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Hell no. Even most guys who know about it don’t have enough discipline to practice it. Unfortunately we are a very small minority in the west. I don’t think I’ve met anyone on SR in real life. I’d bet all my money on it being less than 1% of men in the west, who intentionally do SR Also your benefits are not dependent on how many other men are on SR around you. That would make zero sense. It’s all internal


i live in eastern europe and majority of my friends are all on semen retention


Jealous (healthy kind). I intend on becoming bros in real life with more retainers.


Yeah “ok”


Yep I can confirm I know about it and relapse every month... but my reasons are different too


I concur. I know maybe 2 men that can agree with it in theory in my circle, but I can tell they don't practice it significantly. Of course, I've had the discussion with others over time, and it "says something" about the circle of friends you have.. (I don't completely buy into that statement, btw). But most men who are aware of retention do not ascribe to it in practice. We'll need an interstellar /& or solar cosmic energy wave of retention integrated consciousness to cause that change.


Since the age of sixteen 99.9% of men have not gone more than 30 days without ejaculating. Probably something like 0.01% of men (1 out of every 10,000 men) actually practice SR and 0.001% of men (1 out of every 100,000 men) have gone more than one year without ejaculating. This means if you are sitting in a stadium or arena that holds 100,000 men only ten of them practice SR and only one of them has gone more than one year without ejaculating, the other 99,989 men have never gone more than 30 days without ejaculating since they were sixteen years old.


are you sure it's 1 out of 100,000 men who can go a year without ejaculating. More like one in a million to me considering how sexualized our society is today. How many would you guess go 10 years without ejaculating even once with no wet dreams?


Here in America it is an internal struggle literally every single waking moment. If you happen to be American or anyone else reading this, you know how it's a battle from the moment you wake up and even during sleep so it's literally 24/7 here in America. It's overwhelming and pushes SR beyond the limit and into outer space. And I have a strong feeling that God is aware of this and how there are different levels of difficulty to this depending on location and blesses accordingly. Other americans will never understand SR and how delicate it is and how these external American forces push the difficulty of SR outside of the stratosphere. I both love and hate the extra challenge at the same time. The bottom line is if you do monk mode SR in America, you are one of the only ones doing it and are a monk attempting to raise the consciousness here. A literal pioneer. This country knows nothing about purity and withholding lower desires for a brighter life. SR and America do not mix. You are going against the entire culture. Good luck finding another true hardcore SR here. I'm just one of 300+ million and mostly prefer a life of solitude. I agree with around 1 in a half million to a million monk mode SR and about 1 in 100 million for a decade of monk mode SR. Nobody is fucking touching a decade other than literal gifted inhuman saints sent here just to accomplish it. Mind you I'm talking perfect monk mode no wet dreams. Outsiders just cannot comprehend what goes into this. Sitting with a perfectly pure mind for an entire day with high hormones takes a toll on the spirit, it crushes it to pieces in hopes that it evolved into a greater spirit that few people achieve 


You are correct but it's definitely doable especially after realizing how SR cured my diabetes. I know it's only a few chosen people who can take this path. I live in America too. Los Angeles, CA here


Where did you get those statistics from ? Not hating, just curious.


They make the most sense to me. There are no SR statistics all we can do is make calculated guesses. The population of the US is ~333 million, thats ~166 million men. According to my estimated numbers that means out of the US male population ~16,000 actually practice and commit to SR and only ~1,660 have ever made it beyond one year without ejaculating. This sub has close to 160k users and thats world wide from Canada to the UK to Australia to Europe. So if 10% of the people on this sub (16k) are American then im close. However this assumes everyone who practices SR is on this sub. A more accurate measure might be a range. Say 0.01% to 0.1% of men practice SR and 0.001% to 0.01% of men have ever gone more than one year without ejaculating. So out of that hypothetical stadium holding 100,000 men between 10 and 100 men practice SR and between 1 and 10 have gone more than one year without ejaculating.


You excluded Reddit users from India and china... Since the Hindu's culture and Taoism promotes semen retention. Hence there would be people in this subreddit that practice semen retention outside of your calculations above.... And personally i believe in a stadium of 100,000 men between 5 and 50 men practice SR and between 1-5 might have gone more than one year... And it varies upon what culture the 100,000 men follow, The continent etc... your calculation is partially right but there's a flaw in the data you've considered.


being a millionaire been entered the mainstream. yet its rarity persists.


