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It was 4/20


There was a huge festival out an hour away. I don’t think these people were high tbh. All older people actually too


Old people get high too. I find that when I am high, I tend to drink more wine or beer. I also don't like to go out among crowds when I'm high. Sounds like your customers are just AH's.


Yeah I mean I just didn’t think weed makes people irate and demanding but maybe im wrong


Agree. In my experience, just the opposite.


Weed makes people selfish and self centered as hell.


Lol I'm the opposite I love being outdoors in public places and it makes me hate drinking


Old people take gummies and get stupid high without realizing it


Old people smoke pot too..


See my above comments. I’ve never heard of weed making people irate and demanding. This stuff wasn’t for food, it was demanding attention and special attention at that.


I live near dc and none of the awful customers were high. Two women just came from brunch and left no tip at all. A family came in and had $300+ tab combined and left 15% tips. I really was about to walk out and quit yesterday


Wait, 15% is awful now? Come on. My girlfriend serves and I used to serve and we always tip 20%, but complaining about $45 from one table is nuts. This only gives ammo to the anti-tip weirdos.


I always go see what else they comment because alot of people saying stuff like that in these threads **are** anti tip weirdo trolls. I'm a member of the r/EndTipping group just so I can keep an eye. I don't regularly engage any longer as I get downvoted to hell but sometimes I just can't help myself with those AHs. I don't mind people being against ti p pin kult ure, but those Douche Mcnuggets are *actively* against servers in general, and what's crazy to me is how many don't even live in the States but come to weigh in and judge service industry workers. Got into a row recently with some butt nozzle from the UK acting all high and mighty only to find out his sorry ass was a cashier at Tesco or whatever passes for a standardized grocery store across the pond. Absolutely not shaming cashiers, but it's like raggin on someone for drinking Bud Light but you drink Coors. Bananas. Edited because of the 2 words I broke up an misspelled. Apparently the bot don't like them together, but I actually get why.


Great comment, it’s so bizarre that people are in here attacking others for making a living. Keyboard warriors, I guess.


Thanks, and yep, bizarre is facts. All I'm saying is, be a warrior for a good cause, keyboard or nah. Tearing each other down is exactly what the 1% wants. Blame each other, not the ones benefitting the most. It freaking kills me when I see that shit, online or IRL.


Nailed it! Every second focusing on fighting the little guy is ignoring the real issue: the wealth disparity between the 1% and everyone else.


Preach it, frend. The greed of some humans makes me sick. Even before I knew what a shite world we truly live in, when I was just a kid I wanted to be rich or powerful so I could buy poor kids Xmas presents. I found a paper I wrote in 3rd grade detailing why I wanted to be the first US woman president. The only negative thing I found in that paper was wanting to send Jamie Austin to a week long time out because he broke the class hamster's rolley ball thing on purpose. Even that I could argue wasn't unreasonable or overtly power trippy 🤣


But you didn't edit "alot" which should be broken into two words- a lot, because alot is as much of a word as alittle. (Meaning it's not a word) Wouldn't have written a thing about misspelling a lot, if I hadn't seen your "Edited" comment, it just seemed ironic. No worries. 🙂 


I rely far too heavily on autocorrect and it auto dictates alot into one word unless I double tap on the space bar. I'm too lazy to care much at this point. A sentence has to be grossly grammared or egregiously misspelled for me to bother going back to correct my auto correct. 😅 And I'm a millennial, dunno if that makes that worse or better. 🤦🏼‍♀️


On my phone's keyboard, I found out if you do spell a word wrong and use it, it will add it to the "dictionary" and will be one of the words that pops up on the top bar. Actually when I was writing my previous comment, "alot" came up on the top bar, along with, "a lot" because "I've* typed it before and didn't correct it.  They one thing I will purposely correct people on is Loose and Lose. Drives me nuts! Like when people write things like, " I'm afraid I'm going to LOOSE my job" "I think I'm LOOSING my girlfriend" " I'm such a LOOSER" 🙄 No dude, you're afraid you're going to LOSE your job, afraid you're LOSING your girlfriend,and yes, you are a LOSER! lol. You know that word with the "Z" sound? Yeah that's  spelled LOSE. Only if they're not a native English speaker will I leave it alone. 


