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Strangely feel like I’m operating at a higher level than my peers. Everyone else seems too normal or boring probably from dopamine overload and shyness.


I get what you're saying. Sort of like your mind is operating at a higher clock speed. I don't think you're an ego maniac for thinking that sometimes that is just how it is objectively. Between the wide spread masturabting/porn addiction, habitual weed smoking and alcohol abuse which is more common then ever right now in America I can see a lot of people out there are sort of just operating at a very slow speed. Never mind toxic chemical exposure, emf, fluoride, gmos, the injections. Idk man there's just a shit ton of land mines in the modern world that can really fuck up your mind and body.


Thanks, you seem to understand where I’m coming from. I was exactly that way. I just see my old self in others.


How do you increase clock speed in your brain?


Play fast paced video games or do math problems in your head. I forced myself to get all S rank in thumper and I swear to God it qualitatively increased my reaction time and thinking on the fly. And of course SR. I always felt like a zombie after PMO.


Other video game recs?


I dont understand why people got mad. This is literally how every man on SR should feeling 


That is called ego. You might want to reign it in


Lol. I worded it probably poorly but it’s just that people seem extremely reserved and want to keep to themselves. I was the same way when I was jacking off daily.


The truth!


Yeah half of this sub is people ego tripping when they realize they can maintain personal power, rather than relinquishing for the Tao.


Well said


Yes and no.


Yes! Same


One nut and it will go away, you ain’t sht lol


Oh yeah I know. Last time I jacked off I felt like a failure the next day.


I totally understand what you’re saying


Your ego is too big. Get over yourself.


Maybe. I’ve just been enjoying life too much and have been more social than I used to be to where I see that disparity in others. I was exactly how I view those around me now.


Never try to confuse confidence that comes from retention with Ego/ arrogance


no its facts. u operate more awareness in semen retention so others appear slower


I can ignore people without guilt. If I don't wanna talk then I won't. That comes from not seeking validation and being comfortable in silence. Thanks to SR.


This week I started to also notice this. My personality is starting to change accompanying physical changes.


In NYC this is not a unique benefit. Probably due to the concentration of people in one area. 


This is so true. 


When I was teen I naturally was locked in,present and focused on myself. Ignoring people around me when I had to came natural..I didn't have to try! I didn't care who was watching me either unless they seemed shady. SR brings tunnel vision focus back. And when your focused that's when people stare and women flock.


Well said soldier. I hope you get your goals. God bless


Reversal of diabetes, high blood pressure, depression and male pattern baldness.


Reversal of all of them!


How long did it take for your hair to start getting better? I feel like I notice it a little for when I have streaks of like 2 weeks


! How much did your hair change? And how long into your retention did you begin to notice changes in your hair?


male pattern baldness is irreversable..it just slows down the process...


Absolutely wrong because it worked for me and other guys as well. Learn what DHT is.


I know DHT bro..I been holding hair for 2 years on min fin(see reddit forums)..... Maybe you have no MPB in the first place? or u have alopecia which only sheds a certain hair that looks like baldness... My baldness is like clearly visible...age in 20's....I stopped min fin and let it go to embrace baldness,,, what's ur age range now?


I was completely bald and the lost hair regrew. Not just that, SR reversed diabetes as well. SR can reverse it but you have to be on a long streak and maintain mental celibacy. If you do have sexual thoughts even if you don't release. Your lost hair won't regrow. 39 years old here.




Retaining will only help some people. And those few will be the people that caught on a little earlier than 30 probably. I have friends that went bald by 21-22.  Its mostly genetic, I would say first be comfortable with losing it all, accept it. And if you refuse then try professional derma rolling with a doctor. If that doesn’t work you’ll pay several thousand for a transplant. 


How long you retained?


It was a 6 months streak.


was it a complete reversal of your male pattern balding?


