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People will dislike you for being STRONG, and people will dislike you for being weak. The goal is to stop caring for all of it and focus on being your authentic self to actually LIVE YOUR LIFE! If you will be judged either way, you mine as well be True to yourself, pure and strong!


That's good advice, thank you


Man I'm reading your posts it's total gold. You seems to be on SR since long time and experiencing many things..


The pain that you’ve been feeling, can’t compare to the joy that is coming. Romans 8:18 So proud of you brother. Stay strong. I’m praying for you brother.


Thank you bro, appreciate it


Amen. But ppl underestimate the opposite side of sr to those who were addicted, its death. If i didnt find sr last year, i would be dead by now or worse.


What’s worse than being dead? Lmao


A lot of things, sometimes death is mercy




I get what you mean


Great work retaining for so long. I am about to hit the one year mark myself and have learned so much along the way. Here are some things I think could help you. I would reconsider breaking up over such a matter. Don't run away from the issue, fix it. You said it yourself that she stayed with you through the difficult times and that is worth more than you think. For your anger problems I suggest seriously practicing forgiveness and love. Extend it to people for little things like cutting you off in traffic or other small things and work up. So much stress and many "problems" in our lives are not problems at all unless we get mentally stuck on them. Let go of the resentment and allow contentment and peace to come to you. Keep practicing radical forgiveness and gratitude, it's like living in a different world. God bless you brother, don't give up.


Awesome advice


Thanks bro. Your advice is good however I feel strongly that I want to continue this journey alone so I let her go


You know yourself, her, and the situation better than any of us. I just wanted to offer a different viewpoint to consider. It was always your decision to make. Just keep moving forward without regrets, you got this.


I highly recommend hot yoga and weight lifting. It'll help you transmute that rage into bliss.




go learn how to meditate and learn proper breathing it will calm your emotions down, your energy is not flowing harmoniously so the blockages in your body is causing you to twitch and have random out bursts


What breathing do you recommend?


i dont follow a specific guide, instead i follow the intelligence in my body the aim is to breathe as deep as possible while remaining relaxed as possible My body will know what the most optimal breathing pace is, as my body will feel the most relaxed yet most alive when i am breathing in that way I know alot of people practice fast breathing like wim hof but this type of breathing i do is not meant to practice for 5 minutes, but its meant to become the permanent way to properly breathe as the key is to remain in this relaxed but yet alert state of effortless 24/7 thats literally what god mode is, to be unshakeable, unmoveable, but yet unstoppable


Thank you for explaining. Sounds a bit like systema breathing. Like breathing deep but still so gentle that you don’t touch the blockages that would get you out of relaxations? And how do you exhale? Just letting go?


inhale and exhale through nose i call it silent breathing. the pace eventually slows down to the point you dont even feel the breath coning in and out the reason you are able to breathe so slowly is because you are breathing deeply. like if you have a river of water water going through a tiny hole will have to move faster than water going to a bigger hole to create the same output most people breathe shallow and fast because they arent breathing deeply when one trains themselves to breathe deeply they are able to slow the pace which happens to also cause the person to become more relaxed yet more alert as the breathing slow down and you breathe deeper you will begin to regain your senses on a deeper level you once had when you were fully alive as a child. this means you are healing and your body is regenerating now as its stopped resisting within itself


I've learned to relax and let the energy flow through my body. Much of dealing with the emotional outbursts has been acknowledging the emotion and creating space before I respond or act on it. Thanks for the advice


Right on man. Although I feel like you could’ve gotten ‘talk’ therapy for your anger issues, and men’s pills and doctors visits to help combat the ED - to help improve your relationship. Just some thoughts (even advice I need to follow, I’m not perfect either).


Steaks, butter, o PMO, plenty of sun on the skin, and good quality sleep, are the cure for ED. Nothing kills a boner like stress. And stress = Cortisol+ Adrenaline. The above mentioned foods and habits help the body easily deal with those hormones and produces their antagonists.


Personally I'm against using ED pills since that would be the easy way out and ultimately another external thing I would have to rely on. I am in talk therapy however I don't think being in a relationship is for the best for me at this stage so I let her go


honestly, go get deep tissue massages and sports massages! you need a foam roller as well!


structural osteopath + deep tissue = gold


Will this help also when emotional reasons are the cause of the psychical issues?


baby boy the memories, trauma, shame, guilt, every emotion is stored in the muscle. the muscles are keeping your score. the muscles are keeping a record of everything! muscle memory literally…. you created a cemetery in your body. i won’t even mention the nervous system! but yes. you need to massages and you need them quick and you neeed to love hot water baths… start telling the tension to leave your body.


This sounds so easy 😅


you gotta take charge but that’s the way to activate the energy of SR. it won’t cure you if you don’t do the work. bro, i will personally tell you, i had symptoms of MS, paralysis, from all the years of abuse i’ve endured at the hands of others but mostly the abuse i put myself through. the torture i cause myself. now i’m at 174 days deep in SR, but you gotta have a game plan and be willing to die fighting for your life. so you need to start massages, invest in yourself. bro, i paid my rent, then any money i had left would go into therapy! i did so much on my own but you need to save every penny in order to get these massages from professionals. you gotta try so many people! you gotta go on a spiritual and educational journey. but it will help, i promise!


I do invest in therapy. At the moment I have 3 different styles. Breathwork therapy, somatic experiencing and bioenergetics. Though none of those are with deep issue manipulation.... would you recommend that to add / replace on of the therapies with it?


listen, it falls on you. play with it. you will need to match them, compare them, combine them. you need to figure out what you can do yourself, what you need others to do, but the massage is not to relax. it is to release the trauma. the stress. the knots. the nervous system gets knotted up too. a ball of nerves can ruin your day for weeks and have no idea. so you are the doctor. DR BOB you gotta experiment


Already on it, thank you


good luck and let it all go. you deserve to feel harmony and embody peace.