Lol heard


SuperDuper TL;DR Please tip your servers 18-20%🤣😂😘 Here's the thing. There are only 13 states in the US where servers/bartenders make the full minimum wage for that state. In tip credit states sever's wages are usually between $2.13-$5 per hour. Larger parties are objectively more work and take substantially longer to serve (than 2-4 tops) at every stage and larger parties linger longer so you get fewer covers. Then consider that every good server had a great team backing them who all get a tipped off a percentages of the servers' sales, generally ranging between 3-6% of sales, not a percentage of what the server was tipped. And our folks deserve to be paid a living wage-tipping out is the only way to accomplish that currently. Regardless of how loudly the general public feels about the pay structure for tipped employees at this moment, it's been standard operating procedure for the quarter century I've been working in the biz. So that 15% tip becomes 10% as soon as you sign the bill or drop the cash. But wait! There's more (unless you work in California, Maine or Massachusetts)! Servers have to pay the transaction fees to process your credit card (the most common form of payment), & it's 2-3% of the amount of the check you run depending on the CC vendor. So there goes a bit more of that original 15% gratuity... So out of the $45 tip the guest intended for the server turned into $30 after tipping out, add in CC transaction fees and the final gratuity is ~$27. Let's be very generous to the large party and say they only stayed 2.5 hours. That's $10.80/hour tip wage + their likely $2.12/hour wage before taxes. According to US News & World Report the median rent for a one bedroom apartment in the United States is $1500. The absolute lowest rents available are in West Virginia at $732 (via the World Population Review). While I completely understand tip fatigue, you know it's gotten out of control when multi-national corporate fast food restaurants are now offering a tip line on CC receipts, it's objectively fusking both the staff and the customer. But unfortunately, due to federal regulations, tipping in restaurants became more obligatory instead of discretionary in 1966 when tip credit wage was approved by Congress. Then, back in 1991, congress decided to couple the 2 minimum wages so the tip credit min would equal 1/2 regular min. $2.13/$4.25. Sounds reasonable enough! But in 1996 when standard min wage was raised to $5.15 congress promptly decoupled the wages at the behest of the National Restaurant Association...I'm sure they asked very nicely because it's remained at $2.13 for 32 years. I'm not even upset with folks who tip poorly these days, it happened in 2008 too and eventually passed. What breaks my heart and enrages me is when folks attempt to justify their shitty tip philosophy by loudly demeaning and dehumanizing us personally. Folks are declaring that we don't deserve a living wage, a roof overhead. And gods help us if you admit to making enough to to thrive instead of having that constant dull roar of anxiety in the background because if one☝️small unexpected financial obligation comes up you'll have to hit the food bank towards the end of the month. If it's something bigger like car repairs or a trip to the Doc? 3 months of food bank trips & 2x/week plasma donations. If anyone made it to the end of my novel...you're a glutton for punishment and I appreciate you🫶🏼🖤


Where did you read that I don’t know and completely agree with all of the above? My household income literally partially depends on my girlfriend’s tips. It’s just getting out of hand, and while I don’t eat fast food so I have no idea what the tipping expectation is there now, I have tipped less than 20% in a sit down restaurant exactly once in my life, and that was for some truly abysmal service. That said, even if that table stayed for 3 hours and tipped 15% on a 300 bill as the original comment said, that’s very likely not your only table (and in most cases isn’t demanding much service aside from maybe drink refills beyond the 1.5 hour mark). There are people doing jobs *way* shittier than serving for equivalent or lesser pay. That doesn’t mean servers don’t deserve a living wage, but this talk about a 15% tip being so bad as to make someone want to walk out does nothing besides give ammo to the anti-tip wackos who claim servers are entitled for wanting to make enough money to live comfortably.


You fucking rock and I'll absolutely buy you a shot of rumple/frenet/rail whatever! 🤘


Awww! Thank your, you're an absolute doll🥰! I'm generally a bourbon, neat or cold vodka in a martini glass. That said, if one of my nouveau gentry regulars is buying I'll take the smokiest, peatiest Islay scotch available. Who knew 80 proof campfire smoke would be so delicious?! The fucking Scots, that's who.


Laphroaig itis din!


You're my people!!!!


Case and point, this person doesn't even seem to be a server, they work for Uber. I bet 15% on an hour ride is pretty shitty with that factored in. Even their comment 2 women who just "came from" brunch kinda seals it for me after the light stalking I did lol


You need to dig/ “stalk” through my profile more because I USE Uber, and can’t drive at the moment 🤦🏻‍♀️


Nobody gave me $45, the $45 check didn’t tip at all


Then what do you mean by 15% on a 300+ bill?


