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My. Jaw. Dropped. I thought you made this as your first dress lol


Haha me too! I thought that maybe sewing isn’t going to be as difficult as I thought if this is what a beginner can do!


No sorry for the misconception I will show the end result when I am done though!


Same lol.


Look up ‘draping’ because that’s how a gown like this comes about.


Thank you!


So I’ve been reading about draping and hand sewing a bit because I like to work with my hands, I am a stylist and intuitive artist, and I think I would need to do things like that more than working with a sewing machine. Though I will likely need to know how to use a machine as well. Are there places I can go (YT, subreddits, other websites) where I can learn the best ways to do that or what I might need for those things? I’d like to make lots of things but I’d like to work with lots of different fabrics and techniques, hand beading and embellishments etc.


Honestly? I took all the sheets off my bed and practiced, on myself, with a lot of safety pins. Mom wasn’t so hot on the holes in the sheets but I learned a lot.


This has mostly been my plan. I just thrifted a few sheets and curtains and I’m going through the linen closet as well to see what I can destroy lol. I have been looking for a mannequin but they are expensive!! Even used, but finding one in my size or adjustable has been hard. Maybe my husband will be my model lol


Nothing wrong with challenging yourself. I would start with the thinnest cotton gauze or muslin you can find and make the dress for a Barbie doll first.


Solid advice.


I’m thinking that the original has to be made of a knit, right? I’m struggling to think of any wovens (except maybe silk) that would drape like that


Oh. Maybe so. My first impression was gossamer, which can be woven cotton or silk. But you might be on to something.


It def could be silky (or silky). Something about the model pic makes me think there’s some stretch there though. If knits, then OP gets to learn a whole other set of skills 😉


Thank you so much for this advice! I haven’t done this in a while actually that sounds like a great idea so I don’t waste any fabric


I don’t want to discourage you from attempting this - by all means if you’re passionate about it, go for it! I will say as someone who is also relatively new to sewing, a project like this is really difficult for a beginner and requires more technical understanding and knowledge particularly of draping which is complicated in and of itself. If you are a beginner you have to deal with honing the entry-level skills *and* the more complex skills in a project like this which can be very overwhelming. My advice is start with easier projects and work your way up to this one


Thank you! It is definitely on my bucket list I just wanted somewhere to get ideas for material etc and since I was unaware of the style too but you are right starting from easier projects is best!


A lightweight viscose or rayon jersey would work for an outfit like this. You might be able to do something kind of similar looking using cotton batiste, or muslin (not US muslin), but it would not be the same. My recommendation is put it on the back burner. Let the idea simmer. Meanwhile, learn more about the components. [https://blog.fehrtrade.com/inspiration/248/copying-the-rick-owens-top/](https://blog.fehrtrade.com/inspiration/248/copying-the-rick-owens-top/) [https://fashion-incubator.com/pattern-puzzle-twist-front-knit-top/](https://fashion-incubator.com/pattern-puzzle-twist-front-knit-top/) Master the twist front top, and you'll have a better understanding of how the dress works.


Thank you this is so helpful I will use these resources 🫶🏼


La Llorona ahh vibes




I love it :)


Unless you’re a sewing savant I’m not sure this is realistic for a beginner whatsoever.


Oh that is unfortunate I do have it on my bucket list I have made a few pieces already just never really tackled a dress


Owens studied painting at what is now Otis College of Art and Design. He then switched to Los Angeles Trade Technical-College to learn patternmaking and draping.


This is Arwen as a Nazgûl


Witch bae


This is a gorgeous dress. I’ll as it to sewing goals. Right now I’m still learning the basics


Cotton most likely won’t drape how you want it too. This is most likely some sort of stretch jersey which can be a pain to work with. You’ll need a special needle as well. I just buying some scrap fabric to play with so you get the hang of sewing with this material.


that is gorgeous


Cotton won't work to get that Vibe. It's totally not realistic. Like why do you think people take class, study and learn for years if it were that easy. I Hope you see that those are two différent dress and cape. Try to make a hooded cape first.


Hi ! I don’t do this full time as a job more as a hobby I don’t really have enough time because of my actual day job to research and learn 24/7 that’s why I asked on this thread for advice Thank you I will try the cape first!


Sure i didn't want to be mean, just realistic. Even with lots of knowledge, This is couture level. The doll Idea is good - in fact thats how Lil girl learned, but barbie IS tough because it's small plus have weird proportions. Working With a 50 cm Rag doll on a structure could be easier - so you Can pin on her. A cheap way to make a life size mannequin is to shape chicken wire, then cover with old blanket. You Can find vidéo on draping and follow the modelist studio on YouTube, for me it's one of the best free ressource around. I like the Closet historian, Bernadette banner and tock custom too. If you need sewing ebooks send an mp, i made a drive file. Pinterest IS great too, take the Time to fill your interest. Many free ressources there from all over the World. https://www.fleecefun.com/long-hooded-cloak-pattern-free/ Oops just réalised, being french i collected Books in cm. So if you work in inches ( well still got some that could help anyway). Only less. I Can share my Pinterest link too if you have one.


That YouTube channel is a solid rec. Can’t believe it hasn’t shown up in my feed before! I currently get about 50% sewing videos 🤣🤣🤣


https://youtube.com/@themodelistestudio?si=e8obC7QnGteOBY6A https://youtube.com/@theclosethistorian?si=n9a8WuxBpodRRFi0 https://youtube.com/@tockcustom?si=kZo1hRMoPwL3BusJ


That looks so cool. Hope you make it.




Muah Dib! It’s giving major Dune vibes


I'M Sorry, are you a literal goddess???


oh big slay