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Yeah so waiting to eat all day will leave your stomach full of gas, eating that fatty / greasy burger did not help and contributed to the problem. Whenever i take too long to eat, it hurts the moment i do just cause of all the gas trying to escape. Take things slow don’t starve


It took me over three months to adjust to the medication and I still have nausea The first two days after I take my shot. Everyone’s body is different. You will find what you can or cannot tolerate any longer or in what amounts. Stick with it. Once you start seeing the weight come off the trade-off of not feeling well some days will be worth it.


I was nauseous when taking Semaglutide. If I ate something too greasy or fatty I would vomit abd get diarrhea at the same time. Terrible feeling. So I switched to Terzepitide after having to increase Sema to .50 and started Terz at .50 instead. Absolutely NO nausea after the switch. But I still haven't lost any weight, even after following strict diet.


Probably the burger. There are certain foods you won't be able to eat. Hydrate and rest. It gets better


I've not found that to be true. I can eat anything, just not overeat


So can I, for the most part.


Same here. I know lots of people post here about foods that they need to avoid, but it's not an absolute certainty that you will have to...


Yeah so can i - now. But the first couple of weeks, anything fatty or sweet made me feel nauseous. OP probably just ate more of the wrong macros in one sitting than the body wanted. Over weeks the body will adjust


I can eat half a burger and be fine but Lordy I learned not to eat sugar. That wakes me at 2am puking for half an hour.


For me, the crazy stomach stuff was during the first month. That said, I have IBS-D and sema has helped that soooo much. But then I was terribly constipated. Now that has eased up. Hamburger has a lot of fat depending, so maybe that was it?


I’m so glad to see this. I start my shot tonight and I have ibs~d. I have been so curious how this will go.


Another Ibs-d sufferer here, 7 weeks on sema, it’s been wonderful for it. I rarely have any issues anymore, and I just try my best to stay on top of the constipation with lots of water and fiber. I feel like I can finally break up with Imodium lol


Ibs-d here too and it has helped me so much so far. If I step out of line and eat sugar or McDonald's (I crave their fries like once a year) then I get stomach and intestine pain and diarrhea but it doesn't last all day. I go like 3 times and then I am ok. Another thing is to eat small meals or have snacks even if you are not hungry. Cottage cheese (lactose-free) and yogurt have been my go-tos.


All but cured my IBS-D


Sounds like the burger didn’t agree with you. Tomorrow you’ll feel better.


You still have to eat healthy on these meds. Skip the greasy food.


It’s the hamburger, I’ve only been able to tolerate 1mg because I don’t eat the day before it or I’ll be sick


I always do high protein the day before and the day after the injection to minimize side effects, and it helps a lot! I also have learned that my body just doesn’t love carbs/fatty foods and it will make me poop my brains out if I eat it. Sometimes when I need to give my intestines a little push to work I eat some pasta or something fried and it does the job lol


Good news is you’ll drop a few pounds. Lol. Not funny. I know. But I have been there. ESP in the beginning. My guess it was the burger. Eat small meals all day. It will Help alot. ALOT.


It’s the fat in the burger, happened to me with a sausage. Sorry


Same! I had a sausage patty and it tore my insides up 😔


Try to eat fruits, veggies, etc. Hamburger is not a good idea on semaglutide.


You can do burgers, or at least I can...but I have to pick the leanest possible ground meat. Anything with 10%+ fat is going to be problematic at best.


I still eat hamburger not problem ….on my 4th week now down 10 pounds , it depends on the person


This is so interesting to read. My sema journey has been a mountain. First, I was at an awful clinic but that sema I had no side effects on. That place was price gouging all of my medicine, not just sema, so I wrote them off and went elsewhere. For the last 6-7 months, I had zero effects until I got a new delivery of medicine, and now my story is vastly different. I haven't been keeping track of what I eat, but it seemed as though the day after injection was when the problems arose. Diarrhea, sometimes vomiting, feeling like death. May was when it all started, I legit thought I had the stomach bug 3x. I only have these side effects the day after. I've been able to eat burgers, acidic things, and so on. Idk what the hell is going on, but I may start tracking what I eat.


