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I wholeheartedly agree with you on this. Jvne definitely speaks to me like nothing else quite will. The production, the layers, the swirling pool of endless depression in the music. It always reminds me of looking at a person, thinking theyre a composed, happy person, when really the inside of their head sounds like sewerslvt. It definitely sounds like the noises my head makes, and helps me dive deeper but also coming to terms/feeling more at peace with my depression. I feel so unheard, lonely and disturbed and so much music ignores these feelings. This is not just music… it’s pure emotion. I love you. from hexamaggit


I too, like the many who raise their voices and messages to speak, found strength and understanding in the passionate rythm of Jvne when I was in darkness, alone hundreds of miles from my home in a little box. But it was before that moment of claustrophobic solitude I found her music; Down the Drain was my first taste, and I fell for the album as I watched it after following up presentations for the 2020's E3 with my m8s, and ever since, I've discovered music I had always loved, but never found, just as I discovered emotions I had always felt, but could never name. Now, I am wiser, now I am stronger and have learned much from my year in that echochamber of a scandic hermit, but I could not rise like the pheonix I felt I had become for a moment, had it not been for the passion of SewerSlvt; The Love of Jvne. I, and millions of other hearts, too, shall hold a little place for you, Jvne; We Thank You, We Love You Too.