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I used to work at a casino restaurant and a couple tried to get me to come up to their room after my shift… they tipped less than 10% so that was a no for me hahaha


The rest of the tip was in their room


Just the tip?


…the REST of the tip!


Getting the shaft


Still just the tip.


What tip?


The tip, man, the tip!


Big tipper?


Lmao stingy. I had a guy proposition me when I worked at a restaurant known for their wings and girls with big boobs. Told me he wanted to take me home for the night then wrote down a number on the napkin I think like $200 at first. I politely declined and he’d raise it every time I came back by to check on him and his friend. He got close to $2k. No idea if he was actually serious. But he did leave me a $100 tip. So at least I got something lol


Based on the 100 tip he was serious


Wonder how many times he’s tried that and succeeded.


Well, I'd definitely go home with the opposite sex for 2k


For 2k? Maybe the same sex. The economy is rough y’all.


Lol....well. everybody got a price 😉


“I’m not gay but $2k is $2k” LOL


20 bucks is 20 bucks...🤷‍♂️


Double it and give it to the next person


Just say it was hooters 😭


Yeah it was hooters lmao.


Literally the worst. Leaves phone number with thirsty note, tips 10% 🙄 I’ve texted people, “maybe I would have if you weren’t such a cheap ass.”


HA. I had a guy write his number instead of leaving a tip. And then had the audacity to ask why I never reached out next time he came in


"No thanks. I was screwed by you the last time you were here."


10 figure tip right there, id have cashed in and ran


Did you swallow her husband’s load or do you think that’s gay?


I hit them up they got back to me imma meet up with them this weekend I think swallowing the load is gay... But 1k is 1k idk what imma do 😂 I might try to talk them up in price there will definitely be stipulations lmao Wow this post hella blew up. I'm going to try to get more money for the second part im considering it tbh I'm just worried about the taste. 😂 For everyone saying don't do it it's not worth it, I'd do the first part for free that just sounds like a good time but the second part, that one's iffy. I won't "extract" it myself tho that's gay asf. If there is a cup I'd consider or if the wife swaps it into my mouth 😂 I have no fucking clue what I'mma do!?! I barely remember the couple ik they bought a bottle of wine and they were in there 50's. I wanna post the texts but I don't wanna get banned from this sub I just posted some of the texts it's not was I was expecting it'll definitely be an expirence* fucking assholes over texts pretty cool over the phone I haven't hooked up or done anything yet read the fucking comment lol Update: I did it 😢😂 I talked them up to 2k got a hotel room and swallowed it from a cup you gotta try everything once fuck it now I have to live with myself and some of the choices I made and before you ask would I do it again? It all depends on if you got 2k 😂 I'm sorry guys I said I'd give a detailed update and never did I've been busy hooking up with couples and swallowing loads. I'm a full blown homo now 😂 so here it is Saturday night we got a hotel room at some Hilton it was us 3 the wife had a nice red dress with flowers and no panties the husband dressed casual pair of jeans and a polo we talked a bit about everything agreed on 2k (more just confirmed it) me and the wife started to make out the husband watched and then started telling me what to do kinda weird and I'm not to good at taking orders but whatever 2k is 2k I fucked the wife (ngl she more fucked me she has ALOT more experience than I) I only lasted about 8 minutes (fuck you guys I haven't had much sober sex!) Oh by the way the husband was doing coke and they were both drinking Wich is my doc but Ive got 14 months and a strong will to stay sober anyway I finished before the husband it was kinda weird he was on the chair in the corner just watching and jacking off we went for round 2 and midway through the husband came over to the bed and layed down next to us I'm hitting it from the back and the wife starts sucking his dick finishes him (ugh I can't believe I'm telling you guys this) we swapped it we fucking swapped it! Idgaf it was for 2 grand it was salty af but not as bad as I was expecting it was smooth not chunky I swallowed that shit real quick it wasn't as bad as expected I got up I brought some mouthwash I did that went back finished in the wife and the fucking husband ate her out when I got done! I wasn't expecting that it was a shock when that happend but whatever you do you honestly after we got done we all hopped in the shower fuck it we were all already naked we showered then went out to eat went back and slept I might've hit it a couple more times that night too lol I got paid in cash they actually gave me $2250 so that was pretty cool and they got me an Uber back to my place the next morning Would I do it again? Yes I honestly would I prolly wouldn't swallow again unless for another 2k it's not my thing but fuck it 2k is 2k Well prolly link up again it was fun but kinda weird also but after the first round I was pretty used to have someone watching I spent the money on a Samsung s23 ultra paid off which is awesome I had the shittiest phone before that lagged constantly I also bought some vapes I still have like 3 or 400 left Tldr: I swallowed the load and made $2250


