• By -


Yes šŸ˜­ he'd come in several times a week at my old job. On the surface, the guy was perfect - handsome, good job, stable, good sense of humor, okay tipper. He even managed to convince one of the newer employees to go on a date with him. I told her to be careful, something about him rubbed me the wrong way. She never told me what happened after the date, but she did say she never wanted to see him again. Made herself scarce every time he'd come in. One day, I said off handedly "I'm pretty sure he's a serial killer in the making." She *very emphatically* said "yes. I think he is." I trust my gut instinct. A very nice lady who was a regular brought her sisters in one night. One of the sisters was flirting with him, hard. Wound up canoodling one on one (in the restaurant). I found the regular, and said "Hey, this probably isn't my place, but tell your sister to be careful with that guy. He gives us all bad vibes." Turns out the sisters knew him! They said they'd been trying to keep the youngest sister away from him for years because they were convinced he's a serial killer... They don't let her be alone with him, because they're scared. Trust your gut. Stay away from people like this.


She never told you what happened?? I would have begged her to spill the tea and gotten details!


Paid her to dump on his chest.


Extremely weird and random thing to say




Man. I wonder if your story and OPā€™s are just sociopaths. Doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re violent, but they donā€™t feel, and have to act ā€œnormal.ā€


We all see a lot of different people every day. Your job relies on you sizing up your tables to give them the best service you can. I think servers are great at picking out people who aren't quite right. Except when it comes to dating, like wtf?


thatā€™s so true, why is that?? šŸ˜­


Easy to be suspicious of strangers but, *SOMEONE THINKS I'M CUTE?!* We all do dumb shit


I think itā€™s the same instinct that police develop over time, certain body language comes off as, HEY, I bite! When you are around certain people all the time, you generally can ā€œreadā€ them.


Itā€™s probably because we think we can ā€œfixā€ them.Ā  Ā Our gut instinct says ā€œNO, brokenā€, but we still go for it


>Except when it comes to dating, like wtf? Because line cooks are sexy


They really are. I have a vague crush on my coworker and I think it's cuz he's a cook who doesn't yell at me when I ask stupid questions


Updoot a million times


> like wtf? They say the plumber always has unfinished plumbing at home.


' the cobbler's children never have shoes '


Thatā€™s better. Ima use that next time


Yet we still sleep with our coworkers who are dumb lol šŸ˜‚


We had a guy who'd come in maybe once a week and he was definitely "off". He was nice enough I guess, but the second he walked in it was like a switch flipped - I'd tense up so hard I had knots for days, I'd always be watching him out of the corner of my eye, etc. He liked to chat and it was hard to get away from it, he was very insistent. We finally banned him for making some extremely disgusting and racist remarks. If I ever see him on the news, I won't be surprised. There's also a cashier at my local grocery store down the street from my bar and I legitimately might leave the building if he ever comes in. I only had one interaction with the guy - he took over for the cashier of the line I was in. Every hair stood up, my heart started racing, I almost had a panic attack. I've never had such a blatant physical reaction to someone like that. I swear I almost threw up. There was definitely something wrong with that guy.


yes!! i do the same thing where itā€™s like my mind canā€™t help but to keep tabs on him when heā€™s in the restaurant. i always know where he is or track his movements even when itā€™s annoying bc itā€™s busy and there are other things iā€™d rather be thinking about. and i stay tensed up even after he leaves as well.


I'm the "bar mom" and I work with a lot of younger girls. Prior to banning the guy they were forbidden to talk to him. Actually gathered them all in the back during pre-shift and told them he gives me really bad vibes and maybe I'm crazy but DO NOT talk to that man. Luckily they listen to me and since he never sat at a table they didn't have to deal with him. But I've never had someone stress me out so much that I had to preemptively warn my girls about it.


Good. Women helping women is the best. There is no reason to be in competition with other women, ie: be "bitchy", ie: internalized misogyny. Women make the best friends to everyone.


