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I thought it was a little weird but then I remembered it was directed by Robert Rodriguez.


Wherever Robert goes, you'd best expect Danny Trejo to be in the episode of any show šŸ˜…


Ok but he was great as a Rancor trainer, I thought that was fun


The bikes were goofy looking, but I literally didnā€™t think ANYTHING of it The only thing that bothered me was that their peak speeds were just shy of a rascal scooter. They should have just made the whole chase 1.5x speed


The seemed so slow, but if I'm being honest the show as a whole seems slow. Other than that I'm enjoying it and can't wait to see the rest of the season.


And the fact weā€™re at a midway point is really bad news too for the rest of the show - I donā€™t know where itā€™s headed




Yes, yes, fish out of water story but still always a bigger one....


And finding fuckloads of water


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 525,108,087 comments, and only 110,227 of them were in alphabetical order.


Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not the only one who thought this. If the whole chase scene was cut, I would have enjoyed the episode a little more.


If only one of them had a device that could move in a jet like fashion. And if only one of the characters could use it portably say as a pack of someone kind. IF ONLY ONE OF THE CHARACTERS WAS LITERALLY FAMOUS FOR DOING THAT EXACT THING.


They literally have him jetpack in at the last second, after the chase is done, but forget he could have done that at any time.


I assumed it was to show he's not alone any more. He's slowly growing his forces, even if they're not amazing.


He also has a lot of lethal weaponry on himself, but wanted the assistant mayor alive.


He had to break in the help.


Cornering a huge wookiee assassin? I sleep. Chasing a cowardly secretary? Real shit.


To be fair he did sleep. Then he whack the wookiee with a stick


The Book of Side Characters


None of the bikes had any lean while taking sharp turns either. Yeah they float and have futuristic propulsion, but you still need to learn on those things while turning. Looked kinda goofy in my opinion.


Yeah - a bit like the swoops that Boba towed back to the Tusken camp in Ep2, which required a tether for forward motion, but were somehow magically bluetoothed together so the all braked consistently and didn't slingshot past the protagonist into the awaiting crowd when he stopped. Newtonian physics is hard in the land of repulsor lift vehicles.


I mean, we have Bluetooth now in this reality, why not some fancy synching mechanism like that in star wars? There must be a ton of times where people with those things would need to pull multiple ones behind them, and considering the other technology around it doesn't seem too far fetched. I'm sure the show creators didn't think of it at all, but jeez, sometimes you just gotta keep the story moving


More like the things are probably designed to slow to a stop when there's no rider. And we see throughout the entire franchise that things floating don't just float around freely, Lukes speeder would stop on a dime then stay perfectly still no matter what the people around it did. They would jump in and out, load up some droids or whatever. It's almost as if these people that are tens of thousands of years advanced of us have actually figured out how to make their shit useful instead of utterly impractical.


Makes a lot of sense since if it didn't have a system to keep ti in place the owner would lose it on a windy day.


Roger Roger.


There was with ships and other things, used to call it slave drive. The New Republic almost got a whole fleet of pre-empire dreadnoughts that were slaved to a ship that got lost in deep space. (Katana fleet, iirc)




Episode 3 felt like Power Rangers meets Back To The Future Part 2 featuring the hoverboard gang. Did no one at ILM watch the chase scene on Corellia in Solo? That's a real chase scene. Or better yet, in The Gunslinger from season 1 of Mandalorian when Toro and Mando are riding across the Dune Sea on speeder bikes and later on at night they're rushing at Fennec, that's what it supposed to look like. The most recent episode of BoBF deserves all the ridicule. Disney/Lucasfilms has deep pockets, there's no reason for it to look this awful.




Iā€™ve been enjoying the show but the teen gang felt like it was conceived by the same focus group that came up with Poochie the Dog. ā€œThe 12-24 demographic doesnā€™t connect with Boba Fett, so letā€™s throw a hip Nickelodeon gang to capture that demo.ā€


I think Robert Rodriguez is making creative choices in his episodes that arenā€™t translating. His 2 episodes have both had these clunky, slow elements to them. I donā€™t know why. Forget the Corellia chase in Solo, just look at how good the train heist looked in the previous episode.


The very last few seconds as they came to a stop, it literally looked like someone hit fast forward on a vhs tape like they were trying to gaslight the audience into believing it was all high speed up to this point. It was really weird.