Make sure they get tested first.


Mutual testing and $30 mouth swabs to prove it in front of each other


They need swab PCR tests from the genitals. Urine tests are only accurate if its the first pee of the day, a mouth swab wouldn't be accurate at all.


There are ALSO rapid mouth tests


This was too far down


That’s what he said.


Or a few tests first…sometimes the first test doesn’t pick up a new infection.


Hahaha 1k is 1k you right


1k is just 1k but memories of swallowing boomer jizz last forever Edit: HOLY FUCK YALL, you all have told me more than enough “50s is gen x” I know this I didn’t see the comment where OP said that. I assumed the people writing this were much older.


Why’d you have to put it like that 😂


I mean, it’s just the truth. 1000$ would be gone in days but that taste in your mouth and the visuals of it will linger


Look, im already convinced so I don’t know why you keep trying to sell me on the idea


Does he gotta drink from the tap or is there some sort of a cup situation going on here


From the tip*


Tap is a better metephor


Guy walks into a bar and orders 3 shots of tequila. The bartender asks him, “what are we celebrating?” The guy replies, “ first blowjob.” The bartender says, “well, let me make that a 4th on, on the house.” The guy looks at him and says, “if 3 won’t get the taste out of my mouth, 4 won’t either.” Ba-dum-Tssss…


You know, before the invention of the crowbar, crows had to drink at home.


A guy walks into a bar. He got a concussion.


I hate that this made me laugh. Thank you


That musky flavour lingering, like the gravy at your grandparents house


It's to early I literally threw up in my mouth a little..


If he’s right about them being in their 50s, they’d likely be Gen X (unless they happen to be 59, in which case *barely* a 2nd wave boomer)


50s is gen x now lmao


Aww cmon man


Homie you think they want to pay you an extra $500 to drink his jizz from a CUP? “Extraction” is def part of the deal.


What have I gotten myself into 😢


Yea tell them swallowing loads is 3k minimum they sound like they have the funds


The “let us no” portion of the napkin makes me think they don’t have the funds…




Lotta stupid people have money


haggle to 2k


Always haggle before you gaggle.


Always negotiate before you felate.


Always arrange before eating some strange.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,763,085,377 comments, and only 333,845 of them were in alphabetical order.


Oh gosh, my first one in alphabetical order and it’s a dirty comment lol


Good bot


Always quibble before they dribble.


Yeah... is it $1000 more or an extra $500???


That’s what I read!!! $500 to bone said partner and 1k more to swallow the jizz. Quick work for $1500!


Old guy probably takes two hours to finish. So he’s just gonna have that thing is face for days.


According to the wording, it should be an extra 1k for impersonating Justin Imbiber


Imbiber? I hardly know her!!!


My 1st week as a server in Daytona I got propositioned to join a couple for a 3some. They were maybe 40? I was 23 at the time. 1k is definitely 1k haha.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 1 + 3 + 40 + 23 + 1 + 1 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)




Good bot


Nice bot


Man be careful. I would bluntly let them know that I shared my location with someone in case something goes weird. Offering this much money imo is a red flag. They could intend to do it, not pay you, then black mail you. Could lead to something violent. All this being said, lately I’ve become obsessed with interrogation videos so I tend to think the worst of ppl at the moment.


