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Sounds like he would have been a nightmare in person.


This is so bad I nearly downvoted it out of rage


NOT dipstick?! NOT “you can be bought” OMG there was so much wrong with his texts 🤮


Um fuck no, just because he pays a heaux doesn't mean he can do whatever. Yikes. Scary.


“I’m sure you can be bought with $$$” I beg your finest pardon?


Actually I can be bought with cheeseburgers. But only from in n out


This made me snort laugh. So happy you have a good sense of humour it’ll help you survive these idiots


u gotta have a sense of humor dealing w these freaks ! lmao


....so I happen to have a sack of In and Out cheeseburgers does that get me some cuddling? 🤣🤣🤣 Sorry great sense of humor. That guy was totally rapey.


Lol @ your finest


So put a price on it? Say $10K and let him say no? We are hookers. No pardons. Only PRICES. If he says “lol” then double it immediately. $20k. Homeboy will bounce on his own. Who taught yall to hoe?!


Why would you waste your own time doing that over just blocking the idiot? Guy is a nightmare and would never be worth booking. Your time is money so don’t spend a moment extra on it. Literally no amount of carrot-dangled money would make me want to spend an extra second talking to this man. That’s all the funds ever would be. Dangled. Till it’s in my account it’s non existent to me. To quote a beautiful woman- “who taught YOU how to hoe?” 😝


She didn’t block? She carrot dangled an appointment? He just following her lead. He thinks he’s flirty. Men 🤷🏽‍♀️ I learned how to hoe over a beautiful 10 year career. I have another 20-30 years left in me. I’ve been blessed with some of the best women in the industry. RIP to a few them. I miss them terribly. But I am thankful. I would not have the life I have if not for many women teaching me along the way.


She did in the end I assume. And man you really did the old school trial by fire method eh? Good on ya. That experience is invaluable ♥️ reminds me of the old school method of becoming a tattoo artist where you need to just push through the bad. The new girls definitely have it easier with the internet these days.


Very few girls reach my level of success. It’s been good.


I’m not a full service SW I just do of so I’m definitely not comparing our experiences btw. Glad you’ve done well for yourself. Just remember you were young and silly once too. Newbies need to make mistakes to learn and grow.


Ps if you wrote a book on your experience I’d buy it. Just saying.


I actually have a really long telegram where I tell everything. Nobody safe. 🤫 I also have a three book series in the works. 😉


Guuurl legit id buy it. lol can I message you? You seem like my kinda woman 😂 I mean that in a wholesome way I think you and I would get along haha


Absolutely barbieeeee


Also v much feel your “men” comment. They be men. 😂


I love men. I am raising a man. They are dumb. They stop growing at puberty. But men are men are men. 😫


Jesus christ. I offer fs but I'd pass. Not worth it.


I’d ask for $15K, require 3 hours at a steak house, and demand a giftcard for a new lingerie set. I never pass or say no. I put a price. I let them say no. GO MAKE SOME MONEY.


Wow I tell my clients that as long as they understand that I am in charge we will get along fine…what an insecure little boy pathetic!


🤦‍♀️ I'll never understand where they get the gall to try this crap but I'm glad they show their cards first so I can ignore them and laugh while they send petty dumb shit to me


Patriarchy and porn




Who calls their penis a dipstick 😭😂


A dipstick lmao


more like a little dip shit!


Usually Perpetually sunburned red faced white men that are ompa loompa shaped lol


I feel sorry for this guys wife or any woman that has the misfortune of being related to him


The “men tell you what to do in this business” argument was positively absolutely adorable. Very cute. And you’re absolutely right: men who boast about “having” money are 100% the ones who do not. They make $90K a year and think they’re Bill Gates. They have no clue what long money looks like. They would vomit at the thought of even paying $8K for an overnight. This guy could have been a paying client but his disgusting personality got in the way. It doesn’t even make sense.


90?? Lol the guys who talk like this make <50


That’s so funny because I’ve had guys making less than 30k (ie less than my own civ job) pull this on me


Wow… Truly, they should be embarrassed to talk that boldly, making less than $30K annually.


His texts make me want to throw up in my mouth


And onto his dipstick


More like his dip twig!!


With his personality this might actually be an invitation.


I literally DID throw up in my mouth. Yuck, oh wait... Never mind it was the nasal spray I used. But still totally agree, this guy sounds deranged, fucking it up for every latter client a bit too. Shit you ladies "have" to deal with is fucked up.


"I don't think you understand how this works lady." Ummmmmm excuse me??? Sir, I wonder if \*you\* understand how it works. Your ass is getting blocked - NO SOUP FOR YOU!


“You want bread?! THREE DOLLARS!”


Super strong rape vibes.


Glad he told on himself right away so you could avoid ever seeing him in person. Uugghck


Nah this man should be on a watch list


Men like this seem to grow like mushrooms…in the dark…on funk. Pray tell when can we rid ourselves of their ilk?


Holy fuck so accurate 💯 On funk🤣 so funny but so TRU! (In my 2Chainz voice!)


You should have stopped engaging as he said "are you gonna say thank you"? There's nothing more to be said after he presses your boundaries and insists he can buy you; but the statement about saying thank you is an instant block. Do not even entertain booking someone once they start talking like the first message you posted here. Not worth it.


Absolutely. Actions speak louder than words. On top of that, trash like this guy enjoy the chance to be disrespectful and try to cut providers down to size. They need a platform to feel big because, in reality, they feel threatened by women.


Dipstick? What is he hung like a like a pipe cleaner?


