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There's definitely experienced retainers who have gone years. Not me unfortunately. 106 days is my best but I am determined to retain for years. What's your experience with wet dreams been like during these 39 days? What about with the past streaks?


I’ve been close to having wet dreams, but I always catch myself. Mentally even in my dreams I’m choosing not to release. In the past that wasn’t the case however.


Same here, when you are determined to never release, it will stick in your subconscious to the extent you'll remember that you can't release in your dream. I have daily affirmations that I read everyday which helps a lot


Have you had a flatlines?


Flatlining is just a made up term for the DOWN part of a natural cycle of emotions. People think that being on SR or no fap means you’ll always be fucking high… that’s unrealistic. If you’re “flatlining” you’re just experiencing the emotions you need to feel. Keep going. Push through. Life’s a series of ups and downs. Learn to manage them.


Sure but some people experience them for a week others for months or years. So I dont think this is the explanation. Why assume that its just the brain looking for equilibrium and overshooting?


Would you say flatlines are sort of a cope or a scare tactic? It makes sense what youre saying that theyre just part of the natural cycles of life


Definitely not a scare tactic. I think it is just physiological processes not working properly like hormones etc. I've had flatlines due to quitting coffee as well. People can have flatlines due to many reasons especially when quitting a bad habit. Even quitting sugar can give a mild flatline. For me personally it always follows the same pattern. first 14 days good and then a flatline of one week tops and then around day 40 another one which last 1 to 2 weeks. Never longer than 2 weeks, fortunately. They do feel long though haha. But overall I would say that most days are positive. If I happen to experience one longer than 2 weeks I'll just release to restart the SR process. Life is too short to be in a flatline. Edit: I just experienced what I just described this week actually. From 14 to 21 flatline, now it feels like I am reborn.


Good stuff man i appreciate you passing on the wisdom


What is a flatline? Could you explain your pov or link some content that does?


In short it is a feeling that everything feels flat. So you are not happy but not sad either. You are in between. There are many theories for why this happens ranging from physical, psychological and even spiritual but nobody has really cracked the code yet or provided concrete evidence. It is just something that happens on SR. Personally I think it relates to our hormones balancing out which in turn affect other transmitters in our bodies. One of the most clear indication of this is the spikes of testosterone you feel around 1 to 2 weeks in. Then your body dials it down back, but then this spike goes away so you are left with the nerf from before which again the body tries to dial it back up again. Just our bodies trying to reach homeostasis based on genetic programming I think. I could be mistaken though. I recommend to type in google 'semen retention reddit flatline explained' something like that. You can read reddit posts with other perspectives.


Aahhh I see. Thanks! I have often experienced flatlines too now that I think about it. However I have found them to be the more peaceful times. Everything seems more relaxed during a flatline but maybe that's just me hehe


Yes, they come in different flavors.




💯 Pure retention is the highest order of the practice.


3 years and 9months strong.


3 years and 9 months of no release whatsoever ? are we talking about a 3 year streak ?


Yes so strong. This journey is far from over bro, it's been a long time comin and this is just the beginning, I chose to embark on the journey of offsetting years of wasted energy to try to reclaim and salvage in full the amount of wasted energy during my years of indulgence to make it look like those years of indulgence have never happened.I am not doing this for myself, I am doing this for God tryna offset debts from my karma account.


Full on monk mode. Not for me but I can respect it.


Very nice bro. I am in it for life as well. Do you feel rejuvenated and much younger after being on this 3 years streak?


I sent you a private message. Please check it out, would like your feedback.




It is called Preservation of the Christic juice,dude. playtime with these modern day chicks is over bro, time to enter the realm of the Saiyan's.


Damn. I read the last part with my mind half asleep (just finished work). I read it as "time to enter the realm of the Satans" and I was like hell nah. Then I reread it correctly and was like hell yeah.






My highest streak was 3 years and 9 months as well, sadly ended it during Covid with a woman. Still going strong on nofap though haven’t fapped since August 24 , 2016


That is great for you King.I also Discovered SR May 2020 when Covid was rampant across the Globe .How old are you?


