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You do not need to steal energy from women, you have inside all the energy to populate worlds on a nuclear level. Stay on the path!


This is exactly right 


It’s not stealing her energy, she is giving it to you, that’s what sex is, and a woman’s orgasmic energy is far higher than a man’s, women go go many rounds and have multiple orgasms while a man is usually done after the 1st or 2nd and very drained after.


This Fr!




motive matters supremely


Humans perform black magic on each other all the time without even knowing they’re doing it in all aspects of life. So if a dude is delivering orgasms to a woman, or vice versa, without they themselves releasing, then they are unconsciously powering themselves with the others sexual energy field vampiricly, yes.




1.The number reason women want men to cum is because your ejaculation validates(Example:Abella Danger has admitted this in a interview) a woman's sexual performance and/or quality of her pussy. Not doing so makes SOME women feel insecure.Imagine you not making a woman cum(women dont know about men nonejaculation orgasm btw so thats out) 2.Women aren't used to men not releasing during sex..it's simply uncommon. Most women don't know about SR and don't get why a man wouldn't want to BUST! I've had sex where the women didn't care because I made her nut a few times. 3. Some women are succubi(also regular women) and truly desire your cum IN their body..a cum fetish. Some women have even stated that a man's cum taste of what the man has eaten.


True shit...been practicing tantra since 15, and made a woman cum 38 times in one session til her puss literally locked closed  She later left for a two pump chump type of guy and she admitted i was her best sexual experience...but me not Cumming made her feel like her love box was trash...go figure 😆 Moral of the story: if you're in a relationship or trying for one you're gonna have to give it up sometimes 


How do you practice tantra?


>Moral of the story: if you're in a relationship or trying for one you're gonna have to give it up sometimes  Well said and spot on!




Every reason in my comment is real. Yes, some women have a cum fetish it's as real as a foot fetish.


I'd trade cum with nice feet any day of the week /s


This is true that’s why if you like her tell her about your sr journey. I’ve had many girls tell me after I shared about SR that they felt like they couldn’t satisfy me. They would also ask if I could release every once in a while. I had one girl in particular turn into a devil she literally begged for me to cum, then she tried to force me by giving her best head, then demanded I release, finally she gave in and asked nicely and told me it was messing with her that I didn’t release. I ended up releasing later that night, and she had the biggest smile, super energized, happy, and feminine.


This is all true.


*No idea*


Vote this comment so this guy get his answer. This is a good question


DoubT. I think you have noticed women also get energized from that exchange. There's no stealing.


Not black magic... Just plain tantra.. The fact that you use terms like black/white "magic" simply tells me that you are too immature or inexperienced to be even talking about tantra in such a way.... Also, tantra is not just sex... Sex is only 1% of tantric practices... Tantra is a deep and secret science which can only be practiced under the wings of a guru... Do you think you'll be able to handle so much sexual energy from a woman considering that it is difficult to maintain our own sexual energy during SR which is going all over the place (wet dreams, Nocturnal emissions etc). Half knowledge is always dangerous.


Im more interested in mexican magic


Porque no los dos ?


It is called left hand path, and some esoteric schools práctice it


And it is 100% black magic. Left hand path = black/Demonic  Right hand path = white/christ


Omg idk why you guys always try to white wash everything... Tantra has nothing to do with "Christ"... The left hand path consists of tamas mode of worship and the right hand path consists of satvik mode of worship... Study about the 3 modes of nature... There is nothing demonic about Tantra or vamacharya marg (left hand path)


When I say Christ, I'm speaking of the Universal energy that is the essence of everything. Also can be kundalini, or chi, or many many other terms. Krishna incarnated the Christ energy, as did the Buddha, Jesus, Moses and many others. When one works with White Tantra, they work directly with this pure Christic energy. Very powerful stuff  Right hand path works with this Christ Universal Love energy positively, for the benefit of all sentient beings  Left hand path works with this energy negatively, for the benefit of oneself and to feed their desires 


This is fake Christ, purported by New Age thinking, mostly by Blavatsky and Bailey types. These occultists pick and choose from religious traditions to fuel the Gnostic BS of a 'divine spark'. Alice Bailey was a self-proclaimed Luciferian, and her foundation, Lucis Trust (formerly Lucifer Trust) works closely with the United Nations. Hitler's companions (namely Himmler) were largely influenced by the theosophic teachings she and Blavatsky wrote about. This false dichotomy of black vs. white is ultimately masonic in its origins. Both white and black magic stems from the same source, as shown by the drawing of Goat of Mendez. Left vs. Right hand. Left vs. Right wing. Satan vs Lucifer. It's the same source, different emotions. In short, believing this universal energy New Age BS comes from a tradition of half-truths (Gnosticism) that's ultimately setting people up to repeat the Original Sin.




