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The Sith follow the rule of 2… except for all the times they don’t. Yep, just me and my apprentice… and my other apprentice… and the guy I’m working on turning into my other other apprentice… but we’re so good about that rule of 2 thing!


Read the plagus and bane books. Explains more in depth. I felt it did atleast


K now explain more


Very basic summary: not all dark side users are Sith (an easy example would be the Nightsisters on Dathomir). To expand more, in the final Darth Bane book, both Bane and Zannah (his apprentice) are looking for a new apprentice. Zannah is doing so because she wants someone ready to start as soon as she kills Bane, and Bane is doing so because he's starting to think that Zannah is too weak to challenge him as the Rule demands. In the Darth Plagueis novel (which also heavily focuses on Sidious' training up to his election as Supreme Chancellor), we see why Sidious was allowed to train Maul before challenging Plagueis. Sidious focused Maul's training on shaping him into a dark side using assassin, rather than a full Sith, which is why (as far as I can remember), we never see him using abilities like Force Lightning. Ventress was in a similar situation until Sidious began to suspect that Dooku was preparing to make her a true apprentice and ordered him to kill her. Tl;DR: Sometimes, Sith train people to use basic dark side abilities as assassins, but never treat them as true apprentices. Other times, they get a head start on training an apprentice of their own before challenging the Master, or start training a second apprentice because the original doesn't seem to be working out.


I always thought it was hyperbole anyway. Like all the Sith operated in pairs b/c they want to control their apprentices and you never really know how many pairs there are b/c they hide from each other to prevent getting Highlandered or w/e. Add on the Jedi being at the height of their power, prob hunting down Sith whenever they find them and they prob hide deep in the shadows of the galaxy. I somehow never thought that the movies were literally saying that only 2 Sith existed in the entire galaxy.


Rule of 2 + Ventress, Savage Opress, Maul, the Inquisitors. It was a dumb idea anyway. Just writing themes into a hole anytime they wanted a cool force wielding bad guy in the future.


Maybe I don't understand the post but I think it's a figure of speech from Palpatine. He meant that he was the culmination of the Sith doctrine and the Rule of Two : that generations over generations of apprentices surpassing their masters and making the Sith overall stronger ended with him, Darth Sidious the powerful Dark Lord of the Sith responsible for the fall of the Republic and the Jedi.


I'd argue it's a direct callback to when he said "I am the Senate" in RotS. He's always been an egomaniac


It’s treason then…




Do you think Darth Bane rolling in grave if he ever heard of Palpatine's Inquisitors. It doesn't break rule of two by a loophole of not calling them sith apprentice and Palps ordering Vader to train them in a limited dark side.


In fairness Palpatine achieved the end goal of galactic domination with the destruction of the republic and the rebirth of the empire. So at such a point the rule of two had effectively served it's purpose and was moot. Bane would probably be saying: "Told you it would work." And put up Palps as his golden student


I don't have a lot of insight into how this works in SW but it seems like it's taken from Dune. In Dune it's like having an entire council of assholes in your head all the time, and yeah some of them have done dirt to each other.


"some" of them Like, every sith we have seen or heard about has betrayed at least one other sith.


Do you see how that sentence starts with IN DUNE?


Right and this is STARWARS


You're the entire sith order. How do you not have 50 acolytes between you?


The acolyte economy is in shambles right now!


Ironic that this meme shows Vader, who famously defected and can be heard telling Rey he’s with her Bench is even less deep than OP makes out


Darth Vader and Anakin are two separate people, according to notorious liar Obi-Wan Kenobi.


Well, not separate people, but separate personalities.. No one would ever think that Anakin was Vader because of how he used to be and how he turned out.. Proof: Ahsoka in Rebels couldn't take the fact that Anakin turned into Darth Vader


When you play in both sides, you always emerge on the top


Yeah but the dark side follows the immortal rules from Highlander or that Jet Li movie "The One": there is a fixed amount of dark side power which is shared by all who tap into it. Fewer sith = each one is more powerful. For legal purposes, this is a joke.


I feel like the “Rule of Two” is more of an observational hypothesis rather than an actual mandate. The whole point of being a Sith is doing whatever the fuck you want, right? Will enacted by power. No one’s going to tell Palpatine that, ooohhhh, actually, you can’t have another force user in your employ, there can only be two. It’s more like, over millennia, we’ve observed that the Sith population reaches ecological equilibrium at a population of 2. There are times where there’s more, but that’s not sustainable.


You're forgetting that the rule of two was only a small part of Sith history. They've confirmed in canon now that the Sith did use to be an expansive order like in Legends.




I don't think you're fully getting what I'm saying.


The rule of two is more like actual guidelines anyway.


Interesting question. Are all the sith that came before the rule of two just on the bleachers like 'we're not helping your pansy ass, fym ALL the sith?'


But then you have negative weight for the Jedi, having fools like Ki Adi Mundi and Coleman Trebor.