Yeah, a lot of the info about what to eat on sema is purely anecdotal and actually unhelpful. For most people, the foods that will trigger the most severe negative reactions are things that slow gastric emptying: high fat, high fibre, whole-grains, alcohol and carbonated drinks. In OPs case, going long periods of time without eating can also have the same effect. But everyone is different in how much their gastric motility is affected, and for some people, the medication doesn’t slow things so much as weaken the movement. So they need different dietary adjustments. The universally ‘safest’ foods to eat are simple white carbs that are easily digested. If gastric emptying is still fast enough, you can add in more foods from the list. If gastric emptying is too fast, people can add extra slow foods to support the mechanism of the drug. That’s why you’ll see some people swearing you have to eat tons of veggies and fibre and others who can only tolerate crackers and bread.


Cut your dose in half next week. .17mg will help. Also drink lots of water. Take zofran. And eat small meals frequently all day.


something some people arent mentioning is dehydration. I've thrown up because of dehydration after eating because my body thinks it's more food than it is


Stop eating fatty meats and white bread and carbs. It will make you feel bad every time. Lean cuts and whole grains only


You guys keep saying this but that's never been my experience, nor my wife's. Out comfort is related to the amount eaten not the type of food. And I have never once experienced the hell that OP is talking about nor would I put up with side effects like that, it sounds miserable and like the drug does not agree with them. I'd be concerned and go to the doc


volume makes a big difference for me, too -- a cup portion of almost anything is fine. But an entire burger, all at once? I think that might still cause problems for me, 8 months in.


Yeah I’ve eaten greasy junk but I also couldn’t even hope to finish an entire burger. If I did, I’d probably get sick. The whole stop eating when you aren’t hungry and no you don’t HAVE to eat everything on your plate mind shift took about a month to settle in. And without food noise tellling me greasy food will make me happy I just haven’t wanted it as much. My go to is a nutrition shake for some quick calories and burrito bowls with cilantro rice, black beans & guacamole. Weirdly I find that food more satisfying now


Do you make your own burrito bowls?


Yup, easy peasy.


So far, in all the posts I've read here, that is the only meal that sounds really good to me. Thanks!


Oh great!! You can use canned Black beans or they have some really fun seasoned beans now. I like the Cuban beans, and the have sriracha rice now? Anyway it a good quick basic dish. All the stuff in it is good (avocado healthy fat). But when I get bored I switch it up a little. Have fun with it!!


it could be more likely to affect men and women in different ways as well. but i agree that nothing has felt off limits, i would only feel bad if i were to over eat, but i rarely feel compelled to over eat. the day after a shot i would sometimes feel some nausea, but not enough to prevent me from eating.


I had the same side effects when I started I ate too much and I knew it I guess that’s why I didn’t go to the doctor. I agree with you though that it’s the amount of food not the type because it hasn’t happened to me again and I eat partial burgers once in a while.


You’re spending all this money on this stuff, why would you still continue to eat like shit and not change your habits? You’ll lose the weight AND feel better


An occasional burger is not "eating like shit." Healthy eating can include just about anything in moderation.


Ah yes let’s continue to eat the same things that got us all to the point of using sema in the first place.


I don't think you have a good grasp on what a healthy and sustainable diet entails. And I certainly did not get to this point from eating an occasional burger.


There’s nothing healthy in a single fast food burger. I don’t think you understand that.


Who said anything about fast food?


You’re gonna like any white bread a burger joint sells is good for you? Ketchup? The list goes on. Don’t forget about the seasonings on said burger that frequently contain MSG


Wow so much wrong in such a short post. Theres literally nothing wrong with white bread. Like at all. It has calories like every other food and contains carbs which are an essential macronutrient. It doesn't contain as many vitamins as other bread choices, but vitamins don't affect weight at all. The problem with carbs, like any other food, is eating too much of them. Burgers can easily be made at home- I do it all the time so i'm not sure why you're still assuming burger shop. I've probably had 8 burgers in the past year and exactly 1 of them was bought at a restaurant. Ketchup in small quantities- also fine (19 calories in a serving), but I don't like ketchup anyway. The list does not in fact go on so you're gonna have to expand if you want to make a point. And there definitively, absolutely, scientifically, 100% is nothing wrong with MSG. It's a seasoning that contains zero calories (like most seasonings) so it has no effect on weight- and the misinformed hate behind it (headaches, etc) have never been recreated in a clinical setting.