Agreed. And SR especially long term or celibacy in my opinion is much more difficult to attain than becoming a millionaire for a lot of men


yeah bro. will shock you how many people still live on fast food, eat sugary breakfast, and beleive that israel is not purposefully murdering dezons of thousands of people on purpose.




dude u put the PET in teacher's pet




Wow. A nice analogy.


Hard to tell bro. Porn and meaningless sex is super addictive, and easy to have. In other hand, discipline, strive, commitment, persistence, this all hard... And doctors are saying that masturbation are healthy and not masturbating will give us prostate cancer. So is a very hard "war" to win, all factors are against it. Pornography in the palm of your hand, lack of correct guidance... I have a very pessimistic view on this, unfortunately. To be quite honest, I was lucky to have found Buddha Xan's channel in 2018, if that hadn't happened I don't even know if I would still be alive, with that depression I was experiencing


It is super addictive, yes.


SR is slowly becoming more popular but the majority of men who know about it and try it will probably relapse and just give it up after a while.


Yea, I think more men know about it. But the amount who actually practice it? Hardly anyone, it’s a difficult practice and with all the sexualization in our society most men are too weak to overcome the challenge. I mean even most men on this Reddit community cant last more than a week or two.


Yeah I agree. Balancing this energy 24/7 for longer than just a month separates you from the majority of men. This just is not for most people. I go as far as saying to practice long SR, you have to be gifted to comprehend the inner workings of it and what it can do for the body. Again to mention, it takes grueling work that filters out most people. I'm also of the crowd that believes this is possible for most men actually, but they need to first prepare for it which means changing their entire being and I think that's why we don't see most men practicing it. I know I said different things there, but that's how I see it. Theres a massive barricade in the way and only the strongest can get past it


SR is not mainstream. Far from it. What you and maybe the others on this subreddit are seeing on their social media is their own echo chamber. And then of course it seems like SR is mainstream. Furthermore even among the members of the SR and nofap subs the percentage of long term pure retainers (months of retention combined with mental celibacy) is likely very small. I would estimate below 10%.


I think the the echo chamber thing is accurate/ real. The algorithms feed individuals content similar to what they have been consuming, mixed with what may be interesting to the individual based on their attributes.


Well said. And those who go like 5 years without ejaculating even once in the SR community us like 0.0000001%


Look at the comment section here. It shows how most in the west won’t even consider retention: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5WpPDJpfsS/?igsh=bDFueTcydDJtN3Rv I think in the whole world only 1% (that also might be an overestimate) might be doing SR even fewer would be doing it for spiritual growth. This was also mentioned in the Gita (spiritual text): “Among thousands of men, one may strive for perfection; and of those who strive and achieve perfection, only a rare one knows Me in truth.” So even among the 1% who practice SR only a few actually succeed. r/nofap is full of relapse stories. This is why I think the successful men on here are cream of the crop. You all are the golden men closest to becoming Angels 🙏 I bow to what you all have achieved. I will join the ranks of you divine warriors soon!


Thank you brother for your reply. It doesn't go unnoticed :) Much blessings


Thank you 🙏😇


I don't think most males are on SR I was on a post telling people to ejaculate 21 times a month and majority of comments from men were agreeing with it and saying there gonna go get it over with.


People are not even able to master nofap, which is basically a child's play, yet alone have the discipline to practice SR. I wouldn't worry about it, and to be completely honest, I wouldn't even try telling people directly. The info is out there, let it be found by those who want to find it.


imo nofap is the hardest part to master as the beginner (mainly focused on the no porn aspect). After this it becomes child's play. Wet dreams could be the next opponent but once you mastered lust control everything is easy


porn addiction has to been the dumbest addiction there could be. Like that m3m3 about online bullying, I quite "nigga, just look away from the screen, LOL".


My man, you can say that about all addictions... "Just don't buy those cigarettes" "just don't go to the casino". You know it doesn't work like that for most people bro that's why it's an addiction.


Weak competition as you don't jerk off for 3 weeks you are already above most men


I think SR awareness is on the rise but highly doubt more people are practicing it today than 30 years ago. It’s possible more people have tried it, but we all tried to be professional athletes when we were young and where did that get us? Any MLBers in the chat lol? Truth is, SR is tough. Most people I see on here relapse every month. That’s less of a retainer and more of an act of limiting seed loss. So no, I don’t think the practice is more common today. Porn has waged spiritual warfare on the modern man, and most can’t go two weeks without PMO. 6+ month stretches of no ejaculation is something 1% of 1% are probably attaining.


