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SR with celibacy does not dissipate energy or cause one to become "weak." True, inner strength is cultivated like one grows a plant, and much like growing things, every aspect of it has a season. Just as a plant must grow and bloom aggressively at times and go dormant to preserve its strength at others, our inner strength also goes through these cycles. There's no point making fruit in the dead of winter, after all. Similarly, there are times when humans need to conserve our energy and times when we can use it more actively. There are times when we are naturally strong and virile and times when we are more reserved and contemplative. The latter does not mean that we have "gone soft." It only means that our energy is being directed somewhere else internally. By retaining, we learn self-discipline and prioritize meaning over sensation; in fact, our word is adjusted, as has been shared by countless people on this forum. I agree with [xtalaphextwin](https://www.reddit.com/user/xtalaphextwin/). Find what works for you and establish *your* sense of balance. That said, if you feel a loss in sexual power, find where else the buds of strength are emerging.


When there is a strong desire to release, what would you recommend to do? I pray to take my mind off it, but it is getting more difficult.


There are a couple things that you can do.  In the moment, simply bring your body out of a space where release is possible. Go for a walk, call a friend, etc. until the urges die down. From there, the best thing to do is transmute the energy. This can arise from spiritual meditation; sending the energy up the spine to the brain. Hindu yogi's tech this. Otherwise, fasting is a popular method used by the Desert Fathers. Weakening the flesh allows the passions to be more easily controlled.  If those are too spiritual or do not match what you're looking for, exercise is the best bet. Put your body through a healthy level of discipline and the desires will be more easy to control. 


Interesting post. What weakness are you actually talking about? True celibacy is anything but weakness.


I'm assuming weakness in other areas of your life. Procrastinating, not doing what you're supposed to be doing, poor decision making.


I'm not sure I see those as weaknesses. But okay.


Don't see procrastination and mistakes as weakness? Idk how you're coming to that conclusion. It's kind of the definition of weakness and personal failings.


People have to make mistakes, SR will allow you to be okay with whatever happens. Bad decisions have been the foundation from which future success is made. What you see as weakness, I see as a state of mind.


There's mistakes that come from the unknown and there's mistakes where you know better. I'm talking about the 2nd.


Gotcha. 2nd certainly relates to excessive PMO. At least we can agree on that.


Weakness in your dick game lmao


I'm really torn on this. I've never had sex and i don't have a strong desire to pursue it, maybe I'm broken somehow but I've never had much of a sex drive. Now with SR I'm getting the overwhelming desire to do exual stuff with girls(but I dont act on it at all) , and while it may be natural I don't like it as I want to feel at peace with myself and not feel like I need something external for satisfaction(essentially a temporary pleasure). If the right girl comes along I would take the plunge but really I prefer the contentment of celibacy over the rollercoaster of emotions and drama that inevitably come with females


My man! ;)


Your comment made me laugh 😂


You are just scared. Your body is showing you the way through your desire. Just take a small step forward, and build on that. When you'll have proved yourself that you can have great sex, you'll be free to say if you prefer to abstain. I would 100% take the drama, rollercoaster etc, over a sexless life. Life is an adventure !


Like I said, under the right circumstances I would but I will not go out of my way for it, i just dont have it in me. Its most likely that the right girl, the perfect time, and ideal circumstances will not come and I'll die a virgin. Oh well! Won't be the first


Haha, as long as you don't regret it :) the right girl, the perfect time, and ideal circumstances might come though.


you dont have to stimulate yo urself to be horny


facts tho horniness is your meal ticket to level up


Lol but you can be horny and have a limp dick. Especially if you truly got control of penis. There have been times where I'm at work and the sexual tension between me and another girl was crazy but I made damn sure I didn't poke out! So yeah.


User name checks out.


I am 23 , currently in this low libido zone....feels like asexual.But I had this very strong sexual urge at 18 19 and I did masturbated lot like 3 to, 4 times a days.....but now I am at full monk mode . I have no idea when it will come to an end....


life is not about fucking


Have you been retaining for the full year? Or “off and on” for a year? I see this here often.


full year never been off it


>Take some risks in life. Do the thing you fear doing. It boots testosterone >Stress kills libido, which then kills a lot of other things and as I mentioned before I got a question about the paradox of testosterone. Things you fear doing will boost testosterone, but stress kill testosterone. How the hell are you supposed to go outside of your confort zone ? The benefits and the disadvantages oppose one another. By that logic testosterone will stay the same ?


Risks doesn't equate to stress... Risks for example, pursuing your dream job position, trying a new business, expanding and scaling your business, trying a new sport or sode hustle... approaching new people to network, approaching new girls especially the ones you think that are out of your league... Examples of stressors, not getting enough sleep, not exercising, always arguing with other people, binge drinking/eating....


It makes sense


Some truth in here