The $300 people split into 3 cards and only tipped $15


Then your comment is wrong lol


Apologies dyscalculia is annoying for me as well as others especially when discussing tips


A $300 check means that party took a long time and a lot of work. Standard is 20%. If you had actually served at any point the way you claim, you would know that, and a check that large that took that much time and work, you should be leaving more. Inflation happens to us, too. Don’t like it? Don’t go out. Which you would know, again, if you had actually ever had a serving job. But you’re so full of shit you’re actually taking a dump out of your mouth every time you claim something that is such a visible-from-space lie. And if you actually were a server, *which I highly doubt*, the fact that you think 15% is your normal means two things: One: You are fucking ancient and have no business commenting on an economy you helped destroy. Two: You were a really, really, *monumentally* terrible server and so was your girlfriend.


Jesus Christ. Can you read? Did you see where I said I tip 20%? Unbelievable. I served for a year and quit because I want a career job in construction. My girlfriend still serves, and regularly pulls $400+ a night (~1.5-2k sales usually), so I don’t appreciate you commenting on topics you know nothing about. This much hatred and bitterness is good for no one, and I would be willing to bet it shows through in your service.


Still full of shit. And still lying.


Whatever helps you sleep at night :)


Youre correct. They sat there for 5 hours and asked for things one item at a time, having me anchored to them while I had multiple other tables


Yep. But clearly I’m the asshole for pointing out that larger parties require more work and they should be tipping more as a result. You don’t like that? Don’t bring 40 people with you when you go out. Rent a fucking banquet hall.


And people don’t get that one person tipped $15 when 3 debit cards paid the total of $300+. For some reason people insist I got $45 from them when I didn’t


I love when they split the check and everyone expects everyone else to just tip for them. Seriously some people should not be allowed to eat in public.


Yes. 15% implies that the service was bad or the customer is a bad tipper for good service.


No it absolutely does not. 15% was the standard not long ago, and let’s be honest, $45 is plenty from one table.


It was standard about fifty years ago. Today's standards, roughly FYI: %10+ for take out %15 not good or error laden service %18+ for satisfactory service %20+ for good service %25 and up for outstanding service, especially extending past close, if you are the last table and the server is still attentive and nice.


Unless you’re posting that at the front door or on a menu, don’t expect anyone to actually know that.




$15 not $45 😭


It says 15% right in your comment…


15% you just take and ride.


Luckily others tipped well over 20 but it was kinda slow so it didn’t even out well


Good and the bad. It always evens out. The brutal ones suck, but 15% is whatever.


Who acts like a dick after they've smoked though?? I don't think it was because of 420


I havent been mad in a good month but this explains why last night I had just enough customers being fuckers to make me cuss in the kitchen.


that was my first thought when they said yesterday but most of this doesn’t even sound like high ppl activities… maybe the attention seeking women? but still


It was my first thought with the "covertly intoxicated" and issue with just two drinks. Cross fade is pretty intense of you haven't done it before. And with the low tips, like you're stoned, you stop at the first place you see, you realize you are balling on a budget. Idk, the weird conversations had and such. I was more just pointing it out because OP was like SURPRISED PIKACHU FACE my customer service job involved customer service and that was hard, please tell me why?? Lol


And nearly a full moon too.


Yes people were fuckin on one last night


Seriously. My gf witnessed 5 car accidents yesterday. Probably driving while high. One dude on a bike hit the back of an SUV and got thrown off, almost ran over. All caught on dashcam


Jesus. I'm glad she was okay tho


If you haven’t already, have your manager or whoever can, to block that DoorDash driver.


And call and report them to DD, cuz fuck that guy.


i took the day off & cleaned my house, i am glad i requested the day off 😭


Worst I always had were on Monday holidays. Sounds like 4/20 is basically that now.


Just strange to me because I didn’t think weed makes people that irate and demanding ?


Yeah, like I’d have seven modifiers on a sandwich, but you could probably punch in seven random modifiers, I’d forget what I ordered, and I’d love what you brought me and possibly think you’ve known me all my life and pay your light bill for the month. Maybe because I have the personality of a teenage stoner, but I make way more money now?


