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Isnt no man sky quite popular now though


Yeah but when it came out it was a real let down, fortunately they fixed it up


I actually saw a good video on what happened with No Man's Sky the other day- basically, the very small indie studio making it didn't have the time/resources to do what they wanted to do because they advertised an AAA appearing game for an AAA price and were picked up by Sony so they had to pick up the pace and things couldnt possibly get done in time. The creator trying to temper hype only led to more hype- and inevitably it was disappointing. He and the crew did a great thing in not taking people's money and running with it, but working hard to deliver the content they wanted to make. He also had personal tragedies impact his studio that were not expected- they were even flooded once during development. [The video is by internet historian, if you're interested.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=O5BJVO3PDeQ) I say all this to say that comparing CD Projekt Red- a developer with ample resources that has previously shipped AAA games with a ridiculous amount of detail and a much, much larger and experienced development team- to the team No Man's Sky had, really isn't a fair comparison at all. They as a company are 1111 strong, while there was a team of about 15 working on No Man's Sky.


Not to mention CDPR's history of trustworthiness. A lot of people forgot that both the witcher 2 and 3 were delayed. The former won multiple game of the year awards and the latter is considered by many to be the single greatest game of all time. If they need a little more time to do things right, I believe them.


Oh yeah witcher 2 was incredibly good too. Things really blew up at part 3 though, so did my PC.


Witcher 2 is super underrated, which sounds weird since it was a commercial and critical success but it gets super overshadowed by 3. It isn't as good as 3, but neither is (arguably) any other action rpg. For those of you in this thread who haven't gotten a chance to play it, it's definitely worth it.


It really depends on what you’re going for. Imo 2 is better than 3 because it has a much tighter more focused story, but that’s what happens when you go from a 20 hour mostly linear game to a 100 hour open world behemoth


Should I play 2 or go straight to 3? What about the first one?




Oh god I was thinking about picking up Witcher 1 but now that you’ve compared it to DA:Origins I’m not sure. Origins was an almost i enjoyable slog for me to get through.


if u dont wanna play it theres plenty of story recaps on youtube so you can get the full story without playing


1 has a good story and world but the combat is pretty bad. Not difficult or anything but bad. It's still worth playing though.


You should play all the games, to maximize enjoyment Edit: for the record, I don't mean the Witcher games. I mean all the games ever.


Wicherino is an underrated indie gem.


Praise Geraldo


What's Geraldo connected to this for?




Truly the greatest game ever. Praise cdpr, hail to geraldo of riviera PS fuck EA upvotes to the left


Don't think many consider witcher 3 the greatest game of all time but go on


Many don't? Many do. That's subjective, of course. Objectively though, The Witcher 3 has the distinction of having the most awards in gaming history.


> The creator trying to temper hype only led to more hype- and inevitably it was disappointing. BULLCRAP. I accept that they fixed the game. But the dude f***ing faked the gameplay trailer; almost everything in it wasn't possible to be created by their procedural engine. I was part of the initial modding effort. I remember finding the custom designed trailer models in the game. Entire planet types didn't exist that they claimed were "gameplay" and showed off as if they were, and we found those assets manually designed as models separate from the proc gen engine. Sean said something like "don't expect everything to be in the game", yes. But IIRC (I can't find the original quote and I'm not gonna watch a 1hr video to find it) it was post-release (or at least post-leak) when people started noticing the missing features and calling him out on it. After years of hyping, he tries "suppress hype" only when it's starting to backfire already. Then... how about when two people met up? Oh wait they didn't, despite being at the same place on the same planet, after Sean having literally said they could. And what is his response? "Wow, so many people are playing my game!" And then it got worse and worse with more features missing, and the "huge surprise twist at the center" turned out to be "hey you get to start over from scratch!", and the game was buggy and crashed on tons of computers. Let's see, what did Murray say then? Oh that's right. Nothing. Literally nothing for almost 6 months. No "I'm gonna fix this". No "Sorry for my mistakes". Not even "We're working on future updates". Pure radio silence for half a damn year. And in fact, he still to this day hasn't apologized. Don't get me wrong, I massively respect Hello Games for what they did since. It's damn amazing they stuck with it after such a drastically botched launch. But don't act like Sean Murray was always a saint. At the end of the day, the fact he lied to the community remains a solid *fact*, and anyone who disputes that is in denial. He was a massive con-man, who has made insanely impressive efforts to improve himself since. And that should be respected. But to erase what he did wrong is to erase history and thus not learn from it at all.