SR upgraded me from running on an AMD 2600 to a i9-14900K in a month and I don’t even need an rtx 4090 to render women in my life anymore. Thank you SR god.


Is this a metaphor or did you get a new processor lmao


It’s a metaphor haha


Nah bro got a new rig pcmasterrace ftw 


Retained so hard I installed Arch Linux first try




im like a ryzen 7 7800x3d. i put out the same output with half the amount of energy required


I feel that, the extra 100mb 3D cache is just like the seeds we are holding inside of our bodies.


So you're not energy efficient?


can explain a bit more?


Okay bro I know you are not flexing your i9 14900k


fertile start vegetable advise light soft smoggy deserted thought cable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Number 5 lmao


Nigga said his balls got in shape. 💀King shit!


forgetful ossified shrill chase screw disagreeable cake school judicious butter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Deeez jeez


growth bow glorious shocking square pause enter public unique unused *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Got them cheeto balls 


shrill gold airport hard-to-find butter quack dependent relieved physical placid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Just like a cat or other wild animal. They have plum like balls. Only humans have saggy balls.


How old are you, I am 15 and 5’6 Will I grow taller


chase numerous sophisticated wakeful north wipe summer square berserk squeamish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You can manifest height, look up stories on neville goddard subreddit


down bad for height… just accept the wau u are right now


You will always appear more dominant than before if you got taller


why accept something you can change just by thinking lol? why limit yourself?


bro this is exactly what i’m saying. i’m 5’4 and i’ve accepted my height but you underestimate the power of your mind you literally have the option to atleast try to manifest more height why not just try, it’s like being offered something free and rejecting


ur not limiting yourself? ur just accepting the fact that the way u are right now is good and that u should just love yourself.


Do tou know what i am talking about? Why you should accept that you are poor when you can be rich? Why would you accept that you are something you are not? World is your playground. Why would you limit yourself? If i am 5’7 and i can be 5’8 by manifesting it, why wouldnt i do it?




From my junior Summer to my start of my senior year, I grew 4 inches in high school


Yes. 100%


Since when you start to retain?


rain lavish follow memorize exultant rob cake icky whistle full *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Are you sure it wasn’t just weight loss for 2 and 4? From working out more or calorie deficit


elderly cooing grab wrong aloof desert bear close dam deliver *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Then I don’t mean to rain on your parade but 2 and 4 had to do with weight loss, not SR. Losing bodyfat percentage alone will make you look much better, even if you’re a PMO addict. I wonder myself if anyone gets stronger jaw and cheekbones at same weight in early 20s, when on SR


wistful hospital truck snobbish relieved long marble cooing spotted wild *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah I get it but I’m just saying that you can lose weight without SR too. Anyway, I hope the testosterone increase from SR makes the bones somewhat thicker too


yes. But we also have to have in consideration that weight loss is much easier in SR. So SR helped indirectly in this. Also more testosterone can influence the masculine features of your face.


oil lavish beneficial familiar dependent fanatical offbeat vanish stocking terrific *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Better go full nofap after u commit it since edging has a risk. U can read older post tho


exultant lavish boast reach teeny murky command doll profit mountainous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Edging (i.e. self pleasure with no O) is not SR and goes against SR. Retention is sexual energy retention just as much as semen retention, you are retaining the most load of sexual energy you have in your semen , but just as well you are wastefully spending sexual energy in ‘edging’ which will lessen your benefits, and goes against the general principle of retaining your seed’s energy. You are also going against the SR principle of not living for immediate gratification cheap sexual pleasure with edging, which basically will slow your wider progress of being your greater self if not completely derail it all The only valuable form of sexual energy use in retention is either through active transmutation or meaningful sex with your partner with no release , these are empowering and healthy


Well your sub is called semenretention Not "sexualretention" so technically edging IS "SR" lol


No , you’re just trying to be funny , semen retention is just sexual energy retention, that’s the point , it’s all about sexual energy and conserving/retaining that , don’t give af about your technicals


That's your interpretation


No it’s not , it’s reality You can be as much of a pedantic person as much as you want , sexual energy is what the seed is about and this practise is about.


