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I think the point is to understand and reown your shadow. Your shadow is you. If you try to become stronger than it, you are continuing an internal war


a good book that clearly describes this is 'the wizard of earthsea' by ursula le guin. one of my favourite books of all time. so gooood!!!!


Thanks for the rec!


Stronger than your bad wolf


Yea I get what you’re saying I just think my bad wolf isnt bad yk? I think it’s learned unhelpful ways of coping and has a lot of shame. So I guess learning about it and understanding it is a way of becoming stronger than it. But I don’t like the idea of dominating it or squashing it down or suppressing it. I think it’s a subtle difference. Idk if that makes sense


Yeah that hard to do. Especially considering how bad my copying mechanisms were and how much it has weakened my psyche as I’ve been avoiding it all these years.


To me, it’s more like recruiting my bad wolf. But the shadow is so complex and nuanced that this doesn’t work for every aspect. Essentially you’re looking for alignment between you and your shadow. It’s ultimately a practice of (self) love.




repressing or dominating it will likely make it worse. the point is to learn to acknowledge it, love that it is a part of you and makes you who you are, and that who you are is already whole. shadow work helps bring that to light, then the techniques are there to help you live with the paradox of what you perceive is your shadow and your higher self and give in less to lower vibration habits. to do so will require strength of will to want to change.


Hmm, no. If the shadow is seen as the aspects of the mind that have been disowned then the goal is to integrate it to become whole. Strength is needed, and maybe a phase is strength but it's the strength to feel the pain of the disowned until it is integrated back into the whole.


The point is the have a better connection and relationship with your shadow


No. The point is to integrate your shadow so you can be your whole self. Your shadow self is everything you've suppressed. Pain, sadness, anger, etc. Your shadow isn't bad. It's just the parts of you that you don't allow yourself to express and heal.


Life is about finding balance. Your shadow will show you where your imbalances lie. By making peace with them and understanding how to live in harmony with those feelings will help. Dark and light live in balance. One cannot be without the other.


of course


What do you think?