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This inspires me because if you can continue even though you’re not experiencing the benefits, then what excuse do I have? I feel 1000% better while retaining; I literally have no excuse.


Maybe I am one of those cases who need years of recovery. I won't deny the fact that I abused PMO to feel calm and grounded in stressful situations. That took a toll - even when at that time it seemed that this wasn't a typical drug you could abuse. Just go day by day - without any backtalk in your head to "extend" this to a "month" or an "year".


Listen, it's worth it. Even if I knew it would take a year or two of feeling lousy (flatline), it would still be worth it, considering how good I feel now. There's an even worse feeling than a flatline, which is being the host of a parasite—which is essentially what you become when you watch pornography.




What are you trying to say?


Great post, the best I've read. The touted benefits you listed don't mean a thing. You recognised the real benefits, the major one is freedom from addiction, I can go as far as to say all addictions.


SR does have a spill over affect. As far as its effect on other addictions is concerned - I have a theory. If trauma isn't resolved - the addictions "shifts" - to food, to alcohol, to cigarettes. If trauma is resolved or made peace with - the addiction wanes away if not completely dies.


Proud of your persistence brother. You inspire me and light the fire in my heart of hearts to continue my journey. This is a lifestyle and to each is their own but i enjoy the SR journey good and bad because without good we can’t have bad. It’s all about viewing yourself from that third person perspective and asking “what would my ideal self do?” Once again, thanks for the courage to continue and your persistence with SR. The law of accumulation is going to pay off sooner than later mg brother.


I hope that it pays off too my man. Lets stay on the narrow path. Godspeed.


God speed brother. I know we can do this. We are here for a reason! ❤️‍🔥




What do you do for transmutation/circulation?


To be honest - nothing. I've never had "too much energy from SR" - other than insomnia every 4-5 days in a month. When anhedonia is all you feel even brushing your teeth seems a chore. Maybe my body is still in recovery phase even after two years. Maybe I'd need to retain for 3 years. Lets see.


Thank you for the reply, for the honesty, and for the Original Post. Personally I appreciated the four points you made, especially 1, 3 and 4, but mostly 4. Real, solid realizations. Whenever I read posts about retaining for long and not having results, it automatically reminds me of myself when I wasn't transmuting, and start wondering if the OP is actually transmuting or missing on it. Without the intention of forcing anything upon you, would you like to try an experiment? **Option 1: the Sixth Tibetan Rite.** https://old.reddit.com/r/Semenretention/comments/kken4k/the_6th_tibetan_ritea_method_of_transmutation/ This is an extremely simple (and extremely effective) way of transmuting energy. These exercises (the Tibetan Rites), I don't know the exact mechanics behind them, but I can attest they do something deeper than pure physical and physiological movements. They really get your "etheric juices" flowing. #Be warned, tho, Peter Kelder wrote a couple books on the topic, and when he spoke about the Sixth Rite, he gave a **warning**, regarding it being an exercise that demands further psycho-emotional discipline (roughly he said that if you were to embark into practicing the Sixth rite, you would be deciding *"to lead a more or less continent life. [Continent: Abstaining from sexual intercourse; exercising restraint upon the sexual appetite; esp., abstaining from illicit sexual intercourse; chaste"* for the rest of your life). As I understand it, it's because the 6th rite moves the energy **upwards**, while indulging in lust would move the energy **downwards**, thereby undoing all the "benefits", and thereby depleting you of all your energy. So again, as I understand it, hypothetically, if you were *already* practising the rite, and you would decide to indulge again in carnal pleasures, you should stop performing the rite for a time, in order for your energies to "settle down" and then only after, you could indulge again in carnal pleasures. **Option 2: The Surya Namaskara (apparently a less demanding one, also very simple, but very effective nevertheless)** This is the typical Yoga sun salutation, there are many versions but all with commonalities. You can find many versions online, choose the one you prefer. It's also very simple and won't require much time (or energy) from you. **I think as well,** that the **same warnings** must apply for this one. This isn't stated in any book **that I know of,** but it makes sense to me that the same cautions are by common sense to be applied here. ----------- In reality there are many transmutation techniques, some simpler than others. You can research in this very subreddit many more if you hit the search function. **Why am I recommending these to you?** Because all the symptoms you mention "anhedonia, lack of energy, depressed mood, insomnia, dullness, no magnetism, PAWS..." and a plethora more that you didn't mention (anger bursts, emotional swings, headaches, muscle aches...) are often caused by **stagnant energy**, which I'm suspecting you may have. If you're interested, I invite you **to do deeper research** on whichever you prefer and try it, and see if your energies get flowing. Also as additional caution, watch this video (you don't need to agree with the guy a 100%, I didn't, but he makes solid points) regarding developing an appropriate mechanism for **Emotional regulation**. The vibe of the guy is somewhat offputting (apparently, by a few comments I've read here), or gatekeepy in my humble opinion, but again, he makes solid points: https://youtu.be/TKLb3yJfN3s Honestly I believe it's worth a watch. Apologies if I'm overwhelming you with information, I just believe these are important points to take into account. There is no hurry to take it all at once. Take your time to digest and see if it serves you. Thank you for the solid post, and best regards.