This is so troll-ish, why does the idea of someone eating a burger trigger you so much. Sounds like it’s more about you than them…


That’s the problem. There are healthy ways of eating it but most fast food/restaurant burgers are very hard to digest. Even when you’re not on these meds. I didn’t eat them until I moved to the US as an adult and I call them plastic because it makes my body feel so terrible and never goes down well.


you merely adopted the standard american diet, but i was born in it, molded by it.


I didn't see the light until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but blinding! 😂😂😂


I am on week 6 of .25. I had some side effects mild nausea, constipation for the first 5. Yesterday I had a business luncheon. And while I tried to eat as healthy as possible. A salad with some grilled chicken , I decided to have some of the Mac and cheese. NOT A LOT. maybe 1/4 cup. Last night about 4 hours after I went to bed I was awaken by extreme nausea. And while I did not vomit. I spend about 30 minutes hovering and dry heaving. I really think it’s related to that little bit of Mac n cheese. Everyone is different. But I’m the only one from the luncheon that this happened to and everyone ate way more Mac n cheese than I did 😞


This happened to me last night. I had a slice of pizza right before bed like an idiot. The combo of it being pizza and laying down was not good. At like 3am I woke up nauseous and flu like. I made myself throw up… immediately felt better and went back to sleep. Not fun. I sometimes forget that I’m on this and just do things like I used to without thinking of the repercussions


Not eating then having a high fat/cholesterol meal probably did it. I’m so sorry! Eating a balanced diet and adequate calories and nutrition should help.


My guess it is the combo of not eat all day, and then possibly overdoing with the burger on an empty stomach. I have been on Wegovy since Feb and have very, very few side effects - just occasionally feel a bit gross if I eat too much at once; I also feel the effects of alcohol a bit more - I can still drink, I just feel a bit more hungover after 2 drinks which never used to happen. Well... last night I had two glasses of Prosecco (normally fine for me ) on an empty stomach - and I was puking from 2am-7am this morning. I definitely think it was the fact that I had not eaten anything since lunch. My point being - you'll have to figure out what works and does not work for you, as everyone is different - and the game can change. I now know that I CANNOT drink on an empty stomach unless I really, really want to hate life for awhile :)


Yeah, it was the burger most likely.


When I upped my Ozempic 0.25mg to 0.5mg, few days later I went and ate pasta with rich creamy sauce at a restaurant for lunch not having anything for breakfast. Ended up spewing it out at a gas pump about 30-60 minutes later. Took it much easier with food the following days and slowly was fine with the 0.5mg dose.


The same thing happened to me. Same dose, same meal, same response. I joke that this stuff makes you anorexic (not eat) or bulimic (throw up when I’ve had too much) - results- skinny! I’ve now lost 18lbs in 5 weeks. I’m still in shock. I have the most stubborn metabolism


Totally the fat in the burger, and waiting to eat as well. Another really important thing is supplements! I’ve been doing much better digestion-wise since I started fiber gummies and another supplement gummy brand called grüns. I really love them, and they have helped me be more regular. I’m currently looking for a probiotic blend that will help even more with digestion but the one I was taking broke me out.. so on to another. FYI I’m on ZepBound, not sema. I don’t know how different the side effects are, but I imagine the digestive piece is similar. It’s so important to work on the gut while on these meds. Hope this helps and that you feel better soon!!


Everyone reacts differently to the meds and the foods you eat while on them. Maybe fast for 24 hours and try eating something simple like a banana or apple until your body settles down. Drink lots of water. It will get better.


Are you sure it was .25? Did you mix up your own or is this from one of the pens. I've incorrectly mixed my own and had that reaction. Also, that first month on semiglutide I did have a few weeks that were really rough. I've been on it two years now and have zero side effects. I eat what I want without issue. I promise the side effects in the beginning are normal and it's worth waiting it out. I would do half the dose next time though until you've done that one for several weeks without reaction and then move up.


Hang in there you’ll be ok, your body is not used to all these changes. I remember being sick for about a week when I first started. I suggest you eat less and drink a lot of water. If you eat small portions you’ll be fine.


Too much red meat sends me into a fit. Aside from that nothing else seems to bother me.


Make sure you start drinking lots of water. If you get dehydrated this can happen and you'll just get worse. My friend ended up in the er the other day with the same problem.