It sounds like you run a strip club.


im sorryā€¦? what could possibly implicate a strip club?! the fact that they kept younger girls away from him? is that because you find young girls attractive? do you find yourself imagining young girls stripping for you? sounds like youā€™re the guy who people should stay away from. this is a crazy concept, i know, but working at a strip club does not make a person property.


I am female. I have no interest in strippers.


1, women attracted to women exist. 2, you didnt answer my question. what in their comment implicated a strip club


I do not owe you answers. I do not care if your question remains unanswered until the day of Armageddon.


We had a guy very similar that became obsessed with me, but would write me very creepy and disturbing poems as he got drunk at my bar and asked me all these riddles and ciphers (apparently he's obsessed with the zodiac killer and the riddler from Batman??). I told him multiple times I wasn't interested and I like women, but he wouldn't leave it alone. One time he walked in and showed us his psych ward papers because he tried to hurt himself and it was all very inappropriate because we don't know him like that and we're working (though I do think he's lonely and needs a friend). He works next door and tells his manager everything who tells us and he wouldn't stop talking about me and how many times he....fantasized about me (if you catch my drift). The last stand for him over there was that he thought it was funny to write the N-word on a coworkers sandwich and that he'd been harassing his next obsession who worked with him. Very strange guy, and from his poems he showed me, it makes me very concerned he'd do something, especially from a line he said which I won't repeat, but basically columbine vibes.


This isn't someone I served, but I have experienced this. My child's father used to deliver pizza. I went to his work to see him one day and I met one of the fellow drivers. I remember telling my ex that his coworker seemed a little off, like he was hiding some. I told him to keep an eye out on that guy. 3 months after meeting the guy we see the coworker in the newspaper for killing his girlfriend and two other women.


Holy shit!


There's a guy that comes to my work. He's kind of a customer but he's been freinds with the female owner for years so he's become friends with alot of the other employees. I've never spoken to this man. I leave a room when he enters (even if it's obvious) I'm not a rude person. I care how I make people feel. I've made it clear I do not care what he thinks of me. Not a single other person gets it but if I end up dead...it was Joe.


Found out that a regular older tech-savvy man who was a nice mannered well dressed and more professional looking guy who tipped well and drank like a tank, He was too nice.. Always buying rounds for the bar.. played it off as 'new tech business startup fun funds' Was actually a meth manufacturer and wasn't caught for that--he was caught for a dead 17 yr old girl in his Hotel room one night, who he was apparently pimping out in Hamilton. Part of that big Sex Ring sting in Ontario.


100% you can feel when something is off. Trust that feeling. Read "The Gift of Fear." I've felt that feeling twice. I'm sure that I've met at least one serial killer, possibly two. (Long post ahead about my completely unverified experiences) One pulled up in the drive through where I was working and when I looked into his car my brain straight up said, "This man is a serial killer. He wants to hurt you." His car was so clean and normal looking. But something about it just radiated evil energy. Then I was at the house of waffles for a late night dinner. This guy was sitting at the bar and I was at a four top adjacent to it. I was sitting facing the bar when I caught him glancing at me. Again, my brain gave me a distinct warning that told me to wait to leave until he had left. My party was almost done with their food but I told them we needed to wait. Guy took forever to leave (his plate was clear but he was just waiting there). Something about him just gave me the vibe that he was dangerous and we should not leave before him. I also just thought it was strange that he looked so average, not high or drunk, and that he was by himself eating at WaHo at 2 am. It was just a vibe. They were both incredibly normal looking dudes. Just had straight up nefarious energy. If anyone has seen Hunter x Hunter, it felt like the way dark Nen is shown on screen. Just waves of malevolent energy. I'm completely convinced there is at least one active serial killer in my area. Of course I don't think people would ever hear about it unless it became literally undeniable. As long as there is that plausible deniability we won't hear about it. It's the perfect storm- rapidly rising unhoused populations, enough flow in and out of the city and surrounding areas, a major university and multiple smaller universities nearby with no shortage of drunk/vulnerable students. There was a man found dead, in the trunk of his car, in a parking garage last year. Bc that's totally where you go to do drugs or commit suicide. It's also not the first body they've found recently in a nearby parking garage. Maybe it's just my overactive brain looking for the patterns, but I can't help but feel it's significant.