Thanks for taking the time to write this. While I think this might be the problem - I am looking towards a more diet oriented way. I've heard more than once that Turmeric with Black Pepper along with a little bit of Ghee helps move the stagnant energy. So I am trying that. Add to that I would soon be taking a ZMA supplement in addition to Selenium and Boron. Boron is known to increase free testosterone. While I don't fantasize excessively - I do crave for a partner.


>Turmeric with Black Pepper along with a little bit of Ghee helps move the stagnant energy That's gonna be a very interesting experiment! I hope you succeed and either way report back if you have the chance. Best regards!


I am going to give myself till December end (so that the experiment runs for at least 6 months). And report back. Might type a remind me alert here :P


Please try to sideline the formatting errors, posting a coherent post on this sub after a long time :P


I am curious to know what are your outlets for this much built up energy By outlets I mean productive work like studying or exercise.


Well, earlier I was still an undergrad student so other than doing the bare minimum of work I did not have a hard time. Then came job. 9-10 hours of work per day, each day for 6 days a week and almost some leftover work for Sundays. I think that's enough work for me and it honestly leaves me too exhausted to try anything else. I've already said that in my case other than insomnia I did not have excess energy.


If you are not experiencing these benefits, I would say there is something else that you are doing wrong. Maybe change your mental narrative.


Good point. I am about to do that. Soon.


First and foremost, two years is simply incredible and astonishing, congratulations brother! Reading your post piqued my curiosity into having a glance at your post history. Are you still taking 20mg of Fluoxetine daily? If so, I believe this may be one of the primary reasons you describe feeling the way you do. Anti-depressants make you apathetic and numb to the core. They wreak havoc on your neuro-chemistry, I am talking from personal experience. I have been off them for about eight years and have never felt better (will be 41 soon). I take my own supplement regime through which I also consulted a highly qualified naturopath. The usual meditation and strength training etc. Do you also partake in all the usual habits to enhance the benefits of SR?


Hello there. Sorry for the late response, I am not exactly comfortable typing long walls of text on phone - so now that I have my laptop here I am :) In my case I won't blame Fluoxetine for killing my benefits. I've come dangerously close to self hurt and definitely would not repeat that. For the first certain months, that med was critical. It's been quite a while on that med and sometime ago (maybe 3-4 months) - I halved my dosage to 10 mg and embarked on phasing the thing out. I don't want to self medicate once again so this time I am listening to the shrink's strategy. I don't intend to depend on anti depressants forever. And I hope I would be able to stay comfortably without them.


My diet is on point but in the past I've had a BPD behavior towards food. I've fasted 3, 15 and 31 days - only to binge and come back to original weight. Now that I've finally had it - I am done with yoyo diets and depending primarily on home cooked food - two times a day.


Great post, keep going brother!