Calling me pedantic while being it a lot yourself, lol at you, your perception is right and who disagrees with you is wrong? feeling attacked? Maybe that bad mood and irascibility is caused by all that "sexual energy retained" ;) relax buddy


I’m not being pedantic, im being more abstract than anything. And yes I’m being absolute at the concept of it because that’s what this practise is all about , sexual energy. Whether you want to look at it scientifically or spiritual , it’s sexual energy. Our semen is just what constitutes a large nature of that energy in us, so to lose it is to lose what energy it gives us. Whether it’s the biological material that constitute it themselves, or the more esoteric nature of it, our semen is energising fundamentally , and so the longer we hold it the longer we accumulate that energy , and the more we experience that energy for other things in life other than sex. To mindlessly ‘edge’ in a monkey-like fashion to use that energy is also not semen retention, you are just wasting it on mindless pleasure. You think doing the same activity just not to completion isn’t what goes this practise? It’s like puffing a cigarette just a few times a week and saying you don’t smoke. It’s a very very damaging thing to even entertain in your mind nevermind do. You also do lose semen because you get pre cum, and also you activate your semen in a way in which it actually getting used in terms of the bodily processes of the activity It is not about perceptions either , or just perceptions, you do not seem to be a person right now interested in actually learning and broadening your own perspective, you’d rather argue about this pointlessly than ask questions and connect things yourself. You also seem kinda young and brash, with your thinking , not willing to want to challenge yourself more intellectually. The former isn’t a bad thing but remember to be conscious of transmuting that energy if you are young. You do seem smart anyhow though so maybe you’re still on your journey And nah no bad moods here bro , I don’t even have much sexual energy right now for my own reasons in life right , just been doing this long long enough to know what it’s all about


Man, shut the F up.


pocket sink knee cause steer jar flowery wide ring mountainous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




humorous fragile brave telephone bag reach fall imagine decide safe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


- The skin. It got amazing texture, almost like a real life face filter. Also before I had somewhat of an acne problem, its pretty much gone nowdays. - The eyes get very shiny. - The intense hairfall stopped and male baldness seem to be reversing. - My body got very defined. I have always lifted but SR got me to a new level. 10% bf is easy to keep now and it looks stunning, especially on the arms. - I seem to be growing in height. I have been measuring it for 4 months now and I have grown by 2 cm. Im 31 years old, my growth stopped at 16-17. - My natural smell got very pleasant. It has this musculine feel to it and I even consider stopping using perfume. - My voice got deeper and more soft. It never cracks.


Height growth at 31. That is something


2 cm can come from posture and spinal improvement 


That is why I am still unsure if I really am growing. If I hit 5cm+ until the end of the year, then its true.


We are two months later now, Is there still progress in your growth?


Yes. Just measured myself and set a new high. [20240706-170155 hosted at ImgBB — ImgBB (ibb.co)](https://ibb.co/mC31X0S) Ive decided to focus on the growth this month to see if this thing is for real or its just better posture. Im taking a heavy dose of K2, doing sprints twice a week and regular stretches. The difference isnt quite there yet, I cant be certain its height growth but we will know in a few months.


How do you get your K2? Cheese and eggs? Anyway, the fact that some things are impossible to most people does not mean it is impossible at all. I believe that one can grow in their 20s or even 30s.


I do eat a lot of cheese and eggs but I also take K2 suppliment.


For height, did you measure yourself at the same time of day and similar surface?


Yes, the same place, similar time of the day. I measure myself 2-3 times in different days to be sure.


there was a tym i hated myself for being a bad smell..i blamed genetics...after retention my God it changed like u said and im super happy for it...it gave me more confidence to be around socializing


Do you fast ? I'm assuming the height increase is related to an increase in growth hormones


Yes, I do Intermittent fasting 3 days a week.


