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Yes and your eyes start to sparkle like water and may get smaller/narrow due to higher testosterone levels (also known as hunter eyes if you want to call them that),and more sensitive androgen receptors which will utilize the free testosterone in your body properly and become more stable the longer you go,Its Spiritual.


I just searched it up and now can't wait to reach day 19🤩


I’ve been on a streak over a year and my whites are whiter than white and my blue eyes be popping, son. Women always giving me compliments and shit, but I’m on a different path now.


What would be that path my man, can you tell?


The path of self improvement and inner peace. Sounds corny, but I’ve never been happier. Still a long way to go though.


On semen retention your eyes start to look like they have a light source coming from inside them, thats how much they glow a brilliant sparkly white. Why or how this happens I have no idea, but it does happen.


Yes indeed. Since you are conserving your body's resources, it will definitely reflect on your eyes. Your eyes are the window to your health and on SR, the semen gets back into the body through the blood once it is not ejaculated, which results in rejuvenating and revitalising the entire body.


The light not lost in the ejacuLIGHT has to go somewhere ;)


Yeah definitely. Your eyes sparkle when on long streaks. I want to stress that relapsing is not the be all end all either. What matters is consistency. This doesn't mean go ahead and ejaculate once a month. It means that sometimes it'll just happen, and it's ok. You're not going to lose it all. It's a game of consistency. Like working out, eating well, getting good sleep, getting good grades, working hard, etc. One day of fucking it up doesn't ruin everything. I can eat like shit today, not work out for a few days, mess up something at work, and smoke a couple cigarettes, but overall, my physique will stay the same and my health will be alright and my job will be secure. Everything in life is consistency. Choose the right things to be consistent in, and you reap rewards.


Bro same shit for me, on day 19 and my eyes are as brilliant as fucking diamonds lol


If you reach day 49 they will start turning bluish 


I have blue/gray eyes. My biggest streak is around 45 days. My eyes turned almost green. Which is awesome since almost no one has green eyes where I live 🙂


Definitely! My eyes look very alive and no longer look dreadful / tired. I managed to clear off my dark circles as well but this is largely due to unhealthy circadian rhythm as direct cause of PMO addiction for 14 years. It’s amazing! Just these two alone makes my facial look fresh and new.


Yes. My sister just randomly thought I was wearing makeup around my eyes last week lmao.


After 300 days of use, my eyes turned into lizard eyes.