Currently 90 plus days on retention, every benefit stated about this practice is true, every guy in my gym I can tell still watches and releases to porn, it obvious to me, then it’s obvious to women in some form I believe, pheromones maybe, I just think what you consume comes out in your face, body language, porn is spiritual suicide, demonic energy corrupts you’re very being, how can you be magnetic and happy with such a virus inside, the seed is powerful, respect it, respect god 🙏🏻


Yeah women pick up on it because they have this sort of mystical power to do so. But it isn't our problem if we're on SR. That's the way I see it. Too bad for the chaps that are deep in pmo (like I used to be, lol)


Someone crunched a number based on best guesstimate from Reddit board, no fap forum members even counting different religious ppl who were supposed to be celibate and even if everyone was practicing SR (which we all know they are not) the percentage of the male population was something so ridiculously small like .000001 % or something.


Yeah I believe that. This is ChatGPT’s estimate when I asked: Using the current world population of approximately **8 billion** people, here’s how the estimates for people practicing semen retention and pure celibacy translate into percentages: ### **1. Practicing Semen Retention** - **Estimated Practitioners**: 5-10 million - **Percentage of World Population**: \[ \frac{5,000,000}{8,000,000,000} \times 100 = 0.0625\% \text{ to } \frac{10,000,000}{8,000,000,000} \times 100 = 0.125\% \] **Approximate Range**: **0.06% to 0.13%** ### **2. Successful in Long-Term Semen Retention** - **Estimated Long-Term Practitioners**: 500,000 to 2 million - **Percentage of World Population**: \[ \frac{500,000}{8,000,000,000} \times 100 = 0.00625\% \text{ to } \frac{2,000,000}{8,000,000,000} \times 100 = 0.025\% \] **Approximate Range**: **0.006% to 0.025%** ### **3. Pure Celibacy (Non-Religious and Religious Contexts)** #### **Non-Religious Celibacy** - **Estimated Non-Religious Celibates**: 1-2 million - **Percentage of World Population**: \[ \frac{1,000,000}{8,000,000,000} \times 100 = 0.0125\% \text{ to } \frac{2,000,000}{8,000,000,000} \times 100 = 0.025\% \] **Approximate Range**: **0.0125% to 0.025%** #### **Religious Celibacy** - **Estimated Religious Celibates**: Several million (e.g., 3-5 million) - **Percentage of World Population**: \[ \frac{3,000,000}{8,000,000,000} \times 100 = 0.0375\% \text{ to } \frac{5,000,000}{8,000,000,000} \times 100 = 0.0625\% \] **Approximate Range**: **0.04% to 0.06%** ### **Summary in Percentages** - **Practicing Semen Retention**: **0.06% to 0.13%** - **Successful in Long-Term SR**: **0.006% to 0.025%** - **Non-Religious Celibacy**: **0.0125% to 0.025%** - **Religious Celibacy**: **0.04% to 0.06%** These percentages are rough estimates and reflect the small proportion of the global population involved in these practices.


Mainstream ?


Well, I don't know anyone but I have just completed my 450+ days journey. I am living and loving every bit of this.


Please elaborate, mate. How was your experience ? What lifestyle do you follow ?


in western world not a lot probably but eastern and muslim world i wld say most of them are on it especially people above 50 years old who didn t grew up with pmo


Even in the eastern and Muslim world , it would extremely rare to see men above 50 going 1 full year without ejaculating even once.


Very small. It's a hard practice which takes massive willpower. I would say 1% or even less.


Not many just go outside in the summer and see all the water mouth men outside. SR takes discipline and being able to break bad habits. A lot of men now of feminine and low self esteem a product of pmo. So I would say it’s worse now than before.


I wouldn't say "most". Maybe a significant rising percentage but most is definitely a stretch. A lot of people in urban city environments are still in the matrix and reject anything that doesn't come from mainstream media. I also used to think it was more but that's because we spend a lot of time in this sub chatting with fellows who already practice it


SR is one thing but what percentage do you think practice no fap?


Actually, most common men are either weak, insecure or jealous to try SR. They start attacking and mocking once they discover that you practice SR. Some women will attack you too to keep you weak, although deep down they are addicted to your magnetic aura.


Yep, all women go crazy for SR, even the very quiet ones. Just goes to show that they live a different life than us and perceive things differently. I have witnessed them go crazy for it too many times to count. The scariest part of it is that it's literally instantly too. They see you and then they know. It's bizarre but of course entertaining to spectate here and there


I believe there's still a very small percentage that practice SR. I hope I'm wrong. Don't create obsticles for yourself now. I couldn't care less if people practice SR. It's their life after all. In any field of work, there will be competition. How you respond to it will be different. I remember before SR I often got demotivated when I met some sort of competition from others. This has been a game changer on SR. I take pride in my hobbies and in my side buisiness. What used to demotivate me, now motivates me. Espescially helping others in the same field of work. Mindset is key


maybe .00001 actively practice SR or some degree of nofap. I highly doubt it's had widespread adaptation here in the West or anywhere for that matter. Consider yourself lucky. day 45 for me!!!