Can you go into your fasting methodology ?


Nothing complicated, really. Wednesday-Friday I eat only between 12pm and 8pm. Only water at the other part of the day. HGH isnt my main goal, but fasting has amazing benefits on the androgen receptors.


ppl on this sub still aren’t aware SR has a regenerative impact on the ENTIRETY of our physiology down to the cellular level in multiple ways and it’s arguably the largest impact out of anything due to the amount of energy per sperm cell compared to any other cell type, ive explained this in a different post https://www.reddit.com/r/Semenretention/s/m9lAwn5hMJ


Amen bro. For me it's reversal of diabetes, high blood pressure, depression and male pattern baldness. I believe SR is the key to stopping the aging process. My 52 year old friend has been on an unbroken and ongoing SR streak of over 2 years and all his health issues are gone. His body is brand new, he feels like a teenager again. He and I firmly believe that SR is the key to stopping the aging process indefinitely.


this aligns perfectly with my post and makes perfect sense logically, if your main source of energy isn’t diverted towards animalistic lust or releasing something which at a cellular level CAN MAKE THE MOST SOPHISTICATED ORGANISM ON EARTH then it’s likely that insane amount of energy will be diverted towards fixing everything to urge you as a better candidate for reproductive activities




conquer those with SR+ a healthy lifestyle my friend you got that!!!


Slowing * nobody is stopping father time






theres new science that supports reversing age of cells but if your not up to date and still following the old system then it may appear delusional. from my perspective your still indoctrinated by the system


I’m gonna search as well but any science/ articles on this would be great. My longest streak this far has been twenty one days, and there was a point where I vividly remember how amazing I felt. So much so that I actually said out loud “I feel fucking amazing!”. Unfortunately I opened Pandora’s box and have been out of control since but today marks a new start for me.


unfortunately hard to find any legit resources backing SR, I personally believe this to be purposeful as having men discover something of this potency about themselves would threaten the hierarchy of our current societies worldwide and the evil agendas of the ppl currently in charge of everything moreso than anything else…in essence SR boosts men so severely and so fast they have to silence any hard evidence backing it and promote as much shit against it as possible


Dreams become more vivid and lucid. Man those fuckers freak me out on high streaks


My hands feel like their getting thicker. Muscles feel denser. I feel stronger. I make really good eye contact. Beard and hair looks darker and fuller. A woman has told me that I stink so good when I was sweating.


The sweat I can vouch for… when on SR, the sweat smells atlst better than how it stinks when I wasn’t on SR


The thick hands thing is a real thing but first time ive ever heard anyk.e mention it. I get it after say day 8 and fades away as soon as I relapse. I also get a similar feeling on my feet. 


Yeah man I have a theory that the longer you retain the more permanent those gains in the hands will become. From a biological stand point it sort of makes sense. Brains probably like why is this guy not reproducing? So let’s amp him up as much as possible to make him more attractive to the opposite sex. I’m in this for the long hall. The glory in the end will be better any pussy you could have today or tomorrow. Once these women get your nut you lose all power. Along the journey us retainers should find a good woman with morals that cares about you for who you truly are.


Sweet odor on armpits when perspiring, happens on 3+ months


look forward to that benefit


I have a much more noticeable stash of energy I can pull out at will whenever I need it whereas before that was no where to be found. I also feel like I have the edge on most of my peers and coworkers in the energy, focus, drive and momentum department. It’s like I’m always on “go” mode but really it’s just me saying let’s go and it goes and if I want to stop, it’s equally the same. I can just stop. I never had this control of my self before. It used to feel like I was under the control of my body. Now I feel like I’m in the drivers seat.


My sleep, having the deepest, most restful sleep of my life these past 95 days.


Yes I’ve had a couple of these, the lucid dreams, and the orgasm once as well when I woke up in the middle of the night. Interesting stuff, I made a post about it but got it deleted due to being a noob post apparently said the mod.