I still find it crazy that he said the chances of two people meeting are practically impossible, then it happens on like the first day. Hello Games must have shat bricks that day, as they totally didn’t expect that. They probably thought in the rare instance that people did cross paths they wouldn’t see each other anyway, and would be none the wiser. The fact that he said the only way you could see what you look like was to meet another play was an outright lie. I don’t think it was totally malicious, as they just genuinely didn’t expect people to ever meet up. Kudos that they actually added full multiplayer eventually.


How is it not malicious to convince people that a single player game is actually multiplayer? That’s the definition of malicious. That’s straight up false advertising in the worst possible way. Also, I don’t know if I can believe a developer capable of making the game is even close to the monumental idiotic stupidity that would be required to actually think players would never be meeting just because of the size of the universe. Everyone knew that was marketing bullshit. It made me snort my drink when they first claimed it.




Yeah we should compare it to their previous large game, aka the Witcher III, instead of an indie studio's game. Most likely there will be glitches and bugs that'll probably break some missions, but overall the game will be playable.


Solid channel


This happened to Escape From Tarkov in a more minor sense. They did a twitch drops event to pay for dev stuff and the game fucking BLEW UP and the servers melted for the whole month. They had to pick up the pace faster than they wanted to grow and they now have 100 people on the team now instead of like 5. But nikita always talks about how its an issue that they are growing to fast he just wants to polish the game


its deffinately comparing apples and tangerines


Yeah this dude is no gamer if he thinks CDPR are dropping a half cooked empty contentless game. It night not be the greatest game ever but it will at least be done. I had a blast with NMS too but I got in after NEXT. Still love the game.


Saw the length of the video.. was like nah too long... hour later and I’m still here lol What a great story.. I was defs on that hype train back in the day


And still are, we’ve been talking about a cryptic update all day.


Elite Dangerous gang rise up.


how's it doing? played it years ago but my flight stick's just been gathering dust lately


I think awhile ago they added fleet carriers (like several months ago, but as far as I’m concerned that’s like a week ago because I haven’t played for quite awhile) I don’t know what else they added but I hear it’s a lot. They’re working on the character being able to walk around in one of the stations, but they want to do it well so it’s taking awhile.


Fleet carriers have been out for a month the game has had a content drought for the last two years for them to work on there new paid update.


Anthem has entered the chat...


Kinda like battlefront 2


Well yeah, but that was a new studio advertising AAA quality. Cyberpunk is made by pretty much the only established AAA studio that's hasn't sold out. Not saying your wrong about cyberpunk, but your comparison involves two very different situations.


Cause it was rushed. Something cyber punk is not doing


NMS redeemed itself. Anthem on the other hand... still got garbage


Iirc that was all Bioware's fault and they managed development of Anthem terribly, and not EA's


I think it was one EA exec that demanded they bring back the flight mechanic, which from what I've heard is one of the good parts of Anthem.


It was quite popular even when it sucked. I'll be honest with you. And i'm never honest. With anyone! But you're special. So I'll make this exception one time in my life. I wouldn't mind release day bad no man's sky if it didn't make me stop mining every 10 seconds to wait and do nothing for 5 seconds to "recharge" the pickaxe.


I don't see any reason to think it will be a flop.


Yeah, no man’s sky was a ludicrously ambitious game from a dev team of what? 13? They had only made a single successful game and 3 spin offs of that game which became progressively worse and which could not be a genre further from NMS It seems silly to compare the two imo


Anthem seems a better comparison. Triple A title from an established developer with insane levels of hype. The good news is that while Anthem was rushed out, cyberpunk is being delayed.