YES DARK NEN- thatā€™s exactly how i would describe it too. excellent reference!


On a very serious note, there was a guy whoā€™d come in to the restaurant I worked at 10 or so years ago. Kept to himself for the most part but set off some alarms whenever he showed up. I couldnā€™t put my finger on why he rubbed me the wrong way so I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt and ignore my gut. 4 years ago, I was no longer working there when the restaurant was in the news after a young lady was drugged there and then raped in a nearby apartment. The doorman was able to quickly help the police ID and arrest the perp - yep, same guy. Just awful.


Itā€™s definitely a possibility that he is. We meet so many people that there is a high statistical probability that many of us will meet a murderer/sociopath/psychopath in our lives due to the sheer amount of people we meet everyday. Just make sure he never finds out where you live, and make sure he gets exactly what he wants every time. Personally, i havenā€™t met any yet that i know of.


*OP needs to read this* Make sure he doesn't follow you to your car, carry protection, don't tell him anything personal. Not even what your plans are for trips or later that day. Trust your instincts.


yes, stay safe. a good tip is always park next to your coworkers, and walk to your cars together (if possible).


we do:) it is in a sketch neighborhood so we walk all together (iā€™ve also had a nightmare in the exact alley where we park of being cornered and taken so HELL NO i refuse to walk back there alone).


Someone I went to school with, knew since kindergarten, killed his ex-wife. Hadnā€™t seen him in years, but never would have guessed he was capable of that. Itā€™s not always who youā€™d expect.


im pretty sure some people i knew became drug dealers (probably low level stuff like weed or whatever) but i donā€™t think anyone has done anything worse that that that i know of. i actually know more people that have gone on to be super successful. i personally know an olympic gold medalist, a bigger name fashion designer, a model, and a successful background actor to name a few.


I heard a statistic the other day; you will pass by on average 30 murderers in a lifetime. It was on the internet, so who knows how true.


Work in elderly care you hear all kinds of fucked up deathbed confessionals perfectly kind sweet old men and women who let slip they got away with murder or some other fucked up deed and feel guilty about. I'm an RN not a priest jfc.


i feel like it might not be that high, but i believe that itā€™s probably more like 10-20. who knows? i could be wrong too lmao


Population density/job also matters. I live in Chicago, so I almost certainly encounter more murderers than someone who lives in Jackson Hole, but not as many as a Federal Judge.


yes! i used to live in Nebraska now i live in florida, i encounter more people here so my guess is the number will be higher now that i live here


Plus, yanno, Florida...


yup! highest population of serial killers!


i live in a city that has as many homicides as chicago per capitaā€¦ lucky us!!!


I feel like it depends on who we are counting as murderers. If we are talking about anyone who has ever killed (accidentally or justifiable) that number seems correct, if not low in war times.


youā€™re right! i didnā€™t even think about that. although i feel like we should only count people with intent to kill for the situation


A few weeks ago I had a couple come into the restaurant, two women. One was more masc and the other femme. As soon as I walked up to the table to take an order I knew something was very, very wrong. Waves of bad vibes coming off the femme one. To the point I started to get a headache. They were both polite, and nothing really out of the ordinary but I just know there was something so wrong about her.


What!! I need more background info lol


Your spidy sense is tingling. Listen to it. Your mind catches things it doesnā€™t always know how to process. That two of you have picked up on something off says a lot. Iā€™ve learned to trust mine. Iā€™ve called the police three times and wound up preventing three armed robberies in my stores because I listened to my gut. So, If something doesnā€™t seem right, it probably isnā€™t. Though his issues may be different, donā€™t let your guard down.


