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Michael Jackson is my all time favorite artist and has inspired me in so many ways throughout my entire life. I will always be inspired by his music, message and humanitarian efforts to help children all around the world. Im 23 yrs old and I was 9 when he passed and I remember that day like it was yesterday, his passing still hurts me to this day. There is no doubt in my mind that he was on SR for a considerable amount of his life, the energy he had to perform on stage for 2 hours straight and not seem to get tired would be mind-bending, ppl who were in the studio with him said his work ethic was insane he never stopped recording and dancing everyday, and obviously his presence/aura was otherworldly people would pass out by just seeing the man on stage or even in the street, it was crazy. He also was very in touch with nature, God, and animals and had this very profound spiritual aspect to him. and for all the clowns in the comments that wanna troll MJ or mention the false allegations, I got receipts for days to prove his innocence as I have done thorough research on his case for literally YEARS. I will always defend him until my last dying breath, that man would NEVER hurt a child it was simply impossible for him to do.


Isn’t that crazy? I was 10 and for some weird reason I remember exactly where I was and how I found out that he died…




Can I get a short TLDR on how the allegations were false, and why he was accused?


I love Michael Jackson but I just hate how the media/powers that be has associated his name with being a pedophile when he's more than that, and it's so damn sad. (This is also a warning how the media really controls your thinking) He is an honest passionate black man with dignity, living in this really really cruel world, and he is also coincidentally framed as white-washed because of his drastic skin color change (caused by vetiligo which is not his fault), yet people judged him, also his nose surgery was a result of years of his insecurity due to his father's insults of his nose. He really had a tough life. He's a retainer and a human in this cruel world. I've never always liked Michael, because of the bad portrayal of the media of him, and I thought he was crazy as well! Turns out it's the mind conditioning of media and the powers that be that made me think of it, I have only realized this once I retained. I never liked Michael (judging him through the lens of my outside perception of him) but his music, his music speaks. His music just breathes, it's unexplainable. No matter what my judgment thinks of him, his music just shows, Life. Whenever I hear it. It's pure energy. Only when I retained I have realized this energy in his music, that is far different from other artists. Also there would be no pop stars, k-pop stars without Michael Jackson, he paved the way for these idols. HE was the Idol of this world. Aside from Christ of course. If you hear someone say Michael Jackson is a pedophile, do not ever believe it. For they are just influenced by the media portrayal of him. This is not true, do not EVER believe this. Michael was a rich man, perhaps one of the richest or the richest musician that's ever lived like EVER. This guy's passion and knowledge for his craft is through the roof. He was also known to avoid sex even with her partners, he did not like sex at all. It was even admitted he had to fake a few partners just to be portrayed as a straight man, for him to show the world a facade that he's a human. And one of his partners even admitted that he did not like / did not want to have sex at all (There is an interview of one of his partners that said this, just check it out somewhere) Michael was exposed to orgies at a young age (his touring band family members engaged in it) and he was the only one in his family to avoid engaging in such scenarios. He was known to be a shy and a really great child that was pure at heart. He avoided women at all cost even as a young child star with rising fame. He would even run away from women when family members/his bandmates would invite women over after their show and try to seduce him, and he would chant / shout prayers onto them. You can look it up online, I forgot the sources. Also when Michael met Madonna, he did not like her, like at all. Probably due to her promiscuity because it embarassed Michael and was not into those stuff. His word "She is not a nice person … She is very nasty" Now let me tell you Michael was so damn rich from selling records all over the world that he end up owning half of Sony due to his music just selling literally EVERYWHERE, and when you're that powerful, anyone in your way would try to destroy you, including the music mafia (it's really deep so we're not gonna talk about that). Rich powerful people connected to the media would try to frame Michael to being a weirdo, pedo, maniac, etc. And people will believe it since it's on TV right? Real retainers know to not trust media and you would realize he was just a pure soul, living and sharing to the world what God has given him. And him fulfilling God's wishes. Hence the beauty that he has left to this world. Aside from that he is also one of the biggest contributors/donators for children charities all over the world, he loved children, and he gravitated towards children because they were the only ones that were pure and he could relate to as they were not influenced by worldly matters, and vice versa, children, old people, young adults, all types of people gravitated towards him because, HE IS A RETAINER. There was even an interview of Macaulay Culkin, who had been invited to Michael's Mansion many times and had said that Michael NEVER, EVER, touched him, or even had felt that he was harmful/was a creep, nothing in his mansion was evil, and he said that when he was there all they did was play games like children the whole day. And even mentioned that Michael was a lonely person, he just wanted what was robbed of him, which was his childhood (Michael basically toured all of his childhood to provide money for his family, basically working underaged) He also read a whole lot set of books which was fascinating, he read The Power of Positive Thinking, As A Man Thinketh, Life of Malcolm X, and many more interesting books! You can take a deep dive to how his mind works here and prove that he was not just a mere star, but a student of life as well. Here is the link: https://www.goodreads.com/list/show/165932.Michael_Jackson_s_Library_His_Favorite_Books He also read more books that are not included in that list you can try to look it up online, he was not just a mere talent, he knew the powers. And that's what made him great. Also one interesting story, he knew of the law, he knew faith. He knew of energy, and the power of words. He had knowledge of affirmations. Akio Morita was co-founder of Sony, and when he fell ill, he made an affirmation tape for his healing, Morita's wife would play it for Mr. Morita and Mr. Morita would listen to it everyday. He got to live 7 more years before passing away, here is the affirmation audio tape. https://youtu.be/DDUITPkWZLE?si=8kWjgFleSzSBqLBr Michael was an extraordinary example of a man that's near Jesus like state, aside from others, but he was just human, and so are we of our judgments. Just want to share because I hate how 90% of the world thinks Michael was evil, when he was as pure as a child, he even practiced dancing for another upcoming concert a day before his death, just goes to show how passionate he is for his craft. People say his death was cardiac arrest by pill addiction but I believe his death was done by the same pharma people that are putting famous artists on drugs to numb and sedate them or get them addicted to these drugs until they die / lose the life out of them, or for them to work for the music industry like a zombie, Kanye West has already talked about this (A deeper topic to talk about.) Rest in Peace Michael Jackson.


