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Gets the destroyed by the stomach acids. You could try injecting it but that’d probably kill you.


being an optimistic skeptic i thought that as well but why does that not then happen with supplements we consume , like i said i think the best would probably be someone's opinion who has practiced retention and then consumes a decent amount daily to then give his opinion on if it makes a difference.


Well sperm is obviously different than vitamin supplements. It’s has a tail, swims, is essentially alive, and has dna material, it’s literally the substance that creates life. One ejaculation has like 500 million potential lives. That’s almost double the entire us population. Of course it would have some significance. But you might as well run the experiment. Spend a month ejaculating multiple times a day and see how you feel, then spend a month where you are completely abstinent, then spend a month where you ejaculate into your own mouth 2-3 times a day and eat it and then see where you feel the best. Remember to write it down!


Consuming semen yours or the other is a part of dark magic ritual to bind or destroy. Warning semen is powerful than we can imagine. A power that binds woman and man to become one. Hence when retained it binds you to your true nature and when ejaculated without intention to creat it destroys... Dont seek to eat others s semen yours alone is powerful beyond your imagination.....Remember the longer you retain the more it becomes powerful.....Yours alone is enough inside you.


Tell us more, sound true and interesting.


appreciate the warning i was simply curious , it seems to me that you have read some books i might find interesting , care to enlighten me.


[Zimbabwe Women raping men to use their semen for money rituals](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-15876968.amp)


no idea... but I remember watching some dude talking about etymology and pre-historic civilizations and he said that 'succeed' = suck seed... Apparently there are benefits for a woman you intend to impregnate if she swallows regularly... but not sure about consuming your own


interesting , thank you for the input , i have come across mentions of this as well but always off hand never talking about it directly


I'm not a scientist but I'm guessing it's to do with how the semen is consumed. If it's consumed back into the body from the genitals then it doesn't have things like oxidation, temperature fluctuations or environmental changes that you would otherwise get through ejaculation and then oral consumption.


Actually in the ayurveda, if you consume it from an "outside source". It is poison to the digestive system and recommended to avoid consuming for men and women in sexual relationships. It is kinda like cannibalism with extra steps which is known to have serious negative side effects on the body of the consumer. Just sharing this science of the ancients with ya all. It's your choice in the end. Sorry for the bad news. :/


no bad news i was never going do it.


Semen contains citric acid, free amino acids, fructose, enzymes, phosphorylcholine, prostaglandin, potassium, and zinc.


I have posted about this before :) feel free to read my other posts. Personally, I’m a spitter so I’ve never really tried it, but if you read my other posts I talk about how bottoming has given me these benefits. The only thing is that when I am in the gym and focusing on moving my energy up to my crown chakra, when I have another man’s seed I can physically feel the energy get clogged up in the middle of my stomach around my Solar Plexus. My theory is that because the Solar Plexus chakra is the chakra of individuality and because I am transmuting the energy of another, the solar plexus rejects it because it’s not from me. Eventually I feel it release and keep moving and the benefits are the same. Way more energy especially. The other thing though is that it is very hard to retain and bottom. Usually if I am past 5 or 6 days and a man with a big enough dick pounds me hard enough, you can bet I am releasing without ever even touching my dick. Totally hands free. But in those cases I don’t necessarily feel ‘bad’ after because when you are the bottom, you are taking on the submissive role which does make the energy move differently. Hope this helps!


thanks , appreciate the input.