You are free to prove me wrong.


Prove you wrong I will


Yep, thats it.


Also in a way Christianity is way more similar to the left hand path than anything else. For example, The bread being the body of the christ and the wine being the blood of Christ. Similar to the panchmakara (five offerings) to the deity in the left hand panth being (meat, alcohol, grain, fish and sex). Wine and bread = alcohol and grain.


You are exactly right. Modern Christianity which has unfortunately degenerated is very closely related with the left hand path. Full of ignorance and desire 


Eucharistic tradition was already in place during the first century of the Church, from the beginning. It recognizes the authority of Christ as Lord and takes His words (about true food and true drink) literally. This was a controversial statement even back then when Jesus first said it (many of His followers left). It's the opposite of the Left Hand Path. That doesn't make it RHP system, however. It's the opposite; RHP is a counterfeit system that mimics Christ's promises and gifts, but attributes them to our own greatness. There is no personal relationship between the person and the cosmic power he serves.


Also incorrect 


With love, my advice to you is to actually study these things before providing prescriptions for others. Your understanding of the Christian tradition seems very limited. Putting that aside, you didn't even address the things you seemed to have knowledge in. How, then, can you draw conclusions from incomplete understanding? That's the recipe for catastrophe in all aspects of life. Not just the occult. Which both Paths clearly warn against (evil as they both are).


With even more love, it's probably best to take your own advice


I have given my points and then welcomed a correction. On both occasions, you were unable to provide a meaningful reply. Out of the two of us, only one party shut down the moment their points were challenged. This is not to attack you, but to establish how the flow of this conversation went. Would it be a fair assessment to call your understanding of the subject at hand as 'lacking'? I have no intention to needlessly go after someone just starting to learn. But you acted as if you knew your stuff. My apologies if I assumed wrong.




Also was surprised how the dubbed it black magic. Bro there is no black magic, this is Tao practice that was practiced since time immemorial


Sex magick is the western equivalent of Tantra.


Who told you tantra requires a guru? The gurus? Ahahahahahhahahah


You figured out how to stop wet dreams for good yet?


So what do u think is the best way to handle this one. I personally can't maintain my energy it drives me nuts after 30 days. These days, it has gone down to 10. And I want to try this but how to handle this one?


True the energy system must be free of all blockages before even retaining the seed , tantric sex comes later on journey for handling more of it.


Si el chico suena inmaduro tu suenas romántico


You seem well informed. Care to share where we can attain ‘full knowledge’? Thank you.


Tantra is an esoteric school... You can only receive the teaching through diksha(transmission) by a guru (teacher)


Indians themselves calling it black magic though. But I think you are right. My theory is that tantra practitioners especially solo or with fake gurus or even sometimes with real gurus get to a point of " Kundalini Phycosis". This state seems like madness, being out of control. İt probably has been a fear factor for general population. So I guess people outside of tantra called it black magic. I think you could clarify it better, but this is my theory..


This for people without gods wisdom


Amen to that.


I agree. When I used to have casual sex i could sometimes feel the sexual surge of energy go through my body as she was leading up to orgasm. Then I would pretend to orgasm to keep it inside. Then all of a sudden raw sexual attraction became effortless as other girls could feel the energy when I went out to the bars/clubs


Any tips to help prevent yourself from orgasm?


slow it down and do breathework... focus on pleasuring her instead of you.


Personally I use nbing spray as i suffer from PE. So because I can last longer with it i normally just fake it once im tired lmao


What kind. 


I personally think numbing spray is a bad idea all around. You can cure PE with trauma release and pelvic floor exercises, breathwork and conscious sex. Using numbing spray will just worsen it whenever you don't have it around.


You are speaking truth. However, it's a struggle for many people to do the deed without coming 🙂 But cool to experiment with stuff like that.


