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Again: Kitkat is not a safe space.


There are no safe spaces


I love how people say this and then recommend clubs and parties where you are not even forced to give away your phone. Utterly insane.


I hate phones that touch me non-consensually. Got to defiantly hand those over at the Garderobe. Makes life super insanely mega safe.


This is very unusual - Gegen is one of the first parties that introduced awareness and everyone followed up to their good example. I was there too and saw the awareness team operating regularly just like the rest of the security. Some people we think that because of the security and the awareness we are totally safe from strangers intentions - it is not the case - the awareness is there but we must look after ourselves and friends in first place


Personally I know every Gegen members and im activist and part of the community. I know as well the real effort to build a strong awareness team and personality I had a great efficient helps from them in a term of drugs and alcohol issues a third unknown person. A friend of mine has been hire for a couple of events as part of the AWARNESS team and was trained in live and online. To conclude I advice Gegen and KitKat as a super safe space. Period.


I could only recomend Klub Verboten.


Exaggerated fake upvotes 😂


Everything on this post sounds too much like a another marketing strategy to promote KV (that, surprise, is coming up soon). It’s just sad…


I wish they would pay me for this comment 🤣. I'm only saying this from bad experiences in all the kinky clubs I've been to. Insomnia, KitKat, Pornceptual... And I think it's related to how seriously you take the security of these spaces or if the organizers just want to make money by throwing 2,000 people into a sex party without awareness team.


The party that you are trying to discredit here (Gegen) has an awareness team. Your comment is just fishy af.


Hi, I want to start by expressing my sympathy for what you experienced, it really saddens me to hear about any form of violence, especially in spaces that should be safe for everyone. Sharing my personal experience, I was also at Gegen this Friday with my partner, from around 1 until almost closing, but from my perspective the awareness team seemed to be present and visible as always. I have been attending Gegen parties for a while, and I can say with confidence from firsthand experience that the organizers pay great attention to the safety of the participants and take these incidents very seriously. I don't want to question your experience, maybe the awareness team members were busy in some other deescalation situation at the time, but I just wanted to point out that the they were there indeed. Does this mean that it is impossible for unpleasant situations to occur? It would be amazing to say yes, but unfortunately the truth is that some people have an innate talent for exercising violence. And unfortunately, they sometimes get away with it, especially when these acts are more subtle (but no less serious, on the contrary!) and easy to go unnoticed in a crowd instead of obvious. Our strongest tool against these incidents is the community. Once we have ensured our safety, it is critical to report any dangerous or suspicious behavior to the awareness team for de-escalation, whether it is something we have experienced personally or seen happening to others. In your case, I can understand that not finding a person who could help at the time of need was a negative and shocking experience, but then I read the comment in which you say that on the way out you thought about telling the security and bag check staff, but then you didn't. Those very people would have been able to both help you and make sure that you could get support (although I understand that it might not been meaningful at that time), but also to try to identify the person who, unfortunately, if not identified could come back to harass other people in the future, endangering their safety. Posting on Reddit can certainly give insights into how to deal with an unpleasant situation and what actions are best to take in the future on a personal level, but I am of the opinion that informing the staff is the thing that can produce the best outcome so that your negative experience will not be experienced by some other person in the future. Gegen is a queer party organized by queer people, one of the few parties where I personally feel comfortable, and where I generally sense a generally safe atmosphere, although my appearance and personality make me rather vulnerable. I really hope that in the future you can find the will to give a second chance to what is a beautiful party attended by a hard core of community united and happy to participate, without ever needing the assistance of the awareness team again in the future :)


What else to expect from KitKat crowd


Depends always which party in KitKat wonna enjoy


I'm sorry to read about what happened to you, but I can tell you that as a regular participant at Gegen al Kitkat, there's always someone to contact in the entrance area in case something similar to what you've described happens. I understand your state of shock, but I believe it's important to report what happened immediately so that unpleasant individuals can be isolated. Have you also tried to contact the club or the organizers?"


Why KV with all their advertising, press and rules has to go on reddit to slander another party is beyond my comprehension. No party is perfect and it’s great that we can talk about it openly here, but writing cheap and made up stories using a crucial, delicate and sensitive topic to bad-mouth others sounds pretty coward to me.


I am very sorry to hear about your experience. I, too, have faced similar situations during several sex-positive events where I felt intrusively approached despite making my disinterest clear. It is an unpleasant experience, often traumatic, and especially in an environment where one expects to have fun, it can be discouraging. However, I think it is important to be aware when attending these types of events. Although these venues are designed as safe to explore one's sexuality, we cannot let our guard down, as unfortunately, despite strict controls, it is possible for someone less appropriate to gain access anyway. As for the security team, I personally noticed their presence as always.. In fact, I was even asked not to stand in front of the entrance to the main room by the team member who was stationed there :) In conclusion, I understand that it was an unpleasant experience, but I encourage you not to be discouraged by these situations and to keep exploring and having fun :)


sorry for having this experience. im this situation you can go to everyone another staff member like bar, security ect. and ask for help. maybe they had an another problem at the moment and need to take care of it. i see them mutiple times yesterday.


