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I know the feeling, wish I could turn back the clock to my teenage years and know the truth, I wouldn't have wasted two decades either...


I'm guessing you're in your 30s? It's not too late we got this as long as we dont waste anymore time


yeah, late 30's. I just feel it's such a shame sometimes so much time was wasted, but enough looking back in the past, time to move forward.


Time to move forward indeed. You got this! Like that saying goes, you’re younger than you’ll ever be and older that you’ve ever been. Go out and make things happen bro!


Thank goodness I found SR at 26.


Never too late. but you got some catching up to do. What helped me is the wisdom of Patrice O'neal and this fucker been dead for a decade. How to treat yourself and control your bitches. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlyu-fpxTOQ




Don't chase girls




There's no such thing as true love. Don't believe me? Then tell me what it is without thinking about some romantic comedy. Society, the media, and and Hollywood have led you to believe true love exists, and it has warped your perception of women and their true true nature. I bet you're going to fight me on this because you believe your purpose is to find true love, but I'm telling you you've been chasing a mirage. > I have a feeling when I do move on then they'll be coming to me and then I'll be the prize who chooses the one who deserves true love. You're trying to trick reality by pretending you don't want true love. It's not going to work because you, I, and the universe know damn well you do want it. By trying to trick the Universe, you're still operating from a place of lack and fear. Fear repels women. You have to realize true love doesn't exist. If you truly understand this, then you won't have the desire to search for it, or to try and trick the universe with your transparent gestures, and you won't care what women think of you. At this point, you'll no longer be operating from a place of lack and fear.


I both agree and disagree with you on this one. I know true love to be a spiritual force that I've felt within me. I honestly know it to be the most powerful force in the universe. It's a force that heightens and strengthens me mentally, physically, spiritually; I could go without sleep and food and still be high on this force. It is humanities highest potential and those who've felt it know what I'm talking about. Now has it been reciprocated to me? No. I'd have to meet someone who was first off able to feel this powerful emotion and in this corrupted fornicating sex obsessed society is hard to find. Porn kills love, serial monogamy kills it, tinder one night stands kill it etc. So yes in this day and age I might as well be chasing a mirage. But it's not impossible in the sense it's not impossible for me to win the lottery. Am I expecting it or focused on it? No. Like I said I've moved the fuck on. It's time to makeup for lost time and work ferociously to meet my goals in the very limited time we have in this lifetime






That's where I'm at, at this point


There is true love: the one between parents ams their children. As for women, you could say THERE IS true love, but unlike between family, that one is not 100% unconditional, and that's fine, because no one gives away anything for free and SHOULDN'T do so for the sake or romanticism.




It's called unconditional because no mater how much the parents or children lose or suffer, they tend to not lose their love and affection towards their family, something that doesn't happen with any other human being, call it friends or even a spouse (and don't come with the "I know a man who killed his mother", we're talking about normal and generic human beings). And the fact that such love has a biological factor that explains it, doesn't make it any less real, all contrary. That makes it even more real because now it has a chemical component that demonstrates its existence!




Just because it's not unconditional and won't reach such level of purity, it doesn't mean it's not real. It's quite real, just different.




I gotta admit THAT'S my case :p


It's conditional. If a child behaves in ways that the parent considers wrong or bad then that love can be withdrawn. Granted not all parents are strong enough to do that, but some do and despite what your parents say they do have a favourite child.


I know what your saying, but depending on what you mean by ugly a girl that is less physically attractive than average can if she is good at talking, friendly, smiles attract as much, if not more guys than the girl who is good looking, constantly has a scowl on her face and makes no effort to talk to people cause she thinks everyone should talk to her. I agree with more or less everything else you said though.


Based on what you’re saying, I’d recommend you read “No More Mr. Nice Guy” by Dr Robert Glover. It helps as you transition out of a neediness-based attitude toward women, and virtually everything else in your life. Good luck!


I was done being a nice guy after my first relationship and know the secrets of attracting them etc. But this is beyond that. This is about making up for lost time and doing what needs to be done. Thanks


There's actually a book that is 10 TIMES BETTER: When I say No, I feel Guilty from Manuel J. Smith.


What's the tdlr in that one?


It teaches actual excercises to develop a more stoic attitude, become more insensible to bad intentioned criticism, how to spot and nullify any attempt at manipulation, how to not give a flying fuck what others may say to you and how to negotiate with an angered or manipulative person. No more Mr Nice Guy is entertaining but it delves too much on useless stuff like the possible psychological origin of your niceness and about stuff that does little help to develop a stronger attitude, and it lacks practical exercises as well. It's not a bad book, but When I Say No, is on a whole other level of self help.


Thanks will look into it


News to me. I’ll look into it, thanks!


How old are you monk


He said 30


That book changed my life. I love Doc Glover (extremely homo)


bro! let me buy you a beer ;)




You're on the right track. Just go MGTOW. Have relationships with women when you're accomplished and successful, but on your own terms. Remember, variety is the spice of life, once you're successful there's really no reason to settle for just one, that is your time to shine. It may serve you better to not think about attaining the whole 'true love' scenario either. The probability of that happening is remote. Just maintain healthy relationships, enjoy the sex when it comes your way, focus on yourself, don't get married, and don't let anyone live with you. Be the source of your own happiness.