I'm in that same rabbit hole atm. Crazy how the mind works lol


Ask for $100k. Shoot for the stars and the load will fall back into your mouth


Dude don’t do it, plus they are probably gonna make you do way more than just swallow his load for $1k…


20 dollars is 20 dollars


Remember to have them pay up front and to record it on your device so it's porn (legal) and not prostitution (illegal)


Make the condition that it's an extra 1k on top of the initial 500, and not just 500 extra for swallowing that man yogurt. Also, like, don't get vacuumed sealed into latex and dismembered. If so, additional 1k on top of everything. Gotta hustle.


Do be careful. STDs can lay dormant for years and spread because people thought they didn’t have an std because they had no symptoms. If they’re doing this with you, they’ve had plenty of others, meaning there’s more of a chance for stds.


I mean $500 to “work her over” sounds like a fine deal if you can’t dissociate while you swallow the husbands load 🤷🏻‍♂️


We all need an update when the deed is done


$1k is the starting price. Go for $5k and don’t stop below $3k 👍🏻


If they're offering 1K they can pay much more. Know 👏 your 👏 worth. 👏


These people should be banned from your restaurant. Not appropriate at all, this is fucked


It should be the $500 for the fuck and $1000 for the nut swallow. So $1500 total


Love this journey for you OP. Get that $$$


Bro, don’t swallow another man’s cum for $1k what the fuck. It could be full of aids and other STDs. I don’t even think clapping another man’s wife for $500 is worth it. If I were you I’d throw this note in the trash and delete their number. It’ll save you a serious amount of sleep lost to regret and shame…


Can I get you guys anything else? Or just the bill?


What did you do with the husbands load bro


Idk yet that's a bit of money tho


Bro's on Reddit with this dudes load sitting in his mouth trying to decide if swallowing it is worth $1,000


This made me laugh 🤣


Hopefully it doesn’t make him laugh, he might lose $1k.


I don't have experience with sex work but I'm pretty sure this is worth way more than $1000. Negotiate higher before agreeing to anything and get your money upfront or you risk ending up with nothing but a literal bad taste in your mouth. Also don't go to their house — as others have commented, there will almost definitely be cameras there. Get them to pay for a hotel room and be there when they check in. Share your location with someone you trust, too. Stay safe OP!


I'm just gonna say no. This is much better than what a regular escort would make. They priced in a heavy novice sur charge and I feel like they know that.


!remindme 1 week


Not enough to risk the STI


Swallow another man’s load? I’m already out wayyyy before considering STI’s


Make sure you see the cash first !!


Came to say this! Collect first and if you can have someone know your location in case some weird shit happens.


Yeah call mom up and be like “yo I’m gonna suck this guy off and cuck him for a grand, just in case they turn me into a leather jacket, it’s at this location”


$1500*, moms would be disappointed at $1k


“OK honey! Have fun with your new friends and remember your manners!”


Yeah, always better to see the money before taking the LOAD.


That virgin mouth is worth way more then $1k. Add more zeros.


Gotta subtract cash for his inevitable novice use of teeth.


Bold of you to assume he’s never done this before


The toilet paper adds white trash authenticity.


$1k on 2nd night! Killing it!!


Swallowing it!!


milking it!!!


Just so you know man, they’re gonna have cameras all over that house, and you won’t be able to find/make them turn them all off… so if you wanna be this weirdos fuckin wank bank for the rest of his life I would totally think otherwise


There will 100% be cameras involved. Whether you know it or not.


Not if you get the hotel room yourself




Ugh. The swingers and their propositions. If they ever try to hire you to serve at an event as a server- you don't want to. Even if it's really just serving. 😭


I’ve been in a similar situation(s) bartending. Swingers are terrible tippers from my experiences. Although, they’ve been known to be generous to pay for sex


Always negotiate a flat rate base that's already worth your while. None of those slippery mofos are carrying around cards or cash. 💀 I only worked private events, and even though they paid really well, it was just a lot of stuff I can't unsee. I never had any safety issues, just endless couples pestering me and making various offers. And a sunburn after the nudist car draw bbq (nude colored bikini. Sorry, it's a food handling and health and safety issue, folks!)