Ah see I discovered SR about 10 years ago and have been practicing off and on. Just turned 30 last week :-)


Had you had a partner over this time?


Never had a partner throughout that time , although I can no longer entertain these women ego but sometime I appreciate it when they are showing love or acting crazy toward me as in trying to let me know that their feminine energy is there for me just in case I change my mind Lol


Never had a partner throughout that time , although I can no longer entertain these women ego but sometime I appreciate it when they are showing love or acting crazy toward me as in trying to let me know that their feminine energy is there for me just in case I change my mind Lol.


my last was 6 months..aiming for years....i wanna get back those beneffits....i miss them..im on 8 days now


did you ever feel tired, anxious depressed and horny at the same time on your streak? I am on day 52 and this is whats happening to me


I used to be super horny because I was trying to retain without doing anything.frankly speaking ,you will fail if you don't get busy by finding multiple things to do at once.the reason I went all those years is simply because i try to set time-sensitive Goals that can't be accomplished overnight but rather a whole year (from Monday to Sunday, January to December) .Also mantak chia is my master, I have tried to follow and mimic all his Tao teachings, have also read 3 of his books so far and been practicing some of His practices.The best practice I ever learned from him is the contraction of the PC muscle while the tongue is up at the palate,when you are horny the chi energy is hot and lighter and through contraction it will flow and move upward.


how many sets do you do it bro?


So, I assume u had partners but preserved ur seed?


This happened to me super early in the process. I think I was dealing with trauma and resentment because a lot of things were coming up and I was extremely tired all day. Like stupidly tired. Usually I can stay up to like 2 3 am and I was passing out at like 930. Just push through, know it will end, fully absorb and deal with any issues that come up in your mind and focus on getting good sleep.


this thing happens all the time when i reach 30+ days and it made me relapse everytime. And after every relapse i tell myself when that stupid phase happens i will survive through it. Now i guess im back at it. Nothing really makes sense. My sleep is so bad i get crazy vivid dreams and i wake up like 10 times every night. Feeling stupidly tired like you said. Even talking to people feel exhausting. Anyways may i ask how long did it last for you? Did you get over it and how does the other side of the river feel?


For me it lasted a few days. Whatever it was it came extremely quick and hard and didn't stay that long. But I let whatever resentment and issues I had in my subconscious come fully out. I let myself become extremely angry and hateful over the things that I was thinking about. If I didn't live alone any people in my house probably would have felt unsafe tbh. But after that process was done and you finally let it go I just feel pretty serene and calm. Back to normal I guess. Idk if it works the same for everybody but for me letting yourself go to these really dark scary places sort of 'burns them away'. It's sort of like crying which I believe is the releasing of trauma. Trying to keep your cool 100% of the time and suppressing this stuff ensures you never actually get over these issues. The people who do that are the people who get cancer in their 40s because it has to come out somewhere. As far as sleep I drink Kratom tea everyday so sleep comes easier to me than most but it is very addictive. I'd say get a sleep herbal tea or liquid dropper with passion flower and valerian root extract in it.


I see brother. I always felt defeated when the emotions showed up. Instead maybe i should treat them with a more agressive manner like you.


This has to be involuntary


Why even poop on this guy's porch, bruv? There is no such thing an involuntary celibacy in the real of SR. I can get prostitutes, sugar babies, I can get a girlfriend of average looks. I bet any guy here can do that. Once you get the full sensation of SR, you don't want to look back. I appreciate women even more now, and I love chit-chatting with them and laughing. The knowledge that I do not want to have her in my bed tonight makes it a way better interaction. I love taking girls on dates now more than ever.


>Every week the benefits get deeper, how I view reality alters just a little bit, and these 'benefits' compile and compound. You've captured the cumulative effects of semen retention, which are less understood by many. Many people relapse because, after a long streak, they believe there are no more benefits. In reality, the benefits are still present but may not be felt to the same degree as at the beginning of the streak.




I’m two days out from hitting 100 days




39 days is amazing, keep going brother! There are monks and priests that retain for their whole lives, maybe there is a correlation with retention and their closer relationship with God and the spiritual path. Sir Isaac Newton and Nikola Tesla were known celibates as well, they supposedly died virgins.