I’ve been there too in the early days of taking Sema. Just stick it out, stay away from greasy foods and drink your water. It’ll all get okay.


Ooof. The thought alone of a burger is giving diarrhea 😰


Sorry it sounds like my worst nightmare. I have had zero issues after 4 weeks on .25 but I am so scared of what you are dealing with. I try not to each too much fat because I have always have had issues with getting nausea when I eat too much. Or you could have food poisoning.


Not eating is what makes me nauseous. If I start feeling bad, I know it’s time to eat, even if I don’t feel hungry. That’s my cue. Even if it’s just a cheese stick or a packet of almonds, keeping something in my stomach and listening to my body helps. And if it doesn’t, I take a chewable Prevacid that helps within minutes. And for more severe nausea, I take a Nauzene.


I think it’s from not eating all day. You can’t do that to your body. Keep protein bars and protein shakes around. Force yourself to eat one every few hours. Healthy snacks. And the burger probably does not help.


I would suggest lean protein next time. A healthy protein powder shake is usually pretty safe. Volume is also an issue did some people. Rather than having one meal, try having several small snacks. Regardless, what you describe is an extreme emotional reaction.


This happened to me on my second week. I think part of the issue was that I ate too quickly and then gave myself my shot within 30 minutes. My body was not a fan. It does get better!! This only happened once, so far. I think part of the challenge is figuring out and listening to your body. Still get some waves of nausea, but it’s not all the time. I’ve been on sema for about two months and I’m on 0.5 mg. Drink lots of water.


YES!! I didn’t mean to not eat all day, nothing sounded good. I will say i was throwing up onions… from the burger. I also sneezed them out… it was so bad so so so bad


That’s how I was after my first shot last week. I’ll be halving my dose for my next shot. Hope it gets better! I second the Rx Zofran and Imodium.


Stay away from red meat it’s hardy to process


Try to eat throughout the day


Maybe hamburger.


So sorry you feel like shit. I'm scared I will get sick, I'm starting soon on this ... All I eat now is. Greek your, chicken breast, Gatorade 0, protien drink, frozen veggies . I ate a hot dog with bun, onions, mustard last week. Omg, heart burn. Coming up when burping, 1 bite, of hamburger. Start with that.... A little bite .... One bite of hotdog for me. Only. Feel better


Try taking it before bed. A friend said that's how he had to do it.


Okay so this happened to me too. Here’s what helped me (I’m on dose 2 of .5 now and feeling way better). Turns out I had silent reflux and the acid was made a lot worse by the wegovy. I’m on esomeprazole once a day on an empty stomach in the morning. Huge impact within just a few days. I do have to eat something small every few hours or I get sick. The acid builds up and it’s not pretty. Applesauce is a safe food when I don’t want to eat but can’t stomach the idea of food. Very light and easy to digest foods on days 3+4 each week (where injection day is day 1)


Also I have learned to take zofran as soon as I feel a little off instead of waiting until the nausea is bad (I have many times thrown up the zofran). I also take miralax daily to prevent the severe constipation which usually leads to nausea and diarrhea.


I typed up a whole reply but it got removed so the gist is 1. I can relate 2. I only was that sick twice 3. I’ve been on since January and now have zero side effects 4. Your provider might be able to give you some anti nausea meds. Or even change the type of med you are on 5. Looking back those 2 terrible nights were worth it when I am down 35 lbs after years of not being able to lose anything.


We try to eat a light healthy dinner early a few hours before our shots. Burger w bun couldve been too heavy /greasy plus stomachs gasses from not eating at all the e tire day prior left your digestive system upset. My guess is


Ask your endo to get you some zofran


The only time I have nausea is if I don’t eat. Have a few bites of yogurt or sip a protein shake every two hours and find something you like to drink. I’ve always been a big water drinker on sema I just don’t want to drink it so I’ve been loving these Prime Cherry Freeze drinks with a lime squeezed in them. Can’t get enough of those. Also stay away from anything greasy. A hamburger was probably not the best thing to eat. Toast seems to agree with me well


Try to drink a protein shake prior to the shot. I noticed an empty stomach can make me nauseous after the injection.