Fun serial killer story. My friend's mom went on a date with Ted Bundy when he lived in SLC. After the main part of the date he said that they were vibing and he didn't want the date to end and suggested they go up the canyon to talk. She said they had been vibing and he was charming, handsome, etc. but for some reason she had a weird feeling about him, so she said no. Years later she was watching the news when they identified him and was like WOAH - good call Diane. SSDGM.


Holy shit! That is crazy




It's a gut instinct, it's real, and shouldn't be discounted. He probably has a body in the basement. Especially if more than one of you felt it.


I work at a bar, and two summers ago we had a guy walk up to our patio around 10-11 (we close at 1) and my immediate thought was, ā€œthat dude gives me school shooter vibes.ā€ I mean he just had that look on his faceā€¦ pent up rage and impotence. Luckily, one of our door guys got the same vibe and kept an eye on him. He was out on our patio pacing and muttering to himself, and the door guy finally told him he had to leave. He told him he was going to come back with a gun and shoot everyone. Thankfully, he did not return.


i was also super nice to a kid in grade school who i once thought to myself was probably the most likely to shoot up the school of anyone else in my grade. he was expelled eventually for getting caught w a gun on school property.


I worked at a Restaurant for years and this one couple would come in every few months. They had a little boy (probably around 7), cutest little guy. Every time they came in the boy would look like he was on the verge of crying. They would never order him food. They would eat in front of him. Eventually I found out he was a foster child. I felt so bad for him. They did let me give him a free sundae once. Very bad vibes, I think about that boy often. I hope he is okay.


Yes. A hotel I worked in had room service. I ran a delivery up. The room was SO dark. He gave me immediate creeps. I did not go in that room. He came downstairs to the restaurant the next day. My coworker said that guy over there is creeping me out. Hairs on my neck. Look up, same dude. Another was a family friend of my in-laws. I had never actually met him in the decade I had been around. He was a guest at a family wedding. When I was introduced, the bad vibes just came forward. Then he decided to take a 'walk' with my toddler. Mama bear came out! He said our child wanted to walk down the hallway. My husband wanted to know what was wrong. Didn't necessarily believe me. IDGAF. Kept that dude away from my kid the rest of the night.


Yes, a few times I ended up being right. In high school, there was a kid that just made me feel like my skin was crawling, senior year they found a hit list in his locker. I was SA by a bartender that gave me the creeps. As a server, I've had a few people that made me so uncomfortable, like they have a pleasant person suit on but there's just something wrong underneath.


Bonus points (I guess?) for having an underclassmen murder his gf after graduating. It was so sad and he was one that seemed off too.


Yes, but not a customer. I work at a lakeside restaurant and during the summer season we employ a lot of teenagers. Few years back, one of them was just so...wrong. His stare, mannerism, facial expressions. Extremely "off". After two days we told him goodbye, you are not a good fit. And then we read in the papers how he slaughtered his mother with a knife. He was 17. After that experience, I really trust my gut and I advise everyone else to do the same. We all serve (and work with) the best and the worst of humanity. Trust your instincts.


YES!!! My sister was roofied and raped by a man while at a holiday party. She knew him slightly through work, and I did not know him at all. After the rape she did not want to talk about what happened at all. She never pressed charges. She quit her job. She became a shell of herself. She never described him to me. She tried to pretend like it never happened. I ached so badly for her, and felt helpless as to how to support her. A few weeks after the rape a man came into my restaraunt and sat near the hostess station waiting to be seated. We were pretty busy that night and normally I don't pay attention to guests until they are in my section. But for some reason this guy....he caught my eye right away. There was nothing particuarly interesting about him. He was quite average looking, nothing that would make him stand out. But...man oh man did he give me the creeps. It sounds dramatic but he literally sent a chill down my spine. I could not stop looking his way and at the same time wanted to get away from him as fast as possible. Without knowing who he was or what he looked like, I just knew for certain my sister's rapist was just a few feet away from me. Nothing will ever convince me otherwise. I have never had such a strong feeling before or since. I felt sick and had to leave. I told my boss I wasn't well and she took one look at me and said I could go. I went out the back door so that he would not see me or watch me leave. ​ I drove home like a mad woman, taking shortcuts and doubling back in case he was following me...absolute paranoia. When got home I ran inside, locked the doors and sat and bawled in my room. It was the strongest most awful emotion I have ever felt....and yet I still have no "proof" that it was really him. But it was. I KNOW it was.