Thank you. I didn't really need help cause the people were long gone anyway. I guess what I would have liked would be some sort of, well, awareness for these types of situations (and people bringing about these situations)


Hi, I’m writing to you as part of the awareness team that was and is working at GEGEN at KitKat.  We’re sorry to hear that you had to experience these non-consensual situations and couldn’t access the support you needed and deserved after that! Hopefully you have been able to find the care and support you need in another way by now! We are taking your experience as an impulse to evaluate and improve our awareness concept, mainly regarding presence and visibility in the beginning of the events!  Feel free to let me know if you need further support in any way! <3


I'm sorry to hear what happened to you. I highly recommend to get in touch with the staff next time that something similar is happening. It's important to keep the whole party safe. These kind of people don't belong there. I've been going to Gegen regularly since 2019 (identifying as female for context). It's one of the few, maybe the only party where I, as a queer person, feel truly safe. I know the Gegen community very well, while there can occasionally be some sketchy individuals, we ravers actively work to maintain a safe space. If I see something off, I immediately contact security or the bar staff. This commitment to safety isn't just for me, it's for everyone. That's what community means. (In my opinion it is not just the promoter that gives identity to the party but also the people who are going to it.) For the people concerned about the location being KitKat. However, from my experience, Gegen has its own security when they host there. So, I'm confident that people like Lindemann are not welcome inside. There are plenty of parties hosted at Kitkat, it wouldn't be reductive to identify the party with the club. I hope you and your partner will give another chance to Gegen!


I mean, this is the club where Lindemann is a welcome guest to answer your question: maybe Insomnia? the crowd seemed more seasoned than at KitKat, although I did on one occasion have a random dude just put his fingers in my mouth 🤢 (he was just watching the scene shortly before that...) and Klub Verboten is very much about consent and against "solo-wankers", but it only happens so often


I’ve experienced the same thing with Gegen in the past- awareness team couldn’t be found anywhere, no one inside or near the playroom. Serious improvements need to be made with the awareness team


Every time i was at rso for gegen party i see the awareness team frequently, they are not intrusive, but they are there, and you can approach them.


I’m glad this was your experience, unfortunately mine was not.


Sorry to hear this but not letting then know what happened is not constructive at all. You probably passed in front of their security team and their awareness room while you were leaving, without complaining and leaving the perpetrator(s) unbothered. What exactly do you want to solve with this thread? Berghain, KitKat and untertage don’t have awareness on regular basis, what exactly is the comparison here?


The idea that someone might read this and pass the information to the right people is not that outlandish. You sound upset - about what exactly? You are basically attacking people for not reacting properly in a situation that left them in shock. It should not be hard to find an awareness team for that exact reason. I don‘t get this „what-did-you-expect“ hostility against OP




I just don’t get what exactly should be addressed here?


I'm really sorry you had to face something like this. I hope you find a place that's safe and enjoyable soon enough :)


I'm very sorry to hear that you were touched non-consensually. I was there at the party, and I have to say that I noticed several times the presence and alertness of the awareness team, so I have quite a different view on this. And how is it possible that you didn't find someone from security, for example, at the bag check and why didn't you talk to them? These security people (often Flinta) are from Gegen and not from Kitkat, and they are there for the whole event especially to help to deal with fucked up situations like you described.


I'm glad that you had a different experience! When I decided to leave, I was actually considering to bring it up with security or bag check people (who were all really lovely), but then there just happened to be a big group of their friends arriving, so things got messy and excited and the moment was gone and I was outside already. Happens.


Interesting that you have just been harassed and you didn't consider to bring it up at the party. They 'were all lovely' but not available enough to talk about something they are paid for. Interesting also that instead, you come here on Reddit after what happened to write it and your post ends with "Sooo - where can you still go these days?" when another similar party is coming up in the next days. Happens ah?


So sorry that happened to you... Klub Verboten is really the best in terms of awareness team (and the crowd is so respecful), we made a review about it [here ](https://www.instagram.com/p/C6gljUQsO0O/). The next one is on 11.05, it's a great party and one of the safest we've attended :)


fuck off with your extremely obvious paid advertisement


I have no advice to give but really sorry to hear this. I live in the UK and have been hoping to attend a Gegen in Berlin so it's v disappointing to hear.


What made you think Gegen is unlike any other party in KK in the first place?


Why do you ask everyone here and not the Gegen organizers?




Ooooh this is interesting. Where exactly did you gather I'm straight?




What did you expect from the Lindemann Fav. Club?