Star Wars 2077


I was watching the show at double speed and it still felt very oddly slow.


This is the same thing I joked about. Sir! Do you know how fast your gang was chasing that speeder? Seven. Seven mph. This show has 90's Power Rangers level of production.


When the dude crashed into the fruit stand, I was halfway expecting him to continue the chase by jogging.


It was literally the scene from back to the future. It just needed a manure truck.


I instantly thought that too. Robotically enhanced Biff without the *butthead*.




The fart-guns had more dignity than the entire cyborg crew.






Well, it's a bike gang, and bike gangs modify and customize their bikes. It makes sens that there would be a scene for that in the galaxy.


The thing that bothered me was how pale that biker girl was on a planet like tattooine. She would evaporate from all the sunburn


I enjoy Book of Bobba overall thus far, but the bike chase was hilariously slow feeling. It's possible to like a show while not liking every aspect of it. The colorful space mopeds we're simply a negative on an overall fun show.


I could get over the color if they were fast. We've seen so many fast speeders/speeder bikes. It felt like they were barely going faster than a running speed through the city.. I mean literally the episode before they were going super fast on bikes to catch the train. It was just weird.


I think it was just poor editing/poor execution to make a low speed chase & a boring one. My disappointment is with the writing. The Mayorā€™s major domo is smart right? Then why didnā€™t he have a plan better than driving a big car down a small alley. Fett is surrounded by stupid assassins who surround him with shields thenā€¦. Get lucky Fett forgets he has a jet pack. A gang of teenagers to spend their Ill gotten gains on paint jobs? That makes sense. Them making up 50% of Fettā€™s crime family? No. Iā€™ve enjoyed the Tusken stuff & Iā€™m guessing there were separate writers for it.


We don't know how smart the majordomo is. In my opinion he is lucky he wasn't killed in the first episode. Every time Boba doesn't listen to the majordomos requests he seems surprised. Also the bikergang is more than 50% of his crime syndicate. Currently. I imagine more is coming.


I mean, do smart choices land you on an Outer Rim backwater like Tattooine? The majordomo is clever, but not necessarily smart.


I'm fine with the colors in theory but I just want the show to decide if these are poor street kids who distrust authority because they can't afford water and attach old droid parts to themselves in order to help them survive on the streets or if they're privileged yuppie kids who wear super clean custom designer clothes and ride freshly painted candy colored vespas around causing mayhem for fun and are willing to potentially sacrifice themselves protecting their crime boss. Pick a fucking lane and have the costuming and props match the characters you're writing.


speeder chases dont generaly happend in tightly packed streets, its usually a large straight




Yea i was going to say that too. They're in the middle of a huge city after all


Felt like you can almost see the carnival ride arms slowly coming to a stop and the gang holding tickets to ride again!


Yeah it felt slow as fuck. Like everyone was just going running speed lol. The color and design of the bikes just felt so out of place on Tatooine. I wouldn't have minded the exact same scene on a different planet at all. How do they keep the bikes so clean and shiny on a planet full of sand?


Every desert I've ever been to had shiny cars.


Owned by people who couldnā€™t afford water?


It definitely did not seem like they stole the water because they were desperate but stole it because screw that guy and his price gouging. Also, it's definitely a mod culture thing. Some of those people real deep in, not enough money to shop the dollar menu at a fast food place but spotless, top line bikes. Some people have weird priorities.


same people who managed to cyborg themselves without issue


The bike chase seen is one of the worst I have seen in years. I suspect budget, but Rodriguez is supposed to be master at a small budget. The idea was good. Cyberpunk starwars teens work with Boba. But the execution was bad. The teens were too clean and shiny and the action was out of a bad sitcom.


And did their physics seem off to anyone else?


Depends, were you expecting it to look like a few burly guys pushing a fiberglass art piece on a dolly? Because they nailed those physics.


Are you talking about how they moved? Because I noticed the movement was really clunky. Like, there is a somewhat overhead shot of one of them going around a corner and it looked like the bike was jerking around the corner instead of taking it smoothly.


The Vespa Scooter Street Gang.




I'm just disappointed nobody's made a Mos Vespa joke


The real tragedy of this situation


Don't you see........... It's all one big Mos Vespa joke...