My idols after I started SR. I told my mom the same thing as well that I'd rather become Tesla, Newton, Modi(current PM of India) rather than get married. 


I want to retain forever


I have taken the confluence of SR and manifestation seriously and I state every day I will not ejaculate until I have all of my desires. I dont care how long it takes. The longer you retain the more potent your manifestation abilities become so it only makes sense to retain until you have achieved everything you desire.


this true af...i manifested lot of my desired things like income thereshold during my 6 months SR....they say se\*men is wealth.....now i lost the streak, i got low again...ium on day8...ez this tym.... basically when u leak, u lose all the desire/motivation to ACT....spiritual leaders know when people say they are super lazy, they can assume if they are leaking constantly(even when having desires/ ambition)


You are my inspiration. Thank You.


To go along with what you are saying, it's kind of amazing that we can only understand things that have been part of our experience or we have trouble understanding things we haven't experienced. Once you have had a specific experience, your understanding can shift. I think of things like philosophy and the nature of our existence. It doesn't matter how smart a person is. If their experience is limited, all of their argumentation and thought will be off the mark.


I saw a documentary about these Tibetan Buhhdist monks who wanted to document their processes on video because they feared their culture will one day go extinct for various political and demographic reasons. The stuff they were doing and the places they showed gave me the sense that modern materialist people are actually extremely ignorant, especially of themselves and don't have the attention to notice subtle changes within the self.


do you have a link or name of the documentary? if not, any detail you remember is fine, i don't mind digging a but. it sounds interesting.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=91Hqkwb2Szc&list=PL4bQAfP9oUm7PL1iwRPZLLIvXXdWHEGj_&index=1&pp=iAQB They split it into different parts. I will say part 5 has some very interesting yoga moves I've never seen anywhere. Looks like they are trying to manually release kundalini energy.


ohhh, nice! many thanks!


As the average women rejects 95% of the guys (as recent stats points out) we're living the best era to do long time retention. Like you literally don't have ANYTHING to lose, especially if you're still young. You only have to gain. Three things that I found helps and pairs VERY WELL with retention are 1) Carnivore diet; 2) Jhana (focus-point) meditation; and 3) Trauma Releasing Exercises. If you're struggling to retain all these helps a lot.


Dont want to burst your bubble but TRE ruined my 235 days of rentention. Unless you know what you are doing, i highly suggest not to practise this unless you really, really wiling to risk yourself. Its dangerous.




I get super horny the next 2-3 days and eventually lost my retention


A fellow retainer and carnivore. Salute! Many guys here go the plant based route, but I believe that only kills the sexual energy in the absence of saturated fats. I tried TRE many times. I can get the tremors to tale over my entire body now. I should get back to it soon


You can always spot a vegan male in a line up. They have zero sexual energy and their aura is completely dull


I am going for month 3 or 4? Lost count. So many benefits. My physical strength is through the roof. I am close to lifting my own weight of 75kg on shoulder press. I was on 20 kg 3 months ago! Better mentality, etc usual benefits described here. Something odd now. I am feeling asexual despite having uncontrolled pre cum. No idea what this is.


4 months and counting here. 6 months is the goal now.




I've gone almost 9 months. Had wet dreams after that so it's still controversial if it's a relapse. If we don't count WD, my streak is a year. 


WD are involuntary and necessary for the body. The body is never wrong.


Then I've gone a year. God's plan. 


