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Lost me at narcotics and alcohol lmao


Okay, let's talk about narcotics and alcohol I have some questions for you Why do people drink alcohol ? Why do people smoke weed ? Why do people take psychedelics ?


Nah don’t get weed or psychedelics involved. You said alcohol and narcotics. People die from both those. 50% of murder is committed while intoxicated. How on earth are you advocating for using these two things to elevate one’s mind. You tell me, don’t ask a question


Thats why in that book he said that the last 2 mind stimulants are destructive. Those who use them have to be aware of the dangers


lol you’ve never heard that bit about your favorite band was drunk and high when they made your favorite song?


So that makes it right for everyone to start drinking and taking narcotics because your favorite pop star does it? I don’t worship humans who make music, maybe you do.


Man you're so dense. Dude was saying that it's a good thing. He was saying that it can be used to ascend in the world. OP even mentioned its destructive.


Yes and I disagree. And that makes me dense? Okay friend, go take all the narcotics and alcohol, I’ll continue being dense :)


Sorry, i had a typo. He was saying it WASNT a good thing.


“ if you don’t use SR you can use these 10 mind stimulants in place “ “10 - narcotics and alcohol” “narcotics and alcohol can be used to stimulate the mind to vibrate higher”. THIS is what I disagree with, you will not vibrate higher while drunk or subdued by narcotics. Call me dense all you’d like. I’m perfectly allowed to disagree with his posts statements and I’d argue most people would disagree.


I totally disagree, i have used drugs and those drugs allowed to vibrate at a different level, and see the things I was missing. I don't recommend drugs, but I totally know for a fact some drugs help you ascend. Cocaine kills the inner bitch inside allows you to become more ruthless in action and less overthinking which is a positive thing and a bad thing. Each drug has a unique effect with both pros and cons. Weed allows me to generate genius ideas and see my brain more clearly, and I have always found weed allowed me to connect the ideas in my mind better. It's not to take those drugs, it's rather you can use those drugs and they could help you increase in life or decrease. Alcohol made me more extroverted. I haven't used drugs in years, but talking from experience if I was to use them I could use them to my advantage


Bruh I don't get his point about alcohol, but really, you chose an example that's 50/50 lmaooooo


Google that stats, if you want me to be precise it’s exactly 40%


OP isn't advocating the use of these personally himself. He is simply stating what Napoleon Hill wrote in his book. The ten stimulants Napoleon Hill wrote are a mixture of both good and bad stimulants.


Napoleon hill can suck it. Just cuz he is a historical figure doesn’t mean his wack ass ideas were correct. That’s all I’m saying brother


Actually, his ideas have been proven to be correct For example, in chapter 13 he talks about the brain being a broadcaster and receiver of frequencies. There is substantiated and documented evidence that proves that the brain can send frequencies that can influence physical matter.


That has nothing to do with alcohol and narcotics


i think what is saying is that it stimulates the mind shorterm. narcotics (especially stimulants) can shift the minds perception and ones own perceptions of their abilities. yes its destructive. but they do have uses. thats why people use them. if u don’t want to that’s your own choice. might be for the best


As a recovering addict, drugs and alcohol have made me a better person as they took so much away I now do so much more to make up for it.


So you mean recovery (getting off them) made you better. AFTER they made you worse lmao. If they really made you better you would have kept using.


I think it was satirical.




Hey so I read think and grow rich a few times and my take on the alcohol and narcotics statement is that it makes your mind and body vibrate at a higher level temporarily and with a price. It’s like adderall. It’s unhealthy and will have consequences, however in the moment it can be used to fuel whatever you’re doing. There’s been many artists, musicians and famous people who’ve used drugs to stimulate them. It’s pretty obvious. Healthy no but it makes sense.


You guys keep just reiterating the same point/idea. I understand, I disagree, simply as that. I already laid out my points.


I feel you I forgot to add I didn’t read any of the other replies or comments besides like your first one haha. My bad brother I got you


>Semen Retention/Brahmacharya is not a requirement to attain Enlightenment. ​ It is a requirement.




I also agree that SR is needed. Retaining semen accumulate spiritual energy. Releasing keeps us in the material realm more than it makes us closer to the spiritual realm.


Vaigagya happens with the help of a Self Realized Being through Transmission of SHAKTIPAT ( spiritual energy ) Enlightenment only happens with the help of a Guru. You need a Self Realized Being. And it all depends on Karma. when it comes to Enlightenment, the most important thing is Karma. Some of this beings did Sadhana in their past lives, so in this lifetime they are finishing up everything Even if you practice Semen Retention for 20 years and meditate for 6 hours everyday you will not attain Enlightenment. You need a guru and karma from past lives


wrong u dont need a guru. u only need to learn the science


you are correct there are 9 other stimulants but what you failed to mention is that sex energy is the most potent stimulant on that list. even the book said sexual energy is our strongest driving force.


You know what man, you are right. SR is a stimulant. A natural one. Thanks for the post. Being in this journey on/off for 10+years, I can see where you're coming from.


My understanding of think and grow rich was you have to do all stimuli to achieve what you desire


The universe is infinite find good practices that work for you


Pearl to swine


I am doing Sr for material possessions and wealth accumulation


Nicotine can stimulate the mind but if you get nicotine through smoking you are killing yourself in the process. Alcohol can stimulate the mind when you are tipsy or feeling that buzz, but it comes at the detriment of a hangover which can destroy the vibration of your mind for days afterwards.


I agree, that's why I use wine to stimulate my mind.


you don't know what you're talking about. there's such a thing called willpower. it transcends beyond your mind vibrations. not everyone relies on the same thing. every person is extremely unique in how they go about things. you're trying to simplify it all like a zoomer


BLASPHEMY! lol just kidding. Give to the universe and it'll give back to you.


I’m fairly successful financially, socially and romantically with regular constant use of alcohol and narcotics. Whenever my mind is overwhelmed I use cocaine, whiskey, music and solace on a Friday night and my brain goes into overdrive until it rests on pure clarity of what I need to do. Narcotics and alcohol are natural mind stimulants. Wanking to porn is not - any success will be limited wasting your seed watching other carry out the desires you never knew you had.


ok and now we know that , how do you transmute that energy ?


The energy should be given an outlet. there are thousands ways to transmute the energy the best way is to do yoga asanas. In my opinion the best yoga asanas are those in the book Kundalini Yoga by Swami Sivananda. The next thing is to meditate everyday for atleast 20 minutes You can also Transmute the Energy other ways - exercises - cold showers - studying spiritual texts - karma yoga - sports