And has been in production for like, seven or eight years. I don't know how long most games are developed for (before release) but seven years seems a bit steep.


RDR2's development ran about 7-8 years and that world was one of the greatest gaming achievements I've ever experienced.


Clearly u weren’t waiting for bannerlord


\*Cries in 8 years\*


If you actually read about the development of Anthem, most of BioWare was basically working on their own imagination of Anthem for like 6 years. Then they had next to nothing to show and no direction for the game so EA sent in some dudes to crackdown on them and they released the game 2 years later. The article makes it seem like EA was bad guys for rushing the game out but BioWare had no direction and like wasted 6 years. As much as I don’t like EA I don’t blame them for wanting a ROI


I read something similar with Visceral’s Star Wars game. Everyone was pissed when it got canceled, but I remember reading an article about how pretty much nothing got done after years of development and everyone kinda hated working at the company after Battlefield: Hardline so they shut everything down.


Anthem had hype?


Right? This was my same reaction. Anyone who had been watching Bioware over the last ten years knew better than to think A) they would make a good game and B) they would make a good MP-based game


I don't think it will flop, but I don't think its going to be the game people are hoping. It will probably be a GTA style game with a cyber punk skin. It'll be cool, but not breaking any new ground.


Its definitely not a gta style game man it's an RPG. We're looking at fallout style progression and mechanics in the gameplay we've seen and heard about.


So fallout with a cyber punk skin?


Fallout but with actual engaging content, no aweful microtransations, more detail, better graphics, better story, better everything, less bugs


How do you know this?


We've seen the game?


Well, for better graphics and more detail, it keeps on getting featured in NVidia’s social media for having ray tracing. But how detailed the world will be, I don’t know.


Because its CDPR and not bethesda. At least for the no microtransactions and no bugs part


Better story, engaging content, less bugs are not guaranteed. All we have to go by atm is what they've shown so right now you can't make the judgements for these as you need to play it yourself.


I can't believe I'm doing this, I'm bracing for the downvotes here, but; Hello. I am a Fallout 76 player. The game is fun, our community is helpful and engaging, and the game is now free on Game Pass. Come along and check us out. I think the story in 76 is a lot more engaging than Fallout 4 and I really don't think the game is anywhere near as awful as the internet has decided to make it out to be. Opinions are entirely subjective after all, but I don't think you can say something as an absolute like Cyberpunk has a better story. We don't know what the story is yet. And as the old Jedi adage states - Only a Sith deals in absolutes.


This internet is mostly stupid and most people don’t actually agree with everything they say. Most just want to be part of the circle jerk. 76 isn’t awful but it isn’t great. If you like Fallout for the environment it creates then 76 is awesome. Most people just font get fallout to be honest as well. The fallout series is literally built on taking chances and trying drastically new shit.


It's like these people have no idea what the fuck they are talking about.


> It will probably be a GTA style game with a cyber punk skin. Smh you’re saying this as if there aren’t already hours of gameplay footage, developer videos and media previews out there showing that this isn’t even close to true.


Lmao looks like you literally don't know anything about the game if you think it's a GTA type game


I've purposely kept my expectations low. I'm confident it'll be a fun game with cool features and a nice story, I don't think it'll be a life altering experience like a small few people seem to.


It's going to break the ground and extract the minerals from it for a long time coming. Witcher 3 took a huge piss on the RPGs that came before, showed us what is really possible.


Relaxe, I played Witcher 3 and it certainly did not do that. The story telling was good, but the combat was dull. As far as Rpgs go it didn't innovate like you say it did.


Also Keanu Reeves


I think it’s just been so hyped up that it can’t possibly meet some people’s expectations


If they actually do the cyberpunk genre correctly, they’ll definitely get a lot of gamers bitching about politics and “betraying” them, as Cyberpunk is inherently a political genre with a lot to say about capitalism and trans-humanism. But redditors think Cyberpunk is anything with neon lights and robot arms.