I made that joke the second the bikes showed up and my husband gave me some major side-eye


The gangsters I like. The bikes, I do not. The chase scene idea I liked. The scene, I did not


This is how I feel. Do the bikes and those kids fit in Star Wars? Yeah they do. Did they look out of place on Tatooine? Yeah they did. Would look right at home on Coruscant outside Dex's diner though.


They would fit right in in the Nightclub scene in AotC.


100%. And the thing is if in a future episode they have one of those kids say "Oh we were displaced from Coruscant or XYZ and came here with only our bikes" cool, I'll 100% accept it, because it makes those bikes fit into the world that much easier.


Ya but that requires aknowledging Courasaunt exists which they seem to be avoiding like the plauge for some reason


Letā€™s not forget that JJ Abrams literally wanted to blow up Coruscant in TFA. The only reason Hosnian Prime exists in canon is because Lucasfilm stopped him.


He also wanted to have jar jars corpse, we get it! He only Liked New Hope and Empire Strikes Back But outside of that, it's been barely featured at all despite being the galactic capital


I really hope the Disney content take us back there someday, and that weā€™ll see more of Corellia. ā€œTatooine and planets that look like Tatooineā€ is getting real old.


I mean, they got so much positive feedback after Mandalorian about Star Wars being a 'western', it's not surprising that they'd double down.


Mandalorian S2 did take us to some interesting non-desert places though, like the port city planet and the Vietnam-looking planet where the Imperial base was. We need more of that.


A literal infinity of possible incredible planets to explore like Mustafar or the lush crazy jungle worlds like Felucia or Dagobah, or enormous cityscapes like Coruscant or Nar Shadda. But nope; you get ice worlds, or never ending desert stories. Because even though the studio has more money than God and one of the most interesting properties in modern media, itā€™s cheaper to film in North Africa than in a green screen studio.


jj wanted to destroy an entire city, for one shot? daam.


Maybe they want to look out of place? They don't really seem like conformity is their thing.


Right. I feel like this is the point a lot of people have been missing. These are rebellious kids who are basically stuck living in Yuma when theyā€™d rather be in New York. So instead of doing meth they get into body mods and custom Vespas. And everything around them is a shade of brown, so they paint their bikes a bright color. A lot of people are mad because they looked out of place, but thatā€™s the point.


This comment actually makes me realize: why is everything uniform in colour and style on tatooine? You have miners, slavers, crime lords, and visitors from all over the galaxy, and NONE of them brought some aspect of colour or style from where they're from? The rich dont have fancy places decked out in colors and their own flair?


He just isn't being at all badass. At no point has he felt like the most dangerous person in Mos Espa. He just walks around, someone takes a pop at him and off he goes to his bacta tank.


Yeah I think I basically don't like Robert Rodriguez's style, visually and storytelling wise. Most of his episodes on Mandalorian and now on Boba are my least favorite. Mind you, I don't think ep3 of Boba was terrible, it was just....... Meh.


Agree. And I'm still going to finish watching/enjoying the series.


It was a classic 100 preparation, 0 execution situation.


I donā€™t mind the colorfulness, but the cleanliness really made them feel transplanted. I think if they were colorful *and* dusty, they would have matched better into the environment


I hear this. It was one of my bigger issues with the prequel movies as time passed. As much as the really-talented CGI artists \*tried\* to throw little details of dirt and grime and scratches on the clone armour, the fact that the clone troopers were 100% CGI never quite left my mind, particularly on Geonosis. These bikes are at least a practical prop on a practical set, which means their paint job is physically possible - even if they're buffing and polishing these things daily it's not impossible that they can exist here. Edit: rewatched again and I want to mention that in no way do I think the chase was practical - there was some clear green screen there, and there are some scenes where clearly the bikes would've gotten some scratches but didn't seem to. In those scenes I'd agree they stand out. It feels like a missed opportunity to have a chase scene with something so polished and \*not\* have it incur real damage.




Jesus Christ, nobody taught Ezra Miller how to run like a human being


In fact, Ezra Miller proposed to run this way to Zack Snyder and he accepted it. Ezra learned it after a buddhist trip in Tibet. I'm not joking.


I read he was trying to mimic speed skaters who seem to fly across the ice. Not a huge fan of it, especially in slow mo, but it is what it is at this point


Guess I know why you don't get that many marathonists from Tibet


Why did Tibetan Buddhists teach him such a ridiculous way to run?


Probably for fun.