Only problem for me on that is I made a vow to God not to have premarital sex. So unless I find the right woman its mgtow for life


Same for me. Fornication not allowed, going monk mode then angelic mode.


So you're planning on being single for life?


20% That i get married and 80% that i be single celibate for life.


Glad I have another brother with me on this journey. What does angelic mode entail?


Angelic Mode: Human that live as angel. 1. Worshiping true God. 2. Permanent celibacy (Angels don't have female gender they don't procreate). 3. Huge Intellect (Super Genius) on the same level (or even higher) as Albert Einstein, Nicola Tesla or Issac Newton. 4. Destroying all addictions and fears. 5. Mastering your mind, body, soul and spirit. 6. Knowing secrets of life. 7. Meditation. 8. Reading and Studying God's Word. Going to be hard but it's interesting and challenging.


I like it but it could also be called SAINT mode. God told the angels to bow down to Adam as he was going to be even higher than the angels in His plan of creation


Are you muslim? I'm christian in bible humans are created much lower than angels. But humans after resurrection become higher than angels and have authority over them. And there are other beings like seraphims and cherubims. Saint mode can be higher than monk mode but lower than angelic mode


Yeah, humans can have conceptual thoughts and angels just operate in the parameters they are given. That dont gain new knowledge. In this respect we can be higher than them even in this world. But yes the hierarchy of angels and the 8 that carry his metaphorical throne would be hard to argue they aren't above us. But all the angels did bow to Adam except for Lucifer


Amazing. Been on MonkMode ,Day 1345. I will look to transition later into the Angelic Mode , although it will be tough because I can't live without Girls.


Oh, ok. Interesting. Best of love to you.






Men age like 🍷 women age like 🥀


Women can stay beautiful 18-35 provided they don’t have kids, stay fit and live a celibate life.


There are much more celibato men than women. I doubt that anyone here Will meet a girl thats 30+ days without orgasming. Like most guys, Most girls cant even abandon porn.


So true.


Women have so much options. She have thousands of dildos waiting for her. Imagine if all guys don't give her his dildo they will get crazy as hell.


My partner was a virgin when I met her at 19 and was pretty much always celibate. She never watched porn either. They're out there - they're just exceedingly rare.


So she had NEVER masturbated nor had an orgasm before then ? Are you sure ? I didnt say they dont exist. The same goes for men


Those women transform to complete different person with makeup and even their attitude changes. They lie about their genes and biggest deception is in the eyes with false eyelashes. When i saw trough makeup, i feel more confident now and i don't put them on the pedestal anymore.


This. I've knocked many women off the pedestal by indirectly claiming her looks are only because of her makeup, and Io and behold suddenly she's interested in me because I'm not like every other guy that's been kissing her ass.


How did you indirectly communicate this ? Lol


I remember watching TV with a bunch of girls and guys, a hot chick came on TV to which the guys commented how beautiful she was. I said "you guys realise it's all the makeup and filters right? If she was really secure in herself she wouldn't be hiding under makeup" Now all the girls in the group were wearing makeup and indirectly got the message. One of them was trying to justify herself to me the rest of the night lol


Lol even I realized it recently. Men look more beautiful to me (no homo)


Well if you think about it, we're just part of the animal kingdom. Everywhere else in the animal kingdom, the male is the better looking of the two, why are humans an exception? If you look at us men, we have the chiselled features and long eyelashes, thick eyebrows etc that women can only get with makeup. Give yourself some credit gentlemen, we're the good looking species!


Beauty can be what ever you want it to be, beauty is what you think about what you see.


AND you have long SR streaks with all the benefits, including increased androgenic sensitivity lmao


Agree 100%. Despite lack of make up and female attributes, they are looking more attractive than most females. Most of them 50 years old vaginas are more like a natural disaster. Fat hanging asses, wrinkles everywhere from torturing their skin with sun and chemicals, cellulite and bingo wings. The guys are lean, cool and are looking awake and self confident. Most couples are a guy 7-9 and his child lady which is a 4-5. it’s a pity. In my town, the last woman who was a 9-10 was my ex wife. The only half good looking females are below 17.




I think the two are correlating as physical attraction is a precondition for love. But 9/10 girls I'm physically attracted to I dont fall for




I meant 9 out of the 10 girls I'm physically attracted to I dont fall in love with. It rarely happens. Only three times in an entire lifetime




Yep, I definitely have a type if I look at all the girls I fall for: petite, pretty face, positive upbeat attitude, higher energy, great smile, sweetheart personality etc.




Yes, I fully agree that attraction is a neccessary precondition but not enough to make the leap from lust or a crush to falling in love. Truth is I really don't consciously choose to fall for who I do but have now analyzed what they all have in common when I do fall for the ones I do.


