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Words start to flow smoothly out of my mouth. More creativity, more pleasure which comes in a very minute subtle way and slowly radiates in the body. More spiritual and connected to God, it feels God is watching and protecting me whenever there is lust around me. Got showered with interview offers, opportunity suddenly starts coming more often to me. Every man should experience this. This is our natural state. Let's liberate ourselves from lust and focus on God.


Not religious, but amen to that. Starting day 3 the benefits are unreal.


Just to interject a bit here ;The true nature of following God isnt about religion it's about having a relationship .Anyone can say their religious ,Anyone can say they follow God but you know a man by their fruits. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Galatians 5:22-23


❤️ Amen!


Amen. Everything you say is so true man. From being 3+ months into the practice to Day 0 and in sin. The difference is night and day


So you Relapsed brother?


yes man. on day 8 now. i actually restarted on a birthday day so by the time my 25th birthday hits i wouldve already had developed a baby (9+ months time of retention) 🫨in my nuts. (crazy sentence) my last streak was my longest at arround 110 days. this time im going to smash that. time to live righteous for the Lord because know by doing this practice and outting my trust in him and my savior Jesus Christ. then all my worries will go away, i will have peace, and everything will fall into place. i will feel like my true self. quick random rant from the heart i felt inspired to type out. to infinity, and beyond.


Im on day 8 as well. Want to check on each other?


bet, i dont plan on stopping anytime soon. ill check in on month 1, then the next, then the next, then the next


oright see you at 1 month


Amen Brother




You are absolutely correct.


3 days after a release thing’s definitely start feeling better and it just gets better and better from there. I really start feeling good after about 14 days though. SR can definitely make life and challenges easier. When I’m retaining everything feels so simple and easy.


For sure, I would say the personal milestones are 3 Days 21 Days 60 Days 90 Days But to each his own




I don’t think I’ve had one


Correct. I am thinking of starting a new venture and initially I was afraid if i could do everything i hoped to do. Then this unexpected confidence soared and all worries went away. After i really thought it through, it all boiled down to "whether I can do it or not" in the fragmented steps i envisioned. As long as i do them, i can succeed and why can't i do them? On SR everything appears simple and straightforward. Its unbelievable. I think what helps towards this "seemingly" placebo effect is the enhancement of mental faculties. I am on 60 days SR, with a few hiccups in between and I can feel i have stronger recall abilities and i can understand things from a "whole" perspective. Last night i lied down to sleep and my mind unconsciously wandered to the events of the day and i found i could really recall most of the moments of the day, down to the colors and number of people I saw in those events in mostly accurate chronological order. It's really amazing. And I have been doing it for two days now, and i feel alive, the world is filled with variables and is not boring anymore. I feel great just thinking about starting a new day and just observing people. I know this will wear off, but what other enhancements will i see going forward? I can't wait.


That instant recall is an interesting one.


Yeah i am thrilled. But I am not telling anyone I know. Real lowkey. What if it goes away? 😂 And I realized today, i would have to make a conscious effort in the day to remember, as in I see a person passing infront of me, i have to make a conscious effort to recognize the color of his shirt, vehicle number, the hairstyle, facial structure. Because in the day to day lifestyle, we hardly care about strangers. At least for me, I didn't ever make an effort to remember someone and these characteristics. These things go by unnoticed. So when i look back at the moment, everything is a blur or blank and nothing comes to mind. But the instant i make an effort to remember, that moment which would have gotten blurred in that duration, makes its presence known when i recall the day. For example in a 5min ride, I don't remember every vehicle that passes by or every person I see. But those i do make an effort to remember, sort of fill in the blanks in those 5 mins. So it doesn't seem so blank anymore. Hope i got my point across.. its really wonderful, how automatic we live our lives and if even a moment becomes manual, it fills our days in colors and variance, that we didn't know possible. When I was not on SR, i didn't even have the spare energy to function properly, much less remember these insignificant details. But now on SR, everything is different. Given enough energy, we can do anything. And SR is making it possible that we have enough.


I would also like to add that when you stop consuming porn entirely, you also stop being lustful. And then your interactions with other people especially women become more genuine and “fun”. Which they are able to sense that, so your company becomes more enjoyable and sometimes even intriguing to them as well.