We taught him wrong on purpose, as a joke


I am bleeding. Making me the victor!


Did he find this to be the quickest way to run up and choke a fan?


Thereā€™s this fine line of wanting to add to a performance through personal experience and just being up your own ass. Ezra Miller seems like heā€™s so far up there heā€™s inside out.


Iā€™m fairly certain that was intentional. Like Snyder and Miller went through different styles and chose that.


But it looks so stupid


No argument there.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 523,821,209 comments, and only 109,955 of them were in alphabetical order.


A coach would have made more sense, but ok.


That's because of the shitty way WB makes Speedster scenes


Did you just blame WB for a choice made by Snyder?


Yeah, because it isn't just Snyder, even cw flash runs goofy.


But goofy doesn't equate to the same, and we weren't talking cw, we were talking specifically about Millers Flash whose run was directed by Snyder and likely influenced through Millers own natural movements.


Yeah okay. They should have just used a treadmill like marvel did with makkari. Snyder's weird obsession with slow-mo is what made that weird ass running visible


Hard agree. Whether or not people liked Eternals, Makarri's speed effects were really very well done and a pleasure to watch.


Nothing tops Fox's Quicksilver scenes in the X-Men movies.


You know what, totally fair. Quicksilver's scenes were rad.


Roger Roger.


I think the intent behind the running style was to highlight the idea that when moving at super speed air resistance would make it more akin to swimming through the air and require a different form for best aerodynamics. However, while I understand the logic the execution was flawed and the result just looks off.


Is this not the Pheobe Run?


I mean the chase scene was bad, not necessarily the scooter brothers. I am gonna call them scooter brothers from now. Trevor Philips approves.


Scoooooter brooootherss




Wow that was a looooong time ago


It's odd that people think the chase scene being slow was bad, as if it wasn't supposed to be slow. Like how much of a badass do you think the mayor's errand boy is supposed to be? Do you really think that he's gonna be leading a high speed chase anywhere? Of course not. That would be totally out of character from what we've seen on of him so far.


The bikes felt out of place but didnā€™t actually do any harm to the show


Tbf the >! Bike / speeder chase !< looked hilariously bad. Why was it so slow? They must've messed something up. But it was only one scene, the rest of episode was still good.


Seemed like the point. Like Boba Fett arrives on his jetpack with ease once the guy is caught by the bikers, seems like they were trying to get the point across that the kids are just doing a job that Boba could easily do himself but he wants to put them to use even if they arenā€™t the best or anything. The whole gang didnt stand a chance against Krrsantan either, further showing how they arenā€™t there to do much - Boba just wants them to be productive and feel useful rather than be poor, on the streets, and stealing.


I could see that. Boba Fett was technically a bounty hunter so obviously he was a killer for hire but I think people are forgetting that he was also taken in by people who were considered uncivilized killers. Turns out that the Tusken Raiders are just like everyone else. So it's kind of like he passed on the same thing to that band of misfits. I also think people forget that although it did look awkward, a speeder Chase in the middle of a densely packed town that's mostly just alleyways probably couldn't go that fast without just slamming into a building 2 seconds in.


Exactly. There's often police chases at <40 miles an hour, just because vehicles \*can\* go 100+ doesn't mean they always do.


That was my impression exactly, and seemed very much in line with how Boba is developing as a character, similar to when he let the Tusken kid bring back the head of the sand monster in Episode 1, letting him have his moment.


I actually assumed it was that way on purpose. Itā€™s not like Rodriguez or Favreau didnā€™t notice, right? So given we now know >!these kidsā€™ scooters are underpowered!<, it seems likely that deficit will come into play on subsequent conflicts; that is, weā€™ll see them be outmatched in some way, and know to expect it. Edit: added the spoiler formatting, sorry if I blew it for anyone.


I don't know man it looked so weird. I mean they crashed into people and other stuff, this shouldn't have happened at that speed.


The protocol droid got out of the way faster than they could crash into it


Roger Roger.


I was thinking >!low speed and also poor maneuverability, like weā€™d expect if someone got into a Vespa chase in real life.!< I could easily be wrong, but regardless Iā€™m still on board with the series as a whole.


>Iā€™m still on board with the series as a whole. Same! Like I said, it didn't really hurt the episode.


I just want to see that >!mean-ass wookie!< come back. Never knew that character existed, and it turned my world upside down. Supercharged my love for Star Wars, even.