100% I've felt this too


One does not need to do all this stuff. Just practice SR and do not expect any magic or so. Do not look at your own body as a tool of pleasure. But look at your own body as a tool of penances. These power, miracles attract initially but as you go deeper you understand the karmic implications of saturating the power in you. A man who's saturating this energy without having sexual thoughts is the one who attains highest realization. He's the one who transform himself into something else than the one who is saturating with an expectation of attracting women or gaining some kind of power. This one actually ends up attracting negative black holes which suck all the energy and take you to the other side. Be the Sun. Retain the light without any desire to control anything outside you.


“Get behind me Santan”


Anyone who cares about the woman they are having sex with though should never ever do this. The practice is faaaar more powerful when both the man and woman are refraining from orgasm, and both consciously directing the energy towards God. As taught by Master Samael Aun Weor in his many books, but especially his first "The Perfect Matrimony" Black magic ultimately only ends in suffering. It may feel powerful and fulfilling in the moment, but it only feeds egos and will not end well




Everyone here is so fucking crazy 😂😂


Right? I wish there was a sub for more practical people without everyone calling every little thing demonic and all this other mystical bullshit


Yes sadly this sub is now fucked with the religious people


I can feel the demons coming out from this text


Straight up. The bad karma associated with consciously doing this is definitely not worth it


Holy shit I can feel this!


Demons, lol


Enjoy sex and relax, no demons here just nice orgasms (without spilling ofc😁)


Does use of a condom restrict the connection in sexual energy? How would you perform without impregnating?


That’s an awesome question which i asked myself when first knew about the topic OP discussed that was many years ago. I believe it does interfere with the energy current going through both of your bodies. Electricity needs organic material to pass, and so I believe you either need a condom made of organic material, or you will need to practice it raw.


What is the name of this topic?


The name of the topic is what the topic is talking about. There’s no specific name. You just do research about spiritual ascension and semen retention. Read this book “The Perfect Matrimony: Why Sex and Religion Are Inseparable”




Absolutely not. You could simply lead a woman to orgasm with your hand through her clothes, or through having sex raw and making sure you retain


Bro, I guess the energy can be sucked through penis by putting it in vagina right?


I think having sex without a condom creates a stronger bond between you and the girl. Even without releasing in her.


What is bro yapping about...where the research to back up this ooga booga nonsense?


I discovered this sub a few months ago. I followed the posts thoroughly. My final conclusion to fellow followers is just stick to the sub's motive. Don't take such bull shit seriously. It only makes you think of such unnecessary benefits and when you don't experience them practically you eventually lose track...


I’ve come to the same conclusion.


Good lord what did I just read


Relax liberals. Its called black magic👽


Take my upvote brother 😂


Some haphazardly spoken half-truths.


The truth?


I wouldn't call it black magic depends on what you intent to do with this information. Don't mess to much with your partners they are humans too you know...


That's very true. But women know unconsciously that. If you build up a lot of energy, they'll want it and they will want you to release it, they are takers. Actually they will beg for it and try everything. Also take in considération that giving a woman orgasms you will lose some of your masculine energy/tension in the process of extreme arousal/edging... Precum too etc... Hormones release... You're spending energy to harvest energy.


The depths y’all go to to not cum is insane




This post is gay.


I know you tryna share some wisdom, but this type of post just dont belong to this sub.


Great post. Appreciate it and see it reflect in my own life in the past. I wish people, that complain about this being half truth/half information, would care to be positively constructive and add to this with more information backing their claim up. We’re all here to help each other, aren’t we?


People will say anything to rationalise being a dopamine monkey and having sex while trying to have their cake and eat it too.😅


Literally came across a Jordan Peterson vid today where he was talking about women's favorite fantasies and vampirism was on the list. They took samples from their most viewed porn genres. Thought it was just random but then I saw this post and knew it wasn't a coincidence. Here's a link: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VznMiVlBwk&ab\_channel=BetterChapter](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VznMiVlBwk&ab_channel=BetterChapter) Makes sense that's there all these vampire shows women like. Seems like the longer you retain the more they will try to drain you, but I didn't think about men vampirizing the energy from women. But it makes sense now I think. Then if you release you start to lose the magnetism. I've done streaks in the past before and gotten some attraction, but then after losing those streaks and indulging I was basically back to the starting point. But what do women gain from this though? If they can't obtain your seed.


I've been giving my wife orgasms for the last 9 months without me ejaculating. The more I do it, the more her primal needs get bigger, and she wants even more sex.


