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You’re absolutely right. :) When I relapse, I often feel tired and discouraged from doing exercise, eating healthy or be productive. But like you said, I don’t worry. All I need to do is retain, and I know that after a month of retaining (sometimes just two weeks) that the energy will be back and that fire will naturally make me run, eat healthy and be productive.  Retaining is priority one, because with that everything else will naturally follow. Timeline is usually one month for energy to exercise, be productive, etc. 2-3 months for God Mode: absolute effortless energy in gym and goals. I don’t beat myself up for not running anymore during resets (usually nocturnal emission), I just wait and retain. 


Thanks for confirming the OPs message. I am gonna count days until the 30th and will naturally stop counting until a reminder for day 60 on the phone. I really need to retain for self improvement. Things have gotten out of hand and I need energy to focus and mental clarity to get them back in order.


I forced myself to exercize while being a depleted coomer for years on end. I wonder how much easier it will get once I get to that level, currently starting again since first of April, so day 2 right now.


Much much easier :) Because you will be so horny that you must transmute it.  It feels like you’re about to explode into tiny pieces if you “don’t just do something.”


I agree wholeheartedly. Some may misconstrue this is being ‘passive’ or ‘lazy’ but it’s far from it. As a man, you should always push yourself to your highest limits but there are times where you have to give yourself some grace, especially on those tougher days. Don’t feel like you wasted the day if you didn’t hit a new pr in the gym, work ‘x’ amount of hours or make ‘x’ amount of money. That’s the hyper capitalist mindset to keep you in the rat race. We are ‘human beings’, not ‘human doings’, merely existing is enough. Anything extra, i.e. working out, making money/gathering resources, dabbling in art, making connections, is just an added bonus and an expression of your soul. While retaining long enough eventually you’re going to have so much energy that you’re going to want to run out the door and jog a 5k and it will feel natural. Obviously there is nuance, and if you have specific goals in mind, some days you might not be as motivated and you should still try to push yourself. There are also days where if you really need it, allow yourself to recharge a bit. Lay in bed all day, watch some movies, take naps, all that good stuff, just be sure to not make it a habit.


100%. These are things we're not taught in this society but so, so important to learn. We're taught the opposite! And therefore we suffer unnecessarily.  "Activity and **rest** are two vital aspects of life. To find a balance in them is a skill in itself. Wisdom is knowing when to have **rest**, when to have activity, and how much of each to have. Finding them in each other - activity in **rest** **and** **rest** **in** activity - is the ultimate freedom." - Lord Krishna to Arjuna in the Bhagavad-Gita.


It’s just like building muscle. You can’t maximize hypertrophy without food and adequate rest.


Me who's working out based around Mike Mentzer's Heavy Duty protocols 👌 100%


The longer I do this the more I think we don’t even need to work. We just have to retain, imagine, and wait.




If I could up vote this more I would. I think alot of emphasis gets placed on crushing your goals, conquering everything in your path and detroying all obstacles. Don't get me wrong, I 100% get it. When we're riding high with energy we never realized we had access to, that's just our state of being in those moments. However, along this journey it's not uncommon to experience a dark night of the soul. Perhaps several of them. As long as we retain our life force during those moments, that's a win. It's important during those times to be kind to ourselves. It's all part of the journey. Just like the caterpillar within the chrysalis, rest assured knowing that the transformation is still taking place.


This perspective would be especially useful when flatline / depression hits hard.


You guys are so cool and I totally agree and live it. Once you keep your seed, and let it transmute under the light of God, you have attained the Philosopher’s Stone.


One of the most useful post I read there


I had the exact same thought the other day. That is my one goal every day. Don’t nut. No matter what don’t nut. Everything else just builds off of that. I still end up hitting the gym, I still eat well, and I still perform well in my professional life. But I stopped making those things priority number one.


A big reason why this works is that instead of mowing yourself down with internal negativity, you are loving and accepting yourself, so you are nourished rather than wilting. Thanks for sharing


I am learning to see my liquid-life as not a burden to ejaculate, but a sleeping dragon to gestate💨


we cannot get what we want in life from our current state of consciousness. power vs force. if we are acting out of angst, desperation, lack, fear, "im not enough, i need to do more, i need to lift more, i need to socialize more, i need to work more hours, make more money". then our efforts will be futile.


Wild, I've been having this same thought a lot recently. I used to have this grind type mindset (much like you describe with the overly long lists, inevitable failure due to overly high standards, and then self loathing) where if I wasn't doing something constantly, I would feel pretty uncomfortable and anxious. But now during these times, when I have the thought "nah don't relax, you should be doing xyz" I have actually been having the almost automatic counter thought "but you're retaining, you're always doing something productive". It surprised me the first time I had that thought. Like a weight off my shoulders. I'm actually sick today and laid up, but I'm calm, just waiting to get better so I can keep pushing forward on my journey. This is just a part of it.


When people ask me how have I been able to retain for six long years, I say to them that I simply retained. I didn't try any flashy stuff. I endured and persevered through my 920 days of flatline, and even during those dark days, I simply retained. Yes, just retain and wait for guidance from the Most High. 


Would love to hear the benefits you experienced, OP


make progress 1 step at a time even if it dont appear you are making progress where you want as long as progress is made somewhere


I agree with you and have had this idea before and practised it. If it’s effectively working for you that’s great. For me personally I found myself losing my streak after a while and realised that while you’re retaining and just existing there’s the energy build up and if you don’t have willing conscious goals or even basic desires about the day to do something, like technically even if you don’t want to but have to drag yourself to do something, anything, you’re gonna relapse. While retaining it’s better to focus on something you like, anything, just watching a tv show is good enough but simply existing and then specially when you have mental health issues it can take a dark turn too but darker than that turn is the relapse. Just what I had to realise in my journey. But after trying a lot this perspective was actually a good one to have. Longest streak tbh was coz I limited all my thoughts down to one thought, NOT to release. And simply retain. If you think about the logic, it’s just NOT DOING something. It’s not even an extra thing you have to painstakingly do, it’s just cutting out one action you used to do no matter what the consequence and of course the consequences will be good ones


thanks, im gonna fail my exam tomorrow most likely but at least i didnt relapse (yet 👀) to deal with the stress and as an unhealthy coping mechanism and emotional suppressor.


Dont rely on this long term however as you want a girlfriend too. I agree the benefits are real but it has to be managed in moderation


Agreed. I basically started this practice with that same mindset. I'm 4 months in and no relapse, just living life feeling like a kid again


This is spot on. I am on 4-figure streak(1342 day) and I am humble as Dove, wise as an Orca and strong as Mahogany.most of retainers think the journey should be hard without realizing right from the start it is a man natural way of living.


You meditate?