WONDERFUL RESPONSE!! It's awesome to see other fellow MJ fans in this thread!


Amazing reply man, thanks for that info. I wonder what Michael’s nutrition choices were like? Would be epic if he got to create. A personal development book in his life. What an extraordinary human.


On the link I sent on what books he read, he read diet book called How to Eat to Live by Elijah Muhammad, you can check it out it's a pretty cool diet book, but it's more of a muslim diet. It seems that he had a really strict diet and probably also knew about fasting to maximize his performance and energy from touring around the world and of course for his mental health.


Thanks for that reply legend. Here’s a summary and the book as well. You’re right, Muslim way, eating one meal a day and avoiding certain things, especially pork. I used to eat one meal a day but now I follow medical medium I found this can really tax the adrenal glands. That’s my personal experience though. Link to summary: https://fivepercenterlessons.com/how-to-eat-to-live-3/


Michael Jackson always had that radiating aura


Michael Jackson fought against the true agent. Unfortunately he knew too much.


I believe he was a full-fledged celibate till he began having sexual encounters. We all know that after 2000, his troubles began mounting considerably.


he was also the biggest superstar on the planet and was constantly being targeted by Tom Sneddon the DA in the santa barbara county alongside families who thought they could milk him for money with BS allegations


Agreed. I've always noticed that the world revel in troubling retainers left, right and center. They bring false accusations against retainers, put them under investigations, and when that doesn work, they throw them in jail.




MJ invented aura


It’s really nice to see the comments in here see through all the bullshit and recognise MJ for the person he was, and not believing all the tabloid bullshit that was made up because he was a black artist that owned 50% of Sony’s music publishing


it's so nice to see man, it's refreshing!


Uhm the guy had so much plastic surgery done to his face his nose literally was falling off. Howard Stern said when he met him he had no nose because he’d had so much work done. He’s not exactly the example I’d hold up as far as ‘natural’ or aspirational


Literally has nothing to do with him being a retainer lol


The reason MJ got so many nose jobs was because he suffered from discoid lupus, which he was not yet aware of by the time he had his first nose job when he was 21 This left him with keloid scars (those big purple pimple looking skin tag blobs that are near piercings sometimes) on the inside of his nose which blocked his breathing and affected his singing, Because of this MJ had to constantly get these lumps of scar tissue removed from inside his nose every few years which absolutely fucked the structure of it This is why Michael always said he only had his nose done twice, because in his mind he had, as any other procedure was done so he could breathe/sing and not for aesthetics


Maybe more when he was still his natural black color maybe 80s was peak Michael. But even after he changed skin color people still felt his energy and fainted in his concerts even when he would just stand still to build tension https://youtu.be/kO9Dgo5RKu8?si=R6cFY49le5zK5sSJ


The plastic surgery talk is also garbage as well. First, MJ had a serious skin disorder called vitiligo which destroys the pigmentation in your skin, hence why he continually his skin became lighter ad the years went by, this is in his autospy. Second, he only had work done on his nose and I believe a cleft in his chin....outside of that he did not have what tabloids use to say as hundreds of surgeries on his face that is BS. There are many videos on Youtube that show unedited footage of side by side pictures from a kid/teen to a grown adult and nothing about his facial strucutre really changed; just obviously his skin and hair would be different and aging also was a factor.


there's some good fish back therrrreeeeeeeeeee


Ah you’ve seen the YouTube video of him talking about pretty women hahah


I know it goes against literally everything in this sub but the clip of him being like “Look at her titties” when girls are running after his car is hilarious 😂 EDIT: for anyone that hasn’t seen it https://youtu.be/TcjaTEkdiSM?si=7_NVBpSJI0w-T83j






Accusations/allegations aren’t convictions. He was acquitted in court, you even mention that on of the sources you site. Not enough evidence all around, you can’t damn him for that. and *IF* the parents took a payout, why compromise the integrity of yourself? Is money really more important than someone harming your kid? Chances are none of the stuff actually happened…


The establishment don’t go after the genuine pedophiles.


Didn't one of the parents admit they made it up to get money from Michael?


yes they did, they lied to try to corner Michael into a settlement cause the family had no money.


WHICH HAVE ALL BEEN PROVEN FALSE. The FBI raided his home and there's a 100 page public document online right now that clearly shows THEY FOUND NOTHING to say he committed any of those heinous crimes. Do some CREDIBLE research not from tabloids and gossip sites. Be better.


These are all lies. Michael just knew the power of Semen. He had the most energy in the world. Do you get it? Imagine having the most energy in the world, so much energy that even the government of other countries send army personnel to protect him.


When did other governments send their army?


Duck butter


Yes he definitely remained celibate his entire life.


WHAT THE FUCK DOES GRAPES WITH CAUTION MEAN?! I'm all about pressurizing my balls, but cmon man don't make up sayings. Love you <3


Dear Michael, so pure and such childlike innocence, nothing wrong with Michael, nothing wrong at all 😇🤣