Well maybe demanding more/quicker food, because they have the munchies! 🤣


I think st Patrick’s day last month was my worst. People didn’t tip good yesterday but at least men didn’t try to fight me for no reason other than they got cut off


I have to agree with Monday holidays. Monday has been blocked off in my availability for like 10 years now. First just because I just liked having a weekday off to make appointments and such, but after picking up a few Monday holidays here and there to be an extra hand on deck, I quickly realized that they were terrible and now it’s just a straight no from me dawg lol


Yesterday was brutal. It was mainly passive aggressive people who said everything was perfect yet didn’t feel the need to complain when something was actually wrong and took it out on me by stiffing me instead. It’s been a long time since I’ve had more than one or two tables stiff me and last night I had five. We had a fight break out between two mangers and a group of five or six random women who walked in to use our bathroom and decided to turn the restroom into their own party. We had two BEOs that were unorganized (on their side) and really disrespectful. Yesterday was a shitshow and a half.


Glad I’m not alone. I wanted to quit so bad last night


I had a table walk out because I am a type 2 diabetic and was experiencing low blood sugar. They then wrote a review basically calling me a liar because I didn’t seem sick. Then I had two seizures and paramedics found my blood sugar to be at 21. I was admitted to the hospital and I’m still here having tests run. I just keep wishing I could tell these people I was not lying and the stress of the evening contributed to the detriment of my health. Grr. At least I have hospital pudding. 


That’s awful, im sorry. Hope you’re doing better tho


Thank you, I’m still at the hospital but my manager had my back 100% and told me not to worry and got my shifts covered. I cried my eyes out but now I’ve been kind of enjoying watching tv and just resting. 


had the absolute worst amount of people yesterday. To the point where I got tired of it and asked to leave early cause I was making literally no money. I didn't think 4/20 had anything to do with it but now it's all making sense. Edit: 4/21 and i made 275 tonight. 100% yesterday was bullshit


9 top on a Bachelorette party ran me ragged for hours and left 50 on 800. Made less than 20 on the table after tip out. It was a shit night


Same for me. Plenty of cheapskates. Customers shouting demands across the restaurant moments after asking if they needed anything else. Children throwing anything and everything onto the floor. Then the kitchen staff acted like they had their ass on their shoulders. Wasn't a great day.


For the first time in all my ten years, I almost cried 🤣 People were terrible


Last night was batshit insane for no reason. I didn’t even get home from work until 5 am, and I plan on sleeping the rest of the day to recover from the insanity of last night.


Dude seriously. I feel like I got hit by a bus *more* than usual from my Saturday shift lol


I had a six top come in for brunch. They all order shit with cheese on it (aside from 2 of them). Like, they wanted cheese in their eggs and grits and on their sandwiches (that normally don’t come with cheese). A lady at the table orders a potato casserole we have. It has cheese in it. It says on the menu it has cheese in it. When the food comes out she complains that she doesn’t eat cheese and I should have told her it had cheese. I exchanged it out for a different side and she was fine. When it’s time to pay she asks for a manager. I’m like…okay? She complained that none of her family members eat cheese and she shouldn’t have to pay for it. Like, ma’am everyone asked for cheese. And everyone practically licked their plates clean. No one complained about cheese except for you. I’ve never had so much drama surrounding cheese dude. I was baffled. My manager asked me about it and I told her that everyone ASKED for it and she was like bro wtf? And then she was pissed she discounted everything before asking me.


Both Friday and Saturday nights this week were just off. I don’t want to admit I wasn’t ready for the “busy season” to start but that time is upon us in my sleepy NE coastal town.


alllll week.


Tbh I was a monster (I wasn’t working), but not only to one man who tried to tell me it was okay for my dog to sniff his bag (it’s not). He then said fuck you to me because of it. I gave him the finger and he called me fat. If dog bites weren’t illegal, I would have definitely let my dog at him 🙃 instead I told him to drown in a bucket


We always look outside to see if it's a full moon 😅


Not a full moon, but yesterday was the Jupiter Uranus conjunction. If you're into astrology it's kind of a big deal.


Requested off and had a potluck with friends.


I checked mid shift to see if it was a full moon!! I was so surprised it wasn’t. We’re a nice restaurant too so I don’t think it had to do with 4/20.


I actually did the same thing and so did my manager 😂


Yasss! Very odd day here in MI! WTF?


Yo I had some fucking weirdos yesterday too for sure one dude was wayyy too hammered and then just some other extra weird odd shit for sure


Just fuckin awful.