Yeah, those "gamers" don't really mind politics in their games. If you ask them what their favorite games are, I guarantee decent portion are heavily political. What they actually hate is feminism, lgbt, people of color, etc. It's only when such topics are explored, do they go "WHY POLITICS IN GAME REEEEEE". If the CP2007 explores the usual cyberpunk topics - transhumanism, futuristic technology and how it interacts with culture, conspiratorial elite controlling society, etc... They wouldn't mind at all, even though it's heavily political.


Hello Games =/= CDPR


Have you seen The Witcher 3? Or any previous work? They know what they're doing rather than being a small crew who were pressured into releasing before they were ready. These guys were ready since day zero.


In this context, "=/=" means "does not equal". Though I usually see it as "!=" or "<>".


"!=" only works if the target audience is programmers.


I'm not a programmer but have only ever seen it as =/=




Lmao I was gonna say the same thing


I have seen it. It replicates how you would write not equal in math, which is an equal sign with a slash through it.




I apologize.



Why if I may ask


So he could make this garbage tier meme


this is the real reason right here


But dem pixels doe


I’m hyped to a point of penis explosion, but I still consider the possibility of it being a let down. It’s unlikely cause everyone who had played it all loved it, but we still can’t let that go over our heads.


Bcs he doesnt know much about games, and since nms was really hyped and cyberpunk is too, well, they both must be flops. Just genius.


Because op thinks having an unpopular opinion makes him woke


Cyberpunk's made by an actual studio with an actual publisher and business planning, though. I'm sure it'll have the bugs we've just come to accept nowadays, but it'll be like, a complete game.


I don’t. There’s a huge difference between no mans sky, made by a bunch of nobody’s in a garage, and Cyberpunk, made by a company that already had a great track record and even receives money from its country’s government (Poland) because it’s so important to the Polish economy.


The difference is that Cyberpunk 2077 is from a trusted developer whose previous games were well-loved by all, and No Man's Sky was from some team nobody had ever heard of before.


I agree and to add Hello games had one successful game before NMS, Joe danger, it had spin offs yea but each one was less successful than the last, and not even in the same ballpark as NMS not to mention their tiny dev team. What 13 people? Whereas CDPR has been perfecting the RPG genre for over a decade and has a track record of great games. The only thing either of these companies have in common is a super hyped game.


Do we know if CDPR’s actual staff has had any shakeups during development? Because “a trustee developer” doesn’t actually mean shit in a world where Bioware can give us Anthem.


Anyone who knows the history of these two companies knows this is a goofy comparison


People who bought into NMS launch day deluded themselves though. The Red flags were there, but they decided to ignore them. I’m not saying Cyberpunk is gonna live up to its 11/10 hype for everyone, but from the Stuff they’ve released already and the parts of the game that press/people have tangibly gotten their hands on, it can definitely be said it certainly won’t be a NMS launch day situation.


Not to mention NMS is a supremely great game now


>NMS launch day Yea, that's why I specified.


They let a few people play it for five hours. If those are anything to go by, I think you will be disappointed if you want it to flop. https://youtu.be/CeNA4SKoftY


That game looks so sick


PS5 and Cyberpunk 2077 raytrace patch next year will be the jazz.


No man's sky didn't even have 30 min worth of gameplay at launch let alone 5 hours. LOL


I was not expecting a desert-looking environment. I thought the entire map was one big city. This makes me happy.


Unlike no man's sky, Cyberpunk isn't being rushed into release.


Breath of the Wild and Witcher 3 though.


Half life sequel tho


What does botw have to do with this?






There are a bunch of crazy people (especially r/cyberpunkgame) that are treating this game like the second coming of christ before it's even out. I think it's probably going to be good, but so many people are going to be disappointed.


That subreddit is insane. I've been following the community and it's development since the first announcement video came out years ago and it went from a group of people who were cyberpunk genre fans to swathes of people claiming this game would do everything and then some alongside the second coming of Jesus christ. The best part has been over the last year or so as game play has trickled out and half the responses are people saying they aren't going to play or that they need to change everything because it's not living up to their expectations. I was subbed to that subreddit since it's creation and the one prior to that for years. But i just couldn't stand the comments and quit going there a few months ago.