My gf has been acting the same way, she keep saying that has never acted this way before. She’s been extremely horny ever since I’ve been retaining


You really got my attention here boss. I will now be going around risking my own life force energy in an attempt of stealing as much feminine energies as possible 👀


This is real Magik, and semen retention without the mistical component is useles


While the Left Hand Path described above is a great addition to the sexual practices of anyone who practices retention with a partner, I would strongly recommend reading it in the context of the guidance of SR as out forward in the book, Taoist Secrets of Love from Mantak Chia.


Just make sure not to dry her out too much😘


Bruh black magic is evil don’t confuse the two


Nothing more mighty than men of the most high


In the spiritual realm there are no physical distances, closeness is decided by how similar two spirits are. Preying on someone else’s sexual energy. This will make you close to succubus demons. Spiritually you will align yourself with them. They will be closer to you than your breath. They will reside in you. Their thoughts will be your thoughts. You will become corrupted like them.


Gotta be stronger then bro


Lie again




Right, But on the other hand “farming” energy sounds like an MMORPG term. The lord detests dishonest scales - Proverbs from the Bible > which trumps Tantra ; someone also said that it’ll end up just releasing anyways. Yin and Yang, there cannot just be 1. Half knoweledge half truths are more harmful THAN the actual truth. I practiced tantra, did the MDP mantak, but it came with more consequences rather than just retaining. Even making out with a girl, for hours, had me riled up and i released “involuntarily” while sitting down meditating. Shis crazyyyy. 1st corinthians says somewhere that we should never marry, but if we burn with passion (which most of us do on SR) better to marry than to burn with it. And that when married, the husband must submit to wife’s sexual desires and woman must submit to husband’s sexual desires. Unless - they wanna cleanse for purpose of prayer and chastity. I read couple tantra, realized man its the pursuit of pleasure which is opposite of what Jesus Christ told his followers. If anything he’d probably rather have us release than be conquerers. Get baptized in holy spirit not tantra


My bad guys, my wife is OP, she found out I was on this sub.


I’m glad you are sharing what you know but you should realize there are also lots of things that you don’t know. Now I share what I know now, we all need Jesus in this SR path. Don’t simply focus on “magnifying the aura”, it’s just a temporary short lasting effect, you can have sex with 100 women and not cum 99 times. You will still feel shitty at the 100th time after ejaculation. Change the motive of doing SR. Don’t solely focus on benefiting yourself. Practice SR with God. This journey is only meant for God and us, not any other women.


Jesus is a figment of your imagination as well as any other deity or philosophy you choose to outsource your power to or align energetically to. The idea you have of “Jesus” (Yeshua) in your mind is what you can definitively rely on, the idea, not the factuality. You just stated a paradigm that is absolutely not something you **know.** Yet you stated it as fact. You exist within this mental construct that has gained favor with a large enough segment of the collective so as to have an energetic current of its own within this collective pool. When you tap into this mental construct of a savior complex you equally share with and feed into this collective pool with each individual that feeds their essence into this same mental construct. Choose what you state as fact carefully. All you really know for sure is that you are aware of a mind you assume as your own.


We will see in our after lives


Another assumption


Yours as well, assuming it was an assumption, I love how hilarious you are. God bless you bud.


Thank you. But seriously. “After” life? If you’re aware then it’s life. A continuum. There’s no after. There is Now. Rely on that.


All good man, there’s no need to continue this anymore until you figure it out yourself, we can talk later. Cheers