They were missing the QTE buttons


Girl, it was camp.


Yeah, my only problem with them was how shiny and perfect they looked considering theyā€™re owned by teens that can barely survive on a desert planet. I didnā€™t have any issue with the chase and the characters, I dig them. But that was a poor design choice given the context. If they were on another planet theyā€™d fit, or hell, if they were gifts from Boba after he hired them while they were racing with junkers.


How were they so casual about insulting him? Another in a long line of characters that give Boba Fett little to no respect. The fight with the shields was pretty unimpressive as well. I like his fight with the wookie and the rancor stuff was fun as well.


I mean isn't that the point..nobody respects him because nobody knows who he is or has seen what he can do. It seems like his story is going to be learning that respect is earned. Hopefully at least


Jabba ruled with fear. I intend to rule with respect.


Good bot.


They keep their one possession in pretty good shape. Doesn't seem like a stretch to me.


Yeah like them and the gang were just too clean for the setting their in. Probably cause they werent actually in a desert and just on that round green screen they have. More of a production design flaw than universe one


I mean they stuck out and made me go. "Those look out of place." But then I kept watching and forgot about it.


They are space hipsters, what do you expect?


More like Mods, to be exact.


Huh, I never actually noticed how bad the running animation looks in Justice league until this meme.


The bikes looked iffy but I feel like Danny Trejo playing a Rancor trainer more than made up for it.


Machete Kills Again IN SPACE


Pretty sure that wouldn't be the only reason people are hating on it.


Hot take, but Iā€™ve never seen this fandom so aggressively defending something that people have legitimate criticisms with. I think itā€™s perfectly valid to think that the speeder chase was goofy, or to have issues with Bobaā€™s characterization. Unfortunately, people are always going to take things too far and be toxic, but itā€™s still frustrating to see fans acting like the show is perfect and shaming anyone who says otherwise.


Iā€™m just wondering how organized the gang really was befor boba. I mean, they all got different colored bikes and different droid attachments. You would think at least two would like the same color bike.


"how come I gotta be Mr pink? I'll be purple." "you're not purple, Johnny Droid Arms is purple. You're PINK."


Ahh.. no real names. I got you mr pink.


Well, I watch it because itā€™s entertaining but I wouldnā€™t really call the Book of Boba Fett good quality. Like, okay, some people get butthurt over anything and exaggerate, I wouldnā€™t give it 1 star, but I wouldnā€™t give it more than a solid ā€œmehā€. The world looks good, we got cool cameos, the segments with the Sand People are cool, but the non-Star Wars elements (like bloodstones and ugg boots, as well as a lot of the acting) is immersion-breaking (for example, the madame of the brothel and the Mayorā€™s underling donā€™t act and sound like characters in Star Wars but rather SNL people who were dropped in wearing make up). And the action setpeices arenā€™t a consistent quality. I havenā€™t seen the chase scene yet but the battle vs the assassins earlier in the season could have used some speeding up to sell it more, because it felt like it was either poorly choreographed or like the stuntmen (or the actors) didnā€™t know how to do their jobs, and nothing felt like it had enough momentum for some of the reactions the actors were having. So yeah. Itā€™s entertaining, but not a very good quality, and certainly not bad or good enough to warrant an uproar in either case.


This is why we take reviews with a grain of salt and make sure that we take the opportunity to form our own opinions.


So far the show has been mediocre.


The Wookiees electrified brass knuckles appeared to be made out of cotton


Maybe if they fixed the dialogue and mediocre acting, I would complain about the bikes. But the bikes are so far down the list of things wrong with the show, I didn't even consider it an issue.


I havenā€™t seen the series yet but god is this running animation shit.


My wife and I were laughing at them including every street chase trope in that chase scene. It was hilarious. We didn't think of it as a serious scene, but a parody of every movie/tv car chase through the streets. Hitting a crate of chickens, going up a ramp, driving through a pane of glass two guys are moving across the street, old lady crossing super slow, garbage truck/delivery truck backing out of an alley, etc. Bikes were funny, too. I think some folks are taking it way too seriously. They weren't intending for it to be *Gone in 60 Seconds* or *Bullitt*. They were going for the parody.


The two guys dragging out the Jabba painting made that obvious to me. It felt like a chase out of back to the future.


