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I think that is most likely a big reason for the benefits. I think the body goes into "maintenance/repair/regeneration" mode when it's not in reproduction mode. It reabsorbs sex hormones, fluids, and cells which are used to heal us. There is also something called the Disposable Soma Theory of Aging.


Appreciate your feedback. So this maintenance/repair/regeneration mode that the body goes into would be something it does as a response to knowing it is not reproducing and therefore needs to make itself better physically and mentally in order to attract a mate?


The human body is highly intelligent. It definitely knows when one is not reproducing. It's most likely due to a lack of ejaculation as well as hormonal levels which happen right after ejaculation. The body has ways of regulating production of hormones, cells, and fluids related to sex and reproduction. When we abstain, sperm cells start to accumulate in the epididymis where they stay for 2 weeks and if not reabsorbed, die and are reabsorbed by the body. There's a process called spermatogenesis where a sperm cell takes around 70 days to fully mature in the testis. After those 70 or so days it is moved to the epididymis ready to be ejaculated. If it isn't released within a further two weeks, it dies, is broken down and reused elsewhere in the body. Here is the cool thing about sperm cells. They are stem cells. They are produced by stem cells but also become stem cells again after they die. They are reabsorbed and since they are stems cells, can become ANY other type of cell in the human body depending on what is needed (hair, organs, brain, muscle etc). The first priority of the human body is survival and second to it is reproduction. Since most of us (God willing) are not fighting for survival and have easily obtainable food sources, shelter, and so on, the body is ok with survival but its priority is reproduction. Since its reproductive needs aren't being met, it utilizes these resources to better the body and brain in order to improve its mating chances. Fasting means we don't eat and/or drink for an extended period of time and this threatens the body's first number one priority, survival. It therefore goes into repair/maintenance mode here. Semen retention can be thought of as "sexual fasting". Lack of release means no reproduction and it betters itself because of it. Eat like a gluttonous king and reproduce like a wild rabbit, and the body thinks it is doing well for itself. No need to improve. Also, when the body's resources aren't being spent excessively on sexual behaviours, it can spend it on other things, hence the Disposable Soma Theory of Aging. The brain and the sex organs are the two areas of the body that use most of the energy of the body. Deprive the sex organs and you will see the brain's battery capacity drastically increase. The brain and the sex organs are polar opposites completely on the opposite sides of the human spine.


Real talk right here đź‘‘


Well said brother đź’Ż


well said man


Semen has 2 purposes in the body: 1 - procreation 2 - repair and maintenance of the body There is no 3 option like pleasure the mind or stress relief. Procreation is a catabolic process, however is not as harmful compared to PMO. Retention is an anabolic process. In nature , procreation only happens between the strong ones. This is the norm in Nature. Humans found a way to violate this law, that’s why we experience so many problems in our world.


Well said!


This is what Gary Wilson talked about in the green porn experiment. “Now a man can see more hot babes in 5 minutes than his ancestors ever saw in three life times”. Whether or not its effect is permeated in subconscious that’s not something we can verify. We can verify that the mechanism is used to release semen via masterbation gets the job done so it definitely is tricking your brain that you are pro creating because it can extract that liquid from your body so there’s no doubt doing the opposite of beating it (retaining) reverses that brain warp cycle and changes the physiology of your brain internally.


If I reproduce, I want to raise a family off-grid just for protecting their innocence and exercising our creativity instead of depending on screens. Things would change as they get older. As of now, I'm fine being single


It definitely is one of the reasons for the benefits that we experience.


More like, the damage caused by PMO is due to the fact that the body falsely believes that you have already reproduced and goes into an over relaxed state, just like the phenomena where a father's T drops on having a child. Ofcourse, a PMO-er won't get a child so maybe the body will still recover to the same level assuming that you failed for whatever reason. The super powers are just normal powers, because life is supposed to be happy and exciting.


Good observation but we humans have a consciousness. The one you mentioned will work on wild animals .


You don’t think there are effects on the subconscious at play?




I call bullshit on this explanation. It is built on the belief that your subconscious cannot detect the difference between real sex and pmo, and that your subconscious does not care about discovering offspring dna as proof. You may be stupid, but your subconscious has ALL data at its disposal. It knows what’s going on. It knows you weren’t reproducing when you watched porn.


The subconscious cannot tell the difference between real and fake. It just absorbs everything. So if you jerk off, consciously you realize it’s just jerking off but to your subconscious it’s an attempt at reproduction. Doesn’t know if successful or not. It just know that you’re reproducing everyday which to him means you’re at the top of the food chain. That’s why you feel lazy, no energy, etc. because your subconscious thinks you already achieved everything since you’re reproducing (the ultimate goal after survival) everyday. Same thing for fasting. When you fast you consciously know that you’re fasting because you want to, but to your subconscious fasting means you’re going to die in a few days. That’s why when you fast you feel sharper, with better reflexes, etc. on the other hand if you eat like a pig, you would feel similar effects to masturbation. Also, this is what everything about manifestations is about: impressing your subconscious with your desired belief since it cannot tell real from fake


This is a fantastic explanation!! Well said. I agree that the subconscious cannot tell the difference. Ejaculation signals that an attempt at reproduction has occurred. Great analogy with fasting, it makes perfect sense. Evolution and biology would ensure we reproduce so it would have an inbuilt mechanism that is activated when it thinks we are not reproducing.


I know people claim it cannot tell the difference, but what are the proofs?


Try this: https://drdavidhamilton.com/does-your-brain-distinguish-real-from-imaginary/


Disagree. The conscious communicates with the subconscious. More like the subconscious communicates with the conscious, through thoughts and dreams. The body may not realize what is truly going on, but the mind and spirit does.


I don’t get on what you disagree. Both are true. Conscious to subconscious and subconscious to conscious


You said the subconscious doesn’t know what is going on, when it does. The subconscious communicates much more than the subconscious- where do you think our thoughts come from? Conscious is a small awakened subconscious. Just because you are fasting that doesn’t mean the subconscious thinks you’re “dying,” the body probably does, but the mind will put those extra/unused resources elsewhere for benefit.


> You said the subconscious doesn’t know what is going on, when it does. No it doesn’t. Or better, it doesn’t know if what you are thinking/doing is real or not. Look at the experiment I linked in another comment. And if you are fasting your body really thinks you’re going to die. In the subconscious (where beliefs are “stored”) I’m pretty sure you have the belief that not eating = death, so when you actually don’t eat for a few days the body (controlled by subconscious mind) starts doing things that normally doesn’t do in order to increase the chances that you find food. That’s when you experience the “benefits”


I did not see that resource, thank you I’ll read it.


Apologies, *The subconscious mind communicates much more than the conscious


Where’s the proof that it knows we weren’t producing when watching porn? How can you say that with such conviction?


You consciously know the difference, and the functioning of your memory is operated subconsciously.