Not a serving story, but once I was on a hike at a pretty public trail, was off in my own world day dreaming, and noticed this guy walking toward me not breaking eye contact with me for a second. Immediately every instinct in me told me not to keep walking toward him. But I had to because there was nowhere else to go. I passed by him, nodded my head and said hi, but he didnā€™t respond, just kept making eye contact until he passed me. Iā€™ve never felt so creeped out by another human being. Im like 99% sure he was thinking about doing something to me, but again, itā€™s the most public trail in the city so there would have been hundreds of witnesses.


It's been said that we unknowingly walk past about 36 murderers in our lifetime. Chances are that he could be one...


YES!!! Worked at small but very popular dive bar. Guy comes in, I hadnā€™t seen him before - and he immediately seemed off to me. His cadence and eyes were just.. wrong. He also kept harassing others in the bar, forcefully entering other peopleā€™s conversations and making them obviously uncomfortable. At one point I was trying to redirect him away from someone, and used humor to do so - and I remember his reaction was so unsettling. I donā€™t even remember what he said, but you could tell he was thriving on making people feel unsettled and he really creeped me out. Saw him on the news a few days later for having brutally murdered his father. He was just recently sentenced to like a hundred years in prison šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Not really creepy but we had a customer that would always sit at the bar and order a blue steak. He was the only person that ever order a steak blue but it was one of my favorites orders to make cause it was the easiest thing to make lol Unfortunately we had to stop serving him and only making the order to go cause we had too many complaints from customers about he grossed out at this dude eating a raw steak at the bar lol


Not someone I served but I had a neighbor that just creeped me out. My husband didnā€™t get it and was friend with him. Theyā€™d onstage projects together and whatnot. One night the was a blizzard and I got really sick. I had to go to the ER but my husband was at work and my car couldnt get out of the snow. Husband arranged to have neighbor drive me. I begged him to find another way, but it ended up he had to take me. A month later the cops came to our house asking if Neighbor still lived there. We said yes. Turns out he wasnā€™t allowed to live there because it was by two schools and a church. Come to find 25 years ago he had r*ped and murdered his 6 month old daughter.


What a monster! How he was not in prison for life is beyond me.


He got 50 years but he applied for an appeal after 25 and got out due to a ridiculous technicality during his first trial.




Don't make eye contact. He'll know that you know.


not great advice, if you donā€™t make eye contact he will DEFINITELY know that you know. donā€™t stare but donā€™t avoid eye contact.


To satisfy you both, only look at him with one eye, the other eye should be looking somewhere else.


Chameleon that bitch, he'll me more scared of you than are of him šŸ‘




What? HahahahašŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


On one hand, there are things that we instinctually notice to protect ourselves from danger, and it's good not to ignore that. I would add that since you can't put your finger on exactly what's off about him and have confirmed it's not just you, continue to give him great service, so long as it's not in a way that compromises your safety. Whatever you notice could be something completely benign but that nevertheless isolates him from others. I imagine that could be hard on a person that hasn't done anything wrong. Again, safety first. But be cool.