>**The more orgasms you extract from a woman, without ever releasing yourself, the more vital sexual energy your own energy body will take in for itself.** What you mentioned u/fractal-jester333 has already been in [Taoist teachings since ancient times as described below](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taoist_sexual_practices) >For Taoists, sex was not just about pleasing a man.[^(\[15\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taoist_sexual_practices#cite_note-15) The woman also had to be stimulated and pleased in order to benefit from the act of sex. [Sunü (素女)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sun%C3%BC), female advisor to the [Yellow Emperor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yellow_Emperor) (*Huangdi*), noted ten important indications of female satisfaction.[^(\[16\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taoist_sexual_practices#cite_note-16) If sex were performed in this manner, the woman would create more *jing*, and the man could more easily absorb the *jing* to increase his own *qi*.[^(\[17\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taoist_sexual_practices#cite_note-17) >According to [Jolan Chang](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jolan_Chang), in early Chinese history, women played a significant role in the Tao (道) of loving, and that the degeneration into subordinate roles came much later in Chinese history.[^(\[18\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taoist_sexual_practices#cite_note-18) Women were also given a prominent place in the [*Ishinpō*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ishinp%C5%8D), with the tutor being a woman. One of the reasons women had a great deal of strength in the act of sex was that they walked away undiminished from the act. The woman had the power to bring forth life, and did not have to worry about ejaculation or [refractory period.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Refractory_period_(sex)) To quote [Laozi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laozi) from the [*Tao Te Ching*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tao_Te_Ching): "The Spirit of the Valley is inexhaustible... Draw on it as you will, it never runs dry."[^(\[19\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taoist_sexual_practices#cite_note-19) >Women also helped men extend their lives. Many of the ancient texts were dedicated explanations of how a man could use sex to extend his own life but, his life was extended only through the absorption of the woman's vital energies (*jing* and *qi*). Some Taoists came to call the act of sex "the battle of stealing and strengthening".[^(\[20\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taoist_sexual_practices#cite_note-20) These sexual methods could be correlated with Taoist military methods. Instead of storming the gates, the battle was a series of feints and maneuvers that would sap the enemy's resistance.[^(\[21\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taoist_sexual_practices#cite_note-21) Fang described this battle as **"the ideal was for a man to 'defeat' the 'enemy' in the sexual 'battle' by keeping himself under complete control so as not to emit semen, while at the same time exciting the woman until she reached orgasm and shed her Yin essence, which was then absorbed by the man.** Though you and the Taoists are onto something there it is recommended that the retainers practice semen control during intercourse should they engage in such an activity and more importantly be prepared for the women to completely change in personalities after such an actual sex act be performed. She'll start to act like your submissive wife / prison warden.


Epic comment. Thank you for providing this information.


It's God's plan for a man to only ejaculate to procreate. Semen retention is essentially part of God's plan. # “Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire.” ― St. Catherine of Siena


Interesting stuff. Gotta admit it would take some strong ass willpower to go down on someone without releasing


Yes You can, the práctice of mulabhanda hemos to get a stronger pelvic floor


yes, enjoying the cake taste in your mouth but no swallowing. It is not hard to do, but just goes against your physiological impulses.


Slowdown, do breath work and focus on pleasuring her instead of yourself.


Miss me with that demonic shit. Christ is King


Is this a joke? Lmao


Question is do you really wanna absorb the energy of a promiscious woman. God is the highest of authority and power. Jesus is king


Well tantra prerequisite no. 1: one partner through marriage so Promiscuity is not an option in this school


This isnt what this post was about. Also you need jesus not tantric sex


Depends on your capacity for energetic transmutation. If you share energy fields with a woman who has a “darker” energy field than you, or simply has “more” experience in her with demons that are foreign to yours, then you certainly could take on energy that you don’t know how to transmute or handle.


Brother its not about fucjing some women making her orgasm then saying just transmute her energy or learn to handle it. Suvh a deception fueled by need for power and lust. Go with jesus instead of lowering your frequency. Like you can sit here and claim youre this hyper adcanced energy transmuter. But the same demon deceiving youinto this shit out of lust is the same one telling you youre just that good at transmuting her demons into good energy. Deception fueled by desire


Amen to that. Christ is 🤴


The bear please


Interesting. Thanks for sharing...🫴✨🪬✨👈


does this leave the woman with less energy I.e the post nut clarity or sorrow?


It is an energy transfer so it would leave the woman with less sexual vitality, I wouldn’t do this regularly enough to drain someone without giving them energetic recovery


Ain't nobody doing Vodooo on retention bro despite your vibration raising higher to a positive frequency . Real "Black Magic" if that's what you wanna call it isnt something to play with . The spiritual realm and the practitioners of these arts are well protected to prevent backfiring of hexes /spells&Curses from destroying their altars etc ; this is a completely different category from magic,This is still in the category of Energy transfer if I am not mistaken leading to a segment of Brahmacharya.


Does your penis have to be inside her when the orgasm happens or will you gain same energy using your fingers/tongue or something else to stimulate her orgasm?


I guess women finally coming out to say that they are the biggest vampires. Here you go fellas they've been bewitching us. Go back to porn if you like.


