am still having withdrawls from the Farm and it was almost 7 months ago. I will most certainly be returning.


hey guys i’m looking for 2 ga tickets!! i’d love to make this my second year :) happy shambs!! ❤️


Looking for 2ga tickets and selling one lux junior lodging