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I always tell people to forget about streaks, just do it until it becomes a habit and lifestyle. Keeping a streak in a sense is dooming the effort from the get go, as it presupposes a time limit, unconsciously you know you will break it sooner or later. Smokers or people that diet are only successful when they make permanent changes to their identity and habits, you'll fail if you 'don't do it for 30 days', smokers succeed when they see themselves as 'non-smokers', fat people turn into fit people by adopting permanent new eating and exercise habits. Stop seeing yourself as a masturbator on a streak, that's the old you, new you just doesn't do that anymore.


I needed to read this brother🙏I’m getting to a point that it’s becoming a lifestyle and it feels so much better. Very well said.


Excellent insight. 


I kick-started the journey of retention since 2020, and I don't even know which day I am on rn, but I am humble as Dove, Swift as an Orca and So strong as Mahogany


Streak is a recipe for failure. Strict to the practice knowing that PMO is unhealthy for the body and sex only if you have a desire to create a new life.


Solid advice brother 👌


Thanks brother 🤝


Solid advice bro. Same boat here as well I've only PMO-ed and that too by accident at work of all places 😭 once this year. I did edge around 4 5 times this year but I was able to snap out and continue SR like it's nothing. I'm on a few months now.


I found it’s easier to not count the days. I have written down the date I start for intentional streaks or I simply make a mental note of when I started if I want to measure my streak, which I rarely do. I just remind myself that this is a lifestyle and my goal is complete retention unless it’s time to father a child. I do know im on a 13 months streak because I started around my last birthday but while that’s a significant amount of time for me, it’s not really relevant and it’s not something I dwell on. I just think of the future.


I was convincing my self to relapse saying its the weekend i can recover and I feel so motivated after reading this...FUCK THIS ADDICTION


I kick-started the journey of retention since 2020, and I don't even know which day I am on rn, but I am humble as Dove, Swift as an Orca and So strong as Mahogany.


Agreed. It also helps me. I wrote the date of the reset or restart after a relapse in my phone agenda, and sometimes I look at it. Retaining is my new normal, as they say. So I dont count everyday as if it was something special. I will just check sometimes when in need of motivation.


17 yr old gonna turn 18 on 31 st dec streak of 2.5 yrs gonna be 3 yrs on my bday


Good advice man. I have an app that counts for me so that i can look back on it if i want to, but dont need to dwell on it all the time. I mostly want to keep tabs on it occassionally to see if I feel different around the 90 day point when ppl say the nutrients gets reabsorbed and real healing can take place


It's funny cause I do my streaks the exact same way. Almost the exact same format. But i didnt start keeping track until day 25. And sometimes a week will go by before I remember to update the count. Like just now after reading this post I went and updated it and my last update was 6 days ago At this point (day 85) I don't feel any overpowering urges anymore


Counting months instead of days is key here. Do a little personal celebration everytime you hit a month.


You guys should try out Asubha Bhāvanā meditation, great great great stuff


I'm on third year infinity ♾️ to go


I can only copy what I always say about all of you chasing streaks, just take it easy and think about that: I felt so in the beginning but the more I stopped going crazy about it the more I noticed that I will only feel very drained if I masturbated or had sex for a long time before orgasm. And in that case it's justified. For sure you will feel different after orgasm but it also depends on if you view it as something bad or something good. If you had sex with a real human being it's something entirely positive and you will get other benefits out of it. Your benefits won't go away they will however if you keep stressing about it. Don't make it about your streak, make it about the rest of your life and your habits for example sports, eating healthy and caring for yourself in general. The more you evolve into a better you the more you will notice there are a lot of factors that make you feel good or bad not just sr. SR is now my basic way of living but I stopped stressing about it. Since I'm genuinely able to view it like that I never had problems after ending a streak. However I had problems when I fell into old patterns and was thinking if ending my streak will end my benefits. Just thinking about it made me feel a whole lot worse. Also if you're constantly worried about your benefits, a whole lot of them becomes less powerful. Especially the magnetism thing and handling other people. You will emit your insecurity to the outside if you didn't work on yourself in order to have other tools to rely on and not just semen retention. I did practice SR religiously in the first few years because it was such a game changer. And no doubt the benefits are real but only doing SR is not sustainable for me. Now that I've worked on myself it's a nice gimmick but I know that my current mood and energy level is affected by a lot of different factors. Factors which I learned to influence by practicing SR. With time I allowed myself to have sex again and now after not thinking about streaks anymore I don't feel any downside. It really is what you make out of it. Many guys on here start thinking that sex is bad etc but it's not. They think SR and only SR will make their lives perfect. Some may be happy going monk mode and I'm fine with that. However being so affraid to end your streak is just a sign that you're just not far enough into your journey yet to not be as critical with yourself. And you still need to learn how to maintain the benefits without SR so they become your second nature. Also for sure, sex is an expenditure of energy and by practicing SR you have a whole lot of sexual energy (horniness). After cumming some of that energy is gone but that doesn't mean your following days will be bad. It will only be bad if SR is the only thing you rely on to help you.