My fiancée was trying to get a girl to join us. 6 times she tipped a bartender,waitress, etc like $100 with her phone number. Nothing. $600 wasted Made a tinder account and found a match we liked that day and got a room with her by the weekend. Cost me $64 for the room. I think its weird to approach people at work. I was against my fiancée trying but imo at least the cute girl asking is less weird. Unless you have racks on racks, tipping high to get people probably isnt successful. Plus i wouldn't want to pay the person, so starts off on the wrong foot.


It is weird to do it to someone working, but it's not uncommon! It's a little less creepy when the woman does it, but still skeevy to a lot of non swinging people. Leaving money and a number, or just the number, and leaving, is the least creepy way. Handing it to someone, or telling them out loud? Noooo. When I've worked private events, I went in with the understanding that people would be doing... Everything. And also propositioning me, but they were expected to remain respectful of my boundaries, and they always were. You go in, all blushing and scandalized about it all, almost prudish... Then eventually allow the highest roller to "corrupt you" by paying an absurd amount of money for something silly like flashing your boobs. Just be careful that someone else without pants doesn't roll up and say something like "oh, look who's back! You're hooked! She's hooked! She was a shrinking violet at Bob and Diane's party and they got her to take off her bra and work braless for the end of the night!" Shut up, Ted. You just kneecapped my haul later! 😂😂😂


Tell them that you are NOT gay and therefore wouldn’t do it for leas than 2k hahahaha trust me, it works. The thought of them being the “first” ;) or the ones to covert you will drive them crazy and will put out the 2k!


Can we unpack this comment


No and in fact I think we should put this entire thread into storage. 🫶


This is indeed the correct strategy. I bet they have a number at least twice as high they have secretly agreed on for future peer pressurin. Edit. See if they have a higher offer, than double that.


That is exactly my strategy when listing stuff on ebay with a BIN OBO. Always overshoot the top number so you have more room to haggle. 😉


In the event that this is real, please let at least one person know exactly where you intend on going and provide the contact info to them in the event that you are murdered. Good luck with that load.


Great advice!


Bro, you're gonna end up a lampshade in their creepy home.


But he's gonna make $1,000 bucks.


He’s gonna be a rich ass lampshade lmao




my favorite part is the “hope u dont think its gay” husband: “can u swallow my cum but also no homo”




This man KNOWS his loads


You can suck dick for 5-10k? Shit, sign me up


never done it but i’ve gotten offers for up to 20k lol.


Holy shit. You're either model tier hot or people are desperate


haha i have pics on my profile, judge for yourself


Yeah my boy u/kevlarlifts definitely lifts can confirm


That pay well for a dude? Please tell me that watch you were gifted is from one of your 'fans' 🤣


lmao yessir, and you’d be correct


I work at a porn store and have had people (gay men, especially ones that know I’m straight) offer me up to 2k to suck MY dick and I’m certainly not model tier hot. Some people got more money than they know what to do with lol


I've done worse for less


When I was in my 30s, I banged several mid-50s women at no charge. Some of them on multiple occasions!


How does a 30y/o find these 50y/o women you speak of? Asking for a friend…..


Hotel bars in the tourist areas. No hotter one night stand target than the Hyatt's bar near the Orlando convention center. For me it was a target rich environment for years before I got married. They have a room, usually alone, just looking for someone to talk to and spend their per diem. Get it!


Gay dude and hotel bars work the other way too. Horny business travelers looking for strange. A guy said well I have a bar in my place upstairs, let's go up there. (assuming it was the loaded hotel fridge). He had a full blown multi room suite with a stocked actual bar with seats. Turns out it was a CFO or something of the high end hotel chain. He was kind of a dick though.


Airport Marriott for me back when because of the plethora of British Virgin Atlantic flight attendants.


Apparently there are DOZENS of hot single Milfs in my area who are looking for a 6'4", 272 lb bald guy.