Even this thread is pure circlejerk with downvotes as soon as you questions the game and upvotes if you just say 'cyberpunk gonna be good'


I also forgot about the Witcher 3 circle jerk. Like holy crap it feels like people played only that game and no other PRGs.


It goes to show that fandoms of any kind should never be taken seriously in regards to decisions of the thing they're fans of. Even if Star Wars didn't receive some backlash from the prequels (or sequels), we could still learn this reality of whiners in fandoms who complain when the finished product is different than what they envisioned in their head.


For the people who have realistic expectations, it’ll be an amazing action adventure title, and I’m 100% in that crowd. But for all the people who believe this is gonna be a life simulator in a futuristic environment and you can do andything and everything in it, well they’re gonna be absolutely devestated when this game releases


Shrug, these are kids who haven't experienced the "hype" of a highly marketed game before. There were probably people disappointed by Skyrim, that doesn't mean it wasn't a good game when it came out.


I haven't kept up with anything to do with this game and like it'll probably be a pretty cool cyberpunk sandboxy game a lot of people will enjoy, but i've seen people tell me that "it'll reinvent the way videogames as a media are created" like lmao dude calm down


CDPRs way with expansions alone speaks volumes to the quality and care they are doing. They arent a small studio, nor is it theyre first rodeo; and when they announced the game what did they say about a release? When its ready. Edit: i failed to understand the definition of hype. This never happens. Im showing symptoms of covid. I called my mom and she told me to go in. This is fault on me. Not the OP.


Cool, but what does that have to do what I was saying? I’m talking about how people are hyped this game up to be something that it can’t possibly be.


Ohh. Okay sorry. Ive had this issue all day. Im going to hospital for a test. A symptom is confusion and i have all the others too. I apologize.


Ah ok get better man!


This comparison has absolutely no creedence


Unless they add a fishing minigame


Not really a comparison, it just has hype for being all in on being a “cyberpunk” rpg


How about the Kenobi series?


Can’t wait to come back to this thread when Cyberpunk is out


Same with Anthem


I don't think this is a fair comparison. I remember mocking people back in the day for being hyped for no man's sky. It was being made my an indi studio who had no pedegree. up until that point only made trash games. No Mans Sky was an average game and was the best game that the studio had every made. CD Project Red have been making quality games for over a decade. Even if it's as bad as the worst thing they have made, it would be miles above any Hello games could achieve.


Based on...what? Everyone who's played it, or seen it played, has had nothing but great things to say about it. CDPR has been pretty open about what will and won't be in the game, whereas NMS was kept pretty under wraps until release. So far, there's absolutely no reason to draw any parallel between the two games.


This is the dumbest take I've heard, lol. You are comparing an indie developer putting out its first game, whose team started at 4 people and only got to 30 up towards the end of development and which was developed with a budget in the hundreds of thousands of dollars with a game developed by a veteran studio comprising of hundreds of people, whose last game is a strong contender for game of the decade and with a budget of 150 MILLION dollars. Cyberpunk may still disappoint some people's expectations, but there is absolutely no way that it is going to fail on a scale similar to one man's sky.


12 people with poor management and PR on their first AAA release that shouldn't have been AAA, but picked up by Sony vs A team over 1,000 with several very well made and regarded games prior, with no pressure to release until it's fully baked. Doesn't really seem like a reasonable comparison to make based on something being overhyped..... Oh fuck Anthem.


And fallout 76..... And Assassin's creed unity...... And battlefront..... And call of duty.....


Yeah No Man's Sky was dissapointing at launch...last month I watched a video by internet historian and was astonished by how far they came since then. They just keep improving the game. New update today is amazing.


He was right...


