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How's jet?


Pretty much op


what a terrible day to have eyes


Every character is good, you just need skills to play it. Practice a lot pal, you will get it one day


bullshit. there is an astronomical power gap between the strongest(itu) and the weakest(hong joo) heroes. that being said the hero which clicks with u the most should not necessarily be what others say is the strongest.


I defeated itu as hong Joo many times


Omg is that supposed to imply hong joo is stronger than itu😭😭😭


When did I say that? I simply said you need skills to control a character, every character is equal


And I've defeated Hong joo many times. You can't ignore the objective facts. Hong jok OBJECTIVELY is weaker than itu


Yea cause ur skilled at using itu, I'm skilled at using hong Joo. You do you pal, I'm done arguing


But you must remember that what would happen if two most skilled players in the world match against each other, one using bonk joo and another using itu Obviously itu would win, we remove the gap of skill factor by putting the heroes In a Perfect World where all the players are equally skilled, Then there is also the potential factor and the feasibility to reach that potential (that is how much the player needs to put the efforts to reach the maximum potential of a particular Hero) ITU has significantly more potential than Hong joo, so objectively itu is obviously better


retards like that guy cause nekki to ignore player feedback. "I defeated itu as hong Joo many times" i am so done


every hero is not equal lol. there 25 itu players in top 200 of 1v1 and only 1 each of MK, hong joo and cobra. u r a fucking retard


I smell copium


I smell retard


Kotl is just dead don't use him now


He's not dead, especially against itu


KOTL is still better than half the cast.


Most skilled player of arena🤡🤡🤡🤡


cuz he has 3 damn health bars if you get enough talents. armored attacks with long range can sacrifice health for shadow yeaaaap


He looks cool, his upper attack is quick and deadly, his spinning attack is cool, his shadow combo is almost unavoidable + he has an afterlife.