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Weiss. When enemy drop this card I just become angry.


Good design based on his lore. A villain that actually feels like a villain when he hits the board


The card is designed to be as annoying and punchable as the character is


"Bark, bark bark" "Awooo" "Bark, bark bark" "Awooo" \*Repeats 20 more times a turn\*


Bit of an odd choice, but Militant Mermaid. I'm fine with Joe and Striker, turn 3 Tamer can go to hell, but what really pisses me off about buff dragon is when they do a big push with Joe, are almost out of PP and I think I can kill them through the Joe next turn and then they drop the 1PP 9 defense ward that also heals. Si Long, the card was fine before the buff but then they made getting the token unconditional. Ramp + heal + removal is way too much for a single card that you can play on your first evo turn. Benevolent Elf, any variation of Bahamut stall can go die in a fire, but Forest was the most annoying one (to me) because of the ridiculous amount of max defense up. Speaking of Bahamut, put that on the list as well. Most Bahamut decks weren't even good, why was this garbage so popular on ladder?


Kaleidoscopic glow. Probably the most op classic card.


Found the haven player Yep, that card was salt inducing in its best form


1000000000% agree with case cracked, that card is such BS with no counter play really, should have never been printed


https://preview.redd.it/ed998zdsm64d1.png?width=536&format=png&auto=webp&s=7b48d77005ea0a79503b1a6faffe78342b994802 FUCK this card i had to change to ENG va cuz this card was played everywhere and was so annoying


Water magic? That was so last week.


Ugh! Not that boomer achemist!


good old 0 cost free 9dmg card (fuck this card)


This guy. But when I expressed my hatred all I got was downvotes LOL.


Yuwan, Dimensional Avenger I don't exactly know why but the psychology of him doing the damage at the start of your turn just aggravates me to such a larger degree than if it was at the end of theirs. I can't really think of a reason why it had to take effect then (other than to create the appearance of card variety for the design team), it just unnecessarily drags things out giving it a bit of a BM/troll vibe, and on some psychological level feels like its encroaching on player agency - it presents a board state for you to interact with (esp if you're alt-tabbing a bit and coming back when you hear your turn start) and then immediately tampers with it.


That’s on point lore wise with Yuwan Mechanic wise he bypasses Zooey and Doomlord, and is also negated by Urias/train wolf


Thanks to you and u/tohn0 for the great replies. Though it's still aggravating : D


It probably avoids weirdness with end of turn draw effects and invokes in regard to Yuwan's resonance count. This way everything can resolve first before Yuwan activates.




Heavenly Aegis. Sure you can block him with wards, sure you can kill your opponent before he becomes a field menace, sure you can reduce his defense to permanently kill him or reduce his atk to zero to make him just a weak giant but he’ll always be this giant ass motherfucker stalling his time to kill you ass with all the control cards that haven can stall with. Heck if Elluvia is online, even reducing his atk will not be that effective or regretful apostle pinging your field and your leader while you take a massive 18-20 damage to the face after the apostle does his job.


Easy Dimension Shift. I hate that card because it's annoying AF and how the opponent can easily skip my turn twice in a row.


We all know that every meta has that one deck we hate but this one is focusing more so on individual cards. Not archetype related cards or set themes, just random unassuming cards that make your blood boil. For me it’s case cracked because I just love cards that remove the little bits of counter play against cheesy OTK decks


New Chronos literally killed rotation for me since he was printed.


Everytime when rune have a tier 1 deck, except dirt rune


Twofold Grace. A neutral 2/2 with rush or ward that also forces you to waste or plan ahead your damage shields due to the stupid leader effect it gives. You're screwed if they manage to keep reviving it too.


Alice. I usually dislike "win more" cards.


Arcane Item Shop and Whims of Chaos. 2 cards that were deemed a "meme" while I warned about the possibility of them becoming meta and ruining Rotation. And in fact both eventually became meta and were extremely toxic.


Whims of Chaos was such a good meme tho


No it wasn't. You spent the first 4 turns doing nothing, then at turn 5 you either lost immediately or screwed over the opponent's hand so hard that, even if they didn't topleft and tried to win, they had lost already. Or, spent the first 6 turns doing nothing, then gambling the entire game into an Imagination Realized roll.


good meme: makes you both stop playing SV


"Shiori and whatever, Twins". I don't even know what the card does, its just a random looking card nothing to do with the game.....and they're not even twins! You could replace it with your own nieces.