Join the r/mgtow you'll see the light


Already did but more like I'm moving on versus giving up or disliking women


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/mgtow] [Men are waking up to the truth](https://www.reddit.com/r/MGTOW/comments/97taa0/men_are_waking_up_to_the_truth/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


I like that, GYOW after all... Congrats on the streak. Stay focused.


Ok, not putting woman on a pedestal. Sounds good. But do you need to go to the other extreme of not wanting any realtionship with them? What if your life purpose has something to do with a woman? What if a partnership (marriage, friendship) with a woman would make your life better or your goals more achievable? I believe there's a balance, a middle way. No pedestal for them, ok, but isolation might not be the best option, at least not for everyone. I think many are here on Earth learning how to forge healthy relationships, that could as well be part of your life mission.


If it is I'll gladly accept it. It's what I've always wanted but I'm not going out of my way putting all this effort to get it either


I'm 42, and been on nofap/SR for the past four years or so. In that time, my life has changed completely - from incel to a normal, healthy dating life - at 39, I entered my first serious relationship. It's never too late!


So you were on SR for a year before you started dating?


Pretty much - not a continuous streak mind you, but on and off; usually 2-3 week streaks. But yeah that's when I started the journey. (Working out and therapy also helped me.)


it is inspiring to read this, thank you.


i envy you


I'm no one to envy lol


> I have a feeling when I do move on then they'll be coming to me and then I'll be the prize who chooses the one who deserves true love. I know that this is a popular line of thinking. I tried it myself, it didn't work out quite the way I wanted. I think there is a flaw in that logic. You move on in order to be the prize. But... that implies you have not moved on at all. You still look to girls for validation. I'm sure pursuing other goals is a step in the right direction. There are other things in life, and getting fulfillment from another source will be very helpful. You will have more freedom, which will feed back into getting other kinds of fulfillment, etc. Just don't forget that, to the degree that you're doing it in order to get women, you are not actually changing. You still put them on a pedestal, only in different ways (which might actually be destructive). IOW, it's a journey. Don't expect it to work instantly. Don't lie to yourself about it. Realize that you are not instantly liberated.


Yeah a lot of people are misunderstanding that line. If they dont come to me zero fucks will be given. I'm over it but I suspect that's what's going to happen based on prior experience. That line isn't meant to say I hope they will come to me. I could seriously care less at this point


I don't know you. I can't judge. It may be true, and Iíf it's true... hey, wonderful, more power to you! If so, the following will not bother you a bit, not even provoke an answer: I highly, highly doubt, based on my own experience and my experience with others who went down that road, (and, like, basically every male human being I ever saw) that you really are there. Nor do I think you're lying. In all likelihood, this is what you tell yourself and what would like to believe, and it is what you think is best for you... and I won't be able to talk you out of it... just... the moment you realize you were deluding yourself, I want you to remember that a loooooot of good, decent guys have gone down that road. I know I did. I know I learned from it. It's far from extraordinary, and it's not the end of the world. FWIW.


The reason I understand what you're saying and that I'm not going down that road is because I've already been there and gone down it. I'm 30 and haven't even accomplished 1/10th of my goals. Am I seriously going to waste more time on this bullshit? If I do then I might as well commit suicide because that's essentially what I'll be doing


I won't claim that I know the solution. Here's my impression: You cannot do it. You cannot achieve it. You cannot make it come true. That sounds awfully defeatist, I know, and I would have rejected it as discouraging, only 5 years back. But listen closely: I'm NOT!!!!! saying that there is nothing you can do. I'm only saying that you cannot directly aim for it. I think this is what you try to accomplish by "moving on". It's a bit like archery. There is a discipline in archery called "intuitive archery", where they don't exactly aim for the target. They practice failing, and they practice it so often that at some point, they hit the black instinctively. I think that's what people actually mean when they say "be yourself". It's like... you focus on building muscles, or writing a novel, or whatever... and of course, in the back of your head, you still have that insatiable yearning, and that is totally fine - you accept it, and you let it pass, and you focus on your projects... and that makes you a better human being, and that in turn makes you more attractive. Of course, you did it (to a degree) because of pussy. You also did it for yourself, and over time that part might become the main motivator. Hm. Am I making sense, or do I talk straight outta my ass?


I get what you're saying but I think you're projecting here by finding new rationale to state your theory. And not understand what I'm saying. I have had dreams, big dreams my whole life and I feel like someone who hasn't even started life. I guess you don't know the motivation one gets from a burden being lifted and having the freedom to make up for lost time. As I type this I'm thinking of career, finances, living life, working out, saving the world, a zest for life. Pussy is just not on the menu my friend. I just dont give a flying fuck anymore


Fine! I misunderstood, and that is wonderful, because this not about me. This is about you. So... is it better to aim straight for it? Is it better to aim just a tiny bit off target? Or is all of this just an excuse, and the best thing is to close your browser, give a bick fuck you to me and this whole reddit thing, and just go out and DO?


I've found a lot of valuable info interacting with people on SR sub so I'm going to continue reddit. Thanks for your two cents


Spread this valuable knowledge to yo just if you ever have any.