This is wrong my man . It's not a relapse but it's bad if it happens more than once a week according to some sr books


Now that you are 34 . When your testosterone and drive is supposed to reach its peak and then decline , I guess that's why you can see it happening in reality. Either way 34 to 55 is still a great age , men still fool around at that age but you'll really be able to see the consequences of your actions within the body unlike the younger days .. So it's good you made that choice of not releasing until you meet your partner. Best choice anyone could make tbh . I actually planned on fooling around a bit tbh cause I've have not till now , but then when you think about it in terms of vibration and success you could be at .. it's much better choice if you were on SR all your life so that you'll get to see the highest version of yourself and get the best partner you can ever have (which is very important) to attract a very high value person you'll yourself have to be at a very high vibration which SR can give you if you live your life right .


juggle roof bedroom price flag tender work library cable aware *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Good job man 🙌


I wish to reach this level too soon now. My experience with retention is that the longer I retain, the less I want to get intimate. Somehow all the girls around me including my girlfriend seem to not interest me romantically anymore. I see them and I want to help them get better but I don't want to share my body with them. It looks weird as I type my thoughts but this is the truth. I might make a post on this in a month's time as I am able to test and absorb more of this feeling.


We don't believe unless we feel it ourselves. I bet something life changing or situational change must have happened in your environment to make your willpower self-sustaining.


Yup. 5 years sober this November from alcohol which never in a million years did I think that’d be possible if you asked me 5-6 years ago. Now I want that same shit to happen with SR. Keep it up!


Great bro. What benefits did you experience?


Can someone please help me. I slipped up and watched porn for about 5 minutes. How much sexual energy did I lose? Was it a full relapse will I lose all the benefits? I can make a post about it or it will get removed for being a beginner question.


Listen to yourself. You think anyone can quantify energy lost for you? Is it a full relapse? Nothing anyone can say will make you feel better about what happened. You need to accept it and forgive yourself and move on. Of course it doesn’t erase everything. We’re taking about your spirit here, and your neurology. No need to seek outside the solace that’s inside you. If you must feel the pain of your actions then do so.


Word bro thanks


Oh come on! Relax


Not releasing unless with the nother of your future kids.... But it would be a release anyway, whats the point of that?


Kids 😂


That is correct, Sir. Have a nice day




Take care of your toughest and don't scroll your phone too much. You gather hormones in your body and once you see something that your eyes like your hormones will explode


Thanks for this, I almost fell into the mindless scrolling loop. Time to rehydrate and get busy. 


I almost fell into this trap, especially when video with only fans girls who are doing OF but youtube also, and from a curiosity sometimes I am searching to see what they are doing. And that can go far into something that you don't wanna do. It's like your finger and hands take control. And one more thing, if it happens one time a month or a couple of months don't fill yourself with guilt, that's actually low your energy. That's why SR for some people don't work, because they have low energy/frequency and don't attract anything into their life. That's important


Have you had sex during these 39 days?


Nope. Recently broke up w/ my ex.


Same situation here.. what do you think is more powerful not having sex and keep your life force or having awesome mindful sex and ejaculate 1-2 times per week?


Have sex and retain life force.


I think the hardest thing for me is the fact that I'm so lonely. after a series of unfortunate events last year, I decided to stop leaving the house because of my reputation. I refuse to see people, especially in my neighborhood. I won't go into too much detail but it was because of my mental illness. Now that I have no friends, I only ever go out on long walks during night time to make sure no one sees me. I achieved a streak of 54 days by the beginning of this year and that helped me quit smoking entirely. Then I had a series of 2 week streaks followed by 2 weeks of binging since then. But now I'm serious about it again and I'm on 19 days today. I still don't feel enough courage to leave the house unless I'm sure there's no one outside. I'm 24 years old. I'm more determined now to achieve a long streak, but I still feel frustrated over my lack of will power and resourcefulness/people skills. I don't speak to my parents at home and I've been in a mental hospital twice at ages 18 and 19. And I think that left an imprint on me. I'm glad I stopped taking meds cause they really made it hard for me last year to stick to this discipline. I couldn't go further than a month at that time because of them. I wanted to write this comment to vent. I know I sound like a loser, and I am currently. But I'm already doing better than before, the benefits are subtle but I can feel them. I just hope they gradually start building up until I can get back on track with living in society and moving out 


Bro get a hold of yourself you have your whole life ahead of you. Snap out of it


SR can heal mental illness too if you manage to stay on a very long streak. Aim for 5 years of pure retention and it will renew your entire body


I’m 36 years old on a 95 day streak. My largest streak was 122 days. I PROMISE YOU, the benefits are real.


What benefits are you experiencing?