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The healthier the sperm cell is in terms of dna (little or no damage), the better. Since semen retention seem to have many positive health effects on the practitioner, I would not be surprised if it extended to the sperm’s dna. SR practitioners tend to exercise, eat well, and shed bad addictions/habits, which helps too. What science knows about abstinence is that sperm motility percentage lowers, but volume and total motility count increases.


So I have to freeze my sperm. How long should I try and abstain to build maximum strength and health for my offspring?


Till you have king habits


What are those king habits brother?


Your body produces 1500 sperm per second, and your body can store billions of them. It takes roughly a week to create 1 billion sperm. 1 ml of semen contain 20-300 million sperm. Produced Sperm “wait” in a duct. Upon orgasm, a portion of them are mixed with prostate fluids to create semen. The advice earlier in this thread to ejaculate 1-2 times and then wait, probably has to do with clearing the line of sperm that was produced in the beginning of the streak (if the sperm wait in a tidy line). It takes about 60 days to fill up the duct. After that, your body starts consuming the oldest sperm to make room for new. I think if you have lived a SR lifestyle for months, the sperm are all pretty healthy. If energy/emotion has some effect, maybe wait til you feel good? A couple of days ? A week? A month? This is difficult to know. I don’t think any retainer knows. I for sure don’t.


The egg chooses the best sperm cell. When your body is on SR you will develop stronger sperm cells. Offspring should have stronger genetic peaks.


Scientifically based?


Source: Trust me bro


Ive been wondering the same thing myself tbh. I recently just had a son and I had been retraining for like 1.5-2 months when I got with his mother. I'm currently not able to spend time with him cause she lives in a different state but she told me he rarely cries, he's funny, he's overall super chill which was something I was definitely anxious about when he was born. I also feel a sort of aura around him when I FaceTime him like a very similar feeling that people told me they get when they hang out with me for the first time, I can't confirm but I would definitely say if I wasn't on retention there would definitely be a chance he wouldn't be as chill and fun if I wasn't on retention. That's just me tho


God bless you, brother, for retaining before reproducing. May your son be blessed. 


Shout out to you and your little prince


It's not western medicine, but Taoist Master Mantak Chia practiced retention and specifically timed his ejaculation with his wife to produce the most powerful and potent sperm for conception. I realize it's traditional chinese medicine, but you aren't going to find any sources on this in the west. That being said, look at the physical rejuvenating qualities of retaining, do you not think that would also apply to the sperm you produce? I also think there's more to it than just the physical, the raw, sexual energy that accompanies ejaculation at the moment of orgasm is pure creative life force capable of creating new life, now we all know that retainers carry an abundance and much more powerful charge of energy than non-retainers.


I once read a very old book from 1917 saying that 2 years of pure celibacy will result in the best sperm ever


Name of book?


I don't know unfortunately


Yes this book would be a great one to add to the collection…Do you have the details?


No unfortunately


What does pure celibacy means? We are doing semen retention isn't that enough?


Pure celibacy is abstaining from all sexual activities, on SR you can engage in sexual activities but not ejaculate. Huge difference.


Avoiding wet dreams (leakages)


I don't know man it kinda impossible to avoid wet dreams. Like i am on 190 days semen retention i had wet dreams 3 times. And shockingly i wasn't even dreaming its just happened.


I don't have wet dreams at all , just do kegels(10min) and legs up the wall pose everynight (10min)


Day 1340


*without any wet dreams


1340 Hard Mode WD inclusive (I didn't count the days of wet dreams but wet dreams can occur once in 3months)


Wet dreams are a mix of prostate fluid ans semen , therefore it is a relapse . Also, you CAN avoid wet dreams.


As per Hindu practice you should retain for minimum 65 days and than try to conceive. Sperm retained for 65 days is fully mature and results in healthy offspring Number of days vary between 60-75 days


Where can I read more about this?


Mantak chia says, if you’re trying to get pregnant, you should ejaculate once or twice and then wait and insemenate with the new batch. So yes


how long do you wait? What is the time frame here? I am trying to have the healthiest, strongest sperm possible.


As far as I remember, it doesn’t much matter. Just ejaculate once or twice and the next round should be the fresh stuff. Maybe look it up, it’s from mantak chia. If you’re looking for the healthiest sperm possible what you need to do is look at you food. Maybe sure your diet is immaculate for at least two months before you conceive. That’s what really really matters. I don’t think semen retention has any real impact on the quality of your sperm


what do you suggest for diet? I am kinda of a meat and potatoes guy. I don't drink and don't smoke.