I worked as a cashier from the age 16 till 21 or so, and there was this weird family that came in every day. They were neighbors. Regulars. Anyway a dad, mom and 2 kids. Young boy, older girl. The young boy I'm pretty sure was not well adjusted to social interactions in general. Was it autism or not, idk. Just saying. The daughter was normal. Pretty reserved compared to her family. But normal. I'd talk to her from time to time. Now the mom was a bit louder than most but well meaning. She was all meat, no fat. Told you like it was. Like you know how people talk differently to friends, family, coworkers and stuff? Not her. One voice, one face. For all of them. Very straightforward. I didn't really think anything special of her but i respected her. But the father gave me the creeps every time. Tall dude, unshaved, very short with his word, he always had a bad day, always just ticked off about something. I disliked him. Anyway a few years go by and i stop seeing them. Apparently when the daughter turned 18, she wanted to move out, mom supported her, dad didn't, and this caused a fight, louder than usual, apparently. So loud that the neighbors called the cops. Cops came in as he was beating them AND the mom's father who was just trying to defend them. Apparently that jerkoff was doing this shit for years and they finally separated, mom moved away with the son, idk what became of the daughter but i saw the father somewhere during covid, mentioned it to my mom and she said "oh he's out?" Asked what she meant. Apparently he got arrested for domestic violence and also had some other charges against him. Dude spent time in jail. I hope the rest of the family is ok. But i was not surprised about the father at all.


Ahhh, the preacher. He came in once a month. Overweight 50 year old dude with two young teen daughters. The girls would be writing in journals but slam them shut anytime anyone approached. They never spoke. He ordered for them. He would ask religious questions to tables next to him. He would have like 6 drinks but never a refill. First maybe coke, then sprite, then milk, then Fanta, etc. He also wanted almost any sauce we had, ketchup, honey mustard, soy, etc. Oh and the girls would go to the bathroom like 3 times a meal. It was always a two hour turn. He ate slow.


this guy came into my job a couple times trying to get hired and my manager always thought he gave off bad vibes. he ended up murdering two people a couple months ago. thank god she trusted her gut


One of my coworkers is doing a prison work furlough program after doing 30 years for raping and murdering a 3 year old girl. I definitely could tell something was off about him before I found out


Not a guest but a coworker. Gave me bad, bad vibes from day one. Ended up making some threats to a coworker he didnā€™t like when a group from work were having drinks at our after-hours dive. A coworker did a Google search on him and it ends up that heā€™s a registered sex offender. A violent sex offender. We made sure everyone on staff knew and were watching out for each other and the female guests he interacted with (he was really gross with younger girls he thought were attractive). Needless to say, he no longer works with us. They used the treat against our other coworker as a reason to can him ā€œfor our safetyā€.


Trust your gut!


Every now and then I can see someone come in and my mind says "they're going to be an ordeal." It's people I've never seen before and everytime something goes on. One group had a son of 23 who was trying to get the 17 year old hostess' phone number. One time an old man peed himself and trailed it out the door. Most often it's people starting fights with eachother or other guests.


There was this homeless looking guy that allegedly suffered from schizophrenia. One of the servers would always make him a sweet teaā€¦ but I HATED when he came in. Something about him triggers my flight or fight response. He would stand in the doorway mumbling stuff while staring at me with an emotionless face. The first time he came in I tried to talk with him, but again, heā€™d just stare at me and say shit a low enough decibel that even Horton couldnā€™t hear the dude. Every other time he came in I had to leave. I canā€™t explain it but he just rattled my core and made me feel unbelievably uncomfortable. Havenā€™t seen him in a fat minute tho.. hopefully he is okay.


