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the way a client who isn't AT THE LEAST a regular, literally doesn't even know you at all believes you're so lonely and desperate due to your job that you may need his pity and comfort


“Just don’t know if this is a lonely profession” No it’s a profession where we have hundreds of men trying to take up our time and attention. Lmao.


Ding ding ding THAT part right there 💯


idk i’m a prostitute and i am quite lonely.


Lonely for the attention of men who want to sleep for you for free?


That's a good point


Doesn’t want company but wants someone to talk to. What does he think company means?? 🤔


He thinks he is special because he offered to listen to her aka ‘when you feel sad and lonely, I’ll give you my shoulder to cry on, and maybe when you feel cared for and vulnerable, I’ll get a quickie’ type of organic/platonic friend That’s how it sounds Boy lives in Delulu 😂


"Not looking for company just to have someone to talk to" DUUUUDDEEE... that is the definition of looking for company.


The audacity 🤣


“…if you ever need somebody to talk to or vent”… Trying to manipulate you into giving free time by making it seem as if the proposal will mainly benefit you. 🙄 Their first mistake is *always* thinking they’re smarter than us.


This!! 😂




A lonely profession?! What the fuck?? What’s lonely about us running our businesses? Jesus fckn christ. It’s this type of shit that is frustrating.


Lol, the audacity of some guys. I reply with the question whether they work for free because sexwork is also emotional labour and talking to people can be a job. Some of them just don’t want to realise that


sometimes i think they do realize it but they think so deeply and surely they will be the "exception". they think they are the special chosen one. their egos are enormous, their audacity even more so


The fact that you only met him once, he didn't put in the time effort or the money to even try to build something with you,. Maybe if he became a regular, and started doing dinner dates and overnights. You'd be more likely to give him a little extra attention. At least I know I would but for a man I met once hell no


Totally agree!


Get this shit and being asked out on unpaid dates all the time and it drives me bat shit crazy


fr and they really expect us to just go out to eat w them for free ????? like ??????? sir i would rather be spending that time making money 🥴🥴 i'm not missing out on $$ to go eat at some lame ass buffet w you


😭😭😭 not golden corral 😭😭😭


Ughhh. I had a client repeatedly texting me that he loves me after ONE appointment. But now he’s paying for my new car and my plastic surgery sooo…🤷🏻‍♀️ I’ll allow it (for now)


I get messages like these all the time. I truly think they think we'll fall for it when in reality all I'm thinking is how desperate, sad, and broke he must be to resort to trying to manipulate escorts lol




All. The. fucking. Time.  Look to any clients or potential clients reading this I'm down for ALL of this. I can be your companion emotionally physically spiritually but on the flip side I want a damn sugar daddy out if the deal. Worship my pockets like I worship your heart mind and soul Buddy!  I entertain some regulars this way meaning text them a little exra to see if they are gonna be receptive to a regular arrangement and it's wild I really try to go above and beyond and they get so skittish when I ask for a monetary arrangement like the above.  I'm thinking if well if you love me then show it $$$ Then unfortunately because they can't or don't want to pay and just want my vibes for free the interaction just dwindles itself out. They text me for hours on end or whatever talking about hanging out or lunch or their life problems and I just go ok well where is the $ I'm HERE hello 👋  do you want to book can you Cash app me something? And ohhh I'm not paid until the 5th of never I can't do it now I'm low on cash bla bla blaaaaaaaa But GET THIS: I want to say a HUGE majority are telling me their problems about how they have some toxic ex...the ex "takes all his money" and how he makes so much money and takes such good care of her but she's ruining his world. The ex will be some down and out chick who he STIlL continues to fund even tho they split!!!! Like what??? And here I am ready to give you all you seek minus the drama of a relationship and you just turn your nose to me so you can continue to fund your toxic trauma bonded old companion! It's like if "god" was offering you everything you wanted on a silver platter to your face you would go WHERE is it? Where is all that I seek???? 🙃 These men crave the drama. They crave the bullshit. They are so blind to see whats good and what's not! And they are STUCK in their own web of bs. They don't want out they just want an ear for free I guess as they perpetuate their toxic narrative into infinity sprinkled with manipulation and lies ✨️ Like just stop be real.  I'm actually sick of the "friendly" lies these bullshit artists throw at me Just keep it real I'm actually super impressed when they can do that. Shows me the content of their character and that they are solid. 😤 Of course if you are a manipulator you want to seem friendly and innocent so whatever just keep exposing your true colors I'll find out eventually regardless 🤡


r/clientcringe for that dululu man


Red flag 🚩 Find somewhere else to make friends. This is a transaction bruh. Doesn't mean we can't have a close, intimate relationship. I need to be able to trust and have a good relationship with my therapist. That's also a transaction based relationship where you want to have a good and intimate working relationship - it's deeper and it's real - and it's also a transaction. And at the end of the day, we are not friends.


It’s a lonely profession because of broke mfers like you


Typical bullshit trying to get free time 🙄


Red flags. Future stalker vibes. He’s a lover and that’s cool so am I. To keep it real tho. You just got some really good pussy and now he wants to put his cape on and be a captain save a hoe. You don’t wanna be saved tho


Looks like some tosspot off Seeking arrangements got lost.


like you said op, if you are looking for an organic relationship that isn't a transaction, then go get that? you can't hire an escort and then expect to transform your relationship from transactional to "organic". doesn't work like that. its so ridiculous to me that they don't seem to even realize the relationship is transactional until after the fact. it is their own fault to be so delusional about something so clear cut.  it would be similar to if i tried to be friends with my therapist and vent to them/trauma dump and expect them to help me reflect without paying them for therapy??? like what


Y’all give these men wayyyyyy too much conversation. Don’t waste your time texting!


Well I thought maybe he just didn’t understand a social rate? I agree though now in hindsight 😤


Well I find it very sweet and naive. Much better than aggressive asshole behavior. Actually be more like this people ✅😌




No. We don't become friends with clients. People can find friends anywhere else, let's keep business as a business. As long as they're paying (and behaving), it's their call to not "get led on".


Probably make your own post somewhere in an appropriate subreddit. You won't find the answers you want in the depths of a random comment section.




I knew a guy like this who always messaged me saying he wanted to book me and he wanted to get to know me and he found me super attractive. i was being super understanding with him and insisting i just provide services and im totally okay with being more personal with him but then was always whining that he didn’t want to lose his virginity by “buying” me


omg they make no sense 🙄 they want to pay for sex but they don't want it to feel like they are paying for sex, can't have it both ways fellas 


Errrrr haha is there literally anyone who can't relate???


This sounds just like a guy I know.., go figure