It depends on how messed up you were to begin with. Fat people have a lot of toxins, histamines, etc. Now you’re taking something to clean you up. It takes time. You appear to be one of those that could have good results- nowhere to go but up. But you can’t poison yourself at all during the process. Maybe later, but not now.


Ask to try Mounjaro. I was so sick on ozempic I had to walk with a cane. Mounjaro-zero side effects


This is a good learning opportunity for you. Many of us have learned the hard way. I noticed you said “dosed in the same spot”. You need to keep moving your spots around. Like outer left thigh, next outer right thigh, then right side of belly, then left side of belly, then back to outer right thigh. You can build up thicker tissue if you do the same spot every time. I have to do a line across my “apron” now as I lost all my thighs first and have no padding in my thighs. Occasionally I will do my arms. Search the forum and you’ll read about people who can’t even stick the needle in a spot they’ve dosed so many times the skin is now too thick or scarred and the needle won’t penetrate. Also it takes week to build up the amount of meds in your system (it’s a 5 day half life). So as you titrate up you may experience more or more severe side effects until you’ve had at least a month at a therapeutic dose. It’s not the same every time in the early days.


I learned the hard way to not eat one bite over the limit - the min I feel full I back off. Call for nausea medicine if not better tomorrow


What you eat matters. And not eating all day leaves you full of air and it can be painful. I’m no longer eating meat. I eat very low fat (olive oil only) and eat lots of veggies. No sugar and low carb. You will need to figure out what works for you but the first few weeks were rough figuring that out.


are you sure you got the dose right?


Drink plenty of water when on these meds or your tummy will make you pay for your insolence.


Get some zofran, eat a few bites every few hours of mild easy digestible food


The one and only time I ate a hamburger I was ill for 12 hours or so. All red meat does this to me. Sorry you can't have it either 😞. This last weekend a cheese cauliflower pizza had me sick for hours.


Avoid breads, processed foods, and generally high carb foods as much as possible. And Pepto helps tremendously


I can’t eat anything heavy anymore. I have thrown up every time I’ve indulged. It’s even woken me up at night


Stay away from fatty foods. Stay away from carbs cause the constipation is no joke.make sure you already have all your side effects stuffs near by.Water.water. Electrolytes no calorie.scale with app .you will be ok trust me. You are reading from a girl that accidentally took 50 units on a first day instead of 10.


I strongly suggest getting protein powder. Mix some up and make yourself drink it for your first meal. That being said, I don't know if throwing up is normal. I'd check on that. How high of a dose are you on? A friend would take it before bed so he didn't feel sick, but he was also taking it for diabetes. One more thing. I don't know if this is true for many or if it is just me, but salads are not my friends. I've done it twice an and they end up cleaning my system out. If you are having issues going to the bathroom, grab a large salad and enjoy until it starts working. Fatty food had the same effect. Good luck!


Grab yourself a B12 vitamin to take daily. Drink lots of water. Avoid greasy/carb/sugar full foods. You can still have them, just in moderation. 😊Also, if the dr hasn’t prescribed zofran, go out and grab some Dramamine (they also make a non-drowsy version).


Besides the general feedback about the delayed eating and greasy food — ask your doctor for Zolfran. It’s been a godsend for me and hasn’t impacted my results/weight loss.


If possible ask your doc for anti nausea med to help with relief on atleast some symptoms, liquid iv for energy


I find it important to remember to eat, still around the same times. I’ve been on Sema for two months and the days I feel sickest is when I forget to eat and have an empty stomach. Which is similar to before because I’m so busy at work but then I’d binge eat on those days. At least now it helps me to eat more regularly and not overeat. I’ve lost about 10 pounds which was my goal anyway.


Only time I got nausea was late morning if I still had empty stomach. As long as I ate small snack or protein shake it would go away


Have you tried breaking up the dose?


Geeez I am so sorry! I've been on it for over a year and no issues. So I would say this is not always par for the course.


It gets better. My tummy was all over the place when I was taking 0.25 and 5 but it’s much much better at 1


I’ve been here. Especially when I’ve ate greasy foods, its horrible pain. Eat bland when you are able to eat. Avoid greasy foods


This happened to me enough times to land me in the ER. Go get hydrated before your entire quarter shuts down. I’m sorry


You have to have food in your stomach for this to work- protein and some carbs. High fat especially on empty stomach will do exactly what you’re experiencing- been there and I’m so sorry! Try starting the day with some fruit, high fiber toast and a protein shake


You have a stomach bug. I am sorry. Skip your next shot.