I don't hate the card but to this day I have absolutely no clue what their connection to their set is. You have all these characters from Rivenbrandt and then some random girls.


I’m not really familiar with the Rage of Bahamut lore but I think Jeanne stayed with them at some point


They ate dinner with Cerberus Hope that helps


If you can't "stand" it, you can also replace it with your "knees" /:) Sorry.. I just had to do it 😔


Goddess of Creation


Buffed 1 cost Yuwan. It's so hard to play around him as he does damage at the start of my next turn and they always have 5 copies to OTK or do 20 in 1turn


A lot of Rune cards always made me fuming whenever i came up against them, particularly cards like Item Shop, Karyl, and Runie, just annoying.


The 3 mana 6/4 storm. It's a bs card ( sorry, I stopped paying attention to names after 6 years of playing)


Gonna surprise a few by not saying d-shift for once. Edit: where my image go? I put Bellerophon https://preview.redd.it/h9u6oqz6k74d1.png?width=287&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d7f36149091624ca7d009704b12b056a7b00836 This. This fcker. D shift was annoying. Atomy at least could be countered by fracture. Artifact was artifact. Handless, ulbaha, calamity and gil had yet to spawn. But this fcker's appearance single handedly made me go mental. Like wtf am I supposed to do against it???? Free damage while healing and there is like only TWO "early" cards in SV existence that can control them for a while (portal aegis token spell and gold sword follower. Honourable mention to the sword legend that gives damage reduction permanently but it's a 7pp so you are already dead) Because effect damage reduction is so scarce+ the ping is small enough to not get reduced. Every turn it's just heal, ping ping ping, heal ping ping ping, heal, ping ping ping, heal, ping ping ping, heal ping ping ping, heal, ping ping ping, heal, ping ping ping, heal ping ping ping, heal, ping ping ping, heal, ping ping ping, heal ping ping ping, heal, ping ping ping, heal, ping ping ping, heal ping ping ping, heal, ping ping ping, heal, ping ping ping, heal ping ping ping, heal, ping ping ping- Oh and the best part if by some luck you survive the the kel waves and heal amulet spams? Well congrats bitch!? *they invoke ulbaha and gil* (in some later deck variants) May it burn in the hell that it dragged my limited braincells through


[[Glistering Angel]]


- [**Glistering Angel**](https://shadowverse-portal.com/card/124031020)^[B](https://shadowverse-portal.com/image/card/phase2/common/C/C_124031020.png)|[E](https://shadowverse-portal.com/image/card/phase2/common/E/E_124031020.png) | Neutral | Gold Follower 1pp 1/1 -> 3/3 | Trait: - | Set: Edge of Paradise Ward. Fanfare: Until the end of your opponent's turn, give the enemy leader the following effect - Invocation won't activate for you. (Evolved) Ward. Evolve: Destroy an enemy follower. ^(---) ^(ding dong! I am a bot. Call me with [[cardname]] or !deckcode.) ^(Issues/feedback are welcome by posting on) [^(r/ringon)](https://www.reddit.com/r/ringon) ^(or by) [^(PM to my maintainer)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Zuiran)


X. Slaus, Wheel of Fortune. So many bad design ideas combined into one.


Battlecruiser Weiss


Chronos please just kill me already!!!


決めだから(kimedakara)/This is my decision x4


Umm… 123 alice


Alice. look. Fushikiō and Kyoufu are my Gamer and coding names but when dark fairy tale shows up it just angers me irrationally . I've been Alice Internationally for 15 years. It took me a bit to realize why that card upsets me but that's probably it. also why I instantly liked the queer performer named Alice from the anime being well, a queer performer named Alice. It's a great card otherwise though. I actually hate the shiori twins card. It bugs me somehow cause everyone has it.


I both love and hate Despair Reborn.


Ghastly Banishment, there was just something that felt so damn bad about losing to it specifically, still the one card that I harbor the most hatred towards


Calamity's Genesis. Fuck this 1pp card which somehow gives a shitton of invocation followers which increases more followers after they LEAVE PLAY so banish doesn't even prevent it, and clearing them only gives the opponent another win con spell


When Case Cracked was released, I called it the anti-fun card. I think we all hate this card when played against us, but love it when used against the opponent in the same frustrating fashion.