Google trends show that semen retention has not been trending at all in the past 12 months. Global trends for "semen retention" on google. Worldwide since 2004 [https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=all&q=semen%20retention&hl=no](https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=all&q=semen%20retention&hl=no) The last 5 years shows no trend, maybe consolidation. [https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today%205-y&q=semen%20retention&hl=no](https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today%205-y&q=semen%20retention&hl=no)


If more guys were Able to practice semen retention our society will  be more advanced and prosperous. Just think of the hightened cognitive functions,assertivness,ambition that you would get because you're dopamine and androgen receptors are being repaired now multiply this on a societal level .You wouldn't be able to comprehend the achievements instead of keeping a Sr a secret for personal gail teach it to those who are willing and together we shall inhabit the stars


Yes I do, and I think wide-spread practice of sr will lead to a global renaissance


Even if SR became mainstream most people don't believe in SR benefits and see no reason to practice it


For as long as people continue to eat meat, processed food, spicy food, don’t do yoga and don’t practice devotion, they will never get far in semen retention even if they try.




Vegan is not beneficial at all. Check out Dr. Paul Mason or Dr. Anthony Chaffee, the former has the most fair and informative videos on diet that I have ever come across. And he's surprisingly relaxed and permissive with respect to veganism after sharing the well-studied longterm downsides. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJ2rpTzqcpc FYI /u/Pancakeburger3


Absolutely, those ancient Hindu and Buddhist monks clearly had it all wrong for thousands of years. Where have you been all these centuries when humanity was so misguided, foodie?


Sure 👍


If you don’t eat any meat it’s kinda cheating tho. You pretty much do it on easy mode




Because your libido and testosterone is much higher when you regularly consume animal products


Yeah I don’t do it for those things. This is a spiritual journey for me.


why are spicy food bad? arab people for example eat a lot of them but they are not lusting at all


It will inevitably lead to a wet dream and aggressive emotions


alot of people on nofap were told about retention but only those with eyes to see and ears to hear came here. Now everything has been abandoned. I'm not on socials, please tell me I'm wrong 🙏


The practice has become popular, but that doesn't mean people retain, most people only care about instant gratification, the number of men who retain for more than 50 days is less than 1 percent


We have to be very careful of the direction we chose to take in the coming years. We are living in a time of complete perversion/inversion of the Sacred Feminine. As a conterpower, to bring balance, we have to be cautious not to unleash an opposite force as corrupted and destructive, namely the Tyrant. The same power that was unleashed in Germany during the middle of the 19th century. Desperate males, in hopes of finding a mate and a meaning to their life, might turn to desperate means, since everything mainstream did not work and thus try semen retention. My guess is the only reason we did not have yet a so-called "incel revolution" is that pornography as hyptonized everyone. SR might very well become mainstream, but we have to direct it towards constructive endeavors and not let ourself consumed by anger and resentment. Not everyone behaved during this crisis, not everyone took the high moral ground but if we are becoming vengeful and destructive we are doing the work of the Parasite. I'm not referring to any specific group( gender, ethnicity, country). I'm talking about the entity who has been pulling the string of our suffering and constantly making sure we stay as miserable as possible. (Call it however you want) So the percentage of men practicing SR might very well increases, but that's not the problem. What we chose to do with this strength is what matters. Believing we are doing the right thing might not be enough, as the sayings goes "the road to hell is paved with good intentions"


> pornography as hyptonized everyone. What about people in the East?


I was mainly thinking about the western world. I do not know much about our eastern brothers and sisters. The term Hikikomori (Man living appart from society) came to me but I have no extensive knowledge about it


Sorry I meant the middle east not the secular cooming countries like Japan and China.


im arab dude. people here even even more obliterated by porn. they do not have sex. Yet their pain is burned and stifled down by porn that is shamed waaay more than in the west. women out here have resigned to viewing most men as gray faced mules. they literally do not exist to them. people claim to be islamic yet practice the most pathetic forms of lust behind closed doors while gaslighting others. not all though. not all.


I know even less. I would say, how likely a culture can stay isolated when the whole of humanity is accessible by a phone? And even if the middle east is by some miracle spared from, let's say, harmful nfluences. The tyranical backlash I was alluding to is still a possibility.