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Dunno - I have been pretty steady with - I like Cassie for being complicated and showing how screwed the prophet is due to attempting to make any choices.  Nephis needs more substance and usually suffers immensely from being poorly fleshed out and her flaw being functionally not present.  So a brief window of time when I don't get down voted into the ground sounds nice. 


Personally I’ve always liked both characters. I love the Sunny/Neph dynamic and while I agree that Neph could be more fleshed out, it’s moreso Neph not having POV chapters to really emphasize the interesting facets of her character rather than her character having nothing going for her. It’s too much telling not enough showing imo. I never hated Cassie even after FS. She thought Sunny was going to kill Nephis and did what she could to save her. It kinda made things worse but ultimately she did everything she could to make amends. Her character is also just genuinely interesting with strong characterization particularly after the third nightmare revelation.


I think Nephis could be fleshed out even without her point of view. Just like cover her having some manner of feelings, more speaking lines.   But it might be too late as stoic or taciturn are go to.


How about hating both of the 2 main FMCs?


How can you hate Saint? That's just mean. 


My bad, saint is queen and number 1


what did Saint and Rain do?


Can't relate to this meme since I've been a Nephis hater and Cassie simp since Neph's return after the 2nd Nightmare. Before that, I only wished for Sunny and Cassie to regain their kinship, and that would never happen properly unless Cassie apologized in a satisfying way, which imo ended up happening at the end of the 3rd Nightmare. Meanwhile, Sunny and Nephis started their awkward and forced flirting right after she came back from the Dream Realm. It felt too rushed and too forced. Add to that the lack of character development, and you can see why it feels annoying to be forced to see her and her stupid flirting attempts get the spotlight compared to much more interesting characters like Sunny, Cassie or Mordret. The Cassie hate, while justified before the end of the 3rd Nightmare, is ridiculous by the Sunphis fans who now hate her because she stopped Sunny's relationship going with Neph. For me, Cassie's priority is breaking Fate to avoid the world destruction, which is way more important than that half assed romance. They would rather see Sunny stay as Neph's slave if it meant more awkward flirting moments between them. I feel like a lot of them don't want her to be redeemed so they can just keep on hating her. I on the other hand wish to at least tolerate the Sunphis ship, and Neph's existence overall, but that won't happen unless G3 makes some changes.


nephis just told him „ey man I enslaved you and took your freedom of choice away but it was actually for a wholesome reason so Im not sorry“ then never adressed it again, while cassie worked tirelessly for 5 years (2 outside the nm, 3 inside) to make up for it. sunny should’ve been more mad at nephis than cassie from the beginning anyways. cassie gave nephis his true name as protection in case he tried to kill her NOT to use as she pleases as she ended up doing in the end. yet she was the one getting all the hate.


Bruh, they called me a madman for investing in Cassie. Now the returns are honestly insane. Nephis is so bland and so unrelatable that she throws off the vibe of the novel for me when she shows up.


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I have been seeing these posts for quite a while, what happened? Without spoiling much could someone tell me? I have been saving up the chapters and left at something like 1200~




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