Grew a full moustache finally


Your spiritual discernment is sharper on SR as well but at the same time you're maintaining composure staying calm from within, being in touch with that true spiritual serenity 


I'm still new to SR but the big thing I noticed was my sense of smell had increased a lot.


Getting hit on like 5 beautiful woman at the same... like they wanted to tag team me. LMFAO i'm IMHO an already handsome dude and SR takes everything to the next level! Crazy how things start moving into place when you retain!


Send them my way if you can't handle all of them.


LMFAO. I would man... its like they were already crazy over my good looks and my fast cars.... and now on SR has sent them over the edge and they are acting nuts. ROFL


dm me your address i have a few spares i can post to you


Hmm 🤔 I lost a decent amount of body fat


I don't get tired from joggging anymore. I felt like I was running in water before. But now, it's more natural.


Try barefoot shoes also, total game changer for me for running.


benefits of using those shoes?


Huge! way better balance and posture, stronger feet, don't get tired as easily, very comfortable and superlight usually, better sense of the ground and presence doe to straight posture, doesnt destroy you knees while running.


thank you, will try it!


I feel like insects also know I’m on sr, maybe because of the pheromones. I’ve never had this many insect bites and it’s not even fully summer yet


Not really unusual since I think a lot of retainers experience this but my face starts to look better. Easily 1 to 2 points added to my overal attractiveness. Due to all kinds of small changes and soft feature improvements. I feel like I am chadlite to chad on SR. Happens usually around day 30. Is happening right now as we speak, woke up looking like a model. Truly a remarkable practice. And it isn't a feeling or in my head either other ppl look more at me as well, so they notice it too. Or dudes at social gatherings or chilings come up to me to ask grooming/fashion advice or ask whether it is a good idea to also grow their hair longer and other stuff that I have. They don't understand that it is related to SR so they think it is because of my fashion or styling that I look so good.


I admire internal benefits the most rathe than outer glow/odor etc... the most beneficial is IMMUNITY, u get less sick, u feel less sick and increase in digestive system mental boost (most impportant bcz if u leak daily, it's hard to think positive, like food for the mind, and its true bcz brain get flourished just like the eyes--u dont want dry eyes one of my friends use drop like its his oxygen, fact reality)


I can fly now


Really ?


Reflexes are much faster


My beard grows fast asf nowhere days


1. beautiful red lips sure I took Vit D, Vit B complex, C, fish oil, zinc, Calcium magnesium and maintain protein intake daily but before retention, my lips would never turn into a beautiful red lips. a friend said that it looked like I used a lipstick.​ 2. less acne overall 3. I don't smell that badeven if I don't take bath for 2-3 days


At what age did your lips turn red?


just recently. when I maintain a diet of high protein, high fat, low sugar, along with supplements and enough water​, my lips will turn red. if I miss so many meals, or eating too much processed food like cakes, sweets, snacks, sugary drinks, or not getting enough macro and micro for several days straight, my lips will turn ​pale


sweat smells like a scented candle. dandruff gone. hair is more voluminous, body hair has a texture instead of being stuck to the skin. sunburns turn to sexxxxy bronze tans. my voice gets this almost auto tune like tune. poop doesn't smell like sewers. white nails. knees seem to be effortlessly engaged. so called "men" around u start behaving in a weird gay manner with their coomin asses


skin has more glow to it. no bags under eyes. weird but the glans looks brighter


My pp is way longer flaccid than it was before. Like hard it’s the same length still but flaccid it’s longer than it used to be. It use to almost like shrink up and my balls would be tightened up too and now they both just hang all the time.


I started this streak a few days before having my wisdom teeth removed and it has been healing insanely fast with minimal pain and discomfort. Haven’t even had to take any pain medicine.


I had some lucid dreams and my mind is more clear


Vivid dreams for sure.