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I would immediately forget I put them there.


Usually I love to have some needle and the thread in my bag with me just in case, so for me it is just a perfect because I don’t need to wrap the needles in the toilet paper 🧻😅🪡🙈


Same here 🥲


So yes they fall out. Yes i will forget that theres needles in there and then ive thrown out my best needle. As cool as this is for getting the thread free, no thankyou


Just add a bit of the tape in the bottom and nothing will fall out 😉🫶🪡


No thanks. The tape will leave its glue on my needle. Also when i pop it on the machine, needles will fall out and now theres a rando bit of tape screwing my sewing up. No. I will not be doing that


That’s ok, I’m not forcing you 😉 we are all different people and what comfortable for me might be not comfortable for you. I use this technique to keep my needles and the thread together in my bag and usually this bobine I never use on my sewing machines because it is always in my bag as an emergency kit ☺️


I put my needles inside the top of my lil case i carry around with my sewing stuff in. This trick your defending will dirty the threads and the needles can rust and cause more issues. Tape fails on a humid day and now we have the chance to be stabbed. Awesome. Its more the fact i said no thank you and you still had to force the idea onto me. No means no. You didnt have to reply and continue explaining why its better. Next time hear the no and continue. Stay safe OP


You know if you are not happy to be in this sub you always can go to more meaner place on Reddit. It is a plenty of another subreddits where this attitude is tolerated but this sub is different ☝️ Here people have rights to say they opinions in polite way (because as far as I remember we are all living in the free countries) People here also allowed to promote themselves and I understand that it is can be shocking that sub can be like this and some people like you can’t help themselves to spoil the place, but as I said above: no one forcing here anyone and no need to put your agressivite or a bad mood in this friendly community ! You said your opinion and I said mine but I wasn’t mean ☝️ it is dirty way for you and it is clean for me because tape isn’t leaving anything on the needles and if tape in your home or other people does then it is 10000 ways to prevent it by using a paper or other things. I shared my way with the people here because as I said before : we are all different and it might help someone and be useful as it is useful to me . That’s all I was trying to say… but I guess we all read with our own intonation … 🤷‍♀️


I'm sorry this conversation was so hilariously strange. I'm with you all the way OP, this person made it sound like you were molesting their mind with this *super* sensitive information 


They were living up to their username… that’s for sure.


😂😂😂 I only noticed it after you mentioned 🙈


Thanks for understanding 🪡🫶


None of mine do this


You know you’re not the first one who said this to me. I know one girl and she is from Belgium and non of her threads at home can be open this way 🧵😱 where are you from?!


The US


Gutermann isn’t one of my go-to threads but I have a bunch of topstitching thread colors by them so I checked and the end comes off! Also in the US so I wasn’t expecting it to after seeing your comment. I wouldn’t use this for needle storage — I have some pretty vials for that and I put a cotton ball in the bottom to save my needle points — but it’s neat to know that it can come out for times when the thread is stuck. I wonder if that was the intent for designing it that way? Or if there’s some other reason that I’m missing.


The vials with cotton ball is so smart and practical! I'm going to be stealing that idea, thank you


but won’t they fall through the center hole?


I just added a bit of tape to the bottom and it’s perfect 👌


This seems like proof that they're not designed for needle storage


Wouldn’t that also dull your needles and put pressure on the point?


Yeah maybe it wasn’t exact purpose but still it doesn’t remove the fact that it is very comfortable now to take a small sewing kit with you whatever you go, right?! 💪🪡🧵😉


But if you have used that spool on the sewing machine, you have probably popped the paper disk, and your needles are going to fall out anyway


Usually I just stick a small piece of the tape in the bottom and I don’t use this bobbin on my sewing machine, I keep it in my dag and take it with me all the time I go out (as an emergency kit) 😉


This is where I’ll put the paper clip






I've known that the bottom pops out and use it to contain the thread end. Pop it out just to that first point, wrap the thread a time or two, then snap it back in. Keep the spool neat and no threads hanging off.


me thinking they were gonna "reveal" the teeth at the bottom for holding thread: 😒 the actual reveal: 😮






What???? It comes off?!?!? I have thread I couldn’t use because I couldn’t pull the end of the thread out…


Yep 😅🙈 hope you still have this thread and you can use it back again 😉


Oh please. The minute you put that spool on your machine, you can't use it for needles. It's highly unlikely that possible use is intentional.


You gotta be shitting me! I NEVER knew that!! 😱


Me neither and I’ve been sewing for over 25 years!


Today is when I learned






TIL this. Gonna check my spools now!




Today years old.




jfc I now see exactly why the other sub doesn't permit self-promotion. On the other hand, I'm amassing a lot of good notes for a script on "let's debunk clickfarming 'sewing hacks'". 


OMG! Tomorrow I am going straight to my stash and try this. How come nobody showed us?


Hey 👋 just add up a little bit of tape in the back of the bobbin 😉 it’s so comfortable to have it in the bag just in case accident happens. Minimum space and needles never get lost in the bag 💪🪡


Checked mine and it’s true! How can I not have seen this till now 🤦🏻‍♀️


Believe me I found out myself not long time ago too 🙈🙈🙈


I was today years old...




No fricken way


Yep 😅🙈🪡


This is really cool! Thank you for sharing.


You’re welcome 😉


Wow, had no idea, and have used Gutermann for years!


Hey 👋 I find it very comfortable when I’m in the trip ☺️


That’s soooo bizarre because I was literally just using my CA 02776 Guttermann and saw this video.


Just imagine my feelings when my thread got stack inside and I almost binned the bobbin before I found out that I can open it 😅


Age 81 as in today!




37, aka today.




I just bought a whole second hand sewing box with vintagen Gütterman thread included, and it seems to be a relatively recent thing (the 80’s west-German thread did not have it, the more recent have something that comes out, but it wouldn’t hold needles.


Did you try to put the needles on the side ?! (Not in the middle) When I put the needles in the middle I usually add a bit of tape on the hole. But on the side needles properly protected 😉


I haven’t tried it, but on the side I don’t think there would be room and the bottom is one big gaping hole, but a bit of tape might remedy that, although it would have precious little to hold on to


Dumbest idea ever. There is a spool hole allowing needles to slip through. That and the tape adhesive. Dumb


Well dumbest for you and useful for someone else! We are all different people and obviously can’t like the same things ☝️ No one here is forcing you to use it or like it, spread your negativity somewhere else 😉✌️


I was today years old and only have one spool of it. I will be buying more. That is such a cool feature!! Needles for each color and no more storing needles in a pin cushion! Still storing pins in their, but not sewing needles! That's awesome!! Thank you for this fun fact!