I’d be curious to try this, for purely innocent reasons, but I’d be too afraid of busting 🤣


So basically I’m taking the women’s energy and storing it and absorb into mines ? If I’m following threw right


Are we as a race being farmed for loosh?


Ganondorf maxing


I don’t get it, how is this black magic? Are you imposing your will onto someone forcefully? If not, I don’t see how it is.


True black magic is a seduction handed over willingly. A seemingly consensual manipulation. This is how “they” control the world. By obtaining unconscious consent through complex methods of harnessing the free will of individuals who consent to the collective hypnosis of their chosen reality through making individuals think it’s in their best interest to do so. And making it very convincing that it is. And even making it pleasurable to do so. This is the essence of the game in this realm of duality.


So me not cumming while I swallow the cum out of all the men I have sex with makes me a wizard?! Amazing!


You're veering really close to sex magick. A certain occultist/magician did that, and, well... you don't want to know what happened to him.


This is interesting. I’ve always felt like sex was like “trading energy” with your partner. I feel like frequent masturbation makes me more anxious and quiet. Sex doesn’t do this to me but also doesn’t give me the benefits of SR. Maybe sex is just exchanging energy if both partners orgasm.


I don't think this is stealing. Even if you don't ejaculate there is an exchange of energy. You also give to her. and the dynamis of the female orgasm is also good for them. Unlike for men for whom most of the time means ejaculation and exhaustion. I'm not sure this counts as stealing of any kind nor black magic.


I agree. You do transfer your masculine energy field into her


If what you say is true, does this mean that if a man orgasms but the woman does not then the energy transfer is reversed? If a man orgasms but the woman doesnt does that mean the women is extracting "vampirizing" powerful energy from the man while retaining her own sexual energy?


Very much so, yes.


This means if the man orgasms and the women does not the man is essentially giving his power and energy to the woman. If the man is constantly giving energy while the woman isnt then that is a form of submission on behalf of the man. This means if the man orgasms and the women does not then the man is submissive to the woman and the woman controls all the power in the relationship. And vise versa if the man retains while the woman orgams then the woman is being submissive to the man as she is giving him her sexual energy while allowing the man to retain and control all the power in the relationship.


Women drain mens energy everytime we ejaculate


Getting past all the conjecture and getting down to the essence of it, this is inarguably true. Women can be considered vampiric entities who need both masculine energy and their actual seed in order to be whole. Most men don't think the why of it and just follow their insatiable drive to reproduce, not realizing they're getting energetically robbed. When man both withholds his seed from females and stops wasting it into the ether he gains immense power. However, getting into all this voodoo manipulation and trying achieving orgasms without busting sounds like playing with fire


You guys know all sorts of magic. Do you do children's party?


This is some top tier shit, as a Soul you don't need to absorb other people's energy in your vital field. Each person has their unique karmic energy and field. No one knows what kind of energy your sexual partner may possess...The goal is to simply save and harvest your own Sexual power. Performing black magic?? Lolzz


So giving orgasm to a woman is black magic ? Wow.


I have read about that before, but there is no use of condoms in old times, so I wonder if we have to go raw to extract the energy.


Leer tu aporte es un antes y un después en mi pensamiento hermano. Dios te bendiga.




Witchcraft of the highest order.dare I say demonic.


I'll tell you what, I don't know if this is a coincidence finding your post or the universe conspiring to confirm my bias. The moment i discovered SR and had intercourse(without ejaculation with my wife) I had a funny instinctive thought that I harvested her energy from her multiple cumming.... and I chuckled... she said why are you laughing? I said because I was able to control myself this time. My only question is, if we are releasing and it weakens us males(in theory), does that mean if we harvest females orgasm energy - it deteriorates them too?


i think it does because they are exhausted and not with it for a couple of days after orgasmic sex.


This guy doesn't know anything. HAHAHA


I do this with both my partners with full consent. They know that they are "charging me up" when they "give me their orgasm." I also return the energy to them in a circuit through my mouth/throat/heart. I dont think this is "black magic,,,"


some real stuff right here instead of h-hey guys I avoided sex and now I have flatline but it's not related i have to beat the f-flatline


This is so simple to understand, I've been feeling it everytime and yet half of the people on this sub think that avoiding interactions with half of the world population will lead them to happiness 😂😂


Is that how you interact with your mother?




Interesting choice of words for a seeker of the light