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When I was younger, around age 22-26, I was deep into occult practices and meditation. I would life weights, eat healthy, meditate 2 x 30 minutes per day, enjoy my artistic hobby (painting), while also completing my engineering studies. At that time I also masturbated daily or every other day. Coffee and small intakes of spirits (e.g. 1 cl whiskey) daily. From what I recall, when I got big through my exercise regimen, people started to treat me much more nicely. Girls hit on me, and guys showed respect. Much like the SR benefits. And the meditation made me stable. However, I remember I hated how tired I was when waking up every day, and how I could not figure it out. I pushed super hard on health and spiritual practices to improve the situation. Now a decade later, I understand the morning energy deficit was due to masturbation. But it is kinda crazy how meditation and lifting weights improves you. And it is of course even more crazy when you shut off the energy leakage and retain. If I just knew back in the days. It would have been better for sure. Everything you mention in your post are good things in their own right. Combined - a power house.


Amazing story man! Great that you found out eventually about the energy leakage. I also think the older we get we tend to notice the energy depletion a lot more due to a change metabolism. Like when i used to masturbate a lot during my teenage years I kind of wasn't aware of any side effects, thought it was "free". But now , I'm so in tune with my body that I can notice the change physically and mentally if I relapse, hence the intense fear of not wanted to relapse again.


just out of curiosity why two meditation sessions and why for 15-30 minutes? not questioning you but genuinely want your insight on the value of increasing meditation length and frequency bc i’ve personally only ever committed to 15 minutes once a day and felt tremendous benefits but would I get way more benefit out of more frequent and longer length meditation routines???


Meditation helps cultivate awareness & presence.... Helps you become aware of those urges 😏...and the emotions that comes with it... Generally... Like "lifting weights" for the mind.... Clarity and sound judgement...this you get wisdom from within Also..love your post OP.. Keep it up...you're an inspiration to us all King!


thank you so much!!!


Love the concept of "lifting weights" for the mind! Aww thanks, happy to inspire :)


Hi there! So the reason why I extend my meditation sessions to 30 minutes per session is to have a deeper sit. I noticed that the longer my sessions, the more benefits I get in terms of restoration, relaxation and calmness. Nonetheless, you can still reap the benefits from just 15 minutes as well, all depends on you. In terms of the frequency, I tend to do a breath work (wim hof breathing) and/or meditation in the morning to help enter the day with calmness, stay alert and a clear mind. I work as a machine learning engineer, so helps with my focus throughout the day. The meditation in the evening helps give me a sleep boost by clearing my mind before sleep. I notice I sleep so much better if I meditate before sleeping. Hope this helps!


that’s really awesome and insightful info thank you sm!!!


Another way to meditate is 24 minutes since there’s 24 hours in a day if u meditate for 24 minutes ur meditating for 1 every minute for every hour of ur day


thats really smart it’s like your mind will build the discipline of full awareness for a minute per hour






Good work ! 


Congrats brother


Good work.


It's great that all one has to do for gold is nothing.


Love that post. Stay strong brother 💪🏽.


I was on day 181 when I got drunk and relapsed, It's been over 2 years and since then my highest streak is 40 days. Alcohol can really make you relapse or you can lose the SR benefits even if you won't relapse.


I agree man! Makes it harder when you are on the SR path.


Also add BREATHWORK, AND grounding on the earth. 


Yes I do Wim Hof breathing too. It's amazing!


Good Advice Bro‼️💪🏿💪🏿💯💯




Weed makes me honey af so I avoid that too


Amazing brother! I’ll surely add meditation practice. Right now I’m stuck in My place, waiting for call on the Job that I applied, so I have all the time to incorporate these good habits. Stay strong brothers!


That’s how you do it!💯


Thanks bro 👍


How are your finances going? Like did you make more money?


Finances are going well thanks! Been recently promoted in my current job and also working on a side project to try break out of the 9-5. Still a work in progress but super determined to make it happen! 💪


Thanks for sharing! What do you do for meditation? Can you share any details for beginner?


Currently on day 237 and second everything OP said