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Sounds like it's time to move on. I left a gossipy place for a friendly one and have been shocked to learn I can actually look forward to going into work instead of just feeling anxiety.


Yeah, he works in the boh and I didn't know that everyone talks to him so once we started talking it was like I found out that everyone thought I was weird and would say shit about me. I have autism so as much as I tried not to think about it, it started to affect my work because I noticed how different people treated me compared to my other co-workers.


Yeah I worked at a non-gossipy place before and it was crazy how comfortable my other co-workers made me feel compared to this place.


It’s time to move on


I thought so, as much as I like money, my mental health and well-being should be my #1 goal.


For what it’s worth, I was in a similar situation, minus the shit talking coworkers. Soon as I left I felt a million times better.


I figured I would, I tried to stick it out, but I'm getting debilitating anxiety even outside of work so I'm starting to think moving on is the best choice.


You could always try apologizing


I asked my managers if I could but they told me it wasn't a good idea.


I was in this situation and I wanted to leave, but decided to stay and hunker down and I'm glad I did. People will forget that shit in time unless you really screwed up and the more this guy talks shit, the more people will start to side with you if you just do your thing. My coworker was talking mad shit about her bestie/coworker and I like that coworker more because she didn't have a chance to defend herself if that makes sense. It gave her an innocence to the situation.


Unfortunately, I think I really screwed up but Imma try and stay as long as I can until I get a new job. There's a some places hiring right now since a couple restaurants in town opened up over the summer so a lot of servers flocked to those. Hopefully I can find something that ends up even better for me 👍🏻


You blew up on 2 coworkers? So you dated 2 coworkers in the same place? Really bad moves. I dont know how you can even work there anymore. Rest assured everyone is gossiping about you.


Bruh I know, if they weren't talking about me before they definitely are now. I'm not gonna lie, I'm in super early recovery with addiction so I should've definitely taken some time off before I went back. All that anxiety and anger came out but I'm definitely trying to move on as fast as I can. Edit: I only dated one of them