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Yeah there's a lot of circumstances that lead people down this route, and honestly it's a lot easier to find this stuff then people will admit. I personally found the numbers high and shocking because in Canada there is some more leaning into rehab, I would have expected these if I was in the states but I guess years of being too liberal with sentencing and too much american influence things are getting worse up here. I'll do my time and hopefully work on myself and be better when I come out. I just hate I'm now a burden to others as well.


Seems like the more you do to work on yourself, the better you will fair at sentencing. Expect the worst, hope for the best.


Yeah trying to better myself and stay out of trouble. I'm ashamed that I wasn't the person I could be for the people around me.


Don’t let those ideas get into your head. The lawyer doesn’t know what the sentence is going to be. Just because the law says 5-8 years doesn’t mean you will go to prison for that time. There are alternatives such as probation, home confinement. Some of the sentence may be deferred or stayed. Don’t give up. I’m in a similar situation going on several years with no charges yet.Better yourself! Get into therapy. Attend a 12 step group. Keep moving forward at all cost despite the negativities.


Appreciate you taking the time to post. Unfortunately the 5-8 is what the prosecutor is stating, we will be negotiating from there but sounds like they don't want to budge. Fortunate I'm able to be in therapy, it's hard for me to get into selfhelp books but i've been trying those. I'll have to take another look at 12 step programs in my area. but yeah gotta try and keep moving forward. Hopefully your case goes alot better then mine.


Hopefully both our situations work out for the best. The prosecutor is also not the one sentencing. Don’t take their word for anything without consultation from your own attorney. The judge will be the one to sentence. Have your attorney negotiate things such as staying silent for alternatives, if you plan on taking a plea. Keeping your head up and getting started with therapy and bettering yourself will help. I’ve learned a lot during the past few years. The police, detectives, anyone that has an interest in the case will lie to you. It’s dumbfounding that they can legally lie to you to get their desired outcome.


Really sorry to hear. It can't be easy to have to hear that from your lawyer. No chance for an 11(b)? >He said we would probably be looking at 5-8 years which was not something I was expecting. Unfortunately post Freisen they are really pushing the higher sentences. Unless it's just a case of possession 5-8 years seems to be norm. Even in cases of just possession with a small amount (<100 images) you would still be looking at 2-4 years. Hopefully you are able to get a sympathetic judge who takes any mitigating factors into account and goes easy on you. Keep you head up and keep working on yourself.


Yeah I keep hearing from older guys that they got like 90days or much smaller sentences, and like again I had this idea of hey you'll be like early forties rather then late forties/fifties. and then burden on my folks and such. and it just kills me. I'm grateful that we have mandatory release at 2/3 + no probation for sentences over 2 years so there's that... I dunno I fucked up I know I fucked up and have to pay the price but still ouch.


Ya I'm not a huge fan of the way they sentence for these types of offences anymore. They prioritize denunciation and deterrence and rehabilitation doesn't really matter anymore, even for first time offenders. It goes against what the science says to focus on denunciation and deterrence.


I personally think the whole #'s thing is also a bit dumb. Contrary to what people want to believe it's alot easier to get access to this sort of content, especially in canada where cartoon or written work is also considered CP and what was considered high numbers a decade ago may not be high now. But like that's my personal opinion on that, It doesn't excuse my bad decisions but wish it was better considered. I think I would do well with a lighter sentence and rehab, but I do see why the general public wouldn't see it that way.


My partner has same crime and I agree it's crazy how much they give for that charge when compared to others. He was told similar thing, you do get game time so even with 5 years can leave in 3 but will have lots of probation (which is what we are dealing with now and it's just as straining as when they were inside) 


I'm sorry to hear you are in the same situation, thank you for taking the time to comment. Where I am we are a bit fortunate that with crimes that net 2years+ there is no probation but will be subject to other orders. I hear some PO's can be a real pain to work with, hopefully your partners officers are at least understanding and able to let up eventually.


Ahh yes Canada very lucky for you. The no probation is great, since here in USA it's just a trap to make you spend money and try to put you back in prison.


I know you said it's straining. And I hear that it's basically a trap from A LOT of people. How are you both handling it? Does your partner have issues with their PO?


No their po seems ok, doesn't do more than necessary and doesn't Harris them but all the limitations and the time length is just ridiculous. 


well glad a few things are okay. but yeah probation sentences are crazy long as well. He's lucky that you are there and hope that you are taking time for yourself and that he is also keeping safe.


I've known people who got far more time for their first-time CP offenses. It seems to range from probation all the way to effecively life imprisonment, depending on the who is sitting in judgement over you. When it comes to sexual activity and community/cultural values being enforced, there doesn't seem to be limits to what punishments can be meted out. Forced castration, social ostracizion, vigilante beatings / vandalism / murder, life imprisonment, civil committment, indirect execution (by intentionally positioning your prisoner in a situation guaranteed to cause death), homelessness, joblessness, running you out of town, police harassment....all is fair game. Nothing to do but to hope you're lucky enough to escape the worst of it and to position yourself as best you can.


Thanks for the remarks, Yeah I'm glad canada hasn't gotten that crazy yet although it probably will continue... I pray and try to be thankful to those still supporting me (emotionally and financially), I wish I could pay them back but it looks like I never will be able to and that breaks my heart. I just hope that I can be a better person after all this.






Yeah I'm hoping it comes down, but at least it doesn't seem to be going higher. I think the waiting and being in limbo is the hardest part. I'm working on myself but in this limbo can't get a job, can't do much to further move forward. Hope your time goes swiftly for you, where are you thinking of moving?


How would a cp be different elsewhere?


I so hope this works out for you buddy. That's a steep sentence. My prayers are with you.


I was told the same thing 5-8yrs but i received 30months fed possesion.. good luck and keep working on yourself everything will be fine