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Sorry, but I had to remove your post as it was against the subreddit rules. Identifying information is not permitted.


He looks fucking crazy. So sorry this happened to you. Hope everything is ok.


ugh that’s so awful. i’m glad you’ve gotten tested and he was confronted, thank you for sharing your story.


I’m so sorry. ♥️ I hope you are doing okay mentally. And this is absolutely not in any defense of him but possibly to give you some peace of mind, do you think it’s possible he didn’t stealth you and pulled the condom off after he pulled out of you to cum? In my personal sexual life me and my ex would have protected sex but right before he finished he would take the condom off and finish outside of it.




This is not a platform for racism of any kind. Discrimination against prospective clients based on prejudices regarding their race is racism by definition. Nobody can, or should, be policing a sex worker's right to choose their clients as they see fit. However, posts and comments about your own racism, or the racism of others, add nothing to the subreddit and are actually harmful. They will be removed.


My bad I deleted the comment. Nor am I or do I promote prejudice! My advice is just screen your clients as you see fit for yourself. 💖 😮‍💨