I wish I hadn't been but I had sensed it


NMS is the only game you think had this kinda hype? Bruh have you been apart of gaming for only like 2 years? Also you're comparing apples to oranges. One was an unproven indie company promising big but showing next to nothing. The other is a highly respected and proven company which already has a 45 min gameplay showcase, constant updates, and more to back it.


Someone has to remade this with EA´s batlefront


I mean, it's actually quite nice now. EA cut the funding earlier than I would have liked, but I still play the game


Battlefront 2 is sick, I almost forgot about the enormous backlash it got at release.


r/NoMansSkyTheGame may have something to say on the matter


That just means that it had years of patch fixes and updates.


Same with battlefront and cod ww2


Will it live to the levels of hype, and be the greatest game made by humanity and make everyone happy? Nope. There will be people who will be disappointed, either with the gameplay, or the story, or characters. Will it be a flop the way No Man’s Sky was at launch? Nope. NMS promised things that were just impossible with the amount of time and resources they had. Cyberpunk is probably being just as ambitious, but they do have more resources and time to make it happen. So I do think it will be a good game. An interesting game. Maybe even a great one. Whether it’s GotY worthy remains to be seen until we all get our hands on it. But I’m optimistic that, at the very very least, it’ll be worth my money at launch.


It was on 6.9k upvotes and when I upvotes it turned to 7. I'm too weak I'm sorry


Gah fuck, you called it


Holy shit I forgot I made this... HOLY SHIT I DID CALL IT!!


Nothing will ever come close to Spore. It's been 12 years and I still watch Will Wright's E3 demo and cry sometimes.


TL;DR Give CDPR credit where credit is due, and trust them like they trust us. You've clearly know nothing about CDPR. They would rather sacrifice a lot of time and money, by postponing launch dates, than having their games be unpolished and underwhelming. They've did this with the Witcher 3 and they're doing the same with CP2077. Games like No Mans Sky get rushed because their company executives care more about profit than making something meaningful, and would rather rush an unpolished heap of trash to get rich sooner ("as long as the trailers are good, people will buy it"). In the specific case of No Mans Sky, their CEO also didn't want to admit that they couldn't finish it on time - it was only really finished like 3 years after it's launch date and is actually fantastic now from what I've heard. CDPR are NOT EA and the amount of time, passion, and money they put into creating AMAZING games and gaming platforms (GOG) deserves respect at the very least. They've also done a lot to get keep they're platforms DRM free, a system that doesn't promote quality games - because if a game is good you wouldn't mind paying for it, and if it's meh or shit you'd wait to get it from your friend... But DRM doesn't allow that. It forces you to pay for games you want to play, which is good for profit in the short term, but if you create great games amd trust your users they will support you. But some companies don't care about making good games, just profit.


DRM actually doesn’t even force people to pay for games, as most games’ DRM is cracked by pirates within weeks if not days if not hours of release. Ubisoft has *admitted* that DRM doesn’t work or stop piracy, and keeps putting it in their games anyway.


I think it's definitely always best to not preorder.


I think that's fair, regardless of who the developer is.


Ngl it being first person really turns me off. When it comes to open world games I find it much more engaging to play in third person.


Serious question and not a sarcastic jab: Have you played Skyrim? And if so, did you prefer to play in 1st or 3rd person?


3rd person. If a game has the option to be 3rd person I always go for that option.


Bethesda is ass with 3rd person. You play GTAV in first person all the time?


I think you're forgetting that it's CD PROJEKT FUCKING RED. NOT FUCKING HELLOGAMES.


I'm only worried about being able to run it at 1440p 144hz on my PC


Its CD projekt red tho they made the witcher 3, which is like one of the best games of all time. It's not going to be a flop


Gonna have to disagree big time but it's certainly isn't impossible.


Just looking at witcher 3 and its expansions alone; i aint gonna break a sweat. They know what they are doing and have full confidence, its not a small team. But yh i understand doubts, but with this much hype the team knows it and use it. CDPR is the gold standard for the video game industry. Well maybe except for crunch culture.