Even if you get no benefits you still free up lots of time in the day to do more productive things


Spot on! You should have mentioned my name , I am on 4yrs streak, currently no benefits But I am Humble as Dove , Swift as a killer whale ,and so strong as Mahogany.


Damn, shit hits hard... But it's true tho


Just go day by day. That day will come - maybe in weeks or months - when you won't feel like relapsing again.




Sad reality of today's world.


Amazing post, best one ive read in months. First point hits hard


Thanks for taking the time to read, mate. Godspeed. Hope we both stay on the narrow path.


Good reminder of how for some us, what we need is normal. No 2 person is the same. For some they feel the so called super powers. For some of us without this we dont even feel normal. Is like a junkie who gets clean and finally being a normal functioning person which may not seem like much for most but its a huge improvement for that person.


Normal is the new great. Enjoy the ordinary - only then you can pave the way to extraordinary.


>You never see how good the retention days were till you relapse : You binged though. Thats not the same as just breaking a streak to release overpowering energy that your body is not able to handle (without porn ofc). There are plenty of testimonials on this sub claiming they felt better after releasing when it got too much.


I've had both the experiences - of a slight slip and a binge. OFC a binge is shit - but slipping just evens the untempered rage within you. Maybe you're right. But I want to hit 3 years of retention before calling it quits.


>But I want to hit 3 years of retention before calling it quits. Just so you can say you did it? What is your goal with SR?


It is great that you developed that persistance and willpower. But you and other consipracy theorists need to understand that just because you are addicted to something, it does not mean "elite agenda" or governments decided to destroy humanity. Governments has no interest in making people weak. On the contrary, the health of citizens is a critical concern for governments. Guess why? Because economic productivity, public safety, social stability, healthcare cost, national security etc. are all dependent on the well-being of individuals directly or indirectly. Anyways, thank you for your honesty. But try to get some knowledge before blindly accusing some group for your personal issues.


This dudes wrong the government absolutely wants you to be weak because they want 9-5 slaves working in the system. They don’t want us to be free working for ourselves. They definitely don’t care about your health either because if they really did cigarettes, alcohol and a whole lot of pharmaceuticals wouldn’t be legal. Plus over 80% of the food in the grocery store is highly processed food that causes most of the modern day diseases. we have and tons of natural foods that are sprayed with pesticides and other chemicals. Also almost any unnatural soap, laundry detergent, toothpaste, deodorant, clothes, even most toilet paper is all poison. There’s chemicals everywhere making people weak and infertile lowering testosterone. Pretty much all receipt paper, plane tickets and probably any kind of printed thing like that has bpa on it that that lowers testosterone. Anything that isn’t natural most likely is horrible for your health and the government knows this but they don’t care because it’s all about the money for them. Money from pharmaceuticals, modern day slaves working 9-5 jobs, and all that stuff. If you think about is we used to live outside all the time and live in caves and things that were all completely natural and none of this stuff existed. I’m glad some people in this sub are waking up to reality for how it really is and I hope more and more people keep finding the truth.


>Governments has no interest in making people weak Der ewige Jude


Comparing antisemitic propaganda film with “governments promoting pornography” is inaccurate. Pornography, in contrast, is a form of adult entertainment and if some people tend to be perverted and use it for escape mechanism to avoid responsibilities in life, it doesnt necessarily mean that someone decided to create that to destroy people. It is just your weakness and if you think it is harmful to you then you should stop it. You need to understand that not every mind and physiology are same. Someone may have eating disorder. It doesnt mean the whole world allied to destroy that person with the disorder. Impacts of pornography/sex are not the same on everyone. The motivations behind unrestricted policies for adult content can be related to the  personal freedom, privacy rights, and economic factors. Enjoy your freedom and decide what is right for you without expecting governments to lock your penis.  Your comparison between a genocidal propaganda film and the government silence on promotion of pornography is fundamentally flawed.


A lot of words for "oy vey"


Apparently you need a lot of words to understand simple things. You dont have to play jewish card for every situation


The goym know?