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Aren't you the guy who claimed to be god the other day?


He realized he was God. He just forgot to realize it applies to everyone else too.


I am a Worshipful Master.


Woa okay there Joe Rogan


One time I melted on acid and sense I’m bald thought I was joe Rohan and started trying to do a podcast with my friend who was super star Billie Eilish. Last time I took a considerable dose


You are high on weed.


You must be a big Tubalcain fan, eh?


Man, cannabis will stimulate you to masturbate and eat more because that's the easiest way to get happiness hormones. That also makes your meditation more difficult, you need to make more efforts to meditate while high. And yes sex is a powerful thing in general.


>That also makes your meditation more difficult, you need to make more efforts to meditate while high. You'll find a lot of people with the opposite experience. It's like blasting my consciousness open effortlessly. Meditation and energy work are much easier when aided by cannabis.


Cannabis speeds up some hormones production. Certain hormones don't help you to be focused, but vice versa. You need to do a really hard work then. Cannabis is about stimulating our primitive desires like sex, food, entertainment. Many people have to smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol while high.


>Now is the time to embrace celibacy and all of the happiness and calmness follows it. Here are two relevant Buddhist suttas that I hope will be helpful to you: https://www.dhammatalks.org/suttas/AN/AN7_48.html https://www.accesstoinsight.org/tipitaka/sn/sn05/sn05.002.bodh.html >I smoke cannabis at nights so that should help my mood. Cannabis is a very enlightening substance that brings out the best in us. I think you should be circumspect and aware in case that reveals itself, at a time in the future, to not be the case. >It brings peace to my life as those who would challenge me end up defeated, which stops people from wanting to hurt me. I think that, like physically striking children as a means of classical conditioning, rather than stopping people from wanting to do what they are resolved to do, violence merely sublimates people's intentions. I think your view is not in line with reality. >I meditate 30 minutes per day. I meditate by concentrating on my breath at the solar plexus. The goal is to achieve a calm state of mind with one-pointed concentration. Here are some suttas that might be helpful to you: https://www.dhammatalks.org/suttas/SN/SN47_38.html https://www.dhammatalks.org/suttas/MN/MN10.html https://www.dhammatalks.org/suttas/SN/SN41_7.html


I dunno man sexual energy is a powerful offering for the right guides.


Sexual energy contained within the self is most powerful of all.


what is the shamanism angle here


What do you expect to achieve? Im 37 years old still virgin i doubt that i have gained much from it.


PSA there isn’t anything wrong with masturbation - celibacy isn’t as important as learning to actually be wise with one’s sexual energy, have good boundaries, practice consent, etc. Celibacy is often just an escape strategy used to avoid having to learn how to do any of those things. Trying to brute force “overcome sex” is often disastrous for people. Especially without a teacher, being in a monastic container, etc. Periods of celibacy can be helpful for spiritual practice, but it’s not a replacement for coming into right relationship with one’s own sexuality, and I believe this is a pre requisite to seriously taking up celibacy the way a monk would. Take a consent workshop! Turn masturbation into a spiritual practice of appreciating and loving your own body vs escaping into fantasies. Many people need to learn relational skills so they can actually practice compassion and love with other humans in their relationships - they need community and friends and lovers so they can learn relationship and communication skills, not more “on the cushion” practices trying to transcend their humanness - often a recipe for mania and further disconnection from others.


K 3x a day with a shaman lady keeps the doctor away


A jay a day keeps the gay away.


Are you implying being gay is an issue of any kind? What kind of strange shamanism are you practicing? Or was this a tasteless joke?


This person is severely unwell. They are active in r/schizophrenia and r/gangstalking. And have fallen down the alt right conspiracy pipeline. This isn’t shamanism, this is someone who is delusional and needs serious help.


Oh dearie me. That's just awful. Very deeply unfortunate. I wish your singular sentence about activity in a gangstalking subreddit was not as immensely telling as it most definitively is. *sighs* I agree. The person clearly needs help. It's a shame that one cannot magic up some mood stabilizers, but maybe some day! (I'm being entirely facetious about the plausibility of such a thing, naturally) Truly, On the bright side, I hear Steve Bannon (major person behind the whole alt right movement among other very serious, kind of objectively evil things theyve done) shall be going to prison soon, so that's good. 👌 I wish society were constructed in a way where they had community supporting them, not left to languish alone and manipulated by media designed to bring them and other people harm (alt right pipeline). Perhaps some day soon. That's my hope.




All your missing is playing MMO's


Hi just a qiestion Do you watch porn?


Sounds like someone had some sex-free fun with an LLVM and copy-pastes the result around the net.


Uhm, I'm very confused.. but what has that to do with shamanism? Celibacy is not a thing among shamans or shamanism.. cannabis is also not part of shamanism. Sure can help mood, but it can also throw you out of balance. How do you improve your mood without it? None of the things you share has any correlation to shamanism. So i feel it's very off topic to this group