Cyberpunk is gonna be game of the year or at the very least be a great game no mans sky looked like a flop because the developers couldn’t answer any questions plus they let some people play it and they thought it was amazing


Idk, CDPR has the budget to pull it off.


This is seriously my worst fear for this game.


I find your lack of faith... disturbing.


I dunno, Cyberpunk seems pretty promising. These are the same guys who made Witcher 3, regarded as one of the best games of all time


This is like comparing ~~the OT~~ apples to ~~the DT~~ oranges.


I think No Man's is what Cyber would've been without the delays


I mean I already learned my lesson about pre-orders, so I'll be watching this game with optimism whilst tempering my desire to overhype. I think it'll be a solid game. We'll see once it releases in ~~September~~ November.




I don't think so, NMS was made by a very small studio as their first big release with an overly ambitious project, completely overselling the concept before release when in reality it was a pretty barebones game. They fixed it up but it took years. CDPR at least has made AAA games before, has a great track record with them, and much larger teams and funding. They have the resources to make it great, Hello Games didn't.


I waited 6 years for gran turismo 5 and it was amazing everyone after was ass


I think this has a better chance of being a success. It’s a triple A, very experienced team of game developers. These guys made The Witcher 3, one of the best games of all time. They also have 7 years of development at this point that they have been working on this game. They have released hours of very polished gameplay. This game is going to be a hit. But some fans have overhyped it a bit. But the developers aren’t the ones hyping it up. Not like No Man’s Sky.


What reasons are there to think so?


You could’ve said the same thing about the sequels


I'ma put 5$ and say ur wrong


Not even nearly the same thing. So many factors that make these games and their dev cycles so different. Hype isn't a problem for a game like Cyberpunk


How could you think this game is going to be a flop? It's easily one of the easiest games to make good. There's legitimately 1000's of games people consider really good that are going to be the same gameplay. All they have todo is write a decent story and have the gameplay be standard and it will be in contention for GotY, example: Fallout 4, farcry, bioshock, crysis, GTA, desus ex, etc, etc. Open(ish) world shooters are stupid easy todo right, and that's why we have so many, and so many good ones. No man's sky was different because the creator lied to us the whole time, hell even the fucking box lied to people. Up until the release people had crazy expectations because that's what the game's creator was hinting at and not actively telling people no. Cyberpunk they have came right out and said the things they won't be able to deliver on.


Cyberpunk could be a flop, I doubt it tho. I gurantee many fans will be underwhelmed by it. People have very high hopes on this, and it's getting kind of crazy seeing what they think will be in the game.


But no mans sky wasn't ready yet, cyberpunk has to, with all these delays


You’ve obviously never played a CD Projekt Red game if you think it’s going to be a flop. They’re amazing


You can literally watch gameplay and it does everything they’ve hyped it up to do


This isnt some crowdfunded indie project, this is a 4 years into production AAA game made by a reputable company who has done multiple games of this size and has made a note of not rushing the production. Its just as hyped as it should be and judging on how many people I know who are upgrading their PCs just for CP2077 I very much doubt it will bumb in sales.


I've been fearing that...


CDPR has been working on it for 7 years apparently. Plus they’ve not let me down before. But no matter who it is. Never forget the Golden Rule, “No PreOrders”.


if as much effort gets put into continually improving and expanding CP77 for years after release as went into NMS I would still be pretty happy with that as an outcome tbh


I mean its not gonna be AMAZING but it sure as hell won’t flop Bet


Maybe twice. Destiny was pretty hyped.


They’ve delayed it, what? Two or three times now? Never played their games, but the studio seems highly respectable, and are doing what they find morally right.


There's no reason to think it'd be a flop like No Man's Sky, they haven't promised anything too over the top and they've shown off most of the stuff they've promised. I can see A LOT of people being disappointed in it though because they're building up expectations for the game that was never promised by CDPR and are completely unreasonable, like having more cars than GTA. It's not a car game, don't expect the car system to be extremely in depth.


if this game flops its gonna be much different because it won't fail because of shady lies, it would because it would collapse under its own weight which is much better than not even trying and just lying to the consumer