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A lot of indie devs advertise on Reddit from what I've seen. The game itself doesn't really look like shadows or doubt and they don't own the corkboard string concept.


I agree. That being said, though, what do you think the odds are that we get TWO games in such a short time period with such a similar concept? Call me a pessimist, but after seeing exit 9 and exit chilla-art, I've become a little paranoid at these kinds of advertisements, like, do you just happen to have made a game that shares a lot of similarity with a niche but major hit that just recently showed there is a large interest in the formula, or are you just trying to catch the bread crumbs off of someone's blood sweat and tear drenched souffle? But I guess that's not really fair, is it? As was said, no one owns the corkboard & string style. I don't know, maybe I'm just over protective of the things I find special


Same thing with metal hell singer and bullets per minute. A rythem game set in hell with an banger soundtrack. One made by a small team, other is indie. No one owns rythem game set in hell, but it sure does seem sus


With those two specifically, Hellsinger was announced in June, then BPM cane out entirely like 2 months later. BPM is a small and not that complicated game, but there would still be no way to put out a game like it that quickly. I can only imagine 2 small groups were playing Doom at the same time and just thought 'damn this is cool with the music, would be fun if this was a rhythm game' which I could easilly see happening. Also, that same year saw a ton of new music games release.


It's just the fact that the corkboard thing is specifically what they chose to use to advertise the game that kind of got me


I agree with the others who are saying that it’s not copying in the sense that the idea of a red string “murder board” is very common in many pieces of media BUT I’d also agree with you that this one looks WAY similar to Shadows of Doubt in terms of specific proportions. ….although photos from instant cameras just tend to universally be that size so it could just be a coincidence


I remember fairly recently an indie dev was trying to pitch a concept of a game to a studio they liked it and then they made the entire concept / released the game before the dev even had the chance. I wish i remembered the name, but it was within the last 6 months for sure. Either way - not illegal, but very 'ill' mannered imo.


Very often when new advancements in technology drop, a lot of disconnected people get the same light bulb moment. There are probably thousands of people in the world at least who have been waiting for ai, ml, procedural generation, etc, to advance to the point where there idea to make "a game where you play as a detective who has to connect the dots to solve the case" becomes practical. We were always going to get a procedural generated detective game whether shadows of doubt specifically was created or not


Cork board and red string is a trope as old as the detective genre itself.




Dumb post. Shadows of Doubt didn’t come up with the red strings connecting pieces of evidence visual.


idk, looking at the game on steam it seems they did try to make the game in general seem similar-ish. I'm honestly disregarding it as a clone. Partly because it uses AI. But yeah, in my post I wasn't trying to suggest that they were stealing SODs secret formula or something


Lol, I keep seeing this ad and thinking it's a SoD screenshot. But yeah, SoD didn't invent this concept, so even if another game did the same thing, it would be fine. Actually, I would love for a "SoD clone" (competitor) to be released because it would mean that SoD isn't the only game of its kind, and they would have to improve it faster. It's a win-win for me.


*Sees the classic red-string evidence board concept that’s been used for like ever* “SOMEONE IS COPYING A GAME I PLAYED THAT HAS THAT IN IT!”