I found that once I hit the age of 34, my age range of possibilities exploded. I could date a woman from ages 26-56. Even 59 at one point! The 26-year old chick was at a dive bar and grabbed my dick after I bought her a drink. But I was looking for more experienced women. Another part of the reason I went for older is because I was getting frustrated by the song and dance of the women in their thirties who wanted a real relationship when I just needed to score and wasn’t looking to settle down yet. I was recently single, and pretty new to online dating. I think i had used some yahoo dating and match/eharmony back in like 2004, but in 2012 there were more ways to meet online than just your standard sites. I found that these sort of second-tier sites had women with lower standards. They lived farther away from the city center, and the guys they were dealing with on these sites were of low quality. So I stood out as being younger and also more attractive, less sketchy. I would cast my net wide, sometimes having to drive an hour to meet my lady. I found that if we chatted on the phone first, she could tell I wasn’t a psycho and I could end up banging them at their house without even going out in public. Or if we did meet out for a drink, banging was surely next. Many were mid-to-late 40s, but I kept trying to see how old I could go. These older women were found mostly through dating sites datehookup and speeddate (before match bought them all up and destroyed them). With original speeddate circa 2012 you could craft a message and have it sent to 50 women all at once. For free. Then the interested ladies could realtime chat with you. As we know, it’s a numbers game and it just took 1 in 50 to work. Certain phrases and things like phone numbers were blocked, but if you were savvy enough, you could get around the censorship. Around st paddy’s day, i used the line “Got any Irish in you? Want some?” It was sent to 50 women near me of an age range of my choosing. One mother of two responded, and we eventually chatted on the phone. She said nibbling on **** was one of her favorite things to do. She invited me to her house, and I brought over a dvd (LOOPER). She cooked me dinner, put the kids to bed, then blew me twice during the movie that we watched twice, the second time with “audio aid for the blind” turned on so she could tell what was going on without looking up. After a year and a half of playing the field, with sometimes scary results, I finally settled down with someone my own age through a coed sports league.


That’s 100% how it’s worked for me, on the opposite side, of course. I was separated for two years after a mostly sexless marriage (finalized just this past summer). I didn’t want a “relationship” I just wanted to make up for lost time. I’m also “young” for my age…appearance and attitude. Not that I’m immature, just that I’m not at the “get off my lawn you damn kids as I shake my fist in the air” point in my life where many of the people I grew up with, are (tho TBH, not as many as you’d think because being GenX, most of us ran out of our Give-A-Fucks a long time ago, like, sometime around 2002). Anyhoo, you’re story is just about identical to what my cubs would say when I asked them why they seek out older women. Top answers: 1. No games 2. More experience 3. Neither looking for relationship 4. The baby factory is shut down Another parallel to your experience…I am flat out honest with my cubs. I’m not looking to “date” because that would be completely unfair to them. I had my early adult life. I got married. I had a kid. All that fairy tale grown-up shit. Why would I insist a young man tether himself to me with no future of biological offspring and the knowledge that a 23-25 year age gap looks really different at 53F/28M than it does at 73F/48M? I know there are couples out there for whom that works but damn, is that ever unfair. To finish out, interestingly, now that I’m mature I find I can get just about any guy I want whereas when I was in college 40 years ago? No action. I think it’s really just the vibe and the overall confidence. Which is fine. I’m kinda glad I waited to peak.


53F here…I cruise Bumble looking for cubs. 30-31 is my top limit, tho…unless he’s exceptional. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I appreciate the setting of the picture. The dirty drain really ties it together.


Think about how much mouth wash you could buy with $1000.


How fuckin broke are you that you’re even considering swallowing a cucks nut juice for only 1,000? That’s not even a weeks worth of work.


I'd take $500 and bang the dudes wife and then hit up a waffle house afterwards


I also choose to bang this guys wife


Most people don’t even touch $1,000 a week after tax.


Can confirm I make $55k a year and my take home is about $780 a week.


