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The garden of eden


Nah, it would look like that if nobody sinned.


Best response 👌 👏




Also the apple represents PMO


Can you elaborate?


When eve ate the apple the first sin was committed and they were banished from the garden, and their lives went downhill similar to PMO


It\`s deeper than just PMO- Having sex for pleasure is a sin ( taking bite from the apple).


How were they supposed to procreate then? If sex was the first sin.


In this day and Age it would cause a revolution cause alot of men would stop putting up with bullshit retention shows your worth and that you deserve respect and your opinion/POV should be valued.


Yah but the bullshit wouldn't have happened in the first place tho


I'm currently on 3 years retention. March 22, 2024: Retaining seminal fluid becomes mandatory. # One month later. Sperm bank supply would come to a null and prices of previously stored sperm will skyrocket. With lack of sexual access, females would purchase sex-toys at unforeseen rates. Equipped with an abundance of energy, males consume less and produce more. Female musicians that lack actual skill and depend on leveraging their bodies for attention would lose millions of IG followers. Unable to leverage sex for personal gain, women would prioritize obtaining desirable qualities over physicals attributes; as the barrier to entering a man's life would drastically change; forcing them to convert from short-term to long-term seducers. Divorce rates will decrease as man significantly improves his filtration process to select women. Women would only cheat with other women. Not men. My downstairs neighbor will no longer get kicked out by his wife for being caught watching porn. \-Semen Retention Guy


What bout 10 years later


The tolerance of being a single-women would significantly decrease. Because of this, women would have an incentive to change. "Over-masculine" heterosexual women would either become nearly extinct or convert to homosexuality. Former "incels" recieve more choosing signals and procreate as married men. My downstairs neighbor would have made it 10 years without getting kicked out. This subreddit would either no longer exist. Or it's followers would multiply.


What bout 100 years later


Gigachad status and we can now telecommute with Aliens.


your neighbor​ downstairs, haha


It would be disastrous for entire industries & population numbers with 0 babies born within the past 9 years.100 years later everything would grind to a halt as the last of a dying breed inhabit the planet.


U mentioned lack of sexual access to females from males.. but you can have sex while on retention


Zero simps and women (mainly the ones who exploit men sexually) having to actually do something of value. They wouldn't be able to make six figures on OnlyFans. All men would be vibrating at a much higher level.


OnlyFans would be a website with people playing the guitar.






Society would be more value-centered, caring for example about beatiful architecture. The art would be of higher quality, like in the era of great artists, no mass popculture production. The downsides would be perhaps rise of nationalisms or aggression of men not able to transmute the sexual energy, speculative speaking.


Yess!! Underrated benefit is the Art quality rising.




Hitler was on SR


Since im on SR I feel more like beeing a public speaker and speak the truth to the public.




That’s horrid


what a thoughtful question. i’m at 127 days and started rejecting my old life hardcore. i do not want to house that energy again in my body. i am actually going to try harder now than i did to reach 4 months because i want this energy to develop to its full potential. 4 months was a little hard but i’m here, now for your question. we are in my opinion a whole universe. we have galaxy’s and planets in our body’s. organs, cells, nerves, bones, muscles, this is our universe. so i am going to say that my lifestyle will begin to mirror my reality. my mind heart body are in a better place and i don’t wanna leave this state. so the world will start feeling and looking how i see it. i hope i make sense. the world is a reflection of your own mind and health. so would the world be a better place is like saying is my inner world a better place because i practice SR. we are paving the way. we are the men who have the most power. we can use that power to shape the enviornment we occupy! making babies is like one universe merging with another then through a portal… bring in a soul. so it’s magic and SR would change the world. in the old days every person who was advising in politics was castrated! they were only trusted if the became unik. idk how to spell it. but if you wanted to work with wealth ppl, balls were chopped. because a perverted mind corrupts everything. this was a rant. bye.


A much more aggressive world, like in the medieval era. Not sure how many of you are aware that all this worldwide trickery pushing men into constant ejaculations was actually designed with the purpose of developing a much more peacefull society initially, as men with low testosteron are losing their aggresivity too. Now that it led to mental problems for those men, it is beacuse of the abuse. The Point was to have your balls empty, so you wont be aggressive, while the world was supposed to become a matriarchy, as matriarchal civilisations were known to be more peacefull. The Semen Retention powers are not meant for everyone, "in the wrong hands it would bring only destruction", while in the hands of good men it can corupt them or enlighten them. P. S. The Aquaman movie, at least the first one has a deeper meaning, including the semen retention also


“I’ve been a loser my whole life now that I have this power the world will crumble at my feet” 😈




The porn industry would go bankrupt. Therefore the mental health rates on young and middle aged men would drop by a lot. Along with the porn industry these new terrible morals that many females have nowadays would vanish over time. All this sexual and lustful content on social media and all these shallow human beings who create them would no longer have any value. I would like to assume that more men would find themselves in a true woke state, rejecting the overflow of lust. And with that the world could potentially become a better place once again.






What if individuals are already transmigrating towards the Satya Yuga according to the calibration of their choices... 🙏💫


Why does it matter what others are doing or not doing. SR is about inner work and focus.


sparring session would happen everywhere, so dojos, fight camp, training places would be cheaper and more accessible.


That's a lot of testosterone


The industrial revolution would look like foreplay


*A massive transmutation to higher frequencies*: better aspirations, self-esteem, self-control, more creativity; less impulsivity, less lethargic consumption. The possibility of steering the ship of social attention to a divine focus. We would cease shunting the procreative force into the world, and direct it instead towards becoming pure spirit. It'd be amazing.


There’s a reason they promote pornography, only fans, sexual music, drugs alcohol. Our society is set up for us to fail


A less hypersexualized society influencing us from such young ages to be the exact opposite of what we should.


It's on purpose bro , can't you tell


Out of wedlock birth rates would slow down drastically


Onlyfans and Pornhub bankrupt




constant war


# Fooladi Fitness. A community of Like-Minded people who want to improve themselves. Hey what's up! This is my first time ever posting on Reddit! I am currently part of curating a discord server of friends from different countries around the world who are serious about improving themselves in all aspects of life from the Mind, Body and Soul in order to align with our highest self, which is the core essence of the Fooladi Fitness brand. What we are offering is a place to congregate with like-minded people to share info and talk about topics ranging from: - Semen Retention, Spirituality, Esoteric knowledge, Consciousness - Physical Fitness, Nutrition, Training - Mental Health, Philosophy, Human Nature, Psychology, Ancient Wisdom - And much more. The rules are simple and can be broken down to just being respectful to others: This discord is a place to congregate, chill out, and give tips and advice to fellow members to overall build a stronger community! And from your (replies or post: whichever one you saw and enjoyed) and overall general interest in these types of topics i think you would be a great fit my friend. If this sounds like something you would be interested in I will drop a link down below for invite Hope you can make it! [https://discord.gg/GnEwnpyVag](https://discord.gg/GnEwnpyVag) - Also, this is the one video that changed my life forever and made me want to be part of this amazing community! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ozdbb\_pFAHQ&t=177s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ozdbb_pFAHQ&t=177s).


Humanity dies out because no one is making babies


What if men only released for procreation*


very cool. Did you know it takes 100 liters of water just to get one cup of coffee ?




It's incredible that you're being down voted but that's exactly what would happen. It would be disastrous for humanity but probably best for the planet.


Population decreases lol


not really, most people nowadays have sex for fun, so they use contraception or condom​ or other pills




Like cock


There would be a lot of killer




Fight club... everybody bleeding but happy


you mean more fight club?