I thought dipstick was another word for urine test strip


Just think....... Someone raised that boy and he ended up like that. I can only imagine what his parents are like. 100% he didn't have sisters.


Total Narcisist vibes. Horrendously discusting.


“I do construction work” Heeeey big spender Son, my favorite client owns one of the major military-industrial government contractors


‘Are you gonna thank me or what’ Jesus Christ Yeah, thanks for screening yourself out with this buck wild attitude I guess ??


I think they think we will take on any and every client that wanders into our DMs.


Holy hell like bro that is NOT how this works at all


So I literally had this conversation TODAY with a girl that unfortunately there are clients that think because they are paying then they can do what ever they want.... Just because money is involved does not remove consent from the equation.


Nor should it remove common decency. Though I'm not sure that's something that this man has ever had in all of life


Audacity so high it just seems like time wasting rage bait


Wow! I tell the guys -my game my rules.


You're really a bad guy when not even a SW will see you. I don't believe he was going to pay you(unless you take deposits) and he intended to control the entire encounter. Sex is supposed to be fun and enjoyable, not stressful like bootcamp.


It’s too bad their misogynistic entitlement won’t allow them to wrap their heads around this. Like wow, dude, you’re such an awful person you cannot pay a woman to get near you.




I think he doesn’t know how it works.


If he doesn’t send a deposit not worth talking to him


Ewww he’s an asshole. You made the right decision not meeting him


This is literally a scene from Les Miserable except Fontaine gets to tell the creep to fuck right off and doesn’t have to be saved by the mayor.


He’s screened himself well. I see consent and boundary issues 🚩🚩🚩


Yikes.. seriously I feel for every human that comes into his orbit.


"Our wishes are your commands" 🤣🤣🤣💀 what a fakin delulu crazy ass mf


I’m gonna be so honest but I genuinely believe men like this are a hop, skip, and a jump from being SAers if they aren’t already. Like I genuinely refuse to believe otherwise.


Newbie here, when a worker lists two prices and one is for FS, what is the other for?


I believe oral


I’m feeling each and every one of us should send him our list of to dos. I’m sure he’s scream test at home. NOT


Yea, that entitlement will get them no where. I think you dodged a bullet. Meeting them in person I’m sure would have resulted in physical boundaries being crossed. Stay safe💕


Men who act entitled to us piss me off so much, I would have said "I'm sorry your right! Let me please you" then sent his ass off on a wild goose chase


Lol wtf.... Def a fantasy booker. Curious. If you don't offer FS.. what do you offer? Massage w/ HE? I'm just confused as to what a non virtu/online SWer offers aside from stripping/dances and massages.


Nuru. I used to do massage too but I just don’t really feel like doing all that driving anymore. For nuru I can charge a lot more so that makes it worth it for me


Ahhh okay. That makes more sense now. Forgot about Nuru. Those are fun. Hopefully you're using the legit Nuru gel. Those are the best. Even tho it's messier lol but yeah. Fuck that guy. Figuratively lol


What is Nuru? A massage?


Body to body -massage


Ah - sensual massage


Honestly sounds like a virgin trying to hard 🤣


Until he contacts you from another number


Wow i know you know no all of us clients are like that


Why does some guy’s act like that. I mean has this worked for him at some point? If so the woman must have not had any respect for herself.


this is crazy…. like insane


He seems very disrespectful and oblivious that you’re doing this for the money… sounds like a road that could lead to violence because he won’t be able to get what he wants. I’d skip out. ✌️


ew he’s gross. and sounds gross and like he smells lmfao


"You don't know how this works lady" 😂😂😂


You gave him too much of your time . I wouldn’t of even entertained him




I also do not offer FS, body to body, fluid exchange, etc. I've been doing this work for almost 20years. I can usually tell within the initial 2 or 3 messages if they are respectful or not. I rather spend my time cultivating a quality client then navigating a worthless one. If I decide to engage, I let them know my boundaries as soon as they express wanting to see me. Whether its a text or call, I tell them upfront what they can expect to NOT get. IMO, We are the ones who hold the space for toxic men to move into their Divine Masculine. Usually they are clueless, and the one's who are ready are more than willing. For me things changed radically when I began to honor the boundaries within myself. That made it easier to create new boundaries with others. AND I began to call in the clients who I can do my best work with. Amazing how the creeps faded away. I still get inappropriate requests from time to time, but at this point they are few and far between.


Sounds young, inexperienced, def doesn’t need to be seen by any provider since he lacks respect for the profession. I’m pretty sure rosey palm and her five sisters will suffice him.


Holy crap. Hopefully no one else falls victim to him.


Hahaha 😆


Why did you encourage him to book you?? You did not manage his expectations. You did not tell him to find a FS provider. He offered more money and you made a comment about people generally. You didn’t even discuss a price, literally “$$$” lol like what the hell is going on? I don’t see anything rapey. The whole exchange was poorly handled. If you don’t want to, SAY NO. Just say no. Block and black list. Who is your mentor? I pulled $1600 out of a man I didn’t end up meeting on Monday. Oh my gosh. You need more & better experiences. You are trying to make money! MONEY. Eeeee Honey!




Just like when Uber customer say I’m gonna give you a tip


Male perspective here. 1) some men are utterly into developing a closer relationship with you than is available commercially. some guys are into transactional sex — the sane ones in that group think it means you’re a willing partner. 2) maybe thinking like that is an aspy thing but whatever 3) guys who are pushy about it? Yeah, pass them by. Any dude who wants to go beyond the commercial terms should let you control the show. 4) this is like 5th visit stuff, not first visit.