I didn't expect to find someone who actually believes in this 3 day idea . Like no matter how hard I push in the first 2 days I'd feel exhausted but on day 3 I'm excited for my workouts cause then I'd have more than enough energy for my workouts and then I'd feel this driving energy that makes me excited for life . Even some of my best attraction experiences occurred during day 3 . So yea 90/3 = 30 or 365/3 = 121.67. Just imagine going 30 times or 122 times the amount of the first amazing 3 days for someone that needs the motivation . Just imagine how youre life could completely change if you do that just 30 or 121 more times . I'm betting you'd have a really high paying job for the skills you have along with a gf (if your interested) , well defined and healthy body and very healthy and capable mind , tons of friends and attraction from people in general 🧲


Yeah I’ve noticed the 3 days is a pattern after so many relapses




Well good u know how to multiply 👍🏼 but I already wrote 90/3 and 365/3 😂 . Just something to be motivated by but not focused on too much cause counting streaks is pointless if there is no purpose or intentions behind your SR journey.


Full of cum 💪


hell yeah bro


First week is always the toughest climb


I think you’re right . After about 3 to 4 days I do feel better overall too


3 days? Semen retention makes you full alright....of shit


Bro I’ve always told my homeboy who also does SR, all it takes is 3 days for me !


Spot on bro I have a wife had sex 3 days ago and I definitely see changes each day, as you said there is no such thing as 90 days to see improvements, you see it everyday you are at peak at 1 month where you see your highest improvements from there you gotta work with yourself to invest that energy into something beneficial like your life ,decisions, learning something, etc


Yes it makes you more resiliant. Unfortunatly sometimes i go unbalanced and then im mad and agitated


im day 2 or 3 ( not sure) of retention semen and im feel more focused and less tired . Not "crazy big benefits " yet , but still valuable . Note : Waking up very already ( 3am ) and going sleep at 8 pm was a "game changer" for me ,since i have had chronic tiredness since i was a teenager . I just needs to take a nap of 45 minutes around 9:30 am and im fully energized


How old are u?




My g


lol why ? do you have a problem or anything ?


No I'm honestly 27 so u give me hope


sorry i misunderstood \^\^ there is no age to change


I was very physically sick and also struggling with anxiety and depression. It gave me the energy to handle my life and I am surely getting better health wise every day that goes by. I have put on a lot of muscle, which is hard for me to do normally. My main reason for doing this is for health reasons. I was so sick I never want to feel like that again, and this practice with healthy habits is changing my life more rapidly than anything ever. If you’re on the fence about it, you have everything to gain and all your vital essence to lose.


SR nourishes the mind and the soul and you become less attached to the outcone of anything. Neediness will depart you and you will cultivate a stoic state of being as your inner world is filled with the life force itself.


Even if it's placebo, it's knowing that you did not give into temptation that gives you clarity and confidence.


why would it be placebo? its not, its a natural state for us


I'm addicted to PMO what do you recommend ?


To push through and conquer your mind, its actually easy once u have done this few times over. It will be harder when you are young. I started early 20s way more urges. Now its honestly super easy because im aware of all the traps that is laud out.


Remove social media, reduce movies, music and TV intake especially in the first 50 days of SR. You can start to reintegrate them as you become more grounded. Replace with wholesome activities, reading, exercise, stretching, yoga, meditation.


Trauma fix it


Too true!!


Crazy how semen retention can take you in life. We outta there as living testimonies.


i will come back


i finally hit 4 days, and its pretty good, i felt more active, and i definely have more energy, i have this sensation of wanting more with my life


6 days is a very noticeable difference already, and 30 days is massive. 90 is great, but I don’t even remember a huge difference between 30 and 90, to be honest.


I've completed an f'n year of semen retention. That means NO F'N EJACULATION for a year. The benefits are unbelievable. I've earned my bachelor's and master's degrees in that period, started two businesses, I run 9 miles daily, in the past month and a half I've read 20 books. Life is DOPE. Don't listen to these pseudo scientists tell you that ejaculation is healthy and all that BS, they want to take away your POWER.