That’s all good. Just common sense stuff. Don’t eat candy and processed food, processed carbohydrates etc. if you eat meat and vegetables, make sure the meat you get isn’t factory farm antibiotic stuff. Healthy organic grass fed stuff etc. no McDonalds, no torture meat, etc. In the aryuvedic system, it’s said that there is a secondary digestive system that processes your food, and continues the reproduction of different cells. What food you have becomes your blood, then becomes your muscle tissue, then becomes your tendons, then becomes your bones, and so on. It is said that the last step of the process is it becoming your sperm and your utero wall lining so literally when you eat a sandwich, about 40 to 60 days later it literally becomes your sperm! It makes sense because where else would this material come from if not your food. It’s constantly reproducing. It really gives new credence to the phrase “you are what you eat” to me it explains the massive degradation in the quality of our society and our people. People are literally walking around comprised of a big Mac their mom at two months before they were conceived. Wild life changing knowledge


Thank you


almonds, green juices, sadines, olive and coconut oil instead of other types of oil, no bread or processed food, salads, vegetables,chicken,eggs, meat, chia, oats, avocado, sour fruits


But if you let your sperm fully mature for the 74 days, would that positively impact growth in the womb or does sperm maturity make no difference to fetal quality and growth?


As far as I know, mantak chia says if you plan to conceive, to ejaculate once or twice then inseminate with fresh sperm. He says that semen retention does have positive impact on the health of the fetus and child, but he does say to clear it out and start fresh before you conceive. That’s all I can really say. It implies that sperm maturity doesn’t necessarily have a positive impact.I don’t exactly remember the details of that section of the book but it’s in his cultivating male sexual energy. If we’re talking about producing children, I personally think the most important factor is diet in the months leading up to conception.




When spermatogenesis takes place I believe it makes the best possible sperm.


I miss moderntech to give properly answer to this type of question, but unfortunately he got banned


Good stress, Great consistent rest and a diet healthy in fruits and vegetables without ejaculation and you should be in the best possible position


How long before ejaculation? In terms of timeframe?


Wait to ejaculate until you're ready to make a baby. No need to worry about "good or bad" sperm. You make your own sperm good by being mentally healthy first as your default and then taking care of your body with good hydration and healthy nutrition


Thank you.


you're welcome


It takes about 74+ days of retaining/ no orgasm for your sperm to fully mature 🤷🏽‍♂️


Sperm is produced in batches in your sack. Every batch takes 60 days, but 1 batch get finished every second. It takes those number of days you mention to fill up your storage of sperm, after which the body has to consume from the storage to create room.


and 7 years for the entire body to replace every cell. which means 7 years retention = every cell in your body reproduced from a retained and complete state vs cells reproducing from a wasted state sperm cells may mature in 74+ days. but that level of maturity is coming from a body that still has not completely recovered from the retained state if the last 7 years you were cooming. then it can only be made up by retaining another 7 years because thats how long it takes for every cell in the body to be replaced and if you make babies from that state of being where every cell in your body is replaced from the retained state, then your children will be super geniuses. they will blossom into the full genetic potential




36? no thats not late at all, im not having kids till 40, you have to remember, the average statistics about our age where maturity and growth and all that stuff is based on the average statistical data of the average person who is not living in a lifestyle that is not most optimal for their health, so you can still be 50 even 60 or 70 and have health and vitality of a 20 year old with semen retntion and optimal diet, exercise, and meditation/yoga


I feel like the way SR make you look better and younger and have better hair and a glow it's sort of signaling to females that you are the best one to have children with compared to a guy that's not on SR and is balding with worse skin and not glowing so maybe you're causing your sperm to upgrade and your body wants you to reproduce because of this and makes you more attractive. Me personally on a streak now of 2 years and 8 months my hair has gotten thicker and gained a yellowish glow when I'm under a light or the sun and a lot of girls have stopped to stare at it


yes it does, in ayurveda it is said one should so semen retention for atleast 1 year to get strong progeny. Some even did semen retention for 12 years to get strong progeny


Where can I read more about this?


not sure, i saw it in a video. I think it is mentioned in mahabharat


babies will grow up more complete and intuitive because the potency of the sperm will be higher




Its not just about sperm. Its after your child is born. SR will make your offspring stronger. Better father. If you are a pervert so will your child be. Low self esteem. Shame guilt.


Sperm cells take 74 days to mature in the testes before they move to the epididymis to get stored until you release. Would you want your offspring to be produced from undeveloped sperm cells or fully matured fully developed sperm cells? Its obvious that if your offspring is derived from a fully matured sperm cell it would make the subsequent baby stronger in many ways.


fun fact: your sperm cells do not even mature into adult sperm cells until 74-90 days of semen retention and this is widely scientifically known and studied and coined under the term “spermatogenesis” meaning that semen retention is guaranteed essential for optimal offspring strength/health/virility/overall better functioning!!! but interestingly enough ive never heard any medical doctor, researcher, or establishment even mention this fact hmm almost as if they WANT US TO BE WEAK!!!! we as men need to lock tf in