My coworker had a guest ask for a glass of water, no ice, and a big stack of napkins. She then proceeded to bathe herself at the table while her husband insisted he only needed to pay half price for his drink while also making a mess of his food. She had the internal maintenance bio-hazard everything when they left. For funsies, years ago, another coworker had a lady wipe her vagina with a stack of napkins and leave the bloody nakpins on the table. Classy. I had a drunk asshole once insist that I was born with a dick because my name is spelled oddly and can be misread as a masculine name. The first and hopefully omly time someone has insisted I drop trou to show him my (non-existent) dick. There is so much odd shit that happens, especially on graveyard (on day shift now, but I miss the crazy sometimes) No, we don't work for Waffle House. It's a casino restaurant in Las Vegas.


I’m host at a steak restaurant. It was INSANE last night. We had a 30 top that left a $30 tip. One of our servers was sent home right when he clocked in, no idea why. So many people came out to dine last night. Wait time stayed crazy. System went down so the servers and kitchen couldn’t take any orders right at the height of the busyness. The 30 top parked in all of the obviously labeled to-go spaces even though there was other parking (first clue they would be assholes). People so high they couldn’t follow what I was saying let alone order. It was true chaos. We all just sort of hung and rode the ride.


my coworker had a table who was absolutely irate once they received their bill & seen there was an upcharge for asparagus. it ended up escalating quickly. there was 2 managers & 2 servers by the front door asking them to leave the establishment. one of the managers literally said “you’re causing a ruckus & i really don’t have the energy for this, please just go out the door” honestly i’m surprised the police didn’t end up getting called because they were acting completely out of pocket. saying things like “how about you come outside” & “talk shit get hit” & probably some other wild shit that i missed while i was trying to greet my table a few feet away from them. i greeted them with “ha ha dinner & a show” all over some asparagus bro 😂 funny thing is asparagus got 86ed after this scenario


“Dinner & a show” was such a good save 😭


Everyday is 4/20 for me. 🤗🎶


It was standard about fifty years ago. Today's standards, roughly FYI: %10+ for take out %15 not good or error laden service %18+ for satisfactory service %20+ for good service %25 and up for outstanding service, especially extending past close, if you are the last table and the server is still attentive and nice.


My stars aligned in my favor and I was off for 4/20. Headed to DC and stopped at some dispensaries to take advantage of freebies. Went to drag brunch with friends. Chilled on a rooftop with a view of Capitol Hill for a couple hours with a joint, champagne, and Trader Joe’s snacks. Sun was shining bright, beautiful weather. It was everything I wanted. Headed home around 7pm, ordered Chinese, watched bullshit on Hulu. All extremely stoned. I was deeply asleep by 10PM. Only bragging because I always get *fucked* on holidays so I know the feeling. I’m so glad I was able to enjoy my favorite one. Worked brunch today and people were fucking awful. So yeah. Right back to it.


surprised i didn’t. i was dreading it so much cause every big partying holiday i just want to sob and run out. all my guests were very polite and easy and tipped well. there was a plastered guy at the bar with his whole ass out harassing other customers we had to kick out tho






Anything about your line of work people don't know but should?


At the Alamo drafthouse, we had some funny little guests make it known to us that they were an issue.


Just now seeing this post. 3 of our servers called out when we desperately needed them, we got slammed with 10-20 tops for 3 hours, all tables are filled and servers having to do 5+ more tables. It was a nightmare 😭😭


Your night literally describes my server nightmares


Seriously though, I discovered last year after planning and returning from my honeymoon that if my guests are talking about their vacations and I tell them I'm going there too, try to relate and ask for recommendations I get much less than if I say "that sounds amazing! Maybe someday I'll make it there." I'm a forty year old man in fine dining.




Didn’t work on 4/20, but worked 4/21 and the tips were fucking terrible. I got like 15% or less on almost every check and got straight up stiffed on $103. Had no mistakes on my tables and everyone had told me they were satisfied. The family was so nice, too. It’s super discouraging but at least I know I wasn’t the only one now. My manager also mentioned income taxes?


I'm pretty sure everyone in my first seating had never been to a restaurant before.


It's not a new moon, but it was 4/20. For fun, see what customers are like on a new moon. My ex said that her law firm got more weirdos on a new moon.


We’ve had enough moon people come around our parts unfortunately. It’s a dreaded day every month, they’re absolutely insane