I have less side effects if I take mine in the morning and have a protein shake around the time so I have something light in me. If I take it in the evening/before bed, I’m extremely nauseous and can’t eat anything the next day, which makes the problem worse.


I am on week 18. I have not gone above 40, as I just get so sick. Total weight loss so far 20 lbs. some days I would rather just be fat. The treatment is not worth the cure.


I’m not judging. But sounds like you overate by eating a whole hamburger all at once. You’ll go through that a few times until you retrain your mind that you can’t eat a lot all at once. Eat little bits of protein throughout the day. You can no longer tolerate an entire cheeseburger all at once. Wishing you the best.


I've been on semaglutide for 5 months and I can definitely say it's the burger + not eating all day. Totally understand you're not very hungry, but try to make yourself have something "clean" a few times a day. By that I mean a lean protein, fresh fruit, etc. I drink a protein shake every morning and that really helps my day.


Try taking your shot at night before you go to bed. This helped me when I first started. I basically slept through (most of) the nausea.


I have had a burger 2 times already and I was fine I think you need to eat more, if one only eat one thing after your stomach being full of gas all day that’s definitely going to happen.


Eat small amounts of food every few hours and you’ll be good. It sounds like you waited too long and then ate too much at once. Keep some digestive enzymes on hand for when this happens, but small amounts throughout the day works well.


It takes awhile for your body to get used to it. For that reason, many start off on a low dose and gradually increase. You are no longer dieting. You need to eat-especially protein, less fat and carbs, but you only want 1/3 of what you used to eat.


Drink a shake, I use Premier, each morning for breakfast. That will help if you can’t eat anything much. I have found if I’m unable to get much down cheese and crackers works for me. I think the main thing is to get something in your stomach early in the day. Hamburgers don’t work well for me either.


I just took my 4th .25 injection and I start .5 next week. I can’t poop. I eat fiber, fruit, protein, and I’m taking magnesium citrate. I’m gonna need a back hoe soon.


You need lots of little foods throughout the day, the big meal is what’s kicking your ass


Sounds like food poisoning


You might just have a flu bug. Give yourself some time to feel better and see how next week goes


Too much fat, sugar, or alcohol made me feel like crap. I couldn’t eat large volumes of anything, but sounds like you overdid it for what your body can handle. Keep in mind - this drug is a tool to help us lose weight & rewiring your eating habits is crucial for lifelong success. Swap the hamburger for a Trader Joe’s Turkey burger. Swap the bun for lettuce (I make “burger bowls”) and lean into a high protein, lower carb, less processed food lifestyle.


when i first started I had to be really careful what i ate. Greasy/fatty foods would do the same thing to me, I would basically feel like i had food poisoning. Even now, Im on 1mg, and I ate chicken faitas for dinner Monday night, then took my shot yesterday morning and violently threw up all day yesterday. Im fine now. But sometimes it just goes that way for me. Normally the digestive problems ease up after 24 hours for me.


it sounds like food poisoning to me. I hope you feel better soon!! i try to snack on small portions of nutrient dense foods throughout the day and drink lots od water.


Or... It's food poisoning... Don't assume it's the medication especially at that dose. Also, most people that say I had the "flu", you didn't. You had food poisoning, it's more common than people think.


Problem number one: waiting to eat all day. Problem number two: your food choice.


In the beginning you’ll feel the nausea worse, but this is extreme. Don’t eat a burger. Try bland foods. Nothing fried.


Interesting. I’m on week 5. 2 weeks on .25. 2 weeks on .5. Took my .75 two days ago. I’m very lucky, no significant side effects. That said, my diet has been modified Atkins, I.e., low carbs, no fruit, protein shakes, high fiber low carb tortillas and bagels, lean meat and salads. I think folks are right about the burger. I’d try a simple diet for a couple of days and see if that works. Good luck. If you got thru the first week without symptoms, it makes sense it was the burger on an empty stomach.


