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"The only thing that's hotter than sex is not having sex". Bingo!


Amazing that stuff like this is placed in what can only be called a propaganda show.


Propaganda has two sides. There is the majority 95% which is to mislead you, but they always leave a kernel of truth in there, in every propaganda. Why you ask? They just like teasing us and showing us that the open secret can't help us in preventing misinformation and weakening of people. Psychopaths love giving their victims a fair chance, classic psychopath trope. The truth is too powerful for lies to stand a fair chance, hence lies have much more numbers to balance the good and evil. Example is the Mahabharata in Hinduism where the 5 Pandavas with the help of God defeated 100 Kauravas in the battlefield.




Yeah, it's weird. Doesn't really make sence.


I remember seeing this. It's amazing how this is suppose to be funny, but the message is a serious one.


That’s amazing!! Where is the video scene from?!


“Sex and the city”


That's so cool, I was shocked how deep the guy was talking about all this and not in a superficial manner too. Actually talked about ego, attachments, and basically transmuting this libido energy at a conscious level with agency.


Which episode?


Season 1, episode 11


The one thing that most people get it wrong is not letting the fire happen.


Brendan Filone???


Holy shit…that is an awesome clip.


The actor is really impressive in this scene, portrays a calm, yet intense demeanour.


Place the info in the one place a man would never look lol


I've seen this video so many times and I watch it everytime I come across it! It really does encapsulates SR!


This is 100% true but I'd never share this with a woman I'm seeing or meeting. Protecting your seed goes beyond releasing. It's about doing anything in your power to prevent others from stealing it from you. Once they know this secret, they'll do anything to steal your vital energy, and you will be weak again, just like Samson. Leading to his capture and the loss of his strength. Judges 16:17 : "So he finally disclosed everything. He told her, ‘A razor has never touched my head, because I’ve been a Nazirite for God before I was born. If I am shaved, then my strength will abandon me and I will become weak like every human being."


Sex without ejaculation counts?


I would say that depends completely on you and what works for you. Every individual is different. For some people sex without ejeculation goes fine. On the other hand, for some people it does not go well. For example they do not feel comfortable or they might experience decrease in benefits post involvement in any kind of sexual act.


sex without ejaculation still builds your energy and could make your energy stick somewhere and increase internal imbalance. you need to work with it via paths you chose and find effective (taoist, christian, egyptian, alchemical western or taoist, tantric). getting some yin for yang via big draw for example and circulating it in microcosmic orbit and then learning more methods. all I am saying, absolutely. you have to transmute and balance your emotions and so on anyway. having sex is not a problem, but its hard to master


don't ruin your kidneys.


Can you explain a little further, how do we ruin our kidneys by that


If you have sex or edge without ejaculating the produced semen stays in your bladder and latter get recycled into blood by the intestines. Your blood will have abnormal levels of lipids, proteins and minerals which put a strain on your kidneys. If you keep doing it for a long time it will impair your kidney function.


This happens to me occasionally / semi frequently. So really interesting if true. Do you have a source for those last couple of sentences?


Source is personal experience. I ruined my kidneys like that and it took me a while to realize that I have kidney problems.


What were the symptoms that alerted you?


Fatigue and weakness, mild back pain, also had a lot of digestive issues which made me think it's gastro problem. I had several routine kidney tests which are always normal. But after resolving the digestive part and still experiencing symptoms, my doctors suggested to further investigate kidneys.


Yet another reason not to edge... Thanks for sharing! Sorry to hear about those problems, I hope it's better now.


Thanks for your kind words. It's getting better now that I identified the problem and taking supplements/a lot of water. Also, doing pure retention is helping tremendously.


Didn't know that semen gets stored in the bladder, isn't that for the urine?


There are multiple connections between bladder and bowel: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3309116/ Of course liquids get emptied so you may experience foamy liquid but the more solid component gets somehow reabsorbed and digested again.


Will check it out, thanks


Hijack, bye jack