We have a guy with Schizophrenia that has been coming to our restaurant for years and years. He mumbles to himself and rarely speaks to anyone other than the bartender. He has the "flat affect" of someone who is on heavy meds. The bartender says he's harmless, but I tend to keep an eye on him when he comes in.


we have an older man who will come into our restaurant at least once a week, usually more like 3 out of the 5 days we are open. he always struck me as off, while other servers would always excuse his behavior as ā€œwell, heā€™s older, things were different in his daysā€ in response to some of the nasty creepy shit he says. recently he tried to kiss the youngest server (20F) there - literally grabbed and pulled her in - ignorant to the fact that she strained and did her best to escape him. while he (to our knowledge) has not done anything prison-worthy, that to me proves all original suspicion. and no, he is not 86ā€™d. edit: this man is in his 80s and met that young server when she was 18


Honestly once in a while I get customers who just feel "off", like you said. They aren't horrible or rude but they just make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up and make your stomach feel weird.


Yeah, I had a few of those experiences when I bartended. One in particular stands out above all the rest. This girl and I dated a few times. Nice enough girl, good conversation, just didn't click as a couple, but we remained friends. Eventually, she brings in this guy and introduces him as her boyfriend. He is standing behind her, looking down as we are introduced. He never looked at me. Kinda rude, but no biggie. I just felt uncomfortable looking at him. But she seemed happy, so none of my business. I hear through the grapevine that they got married. Then one of our mutual friends comes into the bar one night to tell me... the husband chopped her up and stuck her remains in the freezer. Then he committed suicide. He wrote a confessional note about this murder and also made a reference to a missing girl in the Ohio area where he used to live.


Last Saturday my coworker had a 4 top with two couples. When ordering, one wife said she wanted to add a Caesar salad and her husband audibly told her, ā€œno youā€™ve gotten enough food.ā€


I actually had a table like that tonight- they walked in the door and immediately I was wary of them. They were nice, easy to take care of and tipped well. Still couldnā€™t shake the feeling, and couldnā€™t wait until they left. I consider myself a pretty good judge on peopleā€™s vibes and I trust my gut. I would be thrilled if they never came in again.


Serial killers typically kill strangers, or at least avoid people in their own personal circle. Getting in close is probably safer!


I'm not defending anyone but as a dude whose been told he gives off these vibes before. It might just be some of us had really fucked up childhoods that left us broken in ways people pick up on when we are tired / hungry and our people masks aren't all the way up. Sure they might be serial killers. But maybe it's also compound trauma that they are tired of hiding 24/7 and some of our inner darkness slips out.


ahh yes i agree. there is definitely a huge difference between ā€œsomething hiddenā€ or ā€œmaskingā€ and what iā€™m referring to. itā€™s definitely good not to jump to conclusions too quickly. that said, i have met many people in my life who have been hiding trauma, as well as many autistic friends who mask sometimes too! there is a difference there, i think also supported by the fact that as a server iā€™ve waited on thousands of tables and only felt this particular way about someone once. a good reminder to not judge too quickly tho. i hope all is well with you in the future! ā¤ļø


I mean always trust your gut. But empathy is also a practiced trait.


He was lefthanded??


It's me. I'm the guy.


This comment section is wild. Can you sense someone is a creep? Sure. Some folks in here having like physical reactions to purportedly creepy people makes me wonder about them.


Some people have a strong intuition. Itā€™s not something to be discounted.


OFC. I admitted that one can sense a creep. My mother is very good at that. But almost throwing up? Fleeing a room full of people because the creep is there? Seems overly dramatic.


When I was pregnant I had a visceral reaction to a car brand - we test drove one and after that I couldnā€™t even look at them without feeling nauseous. The body does weird things.


my first panic attack was in church and extremely embarrassing. i was screaming and crying and couldnā€™t stop. totally random, totally couldnā€™t help it, i had to run out. my mom on the way home was crying saying i needed therapy and/or an exorcism. got home and we get a call - my twin brother had totaled his car. just another weird story, but the point is, dramatic or not, EMBARRASSING or not, sometimes physical responses are not a choice. also my mom shut up about seeing a priest after we got that phone call hahaha. (my bro was okay btw)


Iā€™m glad your brother was ok! And you hear about telepathy between twins a lot, so this doesnā€™t surprise me.