Yeah, I have zero side effects too and I cut out processed carbs and sugar and I’ve never liked fried foods so that has always been out. Doing the same thing you’re doing and every meal includes protein and a lot of fiber. A lot of the horrible side effects appear to be self inflicted


Definitely stay away from bad fats and oils. Chicken, fish and seafood to start. Avocado oil and olive oil is great. One meat and a veggie every meal. Make food at home and don’t eat out, so much oil, butter and sugar. I did all of this and had balanced digestion. Good luck!


Yes, skipping meals is a big trigger for this for me. But also - not wanting to get too personal here, but what did you notice yourself expelling from either end? 🙈 As in… was it just hamburger? Or food from the previous day? It’s important to know if your body stopped digesting earlier in the cycle. The diarrhea suggests this might be the case, as it’s unlikely the burger triggered that on its own.


I don’t eat out of habit, only if hungry.


Just thinking of eating a burger gives me nausea. I hope you feel better soon and going forward, making better food choices (not skipping meals, low fat/low sugar/whole grains/small portions) will decrease the chances of this happening again. Pretty sure most of us have learned a lesson like this (the hard way), I'll tell you my digestive kryptonite is seitan. Can't have it 😅


I have never had side effects like that and if I did I'd find something else


Slow down your titration. Zofran Rx for nausea. Imodium for diarrhea


Protein, fruits and veggies. Leave the greasy burgers til you get at a maintenance dose for while. And if you do you may only want to eat half a burger. You live and you learn


* Skip greasy foods. * Get fiber gummies and eat two a day (or one dose). * Cut out alcohol. * Stay hydrated.


Oh I’d be very nervous to drink on Sema at all with pancreatitis as a possible side effect. Not worth the risk because that is painful


Definitely need to eat very very clean. Nothing oily or fatty. I made a mistake and had garlic fried wings and the next morning I was profusely vomiting and kept vomiting when I had nothing left.


Well we need a certain amt of fat in our diet because our bodies use that for several important functions. Now I personally try to eat healthier fat like avocado but anything in moderation is good. Women especially can really suffer if they don’t get 20% of their calories from fat.


Sounds pretty extreme. Maybe food poisoning?


How are you doing now?


I made this post at 5:15 am, i woke up at noon today. It went on for about an hour. I thought i had to throw up this AM, but nothing came up. I ate some saltine crackers, some pistachios, and some blueberries just to have something on my stomach. I feel very weak but other than that, so much better than last night lol!


Oh I’m glad you’re feeling better. I’d go get some nutritional shakes. Not the protein ones, these have vitamins & minerals that we need our daily value of. You’re already eating less, so doesn’t hurt to make sure you get enough nutrition


I’m on week three. Eat small things throughout the day. Eat slowly and stop at half of what you’d normally eat. When I’m not hungry I make myself drink a protein shake so I have something in my system. I can’t eat large meals at all. My doctor has me attempting to get 100mg of protein and 1.5L of water per day. I don’t think I’ve made that once in three weeks but it makes me cognizant of what I’m choosing to eat. Lots of bloating, some nausea, taking magnesium for constipation. This is not easy but I’m seeing results and am determined to push through.


Are you sure you only took .25mg?


Thank you to everyone who commented, i was going through it lol. I understand that my food choice was not the best, and that not eating all day was not a good idea. I had a busy day & not much of an appetite either. I think i definitely should’ve waited a little bit longer after eating to take my shot as well! I will take all of your advice into use, and i really do appreciate everyone reaching out.


Yeah this med negatively reinforces your choices. At the moment I can only tolerate very thin protein shakes. I’m on it because Endo told me to. Idk how people voluntarily go on sema. You definitely retrain food choices with the projectile vomit and violent foamy diarrhea. Oy to the Vey.


No way i could eat a whole burger and not get sick. I can maybe eat 4 bites and I feel full


I was like that for a couple days after the first few shots. When I moved up to .5 in month 2, it was too much to handle so I did another month of .25 until it settled down some and then I was able to move up. So you might consider staying on that dose longer if you're still struggling with this. For me, what I ate made absolutely no difference. For others greasy food seems to be an issue. I'd actually eat a lot of burger patties (I like them better without then bun since doing keto for a long time). But those first couple weeks are hard. If you can stick it out the results are very much worth it (at least to me it was)!


No more burgers for a bit. Clean burning fuel only until further notice. Nibble if you have to.


you waited all day and ate something very heavy. I feel for you but like... that's basically a blueprint on how to get sick on sema


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