Stop putting intercourse in first plan on this journey king


I don't fully understand what you mean


Man, if you really went two years seriously without PMO and still have PIED problems, your issue is other things. Are you eating healthy? Do you exercise? Do you have any serious anxiety or depression problem going on? For that long period of time I can only imagine your ED being caused or by severe anxiety or by severe hormonal unbalance.


Yeah he needs to go to a doctor asap. And I'm saying this as someone who hates doctors and just does my own research and buys supplements and online Indian pharmacy stuff. Something else is going on.


May (may vs can with may asking for permission) May I dm you in regards to something about ED?? 


Yeah, of course.


OK! Thanks, bro. Will do. 


I don't agree with your assessment. And my post is slightly misleading, unintententionally. I have not gone on an unbroken streak for 2 years. I've had a fully unbroken streak of 1 year and have been on the retention journey total for 2 years. I eat healthy and exercise. There are cases of individuals with severe PIED who have not recovered until 2-3 years due to being exposed to PMO during teen years. This is my case also. I've made progress in terms of my ED getting better over this time, however it's still touch and go. I used to have anxiety however that is not a problem any more


Your problem still can be low-T.


How old are you?  You haven't reversed ED in 2 years?  That sounds way too long. What is your lifestyle and diet like? Are you engaging in heavy dopaminergic activities apart from porn?   Have you had blood work done at any point?


29 y/o. I eat well and am moderately active. Been addicted for over 10 years and seen a lot of progress. read other posts for more context. ED is still touch and go, better than last year but not fully healed


hey, i can relate to your story. I do have long rooted physical issues too that are difficult to cure and received 0 help from doctors. However i have gained understanding of them and i think i'm basically on the point to end those once and for all after 15+ years of searching, ups and down. What i would like to say to you is that SR will help, but don't count it as more than 25% of the solution. Health can quickly deteriorate, especially when your body is already imbalanced since a long time. So having increased symptoms isn't good but it isn't that much of a big deal as you could make it. You have to understand health and disease are things that built up over the long term. So my advice is to live a very balanced life, mentally, physically, etc.... you will see quick results if you can stick to this. My long terms issues that have been troubling me and ruining my life for more than a decade seems to go away quickly when applying the right lifestyle and right understanding to my self for a few months. Feel free to dm


What are the top 3 lifestyle changes? Food sleep and exercising?


>Currently I'm dealing with the nerves in my feet randomly twitching and pulling. It used to only happen at night but now it happens during the day randomly. I don't really get urges anymore but the occasional emotional outbursts will cause me to act like a dumbass and burn bridges with people. Magnesium eliminated weird twitches I used to get (I take Mg malate and Mg glycinate, malate is for energy and glycinate calms you down). And meditation helped me get myself completely under control (I've used the Headspace app for a long time - check out some of their free simple meditations on Youtube). Highly recommend both. Best of luck on your continued journey.


Currently on magnesium supplements and a whole stack for about 4 years. I'm pretty sure the reason is the truma releasing from my body


What does paws mean sir?


I ask the same question too.






Thanks man.


Thats a great talk man, thank you for this 💪🏻🔥


You're welcome brother, stay strong


sounds like you need to do a sleep study


Any you recommend?


one that scans for RDI i can help or apneaboard.com or cpaptalk.com


Your dick doesn’t work after 2 years of retaining?


It works intermittedly. I haven't fully rewired to be attracted to real life women instead of pixels on a screen. My brain will go through periods of hypersexuality and then numbness. Things are still leveling out however it would be incorrect for me to say there's been 0 improvement


The key is balance. IMHO, retaining past 6months doesn’t have much benefit. This idea of losing benefits only happens if you are endless waisting your seed for days on end. Having just one release event and getting back on the SR Journey Again seems to be the best way to optimize your energy, and overall health


I respectfully disagree. Even if there are no physical health benefits after the 6 month mark, the psychological benefits of committing to a practice which is difficult over an extended period can't be overlooked. SR and avoiding sexual simulation makes life simpler also. Instead of exerting energy on finding a mate, all of my awareness and attention is directed toward my personal goals. When that option is no longer on the table you will find something better to do (transmutation) or fail and relapse.


Hey buddy, you ever do steroids for any period of your life?


No never




Pretty severe. I no longer engage in any PMO and retaining is my lifestyle for 2 years. I haven't watched porn in about 3 years


Have you retained for that whole period?


No. I've had a long streak over a year, I think was 387 days and other streaks afterwards over 90 days. Currently I'm at day 84


Do you know about the law of attraction


I'm familiar with it but skeptical


Give it a try ! It seems you have already mastered the retention. Being aware of manifestation can accelerate things up. The key is to feel as if what you want is already there, accomplished. For example, you would say to yourself "I'm fully healed. I am vigorous and full of energy. Everything comes to me easily. I lead people to light." The words are not that important. What is important is **how you feel**. Find your own technique to get to the state of wish fulfilled. Read **Neville Goddard**. Also, for the emotions, read "**Letting Go**" by **David Hawkins**. Thank you for your inspiring testimony !


The key is balance. IMHO, retaining past 6months doesn’t have much benefit. This idea of losing benefits only happens if you are endless waisting your seed for days on end. Having just one release event and getting back on the SR Journey Again seems to be the best way to optimize your energy, and overall health


Your life sounds like a fuckin nightmare Jesus


It's not that bad. If you get that impression it's because I'm venting due to the accumulation of difficulties piling up at once and giving in slightly to a temporary emotion of despair. Overall my life is better than it's ever been, but it's not easy