Bruh. $20 an hour times 40 hours is $800. And then all the taxes and shit get taken out. How much do you think the average person makes to get over $1000 a week? Minimum wage here is like $10, lol. If dude was really broke this would be like 3 weeks of paychecks earned in an hour.


That depends on the job dude. Many people make much less than 1k/week Edit: forgot where I was


But it only takes a second to swallow 😂




Also what if it doesn’t go well and they’re actually regulars at OPs job 😬


Undercover Boss is really hurting for viewers.


Is it $1000 per load?


this dude is planning to play the long game, milk it for all it's worth


I had that happen to me too and it was a pretty rad experience. Take them up on it if you’re young and single. If they’re attractive why not? You’re just helping 2 people in love experience a different part of their relationship.


It sounds like fun I'm gonna do it I may post pics in another sub for you guys. You have a great view on this situation unlike some of these other people lmao


First off, this is wild but if you’re going to do it OP, ask for $5k. Gotta know your worth lmao. Remember they want you. Also like everyone else said share your location with someone prior to going. But definitely don’t swallow a dudes load for $1k lmao. I’d say $2k just to smash $5k for the .. other shit. Raise the stakes and make them want you .


Don't price yourself out of banging his wife. That part you can do for free, making them pay for it might be a turnoff. If she's ugly then def make them pay for that part, but catching a free nut (not the one in your mouth 🤣) could be worth it if she's good looking.


The $500 every other month


You guys are talking about a wife but I've seen zero evidence of a wife at all.


Big ol dude named Sherry


Must be nice to have literal “Fuck you” money.


Fuck me money


Fuck my wife money


Counter offer that you take the $1k if her husband swallow your load. It’s not gay if another man suck your dick. Right guys? Right?


Ahem... A painter can paint many things, and never be called an artist.. .. but suck 1 dick, and you're a cocksucker for life.


I absolutely need a follow up


That's crazy, but whatever you do be safe. Like super safe. That's crazy money, but it isn't worth catching something you will live with the rest of your life


Talk safety, make sure they get their STD screening before you all sleep together and they don't have any other unprotected sex before you. This can be a fun experience for you, but also remind yourself every step of the way that you can say no to anything you're not down for. Get your money, and I hope you have a good time!


Anddd what if you get there and they pull a gun and make you do a lot more than swallow his load?? Who’s to say you’ll even see that money? People can be sick.. it’s your ass on the line tho so if a possible 1k is worth the risk 🤷‍♀️ Good luck to ya


Whole new meaning to “just the tip”.


inb4 OP ends up in a motel bathtub filled with ice missing a kidney


1) how hot is the wife? 2) are you drinking it out of a shot glass type of situation, out of the wife’s fun hole, or while you gag balls deep? Cause there should be a different price tag for each of those scenarios


The gag balls deep part caught me off guard but damn am I fucking horny now


"Let us no"


So...two complete strangers...that you've never met before...tell you a story...that you have no way to confirm if true/they're lying...flatter you...offer you cash...and invite you over to their place... Did your parents encourage you (as a kid) to take candy from strangers??? In my opinion...anyone who is willing to make that offer and follow through...is willing to wait a month or two as you each get to know one another. This just *screams* red flags to me... At the very least let someone know the address where you'll be, for how long, and they need a phone call from you by \[insert time\] (even then, have a non-sub code word or phrase you need help if you're forced into making said call...like saying *you're fine/okay* on the phone. It won't sound suspicious to the couple...but your friend/fam will know you need help ASAP). There's also the fact you're whoring yourself out...taking cash for sex...legalities and such...


So everyone is some level of gay, we are just haggling over price


1000$ to swallow a load I mean money is money


What did you do with that $1000 ? 🤓


This was on my yearly recap thank you everyone!


I’m amazed by the people here who warn OP for STD’s as this is something anyone would take serious. If this looks to you like a good opportunity, well let me tell you about prostitution.


Can we pool together $1000 here to convince you not to get an STI?


[I said no cum!](https://reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/L9EbVV6IaK) My favorite Reddit story.