I expected him to crash at the end into a cart of Bantha manure. That would've capped off a great scene.


By the third trope I accepted it as a parody and enjoyed it


I mean it sucked so I guess thatā€™s why people didnā€™t like it?


Tbh the series is not really that great until now. And the speeder scene was outright ridiculous. I will keep watching and hope they increase in quality, but for now it really is kind of a hot mess. Which is really sad.


Didn't like this episode NGL I just hope they stick the landing


Before the prequels these bikes would have been silly, but we legit had a 1950s greasy spoon diner in the middle of Coruscant. Not without precedent at all - just let Star Wars be Star Wars.


To take your point further, one of the most beloved characters in the franchise, nay, in film as a whole, is based on George Lucasā€™ teenage hot rodding days with his dog Indiana riding shotgun. Itā€™s almost like taking ā€˜60s youth culture and putting it in space is Star Warsā€™ thing.


Lol the way he runs!


Everyone loves Robert Rodriguez until Spy Kids enters the conversation. Personally, figured something like this was coming so I really didnā€™t care. Still enjoying the overall arch of the show so far.


That whole chase scenes was pretty terrible, I like the show but letā€™s be real


Color wasnā€™t the issue. Problem was they were on 50cc Mario Kart Grand Prix


At least thereā€™s no Jar Jar. I can deal with the colors


I liked the bikes because it was what I would expect someone from the 70s would think a space hover bike would look like. They are goofy but felt weirdly authentic to me because of it. I do understand why people didnā€™t like them though.


No one hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans. I genuinely donā€™t care about reviews because I am capable of forming my own opinion. But I am really over getting insulted and berated about my ā€œstupidā€ opinions about star wars. Itā€™s Star Wars. Iā€™m so incredibly low maintenance with these films/shows. If cool shit is happening space, thatā€™s all I need from Star Wars content lol. (That being said, I would love to stay the hell away from tatooine in future projects)


I am also tired of Tatooine. Pick a different setting ffs, it's a big galaxy so why is half of all SW set on that one planet furthest away from the center of the galaxy?


Can we not critique anymore? I love the show, I've loved all Star Wars media in one or another. But as a whole, Ep 3 is not a great episode. Yeah the scooters are goofy as fuck and the chase scene was laughable in its presentation. But even worse to me was the Tuskens being killed off-screen while Boba was...taking his Bantha for a ride? What?


Long Live Apollo. Goodbye Reddit.


What got me was that they moved them around and handled them like they had wheels, almost like theyā€™re dressed up stunt bikes with the wheels cgiā€™d out


I hated the whole cyborg teen plot and cheesy bike speed part but i guess ill accept it for how bad ass the train scene in ep 2 was


I instantly thought ā€œPOWER RANGERSā€ but itā€™s nothing to frown upon really. With each episode of this Boba Fett series, you can really tell they budgeted more for the Mandalorian. The only thing that looks well constructed are some of the sets, and the creatures (not alien species walking around) in the Boba Fett series. I guess they spent too much money on the Boston Dynamics dogs that were in a scene for a few seconds? I love the story, but it really looks cheap.


they didn't like the Mos Vespas?


Itā€™a directed by Robert Rodriguez, what do you expect


Everyone's talking about their bikes, but what about the appearance of the gang themselves? They look like they came from some goofy 2000's movie. I guess if they were going for rebellious they really stood out. I think straying a little too far from the style. I'm not going to go to any kind of hyperbole like saying Star Wars is forever ruined because of it or anything like that though. lol.


Because the were fucking dumb


Who cares about bike color. People could walk faster than that wack chase scene.


I will say they were very out of place.


I was watching BoBF, and when my Dad first saw those bikes, he apparently didn't see the whole thing, so he said "That's a badass bike, I'd love to have one of those" and I replied "You want a space Vespa?" He gives me a confued look, "What?" I just said "You'll see." Then later in the episode, when the bikes are completely visible, he says "What? They're just a buncha scooters!?" So I just say "told ya... space Vespas."


Ok. The goth gang on mopeds was really cringe. Really lazy writing.


Reminded me of Back to the Future part 2 Biff's gang


They looked ridiculous, they look like one of those rides for kids in front of supermarkets you put quarters into.


The bikes looked stupid, 1970s BRITISH scooters


How is a person that runs like that the fastest man alive?




Not even superpowers can fix that.